Generation Kill Part 2 | "The Cradle of Civilization" | REACTION

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we are now watching episode two of generation kill so in the first episode we saw the marines invade iraq uh and this particular group of marines seems to be a fun uh interesting but bunch interesting button i saw too much footage of uh rudy obviously um so yeah that's uh that's it and we learned about their daily lives and it really felt like we were inserted into their their life into their daily life yeah it felt like i was watching an average life of a marine invading iraq it kind of a documentary yeah yeah it felt very relatable um well as relatable as one could be without being a us marine so uh yeah so we're gonna watch episode two now in this enjoy he's crypto he's gonna get bitcoin when linking up with the column make sure other units don't get mixed in yes we are the concrete heroes you can almost hear you sarcastically [Music] [Music] you're a crazy driver oh yeah ray right oh my god that truck [Music] we obey our orders yeah our mission now is not to do our original mission yeah they're just boring and uh waiting a lot this is what 99 of war is i'm taking a [ __ ] [Music] i wonder if that gun will be mentioned again later except for oh every show we've seen so far everybody's always taking something i never know what you're doing apparently i should have shut up and done my time none of you listen and crying mustache has got to go now hey turn you mocking the groomer standard staffing no sergeant major i forgot about the grooming standard it's always a grooming standard pretty smile sergeant excellent [ __ ] my brain [Music] [Music] wow well now i'm curious how that feels [ __ ] ashamed there's so many out for levine songs he's a big fan of avro oh yeah same guy saying this our thumbs are for us to die in a few clips of the world all right he's walking through our lines to bust north to nazareth support the regimental combat team there and there's been a change in the roe anyone with a weapon is declared hostile if a woman walks away from me with a weapon on her back shoot her if an armed iraqi sells good humor at the back of a vw shoot him i don't care him with a 40 million grenade get this ebay [Music] it's not just bullets it's shrapnel [Music] teams [Music] [Laughter] are they about to see combat [Music] [Music] i guess it means questions [Music] where are they shooting at though where are they fighting [Music] oh the whole city shooting at them [Music] [Music] what's going on my first characters ac are from friendly fire classic [Music] [Music] that's general mattis where objectives are he's a guy in charge of this sideshow he later became uh ready to go secretary of defense stay in here with your foot in your day yeah don't check that trump he's very popular with the marines oh so [Music] wow that scope on that gun is bigger than his hands yeah holy [ __ ] how's it going hey buddy do you need anything food water it's all good bro uh he looks a little traumatized there yeah he's wandering in the field yeah brad's probably one that we are going to be in the game and when we play we not the enemies are going to dictate the tempo you know they haven't seen a single iraqi soldier shooting them yet right it's just been gunfire at a distance feels very distant kind of warm he didn't say anything about the standard is he giving us a pass on our men not shaving i'd interpret what he said to me and facial hair is not going to focus for the next 24 hours yeah watch tv man has created a system with so much access to even poor [ __ ] effect okay or no it's more like the shitty food that's cheap so that's a big problem with enough lecture on the white man's oppression i was just a lucid daddy on the white men's birth naked when they captured soldiers not just the women get raped in your dreams brad as we learned today from the eight hours we spent getting our asses shot at by the euphrates guys in pajamas stopped two marine regiments you know guys in black pajamas did our ride in vietnam too that's true you gotta respect the pajamas you live these plebeians look at a photograph of your girlfriend it's like you're serious with a mustache from now on you might be in a wreck remove mustaches we need to make sure the stupidity in this company doesn't roll down too hard on our guys if we had enough batteries to power our night objects you turn everything on when we move i'm just glad they have the wisdom to push us through at night i'm sure that we will be crossing that bridge before dawn i'm short of this sarcasm in there in all their sentences the people on the top are always the most exposed though yeah oh jesus [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow nice you know there will at least be some sort of grammar test before you're out here blowing [ __ ] up with heavy weapons if i did that i'd [ __ ] [ __ ] tooth cross-eyed sister [ __ ] i've hicks a friend leads to my three [Music] [Music] i am so sick of captain america spazzing out on outcomes oh my god i thought they're the same people for a second [Music] probably hasn't killed anybody i am half a world away from good thai [ __ ] and colbert is out here rolling around [ __ ] butt iraq hunting for dragons and a mop suit that smells like four days of piss and balls oh yeah they've been wearing that for four straight days they rolled into battle with the sword brad another [ __ ] rock he's ahead of his short civilized these [ __ ] oh second larry was out here alone last night strange because in brazil my country well whatever language people speak down there i try to stick to english foreign [Music] he's also been leading the convoy the whole time oh good point yes so look at that truck oh rocking artillery [Music] turn the camera off bro i didn't realize this was a challenge yeah i didn't realize i was a kid too you adopted christian staff right off my truck thank you way out of line these are for bravo's command he looks stupid to pipe too many the way his red eyes that's marine corps teaches that yeah they probably ran them through training for the filming because all of them have their fingers off their