Genesis 9 - 2009 - Skip Heitzig

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[Music] would you turn in your Bibles tonight to the book of Genesis chapter 9 let's pray father now we set our hearts our minds to find out what your will is through your word we pray father that as we gather tonight that your Holy Spirit would teach reveal probe the depth of our hearts and in a very unassuming and simple place and setting with our Bibles open and our hearts open we pray you'd reveal yourself to us teach us give us keen minds to grasp and understand to retain and Lord and then to practice those things that are applicable to our lives in Jesus name Amen I heard a story about three men who were arguing about which job profession was the oldest and a one was a doctor a surgeon who said well you know the Bible talks about God carving a rib out of Adam to make Eve so he said my profession would be the oldest in history a friend of his who was standing nearby was an engineer and he said well you know the Bible also says that God in six days created order out of chaos and made the world that my friend is the job of an engineer the third guy standing by was a politician and he smiled real big and said ah but who created the chaos politicians get their fair or unfair share of jokes and most people today seem to have an avid dislike and distrust for human government we are fed up many of us with those who run for office and make promises and then don't fulfill them or do fulfill the promises we wish they wouldn't but God did invent human government and here we see in Genesis 9 God establishing for the very first time the authority for man to govern himself that's implied in our text there were only eight people that made it on to and out of the ark Noah his wife three sons and their corresponding wives and life started out simple but rules had to be established early on in order that once those eight people reach a level of many people in a society it could function smoothly and we're gonna see that tonight in our study if I were to divide up the chapter into three sections I would do it the survival of Noah verses 1 through 19 the sin of Noah 20 21 and 22 and then finally the sons of Noah 23 through 29 that's how the chapter is sort of divided up and laid out for us but you just have to think of what it was like when they got off that ark and God made a covenant with them how how I guess basic and simple life was pretty basic not a whole a lot of needs at that point they needed a place to rest they needed clothing they probably brought that on the ark it's interesting in the year 1900 a survey was conducted of what people believed they needed or had to have for life to be comfortable for them to feel contented and most people in our culture could name seventy-two things that they needed 72 needs in life fifty years later 1950 Americans could name about 500 things they needed now I wonder what it is today what we say we need well I need my laptop and I have to have my cell phone and Wi-Fi you got to have Wi-Fi how come you guys don't have Wi-Fi but those eight people getting out of the ark had to experience life at the basics and really the Bible says there's really two needs that we have and first Timothy chapter 6 having food and clothing with these things we will be content and really that's all they had they got out of the ark it was very simple the waters abated and they're trusting now God completely in this brand-new relationship well there are in chapter 9 for instructions that God gives to Noah and his sons these four instructions about their life are the kind of instructions that would be permanent instructions that is all of Noah's progeny his ancestors or those that would come from him all people at all times in all places have the same basic instructions by God number one and that is in verse one that the human life is to be perpetuated life is to be perpetuated notice the command it's very similar to that what God gave to Adam so God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth God had said that to Adam and Eve now here twice in this chapter God says the same thing life is to be perpetuated now notice God blessed God loves to bless he loves it God is the giver of good things and he loves to give good gifts to his children his kids one of those beautiful blessings of God his children you see children according to God aren't a curse they're a blessing a beautiful Psalm Psalm 127 children are a heritage from the Lord the fruit of the womb is his reward now God said be fruitful multiply and fill the earth I think we've done that we've done a pretty good job of it actually today there are six point seven billion people on earth we filled it it took from Noah's day to the Year 1804 to produce 1 billion people on earth but you can see that exponentially that thing is going to take a little bit of time to reach 2 billion in fact it was 1927 where we were able on earth to produce 2 billion people 1963 Billy in 1975 4 billion 88 5 billion 99 98 99 and now today 6.7 billion people so we have been fruitful we have multiplied and we have filled the earth in fact it is becoming in some places a real problem to maintain and sustain those people that are on the earth but having said that let me encourage you this world needs the kind of children that you can produce Christian children those with a world view of Christ truth and so whether you have your own kids or you adopt your influence in a young life set loose in this world is so meaningful fill the earth with those kind of children turn them loose and watch what God can do so that's the first instruction that life ought to be perpetuated now keep that in mind because we're going to get to a story next time in chapter 11 where rather than filling the earth they seem to congregate in one place instead of moving out toward different regions