Genesis 22:1-24, The Outcome of Tests

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let's study God's Word sound good okay let's do it Carolyn my wife the loudest yes stop talking and pray all right Lord we come before you tonight and we thank you for the worship how soothing it was Lord I pray that it was just pleasing to your ear that your saints can come before the king of kings and pour out our cares and and it's true you are worthy of our worship and so Lord we want to continue that as we dig into the word we thank you for Genesis chapter 22 and Lord we just pray that you would just your spirit would be in this place it would be so evident through the word and it's in Jesus name and all God's people said amen so Genesis chapter 22 s what we're covering tonight a chapter that encapsulates the subject of tests oh we love tests and it's true though that life it gives us various forms of tests and whether we like it or not and this is why it's important because we hear it I don't like tests I don't like tests as much as you but this is why it's important to note that tests are always intended to provide an outcome whether good bad pass/fail he choose poorly or he chose wisely the tests exist so that we can see what we're lacking in and how we can improve and whatever it is that's why tests are given they we they're given for results because at the end of the day guys without tests or I should say more specifically without results from tests it's not a test it's just a thing and what's the point of a thing generally almost every time nothing there's nothing important from a thing but what's the point of a test an outcome and most of us despise it I get it we despise tests but you know what's the worst of them all especially in an academic field pop quizzes because at least with tests you can prepare for it at least with tests you've studied for them you're confident you're like I'm ready for this or if you're like me all throughout my academic years in school who's like I prepared and they always did terrible whose unfortunate but generally speaking when you you're prepping for a test you're like I'm ready I'm ready for this I've been doing everything that's a test but it's the pop quizzes that we feel least under underprepared it's the pop quizzes and just like a pop quiz that we despise academically it's true if not even more that you've heard the tests of life we've heard that that I can church that's like the spiritual talk what tests are you going through like we've heard that but it's the pop quiz tests of life that just throw us in for a loop that we had no idea I mean it hits us harder sometimes more than the actual tests of life and it's interesting guys because the book of James highlights this subject before we get into Genesis 22 James talked about this in his epistle you can look at the screen we know this first we're all familiar with this verse in James 1:2 James says my brethren count it all joy when you fall into various trials I love that he doesn't say partial sometimes no no various trials and oh boy isn't that true that various they come in various forms various times various degrees of intensity and it's true they throw us in for a loop I mean there are those times when you get hit so hard by them that you're like I don't even I don't even feel like I can't even breathe like I just can't catch a break but the outcome of trials guys of tests or as we'll call them the real life pop quizzes James tells us how we should react yes we should just count them as joy not only count them as joy but look at the screen he continues and gives us this idea of Howard look at it yeah okay I wanted all joy when you fall into various trials but verse 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience and let patience have it's perfect work that you may be perfect complete lacking nothing in real life pop quizzes guys God wants us to take this emotion called joy as we approach it he wants us to have joy he wants us to have that singular emotion when looking at these outcomes in order to strengthen our faith in Him even in the midst of the test believe that you know what God I believe your promises are still true and he desires he desires that we lack nothing he wants us to look at the test not only to have the fake emotion of joy but he wants us to lack nothing even and in the midst so whether we like it or not whether we like it or not guys tests exist and they exist intended to provide an outcome and in Genesis chapter 22 we see such a test that Abraham will face one of the most difficult tests that he will face ever we've been learning as we've been studying through the book of Genesis that he has to believe and have faith in the promise that through this his son Isaac is gonna come this promised heir and he waited 25 years for that promise to finally come to fruition but chapter 22 highlights probably one of the most difficult questions and one of the most difficult things he will ever experience and he's going to and it's really going to determine if he trusts and believes and the promises of God more than he believes in himself because do you remember the promise that God gave Abraham I'm actually gonna read it to you you'll actually see it on the screen before we get into the 22nd chapter Genesis 17 6 through 7 I will make you exceedingly fruitful I will make nations out of you Kings shall come from you verse 7 and I shall establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you in their generations for an everlasting covenant to be God to you and your descendants after you guys don't forget don't forget Isaac was born last week now will not last week literally but in our study last week and so in the 17th chapter for Abraham to receive that promise 25 years later he's finally gonna see it happen and now Abraham because Isaac's born he's got the golden boy Isaac's here Isaac is finally here the very person that God was talking about was an Ishmael who's