How I make my family tree charts | LibreOffice Draw Tutorial

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hi i'm matt from useful charts here one of the questions i get asked a lot is what software do i use to make my family tree charts and the answer is libre office draw and i'm going to tell you more about that in a moment but several people have requested that i do kind of a tutorial video where i walk through how i create one of my charts so that's what i'm going to do in this video it's going to be a little bit different i'm not going to be editing this so it's just going to be a little bit rambley and longer than normal but hopefully you will enjoy it so as I mentioned the software that I use is called LibreOffice draw it's a really simple editing program graphics editing program it's not specifically designed for family trees so if you're expecting something whereby you just input the data about your family and it instantly draws a beautiful tree for you this is not a software that will do that this software you have to draw every element line n square on its own so yeah so it's not really a genealogy program but I find it works really well for the type of chart that I make for this channel these kind of charts follow the line of a famous dynasty they're unlike other genealogy charts which basically start with you at the bottom and then fan out with all your ancestors so I'm not sure if this particular software is good for whatever project you might be working on but I will go ahead and show you how it works for me for making these charts so first of all let me show you how to get this software let's just google it here libre office and it is free this is an open source package that was designed initially for Linux it used to be known as OpenOffice now it's called Libre Office Libre being the French word for free and it is available also for the Mac and Windows so you don't need to have Linux to use this program I'm using Linux right now so what you're seeing me do here and this video will be on Linux but you can download this for Windows or a Mac as well so keep that in mind so to download the software just go to okay so let's say we have the software on our computer now this is the icon I already have it loaded here so let's load it up so now we're in LibreOffice draw so like I said Libre Office is actually a package so it's similar to Microsoft Office so it gives you a word processor and a spreadsheet program etc but what we're using is the draw program so this program is kind of similar to say Adobe Illustrator but it's much more simple so because the family tree charts that I make are rather simple they're mostly just squares and lines I find this software really easy and and good for that kind of project because I don't need all the bells and whistles that Adobe Illustrator has so we open the document and it just gives us a blank document and let me make some initial changes here first of all to set things up so depending on whether you're using a Mac or Windows or Linux the location of the various icons and the menu items might be a little bit different but generally you will be able to find all the same things somewhere on your screen so if we go under format and page properties I'm going to first of all click on this page tab first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to change it to landscape because I'm not making this to print out I'm just making it so that it looks good on a screen so landscape makes more sense and I don't need to have any margin so when it's all of that to zero and it's warning me that it's out of the print range that's okay cuz again we're not gonna print it I click on the background tab here and I'm gonna choose a background color other than white I normally like to have some sort of neutral color so you can enter colors on LibreOffice draw using RGB or the hex code or HTML code I'll use our GB values here and go with the values that I usually use for my background just a nice kind of light beige color so we'll hit OK and here we go we have a nice background to start our chart on now another thing I want to do before we begin is turn on the grid if you right click anywhere on the background and go down here to grid and helplines do display grid and you can see that it creates kind of like a piece of graph paper and that's just useful for kind of planning out where you want to put the different objects you can also right-click again do grids and select snap to grid and that will just help things line up a little bit better when we draw something it will kind of grab towards these lines so that everything stays the nice a nice similar size and and lines up better so like I said my family tree charts are mostly just squares and lines so you can see over here in the menu or the toolbar we have various tools here one of them is a rectangle and you have the line button up here so let's just click on the rectangle and draw our first item so here we go I'm going to draw a rectangle now on Linux if I click ctrl sorry I'm using the wrong keyboard here ctrl and then I scroll with my mouse I can zoom in so I tend to use that quite a bit to zoom in and out as I'm drawing on the Mac or Windows it might be a little bit different so I'm gonna line that up a little bit nicer with the grid line hopefully you