they stay in one place the land of Shinar and they're in Shinar they congregate and they build a tower to reach heaven we'll talk about that next time but that was a problem that at this time they stayed in one place here's the second instruction that life ought to be prolonged not just perpetuated but prolong verse 2 and the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth on every bird of the air on all that move on the earth on all of the fish of the sea they are given to your hand or or better yet I have delivered them into your hand I have delivered them or have granted or I have bestowed them to you and he goes on every moving thing that lives shall be food for you I have given you all things even as the green herbs but you shall not eat flesh with its life that is its blood now notice in verse 2 four categories four categories of of kinds of life and four different places whose covering it all he says every beast on the earth every bird on the of the air all that move on the earth that's three and all of the fish that are in the sea so God covers all of life and basically tells mankind you are to have dominion over all other life contrary to what you're fed today that all forms of life including human are really all the same you have a soul your dog as the soul fish have a soul and it's all biological life period no according to God early on it was established that yes there's life on Earth but you are the crowning creation made in the image of God your dog is not made in the image of God your cat is not made in the image of God you and you alone are made in God's image thus in that image you have dominion and domination over all that is on the earth now we read in verse 2 the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth I was watching last week a National Geographic TV special and they talked about how animals when they come in contact with man for the most part are afraid of man and they cited a rhinoceros seven tons seven ton beast could take a truck SUV and toss it around like a toy but basically a rhino is shy and when sees a man will run away unless provoked if you get in their space if you provoke they will attack but it's not their nature their nature is to run to be shy to retreat so God says the fear of you the dread of you shall be on every beast etc etc you can see there would be a problem in the animal kingdom reproduction is quick maturity is rapid so animals could quickly easily overrun the world and overpopulate in comparison to human beings so God instilled a dread a basic fear of mankind in the animal world and it's a good thing because now mankind is able to hunt them kill them and eat them and so for the sake of the survival of all of those species I would that would be a that would be needed verse 3 every moving thing that lives shall be food for you I have given you all things even as the green herbs prior to the flood man was a vegetarian chapter 1 verse 29 God declares I've given you every herb that has seed every plant and tree is for food for you so prior to this prior to this command prior to the flood mankind would go out and eat berries and nuts and plants etc and though God didn't give a specific prohibition against eating meat he just said eat the plants here God says eat it all plants and animals our forebears Adam Eve Cain Abel and the rest of the gang before Noah they were vegetarians but that's not the way we were designed your mouth reveals that God designed the kind of teeth that are for tearing chewing meat now some people try to equate being spiritual with your diet so if you're really holy you'll be a vegetarian and you'll have strict dietary rules because that's what holy people do and that was a huge deal when I was growing up in the 70s and before that in California and I remember I was a brand new believer I was living down at the beach I was out in the front yard enjoying a beautiful day and I looked up and I saw a guy in a white robe with a Bible long hair white robe and the Sun was behind him and so it was it was like an apparition you know I thought wow it's the Lord that was my first thing this is Jesus Wow until he talked he said are you a believer because I had my Bible out because I said I am I I believe in Jesus and I'm still looking at him like would that be you and then he said do you eat meat he must have seen the McDonald's wrapper next to the Bible I said well I just had a Big Mac and he proceeded to give me a tongue-lashing about eating meat and how ungodly I was and God made us not to eat meat etc he must have never read this where God gives the mandate to survive on the proteins the enzymes of the animal kingdom so now though Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd now Noah and his boys they're going to be hunters and they're allowed to do that that is part of the mandate except verse 4 you shall not eat flesh with its life that is its blood so God says eat anything you want but now here's one restriction and it's sort of like the restriction that God gave to Adam and Eve in the garden remember the restriction you can eat from any tree you want except one the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that's in the midst of the garden you shall not eat for in the day that you eat you will surely die that was the one exception God allows Noah the rest of his family to have whatever they want except don't eat the blood why is that because according to this and according to other scriptures which I'll mention in a moment eating blood of an animal is like eating an animal alive because the life source of an animal is the blood now when we get to Leviticus it's expanded a little bit God says the life of the flesh is in the blood and with the blood you will make atonement atonement for your souls so there is not just a health regulation but some spiritual connotation attached that just as the