Isaac and God is now going to put good old Abe to the test let's look what happens verse 1 of Genesis chapter 22 look at the screen now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham and said to him Abraham and he said Here I am three words that are gonna stand out to you and I hope they stand up to you among all of those in the verse first verse is that it says God tested Abraham but see here's the thing guys unlike James chapter 1 the verse I just read from his little epistle the verse that I just read this right here in Genesis 22 wasn't so much a test to produce faith as much as it was a test to reveal the faith that was in him because what's going to happen right here is gonna the test is really going to reveal the outcome of what Abraham really and truly is made of now some of you might have the King James translation of this verse which says in the very first verse of Genesis 22 God did tempt Abraham I'm reading from the New King James translation some of you may have different translations and the majority of them have put it this way tested in verse 1 and I just need to tell you guys tested really is a better translation and the reason for that is that again in the same chapter of James chapter 1 the verse that I just read to you of pertaining how were to count trials in life we count him as joy in that same chapter James is gonna declare that God cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempt any man but isn't it also true I mean as you're hearing me okay yeah I know it says that but isn't it also true that we do on a daily basis face both temptations and tests it's interesting how each of them go hand in hand but they are different and it is important to differentiate the two they're different guys for example Satan tempts us in order to ruin us but God tests us to demonstrate his faithfulness in us he does it in order to stray in our faith in him remember we just read from James he does this in order for us if we lack anything that in even in that Epistle of James he's gonna say if you lack faith azkaban God would give it to you he wants to see our faith grown saying wants to tempt us God wants to test us that's why I've always loved Warren where's B I've said this quote numerous times but look at the screen on this one it's such a golden nugget where's B quote that trials are meant to develop us not destroy us we need to hear that sometimes because again it's in the midst of the times when we feel like we're suffocating in life that we're not gonna make it but they're intended to develop you guys they always have they've never been intended to destroy you in any rate Genesis 1 God tested Abraham called Abram a Abraham and he said Here I am and I want you to notice the text doesn't say in in Abe's response what is it now what do you want please don't tell me I'm having to any more kids I'm 120 some year-olds old guy this is just not a good idea his prompt response Here I am Laurie Here I am and a guy I hope it helps you understand that readiness he have that he had that just God speaking me Here I am Lord and look what he says in verse 2 continuing in Genesis 22 then he said take now your son your only son Isaac whom you love go to the land of Moriah offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you before we dissect this verse cuz wow you got to believe that Abraham at this point was like Wyatt let's dissect it just for a second it is interesting to me that God said concerning Isaac as your son your only Son when in fact Abraham has another kid his Ishmael he has two kids contradiction I told you John that's why I came to church to point out the contradictions in the Bible no it's not true no no the meat let me help you understand it because remember last week Ishmael and his mom Hagar are sent away they're sent away and I told you last week that there's it's it's Ishmael is like a type in a picture of the flesh and as we're looking at right here in God making this declaration your son your only son Isaac we have to understand this and this is where it's important that it's still a true statement because the Covenant is with who it's through Isaac it's always been through Isaac it's never been through Ishmael and even though Abraham and Sarah tried to manipulate that moment where again it Ishmael becomes a type of the flesh it's always been Isaac but I want you to notice when God is talking about Isaac his only son he says your only son Isaac whom you love the book of Genesis we're calling this our inceptions series and yet again we have another inception mention here we have for the very first time ever mentioned in the Bible you ready for this the word love some of you are like there's no way really this far to Genesis chapter 22 yeah that's exactly right this is the very first time love is mentioned in the Bible and guys what a parallel that is what a parallel because it becomes especially in relation with God the Father's love and his relationship with God the son you know why I love going through the book of Genesis because there's such a deep parallel with the New Testament theology that John 3:16 verse we all know too well that for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever should believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life God's motivation to send his son to the cross was centered on love what an interesting thing as we're getting into Genesis 22 that parallel that type in that picture but here in Genesis 22 you know we're hearing this now because we know the outcome some of you're like I don't that's good because I'm glad you're here so you're gonna find out the outcome we know the outcome before Abraham hearing that the first time knife take your son yes your only son yes whom you love okay offer him as a burnt as a sacrifice there and it's just like the head we've been hard I don't care how spiritual you are you're reading that you're just like I can't even wrap my mind around that and here's the