Portuguese Monarchs Family Tree

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👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Hanabirano 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

D. Pedro II do Brasil perdeu a chance de ser Rei de Portugal.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tresmaisumquatro 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hoje aprendi.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Chiripitti 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Tanto para guilhotinar.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/m0rhundur 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Muito interessante. Obrigado por partilhar.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Pedrogmagalhaes 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
today I'm going to show you the family tree of Portuguese monarchs all the way from the first king in the 12th century down to the last King in the 20th century I'll be using the latest version of my European royal family tree chart which is now available from my website useful charts calm in earlier video we covered the Spanish monarchy which is now shown in bright red but in this video we're just going to look at the Portuguese monarchy which is shown here in the green so we're going to start with King Afonso the first who was the first King of Portugal and the first thing I want to explain is the difference between these two houses of Burgundy the first world dynasty in Portugal was the House of Burgundy and at the same time there is also House of Burgundy ruling in Spain over the kingdoms of Castile and Leon but surprisingly these two houses are not the same and in fact are not even related to explain let's look at a map of France in the 12th century this general area here is the region of Burgundy and it used to be its own Kingdom but by this point was part of other kingdoms this part here now this map is in French so this word here is the French word for Burgundy this part was now the Duchy of Burgundy and was part of France whereas this part here was the county of Burgundy and was part of the Holy Roman Empire so this part was ruled by a Duke descended from the French royal family and this part was ruled by a count from an Italian noble family so duchy duke county count pretty simple it was from a Duke of Burgundy that the Portuguese royal family descended and it was from a count of Burgundy that the Spanish royal family descended so let's go back to the family tree chart to see the details here we have Hugh Capet the King of France and founder of the house of Quebec or Capay he has son Robert the second who became King of France after him and Robert the second had two sons who lived to adulthood his firstborn son Henry became king of France and his second born son became Duke of Burgundy Robert's son Henry would have become the next Duke but he died before his father and he had several sons the eldest of which became the next Duke but he also had some younger sons and one of these was Henry who became the count of Portugal now why did a French noble end up ruling over in Portugal well this was the time period of the Reconquista when various Christian kingdoms were trying to win back the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslims the emperor of Spain Alfonso the sixth appealed to France for help and Henry was one of the nobles who joined the battle after some victories Henry married one of the Emperor's daughters and was named the count of Portugal now this individual here Raymond of Burgundy was from a different burgundy he was from the county of Burgundy you can see his ancestors here and how the line actually goes back to Italy rather than France he also married one of the daughters of the Emperor and that daughter ended up becoming Empress and so the throne of Spain therefore eventually passed to his house of Burgundy when his son Alphonse of the seventh became Emperor so to recap the Spanish House of Burgundy has its roots in the county of Burgundy and therefore the Italian nobility whereas the Portuguese House of Burgundy has its roots in the Duchy of Burgundy and the French nobility so let's look at Portugal Henry's son Afonso managed to get permission from the Pope to make his territory independent from Spain and hence became the first king of Portugal his son became King after him and then a grandson then we get an unpopular King who was deposed and replaced by his younger brother and this it's at this point that the Algarve became part of Portugal and so from this point forward the kings of Portugal are known as the King of Portugal and the Algarve or later king of Portugal and the Algarve's plural so the line then passed to his descendants and you can see there were several marriages into the Spanish royal family we then come to Pedro the first or an English Peter the first and I'll point out that for a brief period of time there are actually three King Peters ruling on the Iberian Peninsula at the same time there was King Peter the fourth of Aragon King Peter of Castile and King Peter the first of Portugal Peter the first or Petra the first was followed by his son for Nando the first and around this time there was a civil war in castile between these two half-brothers and in the end the throne ended up passing to the house of trusts Amara now it's not shown on this chart but King Peter of Castile had two daughters who married to English princes Lionel Duke of Clarence and Gellin Duke of Lancaster and because of this John Duke of Lancaster made several attempts to take the throne of Castile Fernanda the first King of Portugal supported him in this setting the stage for an alliance between England and Portugal which is actually an alliance that has remained intact to this very day eventually though Portugal and Castile made peace and Fernando's daughter married King John the first of Casteel as his second wife and there was a plan to make Thrones of Castile and Portugal unite kind of like what later happened with Aragon and Castile and if that had happened history might have been a bit different but it did not happen because after Fernando the first died his half-brother John eventually became King and this brought to an end the Portuguese House of Burgundy and established a new royal house the house of Avis and this name comes from a military order that John belonged to King John is remembered as John the good because he was responsible for maintaining Portugal's independence it was under the house of Avis that Portugal reached its peak of power during the reign of John the good the Portuguese captured suta thus marking the beginning of the Portuguese Empire and although the throne passed to his son Duarte or Edward in English it was one of his