blood is used for atonement and speaks of life and one day your Savior will shed his blood blood the source of life is to be considered sacred I'm amazed at what people will eat I've traveled different parts of the world and I don't get eating worms I just I've done it I didn't know I was doing it I ate a little burger I thought cool hamburger it was in the Philippines I ate it tasted really bad I got sick next day I found out why worm meat so a mac worm burger could never do that again knowingly people eat spiders bugs I was in China and they served Sparrow duck feet shark fin soup turtle I remember sitting in the table and there was this huge turtle shell and I just looked at it and then our host pulled it off and revealed these little chunks of meat and I and everything that came to the table I said what is this and they say this is Sparrow I go oh what's this Jesus turtle finally and I was with Chuck Smith at the time Chuck turned to me and goes stop asking what it is just eat it eat what's in front of you don't ask any questions now over in Scotland in England they have a delicacy called blood pudding they take blood of an animal and they boil it with a filler until it congeals and with that gelatin they make a sausage called blood pudding I could never ever I know I eat just about anything I've never eaten that because even looking at it even if it ever tempted me to look delicious here it's here it is don't eat blood now we get to the New Testament and Jesus will tell us in mark 7 it's not what goes into a man that defiles him it what it's what comes out from his heart that defiles him it is interesting though in Acts the fifteenth chapter we'll go back Acts chapter 10 remember Peters up on the rooftop at Joppa and he gets that vision and in the vision he sees all of these unco sure animals let down in a huge linen sheet from heaven and God speaks Peter get up kill and eat and Peter being the submissive one that he is said not so Lord I've never eaten anything unclean when we get to the fifteenth chapter of Acts the only stipulation from the law of Moses passed on to the church is this no blood remember the letter that was written to the Gentiles Epstein from immorality from things offered to idols from those things that are strangled and from blood you don't to offend your Jewish brethren if you do these things you do well so of all the laws of Moses it wasn't keeping the Saturday Sabbath it was no blood God says the life is in the blood don't eat dad verse 5 for or surely yo for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning now here's the third instruction life should be protected not just perpetuated not just prolonged by eating animals but life should be protected for certainly your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning from the hand of every beast I will require it and from the hand of man from the hand of every man's brother I will require the life of man whoever sheds man's blood by man his blood will be shed for in the image of God he made man well up to this point man did not have a good track record in caring for one another just go back and review some of the history we've already covered Cain murders his brother Abel Lamech murdered a young man for injuring him chapter 6 violence covered the whole earth so up to this point man did not have a good history or track record in maintaining caring loving relationships because they became so violent that God had to destroy the whole earth here he says whoever sheds man's blood by man his blood will be shed what is God doing well just as God put the fear of man into animals God is now putting the fear of God into man if you murder you will be killed now according to two great scholars keil and delitzsch this command especially the way it stated in Hebrew this command is the basis for human government human government according to most scholars and the right the authority from God to exercise capital punishment go hand-in-hand in fact it's James Montgomery boys great commentator in his little book says the test of human government is the test of capital punishment part-and-parcel one in the same God establishes human government that is the right to mandate the authority from heaven given to man to oversee the culture and the society with power and with authority governments have power laws are upheld by power if you go well I don't know if I agree with that or I don't know if I like that well try breaking the law when you go home tonight don't go the speed limit now some of you that's not a problem you'll do it you might get a ticket and you might say well I don't believe in human government I'm not gonna pay the ticket all right no problem today but wait a while they'll catch up or refuse to pay your income tax I don't believe in paying taxes they use some of the taxes to build nuclear weapons okay so don't pay but just wait you won't have any problems today but wait a while the IRS as it says in Romans attends continually to getting your tax dollars and they will use the authority and even the force by putting you in jail if need be as punishment this then is the basis and the test of human government this week we saw that test we saw this carried out John Allen Muhammad the DC washington DC Virginia sniper killed ten innocent people was put to death just the other evening lethal injection because he took innocent life and our society passed the test his life should be taken and some people will will resist in fact there were protesters out on the little grassy area across from where he was executed and they protested this and they said they did it for religious reasons that you know we're sorry for the victims and we're sorry for the families but you know we shouldn't take another life and what people will say when it comes to capital punishment though I I think you know where I come from I disagree