difficulty of this of Abraham's real life pop quiz test taking place right here it seems strange and some of you might even say contradictory to kill the son whom was promised to carry on the Covenant when yet it still had not been fulfilled Abraham knows through this guy is gonna come I mean Abraham doesn't know it fully but it's gonna come through Isaac the Jewish nation that we know today and when we get to verse 4 we're gonna talk more in detail about that but for the sake of time we're gonna continue so let's go to verse 3 how is he gonna respond so Abraham rose early in the morning look at the screen and guys I'm thinking about that I'm like he certainly didn't sleep in I don't even think he's slept well that night in fact there's gonna be a three day process where he's really gonna think about what's happening here he rose in them early in the morning he saddled his donkey he took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son and he split the wood for the burnt offering and he arose and he went to the place of which God told him stop there for a second Abraham's obedience showed and it's an obvious applicable thing that we see but his obedience shows that he understood what he needed to do he understood it he trusted God even though he didn't understand why he had to do it you can see the difference because for a lot of us we might say something like well I understand God's sovereign we know that we know the Romans eight verse that says God works some things he works all things together for good to those who love him that are called according to his purpose we know those verses like I know God is sovereign and he works all things together for good but I don't underst and why he's doing it this way how many of you have said something like that even for your own life like you know you need to say that because it's the right thing to say but you also know you don't get it and it's one of those things that we and this might be a discouraging answer but it's one of those things that we have to just come to and this is where the level of faith comes in that do we trust God enough to believe that he is sovereign enough to deliver us through whatever the outcome is why no that's to be true but it still doesn't change the fact that it's hard and for a lot of us reading Genesis chapter 22 we're collectively concluding the same thing I could never do that like I I'm a dad of three girls and some of you are moms and dads in here and you're thinking like I don't know if I would be able to have the faith to do that now before I'm gonna just say this right now because we're gonna see the outcome momentarily one of the reasons that we're going to see God doing this because a lot of people will look at this and say something like God you know allows child sacrifices it's actually not true because once the Mosaic law the Mosaic economy really comes into play in the coming books of the Bible this is going to be forbidden to do child sacrifices but not to mention God is not going to carry through with what's about to happen spoiler alert now you know what's gonna happen and that is important because when we're looking at this it's like I still I I couldn't do that some of you have talked with people that have gone through real life tragedies that are so heavy and you're watching how they react and you say the same thing I don't know how I could go through what they're going through I don't even think I could have I don't think I could have handled it the way they have handle that have you ever said something about like that about someone and you watched and you were you were so moved by what happened by a family tragedy and they were so strong and you're just I don't know if I could do that thinking that now for you and your own life it seems impossible because maybe God hasn't prepared you for it and that's not to say that he will never prepare you for something like to happen but in Abraham's case he's gonna be able to do this because God did in fact prepare him he prepared him for this very test that was gonna come and he did it in a 25 year span before Isaac even came and he's gonna do it even right now and you even as you're hearing me say that you may not feel prepared as you're going through everyday life stuff it's like I don't even feel prepared to be a husband or a wife to get married buy a house have kids figure out their school and you're going through the like the ordeals of life and not feeling prepared starting a business starting a new career or whatever it might be you feel underprepared how many of you almost a daily basis feel underprepared on things and I know I do I know I do but that's why there's an old Yiddish proverb I found this online that said God sends burdens but first God sends shoulders to bear those burdens it's true though it is true that God will prepare you even when you feel under prepared especially for life's greatest trials so don't think about the future outcome of how you would handle and think about what's fate what you're faithful and what's in your hands now and that's the beauty of how God that's what faith is it's the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen you have to live that by faith weekly monthly I do it daily you got to do it every single day if not by seconds God had prepared Abraham for this guys that's a huge test and notice again Abraham was the one that saddled his donkey he could've had one of his servants do it he was the one that split the wood for the burnt offering he arose and he went to the place which God told him it could have had the two young guys as what's indicated in the 22nd chapter and the reason why I'm pointing that out is to show you his willingness and his obedience to do everything God is telling them at this point we don't have his exact emotional state but we do have his obedience to carry through everything that's written but the test isn't over look at verses 4 & 5 of Genesis 22 then