other sons who's not shown on the chart Henry the Navigator he was a son of King John the good and Henry the Navigator was known for initiating the European Age of Discovery but we're mostly focusing on monarchs here so after Edward came a funds of the fifth and he started to acquire lands for Portugal in North Africa and then we get his son John the second often considered the greatest Portuguese monarch of all time it was during his reign that Portugal began exploring further around Africa and into Asia he was also the one who signed the famous Treaty of Tordesillas and let's take a quick look at that the Treaty of Tordesillas drew a line on the world map and said that Spain claimed all the lands on this side of the line and Portugal on this side of the line of course the indigenous people living in all those lands didn't get a say in this back to the family tree chart unfortunately King John the second heir died in horse riding accident so the throne went to his cousin Manuel the first during Manuel's reign the Portuguese landed in Brazil and during the reign of his son John the third a colony in Brazil was established Brazil of course went on to become Portugal's main overseas colony John the third outlived his son and so when he died the throne passed to his grandson King Sebastian and then tragedy struck Sebastian died in battle before marrying or producing any heirs so the throne went to his great uncle who was a cardinal in the Catholic Church and therefore celibate and there were no other obvious heirs available after him and so this led to a succession crisis and eventually the throne passes to keep filling the second of Spain who was a member of the Habsburg dynasty and this is because Philips mother was a Portuguese princess the sister of John 3rd and King Henry so this resulted in what's called the Iberian Union a period of about 60 years during which the crown of Spain and the crown of Portugal were United but it came to an end in 1640 when this individual here he fought a war against Maine to restore Portugal's independence and this took place during the same time as the much larger 30 Years War in Europe and the Habsburg dynasties power was starting to decline so John the fourth became King and established the house of Braganza named after his father's dukedom but you can see that he was also a descendant of the original Portuguese monarchs and that's why he was able to claim the throne John the fourth first son died at age 19 and therefore his second son Afonso the fourth became the next king but Afonso the fourth had poor physical and mental health and was eventually deposed and his brother pedra ii became regent and eventually king and the line continues through him we get john v jose the first and then the first reigning queen of Portugal maria the first she actually married her uncle these two were brothers and he took the title King consort but it was actually Maria who was the monarch and it was during the reign of Maria that Napoleon Bonaparte was taking over Europe but as Napoleon was invading their country Portugal did something that no other country did instead of capitulating to him they moved the entire royal court to their most wealthy colony Brazil and continued to operate from there and Brazil was eventually elevated to the status of a kingdom and hence Maria reigned as the queen of the United Kingdom of Portugal Brazil and the Algarve's she was followed by John the 6th who began his reign in Brazil but then moved the court back to Portugal in 1820 and here's where things get a bit interesting when John the sixth went back to Portugal he left his son Pedro in charge in Brazil but many in Brazil wanted to be fully independent from Portugal so they ended up declaring independence as the Empire of Brazil and and Pedro became the Emperor of Brazil while his father was still king in Portugal and so from this point Brazil and Portugal had separate monarchs let's look at Brazil first they actually only had one more monarch Pedro the second sanam pedra the first who reigned for an impressive 58 years he was eventually removed from the throne though when Brazil became a republic he lived his final two years in Paris in exile now today there are two great great great grandsons of pedro ii who claimed to be the current heir to the throne of Brazil there's Prince Louie and Prince Pedro Carlos but I don't think Brazil will be reinstating their monarchy anytime student let's go back to Portugal when King John the sixth died Pedro of Brazil was briefly declared King of Portugal as Petra the fourth but not wanting the countries to be reunited he soon abdicated in favor of his daughter Maria under a plan that would have her marry his brother Miguel who would become King consort similar to what happened back here but Miguel want it to be the reigning king and therefore he usurped the throne and this led to a civil war between the two brothers with Pedro eventually winning and Maria the second being made Queen Maria the second ended up marrying a member of the house of saxe-coburg and Gotha you can see that here and the house of saxe-coburg and Gotha interestingly enough it the current ruling house in Belgium and also in the United Kingdom through the husband of Queen Victoria Prince Albert although they eventually changed the name of the house to the House of Windsor in Portugal however the house name actually stayed as begins after the death of maria ii and she was succeeded by her son petra v and then her son Louis and Louis was followed by his son Carlos the first who in 1908 was assassinated along with his firstborn son and heir Louis Philippe and his second son Manuel ii therefore became king but only reigned for two years after which Portugal became a republic and he spent the rest of his life in London and did not have any children and there are actually no remaining descendants of Queen Maria ii and therefore if portugal ever did want to restore their monarchy they would actually have to choose a descendant of King Miguel and the senior-most descended is this individual here the wart APO Duke of Braganza okay there you have it a complete history of the Portuguese monarchy if you want the chart head over to my website useful charts calm to watch videos on the other monarchies shown on this chart and other history related topics subscribe to the channel and check out the playlists thanks for watching
Channel: UsefulCharts
Views: 107,560
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Keywords: king of portugal, portugal kings, house of aviz, house of braganza, house of burgundy, portuguese royal family, portuguese history, history of portugal
Id: j1Xp84lt__0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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