on biblical reasons they will protest saying well capital punishment never will deter people from committing the crime well I ask you this does any punishment deter people from committing a crime does getting a traffic ticket deter you from going over the speed limit no it doesn't people will still break it knowing that they may be fined or there may be punishment but they still do it but the point is is that you honor the law and you honor the society that brings that law and ultimately you honor God who gave that law and here is why God said you can eat any animal you can kill any animal that's now permissible but if any animal kills you or if a man kills you because you're in the image of God not the animals different rules for that reason alone you are in the image of God I am in the image of God animals are not in the image of God in fact we're gonna get to an interesting text Exodus chapter 21 and part of that chapter goes like this if you own an ox how many of you own an ox okay Dave you raised your hand you you actually own an ox okay he's just kidding if you owned an ox and your ox gored your neighbor you take the Ox and you kill the ox and you pay the people that had gored but you as an owner are acquitted because you can't be in charge of the wild nature of an animal an animal might feel encroached upon like that Rhino and wind would attack but if your ox had a reputation for goring your neighbors and you knew about it in advance and you didn't do anything to curtail it then if your ox Gore's your neighbor and your neighbor dies you as the owner will be killed because it's your responsibility and the ox will be killed as well stoned to death so God says animals can be killed for food but people cannot be killed and if they're killed by humans or animals their blood must be exacted from them now this whole concept is something not only in the Old Testament but I believe it's in the New Testament because I know some of you are thinking oh that's just Old Covenant no it's not Paul the Apostle when he stood before the Roman government and there was all of those different trials with Felix Festus Agrippa he finally said look if I have committed any crime worthy of death then execute me now here's the Christian apostle willing to die himself if they could prove any kind of charge worthy of the death penalty said kill me if you can prove that I've something worthy of death take my life also there's Romans 13 where Paul says the government bears the sword of execution to enforce the law I think it's probably good to turn to Romans 13 just to look at the delicate balance between love and forgiveness and capital punishment because those again that will espouse capital punishment will say well shouldn't we love and shouldn't we forgive yes you should personally love and you should personally forgive and you should never personally exact vengeance for somebody who's done something but what about a culture what about a society go back to chapter 12 of Romans and look at verse 17 Paul says repay no one evil for evil have regard for good things in the sight of all men if it is possible as much as depends on you live peaceably with all men boy am I glad that's there I'm so glad it says if it's possible because you know what sometimes it's not possible you want to make peace they don't you try they don't want to talk you go out of your way they want nothing to do with it they stew in it but as much as you can live at peace with all men beloved do not avenge your selves this is personal but rather give place to wrath for it is written vengeance is mine I will repay says the Lord the question is how will the Lord repay the answer is found as we read on in Romans 13 by the sword of authority given to human government that's how did you know that when Roman governors were born in they were each given a sword as the authority to bring all of Roman law to bear on the citizenry even capital punishment every new governor was given a brand new sword so he says continuing in verse 20 therefore if your enemy is hungry feed him if he's thirsty give him a drink for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good now here it is let every soul be subject to higher powers King James says or governing authorities for there's no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God okay now when Paul wrote that who is in charge Rome who is in charge in Rome Caesar Nero horrible dictator and yet here is Paul saying God established human government and every authority that exists exists from God it's part of a sovereign plan therefore whoever resists the Authority resists the ordinance of God and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves for rulers are not a terror to good works that is usually but to evil do you want to be unafraid of the Authority do it as good and you will appraise it the same for he is God's minister in that interesting have you ever thought of government officials as being in the ministry well they are their gods minister to you for good but if you do evil be afraid notice for he does not bear the sword in vain that was that sword of authority which meant capital punishment execution the sword in vain for his gods minister and Avenger hmm an Avenger now remember what we read in chapter 12 vengeance is mine I will repay how will God do it by his minister an Avenger who will take vengeance to execute wrath on him who practices evil therefore you must be subject not only because of wrath but also for conscience sake for because of this you also pay taxes for they are God's ministers I have a hard time with that one but it's there I don't like to think of the IRS as God's ministers but they're there it's there and it says they attend continually to this very thing and boy do they so you render to those to whom it is due so that is the New Testaments take on human government