can see those there okay so I have a square now for an example chart I'm going to do a very small family tree here of a famous Canadian family I'm going to do the family tree of the current Prime Minister of Canada whose name is Justin Trudeau and his father was actually the Canadian Prime Minister before him back in 70s and 80s so that's why I've chosen this particular family the Trudeau family so I typed his name and normally if this is a monarchy chart I use regnal dates that means the date in which that monarch was actually raining instead of birth to death but since we're not dealing with monarchy here let's just go with birth dates to death dates so he was born in 1971 and he's still living so we'll just leave the other date blank so you'll notice if you're familiar with Adobe Illustrator or other graphics programs the text is entered separately in another layer as it's not inside an object but one of the things I like about Libre Office draw is that the text goes right inside the object so here I've drawn a rectangle if I double click on it see it gives me the option to put the text in sorry I just cut and pasted it back in there so that when I move the box it moves the text along with it if we're in Adobe Illustrator it wouldn't do that they would be separate so that's one of the things I like so I've typed in the name and date now let's change it so that it fits so I'm just gonna select that text and you can see here it gives me options on the right let's make it a little smaller so that it fits and then we can also bold or italicize or underline I'm just going to go with bold I'm gonna change it to white I usually use white for my text inside the boxes also every box always has a line around it by default so I'm gonna go ahead and take that line out you can see here underline if I wanted to I could change the color of the line and the width of the line and make it more thick if I wanted to but I'm just gonna go ahead and do no line for my box so there we go we've got our first person on our chart if I want to change the color of the box itself I can do that here so it gives me some options here if I want I can add a custom color let's just go ahead and choose something a little darker dark blue so tell you what I'm not quite happy with how that looks anyway we can make that smaller let's see what this looks like here mm there I like that a little better okay so there's our first person on our chart Justin Trudeau now let's go ahead and get a photo of him so usually for photos I just rely on Wikipedia because Wikipedia tends to use copyright free photos so I just googled Justin Trudeau came to Wikipedia and there is a picture of the Canadian Prime Minister so let's save that to the desktop and then go back to LibreOffice draw we can do insert image and then go to the desktop find trudeau picture and you'll notice that when I brought it in to LibreOffice draw it's it's really big it's too big for my purposes so I'll just make sure that I've clicked on that and I'm gonna right-click and do position in size and here under width and height I'm gonna change that to a smaller size half an inch okay I've done that and it's disappeared so let's zoom out to where that is there he is there and oh you know what I forgot to crop that so that it's a square so it's distorted that so let's go ahead and go back to the photo which is on my desktop in Linux I use a simple graphics editing program called GI MP or jimp I'm not sure which it is but you could use Adobe Photoshop or whatever simple photo editing software you want to crop so here I'm just gonna crop that so that it's a square there if I hold the shift button it's going to be a square and center that and then edit cut go back to LibreOffice draw will delete this guy and paste in the new one again right click position in size we'll make that smaller okay there you go there we go now he's a nice square okay now let's see perhaps we can even make this a little smaller so that is the chart gets bigger we have more room so let's change the font to ten all right so there we have Justin Trudeau all right so let's go ahead and add his father who was also Prime Minister so we're gonna make a line we click on this line tool if I hold shift it's gonna kind of make sure that it's a nice either horizontal line vertical line or at a 45 degree angle if I don't hold shift I can make it at any angle but I want to make sure it's just up and down straight so I'm gonna hold down the shift button and draw a line and the first thing I will do is go over here to the right and let's make it a thicker let's make it a three-point line and let's change the color to match the blue now you'll notice that the edges of the line are kind of sharpened like this normally on my charts I round them off so to do that you click on it right click go under line and here under cap style you can change that to round and you can see how it's just rounded it off like that okay so I'm gonna go over here and put it kind of in the middle of Justin's box now if you've ever used any kind of graphic program there's there's two things that are super important one is aligning and the other is arranging arranging just means which item or object should be on top of which so here because I did the Box first and the line second the box is on the bottom