on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes he saw the place afar off Abraham said to his young men stay here with the donkey the lad and I will go younger and worship and like that same and we will come back to you again what's going through Abraham's mind because again the text doesn't tell us what his emotional state was but he had to have been deeply grieved guys I mean really he had to have just been like your sovereign I believe in the promise I don't understand this but it still hurts not to mention the text doesn't tell us that he said anything to Sarah I mean like think about in the last chapter last week it was Sarah who initiated that Ishmael and Hagar leave remember that remember last week Ishmael is basically mocking young little Isaac at his a little chuck-e-cheese party when he was weaned remember we learned that and then it was Sarah who's like get these guys out of here and I'm thinking like here's Sarah who's like getting upset that little little young boy smart Isaac is being made fun of and now can you imagine like hey where you going father-son camping trip oh that's great bring him back or I'll kill you the text doesn't tell us that he said anything to Sarah and it is an interesting comment that Abraham makes at the end of verse five of Genesis 22 when he's talking to his servants I hope it stood out to you stay here with the donkeys the lad and I will go yonder and worship look at the last part guys we'll come back to you hmm two things to note number one we have yet again another inception mention we have here in our Bible study the very first time recorded in the Bible the word worship right here it's mentioned in reference to God but the second thing which probably stand stood out to you even more is Abraham he said not I will come back to you we will come back to you even in that moment guys even in that moment Abraham he's full of faith even when he's speaking to the young men who were present that he is believing even in that comment that they're gonna return and I don't think he meant that in a like dark rooted thing like me and my son's dead-body I think he believed because we're gonna read here in a moment from the book of Hebrews that God was going to fulfill his promise that he supposed to still carry on with the sacrifice of his son but he believes in that moment that we're still coming back though both of us alive I don't think he was lying I don't think he was like we're gonna come right back you know maybe what was that I I said we're gonna go Andy yonder and worship I think he knew exactly what he was talking about we're gonna be right here stay with the donkey he believed it and there's no way there's no way that Abraham knew and this is what I do believe that it was a test I don't think he knew it was a test I think I don't think Abraham was thinking like you know I bet at the last moment as I'm about to drive this dagger and my son God is going to stop the knife and the reason why I know that's not to be true is because what's recorded in the book of Hebrews we actually have a little insight as to what was going through his mind when he makes a comment we'll go yonder and worship and we'll come back to you but how could he possibly know that to be true look at the screen guys Hebrews 11 17 through 19 by faith Abraham when he was tested offered up Isaac and he who received the promises offered up his only begotten Son verse 18 of whom it was said in Isaac your seed shall be called look at this last verse concluding this is Abraham concluding that God was able to raise him up even from the dead from which he also received him in a figurative sense that even Abraham right now we just got the insight as to why he a he's going through with it what he believes the outcomes gonna be because in his mind you know what if God we learned this last week remember this guy's if God makes a declaration of proclamation it has to come to pass it's inconsistent with his character for not for it to not come to pass and in Abraham's mind he's like God's been true this far he's gonna be true right now if he's telling me to take my son's life he's gonna raise him from the dead because he told me through Isaac is gonna come many nations think about that he knew abraham believed that the promise is gonna happen even though he's agreeing to what's happening right here he's not thinking about Ishmael guys he's thinking about Isaac that my friends is faith produced rather than faith or excuse me that that is not faith produced but rather faith revealed now before we dissect verses six and eight I think it is important to understand the timeframe in the age in which both Isaac and Abraham are here in the 22nd chapter because we learned last week that Isaac was weaned it was like this ceremonial thing that took place and we learned that it could have been any age between three four five six or seven I mean he's he's a kid and we also learned in that same chapter of last week in this 21st chapter that he dwelt in the land of the Philistines for many days we have no idea how many days exactly nor do we know exactly how old Isaac was here in the 22nd chapter there are commentators theologians who believe that he's 10 years of age Josephus a Jewish historian in his writings actually writes that he's 25 years old interestingly enough there are other people who even say that he's anywhere between 30 and 33 I'm 33 years old my father Gino is 63 next year and I'm trying to put myself in the shoes that want if like something like this were to happen because Isaac is not like this isn't like over his head like what are we doing and never hams like look something shiny and he's like where and then they're like walking up the hill and he forgot already what they're doing he knows exactly what's happening right here and so I'm trying to put myself in Isaac's shoes now imagine this with me let's let's continue on to verse six of Genesis 22 so Abraham he took the wood of the burnt