established in the Old Testament part and parcel of capital punishment being the test of using the authority that God gave verse 7 and as for you be fruitful and multiply bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply in it I find something to be sad and very very interesting at the same time it seems that those people that protest against capital punishment are the very same people who support abortion now here God says as for you be fruitful and multiply and bring forth abundantly in the earth abortion would be the very thing that goes against being fruitful and multiplying and filling the earth so it's interesting no capital punishment they'll be out there with banners it's wrong it's evil at the same time they have no conscience at all in killing babies in a womb I want you to think of this for the last 200 years ever since the Revolutionary War in our country 1.2 million military personnel have been killed we honored a few of them tonight who weren't killed but who fought and were in our midst and they deserve that honor 1.2 million military personnel men and women since the Revolutionary War for the last 200 years have been killed every year in America 1.6 million babies are aborted every year I'm not talking 200 years every single year God says children are a blessing be fruitful multiply fill the earth fill the earth multiply in it here's the fourth instruction given in this chapter to Noah instructions that are to be perpetual and permanent ordinance for all and that is that life ought to be a partnership life ought to be a partnership God calls it a covenant I'm going to establish a covenant between me and between you then God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him saying and as for me behold I establish my covenant you see that little word behold don't don't write that off as some little holy sounding Bible word oh it sounds so holy behold behold is a word when translated is meant to be an attention-getter as if to say everything I'm about to tell you is really important behold God says or hey check this out you could translate it I will establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that is with you the birds the cattle every beast of the earth that is with you of all the go out of the ark every beast of the earth a covenant a basis by which holy God and sinful man can have some sort of agreement in relationship now the concept of a covenant is all important later on God will establish another covenant with Abraham and he'll say the land of Canaan I've given to you and to your descendants forever after you it's yours that's my covenant with you still later on God will make another covenant with the people of Moses and the people of Israel covenant of the law keep this law and I'll bless you this way all of those are agreements covenants now a covenant is the basis of a relationship you see there's a problem how is it possible for a holy God and sinful man to ever get together infinite God finite man what basis could there ever be for them to hang out and have fellowship only on the basis of a covenant an agreement a stipulated agreement where God makes promises okay in the Bible there's two kinds of covenants it's divided into two classes a conditional covenant and a unconditional covenant very good an unconditional or a unilateral covenant is where God makes a promise or gives a declaration says I'm gonna do this period this is going to happen period I will do something period a conditional covenant is when God has his part man has his part you keep these conditions and if you keep them then I will do this or that in the Garden of Eden there is what theologians call the Adhan ik covenant man occupying the garden the Garden of Eden the Edenic covenant what kind of covenant was a conditional or unconditional conditional hey have fun walk around cruise around eat anything you want except don't eat that tree now it's the only condition pretty easy very basic condition they blew it they broke the condition the Covenant was broken in Chapter 12 God's gonna make a covenant with Abraham five times God will say I will do this I will do that I will do this I will do that I will bless you I will multiply I will give you this land what kind of a covenant is that unconditional he doesn't say if you're perfect and upright and holy and everybody perfectly obeys then I'll give you this land God just says you know what there's a portion of land I'm gonna give to Abraham and to his descendants forever period unconditional we get to the Covenant of the law of Moses conditional or unconditional conditional make these sacrifices obey these things and I'll bless you I'll do this and that that covenant failed now why did it fail did it fail because God failed no it failed because man failed man was unable to keep it God sought from the beginning so that covenant the Covenant of the law of Moses the Prophet Jeremiah is told by God the best news ever in the Old Testament the Old Covenant all of the covenants that we're going to be reading about before we get to Mathew are the Old Covenant but there's a hint of a new one in Jeremiah 31 God says the days are coming saith the Lord when I will make a new covenant not the law written on stone but written on your hearts something internal not external predicated not upon man's ability to keep it but predicated upon God's ability through Christ to give it that's an unconditional covenant it's an unconditional covenant the new covenant and we'll read about that on the Gospel of John coming up in verse 17 of chapter 1 for the law came by Moses but grace and truth that's the new covenant came by Jesus Christ so this is the beginning of the Covenant that God makes with Noah and I will establish my covenant with you verse 11 he says never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood to destroy the earth and God