and the line is on the top I want to switch that so that this line doesn't interrupt his name so I can just right click on that and do arrange and say send to back and it's tucked it in there behind the rectangle also I want to make sure that these line up nicely so if I want to select multiple items I just I can click on the first one this box now let's make it off-center here so that you can see how the software will fix it so I'm going to click on the rectangle I'm going to hold down the shift button and then click the line as well so now I've selected both of these items then I right-click and do a range oh sorry a line and here I can choose to Reyn it align it toward the left or toward the right but what I want to do is align it right on the center so that's how you can make sure that everything's aligned nicely so a line and arrange those are two things that are very important for any kind of graphic design work okay so let's make another line usually I do a lot of cutting and pasting rather than just creating new lines that way the formatting all stays intact so I'm going to select this line I like to use a lot of keyboard shortcuts when you're using computer software there's always multiple ways to do things so you can use a menu and do edit cut or you can use icons to cut and paste or you can use keyboard shortcuts I usually like keyboard shortcuts so as with most software if we do ctrl C that's going to copy and then if I do ctrl V its pasted a new one so now I have two lines and this will allow me to show you how to rotate so here I have a nice or vertical line let's make it horizontal so if I click on any object notice that it gives these little blue squares around it that means the item is selected if I select it and then press that left button again notice how it turns to little red circles means it's ready to row Tate so if I click on one of the edges I can then spin that around and if I hold shift again it'll kind of make sure that it's either perfectly horizontal perfectly vertical or some sort of you know nice angle so I'm gonna do this so now I have a line that I can join to this one and let's go ahead and shorten that to shorten that I just click on it again I hold down shift to make sure that things don't go wonky sorry I just did undo I guess I should tell you about that too if I if I make a mistake and I want to undo it you can go to the menu and do undo or again I like keyboard shortcuts so you just do ctrl Z and it goes back a step so I'm gonna shorten that so that it matches with this one so you can see why I use the round lines here rounded edges so that when you put them together it creates a nice round edge okay so you know what I think I'm going to need more room than that so I'm gonna move this up a little bit bring that down again it doesn't matter where really where I release because it's gonna go behind the box anyway all right now let's cut and paste a rectangle that I'm gonna use for his father so click on that ctrl C for copy ctrl V for paste and now I have another box and this is why sometimes I make the mistake sometimes I got in paste and I forgot forget to change the date so sometimes in my charts there's a few typos here and there but I try to avoid that as much as possible so Justin Trudeau's father was named pierre trudeau so i'm just gonna click inside the box so that I can select that first name change it to pierre trudeau and he was born in 1919 so he's quite a bit older he had a son when he was quite old relatively speaking and he died in the year 2000 okay so there's Pierre Trudeau and there's a reason why I put him on the right side which you'll see in a moment but I'm gonna put that in the father here I'm gonna put his mother over here let's go ahead and grab his picture so go back to Google and let's just do Pierre Trudeau and the first result is Wikipedia there's a nice picture of Pierre Trudeau one of our former prime ministers of Canada one of the longest-serving Prime Minister's it's gonna save that to the desktop and this time let's remember to edit it so I still have open here I'm going to find Pierre Trudeau and open that with again you don't have to do this exactly depending on what computer you're using or software you can just crop this however you want there's even websites that'll do it for you I'm gonna hold down the shift button to make a perfect square and I'm gonna control X for cut go back to my chart control V again he's really big so we're gonna right-click and do position size change the height and width to 0.5 inches again this program is set to default to inches if you prefer working with millimeters or centimeters I'm sure you can change that in the settings somehow all right so let's bring him down here and place him right there okay that's you can also if you click somewhere and then drag you can select everything you've got so far so let's do that and move it down a little bit here so we have some more room okay now I'm going to add his mother so let's collect select this line control C for copy control V for paste now for I've come up with kind of a standard that I use in making my charts I use solid lines for the paternal line also called agnatic lines when dealing with dynasties and I use a dotted line for what's called cognatic lines that that is any line that involves a