offering he laid it on Isaac his son meaning he's carrying it and he took the fire in his hand and a knife and the two of them went together that is Jack it's just wild that Isaac is receiving the very wood for his own sacrifice from his father and he's the one guys listen he's the one carrying it up the hill and I want you to notice not only that but the text says he took the fire in his hand and a knife I don't think Abraham purposely forgot the knife oh my god I know we're supposed to do a sacrifice here but I guess we're not gonna do it now no guys he took the knife up the hill and I'm just imagining that picture cuz we're looking at this like this sad soft music in the background but I'm looking at it in a humorous way like I don't know why I just imagine like Abraham with like a twitch in his eye and he's like holding the knife in the fire and he's not blinking and he's just walking up the hill right and then there's another here's Isaac like you okay dad you haven't blinked in like 10 minutes you're shaking you need to go to the bathroom I don't know what's going through his mind but as crazy as a setting as what's taking place Abraham continues guys he continues believing that God is gonna raise his son from the dead and Isaac Isaac's seen all of this take place and so he asks the obvious thirty thirty three-year-old question to his father look at verse 7 and 8 of Genesis 22 but Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said My father and he said Here I am my son and then he said look the fire in the wood but where's the lamb for the burnt offering good question good question remember he's old enough to know what's happening here so look what Abe says in verse eight then Abraham said my son God will provide himself the lamb for a burnt offering that was good enough so the two of them went together even Abraham in this moment knows that God's gonna provide a sacrifice but where where's the lamb and guys at this time at least the text tells us he Abraham doesn't know how God is gonna provide but he's the one who said it but God will provide he's gonna provide a lamb he's still guys he's still even up to this point he still believes he still had the ability to look at his son Isaac and say you know what got some risen from the dead something something's happening from this God is gonna fulfill his promise and he wouldn't stop trusting that wouldn't cause him to stop trusting even though even though he didn't know how God was going to fulfill the promise and I feel like that's something even for us we need like we need to hear that daily like I don't I know you're sovereign God I know you're gonna fulfill your promise I know that your promises are everlasting and perfect and to be honest Lord I don't know how you're gonna do it and understand even why this is happening but the outcome should always be this guy's you may not understand why it's happening but to conclude Palardy don't to lose sight I don't lose sight of trust in you I can't we have this remarkable picture this parallel gosh I hope you guys are seeing the parallel of even what's happens in the Gospels but the account that Jesus is gonna walk up Golgotha himself that Jesus too is going to willingly be sacrificed and in obedience to the Father he too is gonna carry that piece of wood up the hill that he knows he's gonna be nailed to and I'm looking at this and I'm seeing this at Moriah which is so interesting - if you've been to Israel today because you guys know what's at Mount Moriah today in Israel you got the Dome of the rock you have this misconceived notion which by the way that they believe not the Jewish there but we'll call them the opposing force believe that it was Ishmael that was brought up the mountain the Quran teaches that and that's obviously and blatantly not true and they've got just the unique thing in this passage especially with the parallel is just seeing the similarity that Jesus he's gonna to go to Moriah he's gonna walk to gall coffee he too is gonna walk to a hill he's gonna carry that piece of wood that's gonna be allow him to be nailed to the cross and it's the same thing for us today that God the Father too is gonna provide a sacrifice on your behalf in my behalf that God knew that you and I would be we would fail we're gonna fail and he found a way of escape he found a way for us to to conquer death through His Son Jesus who is gonna conquer death at the cross he's gonna be the perfect and holy sacrifice even Jesus's cousin John is gonna declare the same thing as he's gonna see his cousin walk and he's gonna say behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world even recognizing that sacrificial title of his cousin that he's the one who's gonna take care of the problem it's good stuff good stuff so Abraham he says my son God will provide himself the lamb for the burnt offering but I want you to notice what it says at the end of that verse and verse 8 it says the two of them went together that's saying which is repeated twice here in verse a and verse six literally means they the two of them went in agreement that means Isaac did this knowingly and willingly and again the phrase is repeated both times and that's encouraging to me it's not like God had to reveal himself to Isaac before it happened like listen music your dad is gonna want to invite you and a father-son camping trip it's gonna invite two other guys to go where you goin Moriah anyways just to let you know your dad's 120 some year old body is going to to murder you with your for obvious reasons thirty-three-year-old reactionary body that's gonna want to stop him but trust me it's gonna be okay everything's gonna be fine I think that to a degree doesn't know what's happening but he willingly agrees to it but more than that look what he does in verse nine guys of Genesis 22 then they came to the place of which God had told him and Abraham built an altar there and placed the wood in order look at this last part he bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar upon the wood Isaac's willingly allowing his dad to do this he's willingly basically saying dad sacrificed me he doesn't struggle he doesn't fight back okay dad it's important we do highlight Abraham's faith and it is important but let's look at Isaac's faith here not to mention for obvious reasons it doesn't take much for some twenty some thirty some year old to fight against a 120 some year old easily and four and I know it's humorous but I just can see Abraham like it doesn't take much it doesn't take much to do it and yet and yet guys willingly he bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar upon the wood but God intervenes and the test is about to come to an end verses 10 through 12 Genesis 22 and Abraham stretched out his hand he took the knife to slay his son but the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven Abraham Abraham and he said Here I am and then he said do not lay your hand on the lad or do anything to him for now for now I know that you fear God since you have not withheld your son your only son from me I know I say this all the time as we've been going through Genesis but I can't wait to see that footage in heaven I can't wait to see that footage you know we make comments like that we'll relook at Bible characters like I can't wait to talk to Abraham but I'm thinking like everyone wants to talk to Abraham I just can't wait I'm gonna go to heaven espect Abraham there's a waiting list of 700,000 255 people take a note or the little tag ok but I am I'm looking forward to talking to Abraham being like was it like what was it liked as you're about to plunge the knife into your son hear the voice of the Lord to scream Abraham Abraham I can't wait to see it I cannot wait to see it and again I hope you've seen another yet again a parallel here and it is that when God asked Abraham for the ultimate demonstration of love and commitment yes for Abraham's son and in the same way for each person here listening to my voice when God the Father wanted to show us the ultimate demonstration of his love and his commitment to you and I he sent His only begotten Son except here's the powerful truth God has to allow his son Jesus to die he has to be the perfect sacrifice he allowed the weight of your sin and my sin and our mistakes to be on the shoulders of his only Son and again I hope you see the power of the John 3:16 verse not for God was so obligated that he sent His only begotten Son so loved of the world man he was motivated he knew this was the only way that was gonna pay the price for you and I cuz we're gonna fail every time but Jesus offers a solution and he did it and he did it and he did it in order for sin to be paid for once and for all and it's because of that we can confidently say as the Lord is gonna say to Abraham we too can say now I know that you love me Jesus now I know that you love me God because you didn't withhold your son you carried it through your only son for me I just I'm I'm not the emotional pastor who's gonna cry up here because I'm not but I'm thinking about that just in general I don't deserve it though and he still carried it through and yet while we were still yet sinners he still dies for the ungodly that yet the Bible still says that God desires that none should perish but that all should come to repentance that God in His sovereignty knows those who are gonna reject him from those who are gonna embrace him and he still carries on with it it's just it's such a powerful thought that he loved you enough guys listen to this and I if there's anything that's gonna encourage you tonight he loves you enough even right now that he doesn't want to leave you in a state of sinful decay but instead he wants to provide a way for you to be forgiven not only forgiven but not bound to whatever it is in your life right now that is just eating you away and to Isaac is not the sacrifice so God provides a sacrifice this is wild look at verse 13 and 14 Abraham he lifted his eyes he looked and there behind him was a ram caught in the thicket by its horns and so Abraham he went he took the RAM he offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son that's important to hear that that next part and Abraham he called the name of the place the Lord will provide as it is to this day in the mount of the Lord it shall be provided so all the while and this is important guys god it's still gonna require a sacrifice and he didn't call off the sacrifice instead he required that there would be a substitute and here's the coolest part of this there's so many parallels God is gonna be the one who's gonna provide it not Abraham God is gonna be the one to say watch this and the naming of the place is also just as important guys it's so significant Abraham you called it the Lord will provide you know another the name for that aha Jehovah Jireh well I can't help but I'm feeling a little Pentecostal right now Jehovah Jireh my provider his grace is sufficient for me ah I was waiting for someone to pull out a tambourine like finally Jehovah Jireh in this mount it shall be provided do you guys see the prophetic picture here that Abraham didn't name the place in reference to what he experienced he didn't name it mount testing point he didn't name it Mount agony or mount don't sleep for three days he named the hill in reference to what God did mount provision the prophetic way of looking at this guy's why it's so important is because God's going to provide an ultimate sacrifice for salvation on that hill again that God is going to provide a way of escape for each person hear my voice even right now and that my friends is the greatest news that's why the gospel is good news it's not depressing news it's not okay it's such good news how many of you all just feel like and you're hearing this like yeah but I feel like my test the tests are still too heavy to bear only that jump but I feel like I'm failing every