triggers you [ __ ] know this is what i mean yo man what oh okay let's keep that for our own stuff though that's nice movement right nine o'clock republican guard insignia special saddam division my god [Music] this is [ __ ] miserable yeah but we get to invade the whole [ __ ] country dude this boy almost wished that i would guess [Music] make all the efforts with our monsters worth bookmobiles two o'clock maybe 900 meters out oh boy that looks like an rpg wind moving from west to east valley yeah that's rpg damn how casual thing is man how'd it feel to kill i don't know dog feel [ __ ] good i guess man i try to live my life by the dao bro i can't always make my own diamond station oh this is captain america man he's not happy about it that's why he said we didn't see what the captain saw so if the captain's eye has a gun then there's nothing they can do about it because it's all commands [Music] on our own they're basically the recon old town group this uh this part got nowhere so they do all the scouting ahead of the main division that's what they're driving out by themselves great so we're basically just like for the bad news [Music] [Music] oh his uh his quest they're [ __ ] hotties [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] i don't think that's a correct turn direct order from headman actually he's going off his map doesn't matter if my map is correct or not you know you have to follow it even if it's not the same as what they can see that's a problem with sometimes ground yep versus uh top down view just figuring out we're lost i could have told you're following really neat way of showing the politics even in a tiny unit when they hired me they told me to put a little spin on consistency he needs to give him accurate translations otherwise he's not a free translator but we can't just call the interpreter told me he works directly for general matt no but i don't get to shoot yet hey that town stopped the whole regiment were like tanks and [ __ ] but i didn't even get one probably if we went through that town we'd get smoked personally godfather doesn't like being told what to do by the enemy i don't like he's like dressed in his third grace the past couple hours i might choose a difference in open route around the town i want you to step off of five mics through the city in five oh he does he's not really comfortable pushing the town brad got dumped oh my sweetheart since junior high it's nice [Laughter] we're going through the town office already rolling looks there's no air because of the shamal moving in through nobody stops nobody gets cut off i'm glad i'm back leadership with your teammates yeah exactly [Music] gentlemen from now on we're gonna have to earn our stories interesting line yeah [Music] give it a few seconds i like these shots yeah through the windows everyone's spying on them from the inside camera shots well done [Music] [Laughter] that's the first shots he fired [Music] [Laughter] oh now they're all going to that same route [Music] that's very very chaotic [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh wow yeah ryan's not saying anything anymore oh god oh wow oh god what a [ __ ] get caught [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] they all survived [Music] grooming standard always important the one solid piece of information he passed and he was wrong [Laughter] in my darkest hours i sometimes fear that i will do something general mattis won't like hey did you know madison would have proved if i'm going to that town that's for sure all he wanted to do was sleep and now he has to do a search and rescue mission [ __ ] officers will be the death of us yet yeah i forget that was the end of it since they were panning out they always like those panning outs at the end of uh every single tv episode so yeah that was a little more uh a lot different from the last episode lots of action we see a lot of uh embodies scattered lots of evidence of war scattered across the field when have happened if the u.s had invaded but besides that part there's a lot of uh different division divides in the unit how they feel about the officers that sort of thing yep yep my co-work gets blamed for going the wrong turn even though he specifically reported it that was really silly that's just that's just petty as hell by a command to do that but uh or that dude with the ak shooting that yeah that random civil well it could have been a spotter i guess but we don't know so yeah yeah but of course the marines won't say anything against him i mean the ones who work under him but yeah it was really cool to see them just driving around getting to know the landscape and the territory and just seeing evidence of war and well the war part's not cool no but it really feels like they're just doing a drive and there's just there's literally as marines inside the inside a war zone yeah and there's not lots of war going around them and the one time they actually have a fight it feels like it's very uh not me i don't say meaningful but it feels like it's uh it's not bad yeah the war hasn't really impacted them as much yet because yet i mean yeah maybe a couple episodes later like that one guy at the beginning who said he saw his his friend get blown up the one who was walking around the field he's uh he he was already traumatized and of course brad was the one who got to witness that and maybe later episodes he'll understand why i don't know how far the series is going to cover the uh the invasion of war though so i wonder how long that will if we'll see stuff like ptsd on and uh daily well we already see daily life affect marines worried about holding up to grooming standards [ __ ] like that is really silly to say at least but he's got to find something to be petty about that's what sergeant majors are for to make your life miserable that's what power and control is all about sometimes we just give them something to do and something to control over so the grooming standard is one of them green standard is important young lady better not have a mustache under that lip on the top of your lips and they're all from different cultures you can tell all the marines you have