female there a mother a daughter a wife or so forth so to change that to a dotted line first thing we have to do is take off those curved edges so I'm going to just going to right-click on it and go to line change that back to the flat edge you can see that here the difference okay select it again and come over here and you can see there's three down arrows here this is if we want to add an arrow to one of the ends the left side of the right side and in the middle it's the type of line we have so I'm going to change it to ultrafine dashed and it's going to give us that kind of dashed line and that's what I tend to use for females on my charts so let's copy another rectangle for the mom and put over here so Justin Trudeau's mother who's still living her name is Margaret Sinclair that's her maiden name usually on all my charts I always use maiden names as opposed to married names and she was born in nineteen not 18 1948 so you can see she was quite a bit younger than her husband now the reason why I put the father on the right and the mother on the left is that Pierre Trudeau had children with two different partners his wife was Margaret Sinclair but later after they separated or divorced I'm not sure he had a child with someone else so I wanted to put him in the middle so that I could put the two females on either side so I'm gonna select that dotted line and control-c control-v and move a line over here and if you're wondering why I'm using the dotted line instead of the solid line it's because with his other partner he had only a daughter so it's gonna be a female line so it's gonna be dotted over there and we'll get to that in a moment now Justin Trudeau actually has several full brothers so I should actually move him down a little bit and let's get another horizontal line again I'm just gonna cut and paste from there and let's shorten this line I apologize if I'm doing everything quickly but I didn't want to make this video too long hopefully you get the general idea and I'm gonna copy this line over here so that it's leading to the eldest son which is Justin Trudeau he is the eldest again I get this problem where this is coming on top not a problem I just click with the right button and then I click with the left button and do arrange send to the back all right so let's make some boxes for his brothers actually you know what let's let's do this a little bit differently sometimes on my chart for the people that I'm not necessarily trying to highlight because they weren't a main member of the dynasty I use not a box I just put their name in text so I'm going to show you how I do that I also notice here that this isn't quite lined up so I'm just gonna move this over tiny a little bit or again actually let's remind you how to do that if we select both these items and then left click align Center it's gonna perfectly Center that for me so things always look better if there are nicely lined up okay so let's make a box for his brother but we're gonna change this so that it's not really a box so what I'm going to do is click on it and then over here for area you can change the color so here at the bottom it's used it's giving me some of the recent colors I've used one of them is that kind of beige background so I'm just going to change it to the background color so then suddenly it looks like it's just text on the chart as opposed to a box but we want to change that to blue not white so that it's more visible so again I'm just doing font color here and choosing the recent one which is blue and here we have his brother then next to him not in a box the brother's name is his next brother is Alexandra and he was born in 1973 so there we have the brother let's get a line for him so again control-c control-v and put that there so the first thing I want to do is talk about behind so arrange send to back and then let's make sure it's aligned so we click and drag select both items and then do a line Center okay and then he has one more brother who unfortunately died in an accident in the 90s but we will put him on there as well so I'm selecting the line and the name ctrl-c ctrl-v so here i have another item let's try to line that up nicely put it here extend that line so that it matches up and his younger brother's name was me Cal it's a French family so I'm trying my best to use the French pronunciations and he was born in 1975 and like I say fortunately he died in a tragic accident in 1998 so there we have the three sons of Pierre Trudeau it was the prime minister let's go ahead and add some extra information here especially when these two individuals were Prime Minister so up here this T stands for texts if I just want to add some text anywhere on this chart so let's go here and let's do PM for Prime Minister he was Prime Minister from 1968 to 79 I wrote down all this information beforehand so I wouldn't have to look it up then he lost the prime ministership for just a very short period of time but then got it back in 1980 and was Prime Minister until 1984 so that's too big so I'm just double-clicking on that it selects the whole thing and let's go let's see yeah ten points seems about right let's make it blue so it matches and then let's put it right underneath that square so I should probably put dots here Prime Minister all right yeah that looks good like that