time these tests come I feel like geez like I feel like I should be doing the right thing and I'm not doing it some of you might even think it's not even fair these tests they're not fair but we can't forget Church guys we can never forget Jehovah Jireh God is gonna provide an ultimate sacrifice so even though you may feel the unfairness of tests in life he did it and he's doing it still in order to not just produce faith and patience in you so that your perfect complete lacking nothing but he wants you to willingly trust in him even when you don't understand it and he knew what he's given us guys his spirit the word and this is important to the Saints he's given us each other guys we get to bear the burden together that even though you feel like you're going through the tests alone it's okay to cheat in this test you know you can't like and academically in school look off of your friend's paper but in life it's true you can say this is hard I I need I need help let me help you bear the burden and we take the weight with you he hasn't left you guys he hasn't he's given you his word in the spirit and he's given you brothers and sisters thank God for that continuing on to verse 15 through 19 then they angel the Lord called to Abraham a second time out of heaven he said by myself I have sworn says the Lord because you have done this thing and have not withheld your son your only son that overemphasis emphasized a statement verse 17 blessing I will bless you and multiply and I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies guys he's talking about the Jewish nation as we know it today right there it's just so unique and that promise still remained the same and you know why because God is the same today today and forever continue in verse 18 and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed because you have obeyed my voice that is imperative guys God gives us tests so that we obey them not just so we hear them so that we're doers of the word not hearers only you have obeyed my voice verse 19 so Abraham returned to his young men and they rose and went together to bear Sheba and Abraham dwelt at the Sheba the family of nahor now the angel is going to again call out to Abraham second time and it's just here it's just powerful guys he says I'm going to bless you multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars in the heaven and as the sand of which is on the seashore we see that in the book of Hebrews that same thing that's listed there and again that's reference to the Jewish nation today but then he says something noteworthy in in verse 18 as well and yet again we have another inception mentioned we have so many in this chapter alone we have the very first time written in the Bible obey it's the very first time it's written the very first mention that here God he's from heaven noticing that not only is Abraham doing what he's told him to do he's obeying every single step of the way and he's gonna reward him not on the basis of how Abraham felt or what he thought but what he did he's obeying God guys that's a huge thing that that is evidence of faith that's why again the Bible says without faith it's impossible to please God it's so interesting your tests will determine your meaning that the faith that you have in Christ will determine the outcome of your faith in him and sometimes you're discouraged by that cuz you like I lack faith I have weak faith and if you're like me in school when you've got poor tests it's just like I'm a failure guys in life they're not intended to make you feel bad they're an they're intended to show you what you're lacking in so that you can be built up better so you can trust God more true faith will be a faith that obeys and that's exactly what Abraham did and that's why that's why it's noteworthy that all of Abraham's life is requiring that singular thing obedience and that's interesting because God is gonna you know he's gonna believe in God it's gonna be counted to him as to righteousness but remember his faith wouldn't have been shown had it not been for his initial obedience he has to obey he has to go through with it another thing I want to draw to your attention and I hope it stood out is what it said at the end of verse 19 it says only Abraham returned to the two young men with where's Isaac like he told the two young men in verse five like they both would go yonder to worship they both would return so again why hasn't Isaac returned you ready for the biblical spiritual answer I have no idea exactly the only thing that I can't because we're obviously gonna find out the chapters ahead the next time Isaac has introduced he's before his bride I don't think it's one of those things like I just I don't know I don't know if like Abraham was like alright go clean up the sacrifice mess I'm gonna head down the mountain I don't know I don't know but it's in the Bible and the Bible says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God so obviously it's important of to note moving on verses 20 through 24 and it came to pass after these things that it was told Abraham saying indeed Milka also has borne children to your brother Nahor I'm so excited for these upcoming verses guys I practiced the names okay I practiced it but get your giggling ready verses 21 through 24 HUD his firstborn buzz again I heard that name and I just thought Kevin McCallister's brother and home alone buzz Huayra husband buzz do your parents hate you maybe I don't know buzz his brother CEM ul the father of a ram now this one was interesting I found out the proper way to pronounce this okay ready hesed with an H it's interesting you don't care cause Oh fill a pill - did laughs again I know it's J ID but again I looked it up guys I heard a pastor shoot and share it give laughs Beth oh well verse 23 Beth oh well begat Rebecca these eight Milka bore to Nahor Abraham's brother his concubine whose name was Ray um ray uma also bore teba get him Faye hash and Maha Maha