said this is the sign of the Covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you for perpetual generations I set my rainbow in the cloud and it shall be a sign of the Covenant between me and the earth it shall be when I bring a cloud over the earth that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud before the flood there weren't rainbows because there wasn't rain a mist went up from the earth and water the earth subterranean sources of water brought rivers to the surface they watered the earth but then God unleashed the deep as we read about and clouds and the rain from heaven all of it together flooded the earth and now we have the phenomenon that we still see today when ever there is rain or water in the atmosphere and that the sunlight filtering through the moisture the droplets suspended in the air hit the water droplet it refracts the bright white sunlight into the different colors and you see red and yellow and green and purple and isn't it amazing it's so simple but we still got at rainbows we go look stop stop pull over pull over the car I know we'll be late but look at that dude it's been going on forever but it's still cool right it's beautiful but it's more than that that that simple phenomena is a statement of God the word in Hebrew is cassette or bow it's the same word in the Old Testament for battle bow where you'd have a bow and arrow in a battle and you'd bend the bow and you shoot the arrow what I believe God is saying is here's my bow I'm hanging my bow in the clouds I'm putting it away my bow is not used for judgment and any longer I'm hanging that implement up and now when you see my bow hung up in the clouds it's a statement of not judgment or war but peace okay here's proof that it couldn't be a local flood but it had to be a universal flood because God said here's my covenant every time you see that rainbow I'll never flood the earth if it were a local flood that happened then God was a big liar because there have been a lot of local floods every year around the world generation after generation it was a universal flood as we've already gone through the evidence of that and God says I'll never let that happen again there will be local floods there will be catastrophes the Sun and the rain will fall on the just and the unjust Jesus will tell us but never again a flood that will destroy all of life now God will destroy all of life he will uncreate what he has created in a catastrophe of fire but never again by water thirteen I set my rainbow in the cloud and it shall be a sign for the covenant between me and the earth it shall be when I bring a cloud over the earth that the rainbow will be seen in the cloud and I will remember my covenant which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh the water shall never again come to destroy I'll become a flood to destroy all flesh the rainbow shall be in the cloud and I will look on it I like that not only do you and I get off on rainbows God does look at that that's cool I made that I did that and I remember what that means the rainbow shall be in the cloud I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth and God said to Noah this is the sign of the Covenant which I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth now the sons of Noah who went out of the ark were shem ham and Japheth and ham was the father of canaan now all of these guys these sons had their own children but canaan is especially mentioned for one reason for sure but perhaps for more one reason is that in a few verses you're gonna read the god will curse the son of ham canaan and he will be subservient to these other guys because if something Hamed does or it could be also that canaan is mentioned because though the information isn't given he was already known with a reputation he was already notorious so that anybody who was from around those parts or knew that history much closer to its writing than we would have heard of canaan already and he was already doing things that demanded a certain kind of reputation so he's the father of canaan these three were the sons of noah and from these the whole earth was populated we'll get more into that next week Noah began to be a farmer and planted a vineyard and he drank of the wine and was drunk and became uncovered in the tent before we get into that let me just say that of all of these three lines that we read Shem ham and Japheth and we'll read about their lineage next week and and what happened to these people and where they said Elden how the earth was populated the table of Nations in Chapter ten though God is interested in all of them and they're all part of God's plan the one that is central to God's planned is Shem from Shem Abraham will come from Shem the nation of Israel will come from Shem the deliverer Messiah Christ will come the one predicted in chapter 3 verse 15 that will crush the head of the serpent so God will narrow it down and be very interested in the Shem i'ts or we would say Semites you've heard the term Semitic or anti Semitic it's from the word Shem so Noah planet a vineyard and this is odd this is weird he drank of the wine and was drunk and became uncovered in his tent now III don't know why and I'm not gonna pretend to know why and I'm not gonna read anything else into it that really isn't there but the guy got drunk took off all of his clothes and passed out that's weird his sin wasn't that he drank wine his sin was that he drank too much wine in excess drunkenness is a sin anything that gives you an altered state of consciousness is a sin be not drunk with wine but be filled with the Holy Ghost the Bible tells us so his sin was excess he got drunk tore off all of his clothes passed out okay watch what happens in ham the father of Canaan saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside but Shem and Japheth took a garment laid it on both their