this seems a little bit too tight though so let's move that down so I click drag it selects this entire part of the tree I'm just gonna use my down arrow I'm just gonna move it down a little bit and then I'll click on this line click on this bottom little blue square holding down the shift button oops didn't do that right and just drag it down so it connects okay so let's add the sister he has a half-sister so let's take one of these dotted lines ctrl-c ctrl-v and then I click on it a second time so I can rotate hold down shift so it's a nice vertical line connect it up here then I'll just copy one of these squares here and ctrl-c ctrl-v I'll place that right here again because there's these grid lines sometimes you can just line these things up kind of by eyeballing it and you can use these guides here to see that you're lined up again if you're not sure you can just click both items and do a line Center I point that out because it's something that you do a lot when doing graphic design aligning and arranging so her name is Sarah and she has a different last name because she took her mother's name Sarah coin and I don't have her birthday written down let's see if we can find that let's go back to Google Sarah coin Deborah coin was her mother we're gonna put her on the chart here in a few moments to UM trudeau's only daughter doesn't mention her birth date that's okay we'll just leave that off all right so there we have his half-sister she would have been born somewhere after 1975 okay but let's make sure that we have her mother on there I'm gonna use this style again for the mother so ctrl-c ctrl-v and as I mentioned her mother's name is Debra there we go let's put her up here notice that because this item is on top and the color of the square is matching the background wherever I move it kind of blocks whatever is underneath and that's good because I'm actually going to just use that to line it up here but then I'm gonna shrink the box by clicking this side I'm moving in a little bit tighter there okay so there's Pierre Trudeau with his wife Margaret had three sons but he also had a relationship with Deborah coin and had a daughter named Sarah coin let's go ahead and put his mother's photo in there so we can probably get there pretty quickly by clicking here Pierre Trudeau and then in Wikipedia on the right to usually get all the information you need if we go down the bottom is usually where they have personal details and let's click on Margaret Sinclair so this is Justin Trudeau's mother right click save image save it to the desktop go to the desktop we can close some of these windows we don't need that anymore we don't need that anymore whenever I'm making a chart I always have lots of headless images in because I bring the photos in and cut the squares out so I open with other application okay so let's cut a nice square okay ctrl C oops control C control V or you can use control X for cut cut go back to Libre Office paste she's too big so I'll position size go down to half an inch okay zoom out there she is and place her where she belongs one of the things I sometimes do in my charts in order for consistency is I like to have all the images facing the same way so if we want to do that again just click on it right click and here we have a option to flip it so if I flip it horizontal there she's looking toward the left just like pierre trudeau so it kind of matches up a little bit nicer sometimes when I'm making the monarchy charts so let's go ahead and flip Justin as well that does not look good for some reason his hair looks all wrong okay let's put that back again ctrl Z is undo ctrl Y is redo so I can you know go back and forth if I want to let's leave it that way okay let's go ahead and add Justin Trudeau's wife we don't use the term first lady but I guess you could call her the first current first lady of Canada so I'm gonna make a line here me cause he does have children including two sons send that to the back and use the dotted line for the connection to his wife well steal a box from up here for the wife again I'm doing a lot of cutting and pasting ctrl-c ctrl-v for cut and paste so Justin Trudeau's wife is named Sophie and she uses her maiden name Sophie Gregoire and there's actually an accent there so let's go see if we can get the accent so let's do insert special character see if we can find e-excellent egg goo which is the right leaning accent e why can't I see it where is accent there it is okay insert there we go so feed Gregoire and not sure when she was born so let's just take out those dates notice that if I take out that line see how it automatically centers it in the box again that's one of the things I like about LibreOffice draw if this was Adobe Illustrator you know I'd have to make sure it was lined up but in LibreOffice draw it does it automatically for us let's go ahead and grab a picture of her while we're here Sophie Gregoire there she Sophie Gregoire and save image going a little faster now because I've already explained all these steps and let's pull her into and use a square to cut and paste her into our chart change her size to 0.5 there we go lines up okay now our chart is going to the side a little bit that's okay I just click drag selects whole thing now let's just move it toward the middle you can zoom in here