Maha I think that's a maka there it is hi give us an expositional conversation of why those names are written I'll tell you because their parents were cruel if you're thinking of some good baby names do you guys know any anyone that's about to have a baby here's some references how about call me crazy Beth oh well you're not allowed to come in my home anymore John guys the reason why these names are listed the reason why they're so imperative especially when looking at the chronological lineage of this family and who's gonna come we're gonna see new characters introduced into the chapters that would not have been able to been introduced had it not been for Abraham's original obedience to do everything that God had said you know what he did guys he passed the test God provides tests we are the one that provide the outcome Satan seeks to destroy but God desires to develop and we can never forget we must never forget that the same spirit that raised God from the dead is the same spirit we have access to today and you may even right now and you're leaving you're like I still feel underprepared in life I still feel like I I don't have it all I feel like I'm still failing tests John and again and again guys that's why we have the Word of God I'm gonna end on this Bible verse first Peter 3:15 I thought it was important to incorporate in the chapter on tests first Peter 3:15 on the screen always be ready to give a defense to everyone to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear you see you guys every single one of us in here if you identify with Jesus yours and you're like Jehovah Jireh are you saying that song with me you're like I have God is my provider then people are gonna ask you a question then give me the reason for the hope that's in you why do you believe in what you believe why do you believe Jesus is the Lord we're given these instructions to prepare for those questions guys and for some of us we're gonna have the questions ready but for some of you you won't have it and here's an encouragement it's okay if you don't you know what's the nice thing about being a pew 'men you can be honest when someone asks you a question you don't have the answer to tell them that I don't have the answer now can we talk about this again because that's a great question whatever you do don't make things up it never ends well but you are given this instruction baby to be prepared to give a defense for the hope that's in you and I understand that no one has ever prepared for death I know no one has ever prepared for tragedy but the truth still remains the same Jesus conquered death so that we too can conquer it so that even though the Bible says that life is a vapor and even though the Bible says teach me to number my days O Lord that I might gain a heart of wisdom and even though the Bible says it's inevitable that each one of us is going to die we can believe in this promise Jesus is going to die so that we can conquer death that we can have an assurance that even though we're not prepared for death especially with loved ones in our life we can hold on to that promise and in the same way Jesus he provides ways of escape he provides ways of escape so you can withstand the fiery darts that daily come your way that's why I said we need to differentiate tests from trials tests from temptations and I get that most of you are like if you're a human you're gonna relate with me we're gonna face them daily and they both go hand in hand but they are both different and he provides us the spirit so that we can withstand the tests of life amen to that thank God let's pray Lord we come before you and I'm the first to say Lord I need help God we know your word makes it so clear that we need to hide your word in our hearts so that we won't sin against you there's power and remembering what your word says Lord and Lord we want to be people that are not just hearers of the word we want to be doers of it we want to like Abraham have an obedient heart they're not just only an obedient heart we want it with joy move for it and even though we know your sovereign and you work all things together for good Lord we want to believe even when we don't understand why you're doing what you're doing and I just pray for the person in here and for the woman and the man in here that have been struggling with that thought of building their faith that they feel like it's damaged and destroyed that in this moment that they would not only place their faith and hope in you but that they would believe that if they can they can do it that they don't have to give some fake Christianese talk like I believe in you Lord we want to be like the man in the Bible that's before Jesus says I believe but help my unbelief and maybe that's a lot of people in here maybe that's none men here God when you put people in our life that are struggling with that thought give us the words in that moment to encourage the Saints to point them back to you Lord we want to take this last two songs as a reflection to absorb what we just read we want to cast our cares onto you and we want to come before your throne honest transparent and if that's you and not only are you feeling just dry and just tired take advantage of this moment did just come before the Lord just lay everything at the feet of the cross and I promise you guys even though you may not understand in the outcome and the way that he talks to you he talks and he communicates to you through his word through the Saints and through worship so let's do that let's worship let's come before the Lord
Channel: Calvary South Denver
Views: 3,779
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel, Christianity, Bible Study, Jon Geraci, Calvary South Denver, Calvary CSD, CalvaryCSD, Genesis, Church, Denver, Colorado
Id: mDwBHNgyRrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 12sec (3252 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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