Ottoman Sultans Family Tree

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hey everyone this is salvaged from the channel Alma Kadima and today I'm going to show you the family tree of the Ottoman Sultans I'll be using maths Asian royal family trees chart which is available as a poster from the website useful charts calm the Ottoman Empire started in what is today Turkey but eventually expanded to include Egypt Iraq and Arabia on one side and Bulgaria Ukraine and hungry on the other in this video we'll be looking at every Ottoman ruler from the foundation of the dynasty in the 14th century all the way down to the fall of the dynasty after World War one will even address the question of who would be the Ottoman Sultan today you [Music] [Music] so the ottoman dynasty is shown in the color red here the dynasty began with ass man but before we talk about him let's talk about the Middle East in general before the rise of the Ottomans after the death of Prophet Muhammad Muslims had various caliphs first there was the Umayyad dynasty and then the Abbasid dynasty but slowly they declined in power and became figureheads at that point in the 11th century Persia was taken over by a group of Turks from the Eurasian steppes called the Seljuks and the Abbasid caliphs became puppets at their hands it was the Seljuks who defeated the Byzantines in the Battle of Mons occurred in 1071 after that they moved a considerable number of Turks in to Anatolia but over time the Seljuks themselves declined in Persia but an offshoot of the dynasty survived in Anatolia which was called the Sultanate of Rome this means the Sultanate of Rome because the area they ruled over was previously ruled by the eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire in the 13th century the Mongols invaded and the Sultanate of room disintegrated with many tribes rising up to carve out as much land as they could one of those tribes was the tribe of Bay Osman he ruled a very small drown so he cannot be called a king or Emperor or Sultan his title is usually Bey which simply means Lord however he supposedly had a famous dream which predicted the rise of his descendents I should also point out that his mother Halima Kaduna was actually a great-granddaughter of the last sultan of room so there's an important connection between the two major Turkic dynasties through her Osman was called Ottoman by the Greeks and it's from that version of his name that we get the word Ottoman the start of the dynasty is usually put at $12.99 Osman was succeeded by son Orhan who expanded the room further he married a Byzantine princess Theodora with whom he had a son who's not on this chart that son married another byzantine princess Orhan conquered Gallipoli and put the first arm and foot print in Europe his son Murad the first expanded the young Sultanate further into Europe he died during the Battle of Kosovo his son basted the first the Thunderbolt tried to take Constantinople but couldn't he was later defeated in the Battle of Ankara by Timur the lame or as I call him over at my channel they murdered the jerk he was captured and the Empire broke apart but was slowly put back together Murat the second consolidated the Empire and abdicated in favor of his young son Muhammad Muhammad the second in 1444 but he was called back two years later to lead the army against a crusading army at the Second Battle of Kosovo after he died mammoth the second came back to power he boldly decided to do what no one had been able to do he decided to conquer Constantinople he did that in 1453 he conquered Constantinople made it the new capital and took the title of the Conqueror or muhammad al-fatih his son basa ii is famous for having accepted the jewish refugees who were kicked out of spain along with the muslims then after a civil war his son cellulose or Salim the grim ascended to the throne he expanded the empire into Asia and Africa he conquered Syria Arabia Mesopotamia and Egypt in Egypt the Abbasid caliph was a figurehead from whom Selim took the title of caliph and he became the first Ottoman caliph also the first caliph who wasn't from Prophet Muhammad's tribe his son and successor was the famous Suleiman the first or Suleiman the Magnificent or saw them on the lawgiver he's famous for his rivalry with the Hapsburgs especially Charles v another great monarch of Europe he's also famous for falling in love with his concubine Roxy Lana who was known as haraam Sultan he broke from ottoman tradition and married her harem became a powerful woman in her own right at the palace Solomon reigned for a long period of time and had his son Mustapha killed because he was afraid that most of all was plotting against him Solomon reigned over the Ottoman Empire at the peak of its power he was succeeded by selim ii the son of rome sultan süleyman's daughter Maremma was married to perhaps the most famous grand vizier of the ottoman empire grand vizier was sort of like the prime it was actually during the reign of Marat the third that the Empire controlled the most area but it had some serious problems at that point the next significant sultan was armed the first who built the Blue Mosque in Turkey up to this point you can see that succession was going nicely from father to son that's because unlike European monarchies the Islamic ones had a lot of heirs due to polygamy being the norm whereas in European dynasties often the king would die without a male heir causing a crisis the ottomans usually had a few too many years who would also cause a crisis in the form of a civil war to avoid this the ottomans adopted the tradition of fratricide after the death of the reigning sultan his sons would try to secure power whichever one came out on top would kill his remaining brothers the dynasty hence was pre truncated Hamid the first was the Sultan who decided to do away with this tradition probably because he was young and didn't have any children of his own and if he had died he wouldn't have had any heirs it was during his reign that we saw the rise of kösem sultan the most powerful woman in the ottoman court she rose as the imperial consort or hazuki Sultan and became the favorite concubine apartment however she was banished after his death Hamid had died fairly young after him his brother Mustafa the first became the Sultan at this point we start seeing why fratricide while disgusting was a brilliant way to ensure stability most of our was overthrown in the favour of asthma and the second armored son but then he was killed by his Janissaries and Mustafa was installed again then two more sons of hamid ruled one after the other first brought the fourth who was very young at the time Qasim became the regent and effectively ruled the entire empire she famously attended court from behind a curtain an unprecedented move in the Islamic world even when Murad came of age she still continued to rule with him if not in his place when Murad died he was succeeded by Ibrahim who is generally considered to have been mentally imbalanced he was unpopular and eventually banished Qasim who then plotted and had him his young son mammoth the fourth was installed whom Qasim controlled as well until his mother intervened and plotted to have Qasim killed which she succeeded in doing for various reasons the Empire was declining it was losing Wars and territory various grandsons and great-grandsons of Armant came to power during this era until we come to mohammed ii mahmoud led various reforms to the ottoman empire most notably the clothing of the Sultan and the officials changed the Ottoman dynasty then split into two directions with Abdul Majeed the first and then his brother Abdul Aziz it was Abdul Majeed son Sultan Muhammad the fifth who oversaw the Empire during the first world war when the Ottoman Empire sided with Germany and lost at this point Mustafa Kemal founded the Republic of Turkey the Sultanate was abolished in 1922 but the Caliphate remained until Abdul Majeed the second was exiled in 1924 ending the Ottoman Empire and then the Islamic caliphate as you can see on this chart there are various different lines of the Ottoman dynasty that still exist so if the Empire still existed one of the members of those lines would be the Sultan the family is now called Osman oh gollu and has members all over the world they were banned from entering turkey but that ban was later lifted the current head of the house is one dar al-eman he was born in 1930 and would most likely be succeeded by his brother Harun Osman or the head of the house is usually the oldest member of the dynasty so it can go back and forth between the surviving lines of the family so that was the family tree of the Ottoman dynasty if you're interested in learning more about Islamic history check out my channel alma Kadima by clicking the link in the description or if you want to buy the poster shown in the video you can head over to useful charts calm thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: UsefulCharts
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Id: 5PBaDlJP3kI
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Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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