and make sure it lines up nicely according to our grid okay so let's put in there children quickly well cut and paste this line here again you'll notice how much cutting and pasting I do oh let's actually put as well the years that he was Prime Minister so we'll go up here select this text a box if I do ctrl C copy ctrl V paste I get another version and we're gonna put it under Justin and he was Prime Minister he is Prime Minister he started being the Prime Minister in 2015 - let's just write in present all right so let's kind of line that up by eye and there we have his name alright and let's copy Alexandra select both items ctrl-c ctrl-v and just bring it on down here and we can use that for their children so I believe their firstborn son is named Xavier so we have a savior Trudeau and you know what I'm just gonna leave off their birthdates I can make this a little smaller the next child I believe is a daughter so let's copy a vertical dotted line I'm not trying to make the male's more special by using the solid line it's just that when I usually do monarchies and monarchies of course in the past trace things by male lines generally unless they ran out of mail so it's easier to trace a oil house if the male lines are nice and solid female lines of course just as important but I use the dotted lines because in royal genealogy those are called cognatic lines so no offense to females for the fact that I'm using dotted lines and the last child is a son and other son so solid line there so for example if this was some sort of monarchy if the Trudeau's were the Monarchs of Canada these solid lines would make it easy for us to follow how the succession would go so the firstborn son would be next in line and of course if they followed absolute primogeniture which is what Britain follows now it actually wouldn't matter if the next child was male or female it would pass through the female next but in the past most monarchies used either male only or male-preference primogeniture so just a note about my choices there oh we better change this the last son is Hadrian Hadrian not quite sure how to pronounce that in French you know what I don't think we need those names repeat it there it looks kind of nicer just with the first names okay let's expand the chart a little bit more maybe we could put Pierre Trudeau's father now the grandfather wasn't Prime Minister but let's go ahead and just add him so that we can see kind of the paternal line it's cut and paste a square for him put him somewhere up here his name was Charles immediate a meal and there's an accent on the e so let's see if we can get a special character for that excellent a good Charles email Trudeau and he was born way back in 1887 and passed away in 1935 so looks like Pierre Trudeau would have lost his father when he was quite young did not know that so I'm gonna make this quite a little bigger so that the text fits in there all right and then line up so we have the grandfather there now let's extend this line again if I'm if I want to size anything basically I just click on it it gives me a little blue square on either side and I click on one of those blue squares and and just move my mouse up and down and I can extend that so I'm going to extend that because I want to put a little title like I usually do so let's just make our own rectangle real quick here and let's do Trudeau family I'm not going to call it a Trudeau dynasty or turn out our house of Trudeau cuz these are not Royals we're dealing with but let's change that to 10 points size we will bold it change it to white nope let's change it to blue and make the background white sorry if I did that fast double-click I can do that the text just click and drag and bold italics underline there change the color here I'm using recent color but I could make that any color I wanted to I always like clicking away from objects after I'm done so that I can just start from scratch with the next thing I want to do and the next thing I want to do is change the background to white so I'm gonna click on that and area fill color white okay and if you watch a lot of my videos I think you know where I'm going here and you know what I made a little bit of a mistake here because what I want is actually a square with a nice rounded edges which is what I usually use in my chart so I believe I can find that under here we have a bunch of miscellaneous shapes so see this one here is a little different it has rounded edges so I'll just make another one and select the text control X for cut double click control V for paste now if I want to quickly copy the formatting on most programs you can do that simply by clicking on it and using this clone tool it's very common in a lot of computer programs so clone and then click on that and then there I don't have to do all that work again so I'm just going to delete that one so now I have a nice little title let's make it smaller using the style that I usually not used for my charts and place it over there trudeau family yeah there we go and you know what when I was quickly writing down the information for this chart I did notice that the trivial family does have a coat of arms so let's go ahead and get that let's just I think if we do Trudeau family it will bring us to the Wikipedia page for the Trudeau family ah and you can see