shoulders and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father their faces were turned away and they did not see their fathers nakedness just a thought I want to plant in your mind do you find it interesting that Adam and Eve and Noah both sinned in the area of food Adam and Eve took that forbidden fruit Noah in takes this wine and gets drunk with it it's just interesting that the very thing God gave two blasts became a curse it was used unlawfully and here in excess okay it's hard for us to understand this we in our modern culture with every body part exposed because it's cool and fashionable and everybody does it and it's on on mainstream television throughout the night it's hard for us to get this so he saw his father naked so what the shame of having a father of a family uncovered in that culture where nakedness was seen as vulnerability and to view it was one thing that was an accident but to tell others about it to gossip about it to hey let me tell you what I found out about our dad dude he got drunk stripped off all of his clothes and passed out and the way it's written seems to be that he's gloating in it now some scholars believe that ham was trying to assume responsibility of the family sort of take over the headship by finding a fault with the leader of the family and trying to usurp the authority by spreading this bad news well his two brothers did it right they found out the information they walked in backwards they covered him up it was a sign of respect so Noah awoke from his wine had a cup of coffee no didn't say that and knew what his younger son had done to him and he said no notices curse said be Canaan hmm why not cursed be ham ham did it Canaan didn't do it cursed be Canaan a servant of servants he will be to his brethren number one it's possible that Canaan was mentioned because he had a bad reputation that he also committed some kind of vulgar Act we don't know that the information isn't here so I can't assume that but it is possible number two it could be possible that Noah knew the reputation of Canaan saw the reputation of Canaan and made a prophecy of prediction based upon knowing the character of this young man Canaan of what is going to happen to him you know what it's like when you see certain kids of friends of yours or people that you know and you see a certain son have an attitude problem and you just look at that kid and you know you predict he's gonna be trouble I predict it I see the way he handles Authority I see and hear his attitude he's he's destined for problems it could be it could be that or simply it could be this you ham my son did this your son is also going to bring shame to your family I for eye tooth for tooth the Lex talionis that old law seen intact even way back now it is true that Canaan who became the father of the Canaanites amirite s-- Hittites Jebusites etc it was the very place that God told Abraham his descendants would have forever this is yours this land is yours and your children and children's children forever it was the land of Canaan how was this fulfilled well there's several stories I'll give you one in Joshua chapter 9 when Joshua enters the land of Canaan there's a group of Canaanites called gibeonites they dress up and they put on tattered clothes and they get old moldy bread and stale wine and they they just go a couple miles over the hill to the encampment of Israel but they say boy we're from a faraway place and we've been travelling for like months and you know we heard about you guys so Joshua makes a covenant with the Gibeonites not knowing that the Gibeonites were Canaanites because God said kill every Canaanite when you get in the land Gibby and I said let's figure this out so the Gibeonites lied Joshua made a covenant with them but later found out that the Gibeonites lied to him so is that okay you know I can't kill you I made a covenant with you God told me not to make a covenant with the people of the land but I I and I thought you weren't of this land but you are so now you're cursed you will now be our slaves bearing our wood bearing our water for the tabernacle of God perpetually from generation to generation and they did even into the New Testament the remnants of the Canaanite population became servants now I got to bring something else up before we quickly move on and close whew it's time to close and he said blessed be the God of Shem and make Aenon be his servant may God enlarge Japheth and me he dwell in the tents of Shem and make Aenon be his servant and Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years so all the days of Noah were 950 years and he died now there is some interesting stuff I want to talk a little bit about next week about ham but all of all of chapter 10 could be entitled my three sons it's all about how the peoples of the world were populated from Shem ham and Japheth and so I'll tie a few loose ends together next time Heavenly Father we thank you thank you Lord for the time spent in your word thank you Lord for hungry people a hungry flock and just this very unusual concept of opening the Bible reading it commenting on it applying it understanding it it's so beneficial faith comes by hearing and hearing by your word and we've heard your word and so Lord as our faith is built up may we believe you this week for all of the promises you've made and stand even as we've seen so many of them already fulfilled in our time father I pray for your people that you'd strengthen them give them courage and encouragement in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig
Views: 25,982
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Keywords: Calvary, Albuquerque, Skip, Heitzig, Jesus, Genesis, Sermon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 4sec (3724 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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