here it says coat of arms granted to Pierre Elliott Trudeau by the Canadian heraldic Association so let's cut and paste that you'll notice that see this kind of checkerboard behind it that's good that means that this has a transparent background so we don't have to worry about this showing up white on my chart underneath it'll show up beige because of the background so another way you can bring images in actually oops I just made this whole thing way too small okay I just kind of made the window smaller here so I can see the desktop at the same time you can just actually click on the image and just bring it right on in like that so that sometimes an easier way to bring in images so I'm going to maximize my window again again this is far too big I'm just gonna resize it by hand here click on this corner hold down shift so it keeps the aspect the same oh no it didn't actually okay let's undo that so in this case actually I don't want a hold shift and it keeps the aspect the same so let's make that that's about the size I want and put that at the top of Trudeau family and again if I want to make sure everything's lined up I could select all these items here and do align center and it made sure it aligned but oops look what it did it separated this no problem I'll just move that over a little bit or a little bit tiny bit over on this side so that it's still centered okay good enough okay and one final thing I will do is add Margaret Sinclair's father which is Justin Trudeau's other grandfather it's a maternal grandfather because he actually was a politician as well so he has several politicians in his family so I'll just cut and paste this square here and his name was James Sinclair not sure of his birth and death dates but let's just put it like that I do know that he was a member of parliament so let's click on here ctrl C copy ctrl V paste and double click inside so we can change that and I'm gonna call I use just MP for a member of parliament he was a member of parliament from 1940 to 1949 we're gonna mention that as well so I'll just click and drag now I have some choices as to how I want to do this let's make a little bit of space here so that when I put that on top here and it doesn't interrupt that line there alright so there we go there is a basic family tree for the Trudeau family current Prime Minister of Canada and one of our more well-known past prime ministers did I say Prime Minister a president Prime Minister definitely Prime Minister we don't have presidents in Canada current Prime Minister past Prime Minister oh and we also want to turn off that grid in the background so we just right-click anywhere grid display grid off yeah now no one would ever know that we actually used a grid to do this so then once I have the chart created if I was making a video on this I would just use a screen cap software the one I use on Linux I believe is called Kazaam but using a map Mackey's quicken or whatever you want and I just point and click and explain the chart so there you have it you could save this in various formats probably the best thing would be to save it as PNG which is kind of a basic graphic format or you could I believe you actually have to export it to do that so I'm gonna export it as a PNG save okay actually that was untitled so where did and get defaulted to the documents category there so I saved it as untitled PNG now I can open up in Photoshop or here I've been using and if I want to finish things off by like getting rid of all that extra space I can just go like this and crop it and it let's see image crop to selection alright so there I have a chart as a graphic I think I'll go ahead and put this one on my blog so if anyone's looking for Justin Trudeau's basic family tree they will find it so hopefully you enjoyed that little tutorial if you have any questions you can ask me in the comments although I'm not an expert on using LibreOffice draw there's a lot of documentation online you know explaining how to do various things or hey use YouTube there's YouTube videos about LibreOffice draw as well once again I want to reiterate this is not necessarily the best way to make your family tree if your goal is simply to put yourself at the bottom and then list all your your ancestors there are there's other software that does that to be honest although I work a lot with family trees I'm not really sure what the best software is out that day out there these days to do that but I'm sure with a few Google searches you could find something fairly easily but if you want to make a chart like the ones that I make this is how you do it so thanks for watching and hope to see you in September the first week of September I will be starting with my regular weekly videos on Friday again the first one will be on the monarchy of Korea and then I've also got Sweden Poland and a couple other things planned for September thanks for watching
Channel: UsefulCharts
Views: 374,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: libreoffice draw, trudeau family tree, justin trudeau family tree, pierre trudeau family tree, libreoffice draw tutorial, libreoffice draw family tree
Id: YBul-0jhSGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 4sec (3244 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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