the brazilian guy really uh oh yeah oh jesus you're right yeah yeah i'm scratching yeah don't scratch that we just had the backstage shot so uh uh arm is an exact arm still feels pretty sore but yeah besides that pretty cool episode though yeah and uh i really like rey's constant uh storytelling and complaints complain about everything i love it yeah he's great a great person or character you could tell the report reported with them had a uh adrenaline boost from that going through that too yeah because i just kind of enjoyed it but uh and they have to respect them for going with them you know through that [ __ ] storm so they probably respect him more than the other then they let them the logistics group that yeah yeah like we're rear eklund what do they do the logistics group they supply them potentially so they don't go into combat not necessarily or they're on the back i don't know exactly if they're referring to logistics the problem is every every army needs logistics armies survive on logistics even if you're at the office or something and buying [ __ ] from marines you're still contributing to war effort more than any individual uh soldier would so that's how the grunts feel like they're at the front like they're we're the ones doing the fighting you're the ones in the back but they can't find the front without bullets so yeah but i don't know if he was talking about the logistics story or just that group in particular yeah i see yeah but yeah uh and he got to meet lovely women i suppose yeah i'm so funny that he just flicked off sunglasses and carried those sunglasses those really cool elton john sunglasses across he brown first he knew that was gonna happen no matter what he was waiting ready for everything and uh sergeant culbert's unfortunate background yeah even ray was quite dirty yeah as you mentioned or he's already heard it before starting off the story again and probably all excited to kill that one person uh they're all excited to get in the combat but i'm curious if the show is going to uh like you said mention ptsd yeah if the combat is going to register on them long term if they get bored of it or realize that's all pointless yep yeah i'm so curious to see how it play out because invading iraq was [ __ ] stupid honestly you may guess in the combat you don't know it might happen one day without you expecting it so no did i get paid for all this yeah of course i get paid oh yeah but is it like a lot let me be really sad if it was like all volunteers i know in the us they have some uh to pay off debt they can serve in the they can do college the army pays for their college and then they have to serve in the army afterwards so it's kind of like benefits yeah and benefits from both sides uh what a way to get people to support uh can you back out the army after that like what if you just serve for one i don't know how long that is i don't have a vague idea of that happening hmm well the u.s step is not um [Music] not fun yeah college debt is a killer that's why a lot of those people sign up for it or you heard one of the marines mentioned that he was given a choice of either going to the army or going to jail and sometimes they take that yeah i wonder how long what crime did you do to call is it like a felony it's about that is it minor is like what uh people do manslaughter by exactly would they let a murderer there or yeah how does that work yeah i'm curious about that maybe some of your comments can uh enlighten us the judge is like all right marines young man or eight months in jail or that's cool that they would like mention that in passing give the audience like a little more information about the army or the marines they even showed their training differences like they were fighting those people on the street right but they're all getting shot at by holding the guns haphazardly while the emergency just calmly shooting back from the train yeah the way they're like shooting in their hands yeah i noticed that they didn't struck me as trained but might be a way to handle recoil i don't know i don't know how much the ak recoil kicks up i only use the m16 and that thing was i only got to use it standing up for lying down i didn't i was not shooting for my moving humvee so i never got to try that uh and highlights the differences they were fighting a regular people one of the machining on them like that we're getting stopped by people with pajamas and then cobra points out but yeah we got stopped by the viet cong who dressed up in black pajamas they're famous for that black pajamas in vietnam so what they wear doesn't matter it's what they're you know what their mission is what their motivations are that's the most important if they feel like they're defending iraq they'll do it yep so oh i wonder if we'll see uh ray and brad going after the officer in the next episode we're just gonna it feels like a gloss over now it feels like an off uh yeah just the way it was shot like one more frustrating thing to do yeah instead of sleeping it just it just felt that way that's true it's really well shot and the because at the end it's pacing out you can see the war in the background but they're off to do some shitty little duty looking for an officer who got lost oh good point it shows that there's like the grand war going on and there's uh recon just stuck there doing uh whatever yep yeah good point and you heard godfather easily i wanted to attack not because of a grand strategy i could tell you anything in reality i just wanted to go in and deal with it and then hope that i don't piss off mattis because uh mass is in charge of the whole uh unit and he's just in charge of a battalion under mattis yeah because the division has like i don't know how many battalions there are in a division but he's you know gotham is one of the uh colonels under mattis so i see he's always thinking about mattis yeah the higher ups are always thinking of the higher ups and then that higher up so i think a different higher up and then that higher i was thinking of of command just keeps going like that i wonder how much independence they're given because mattis has to obviously must have to call on you know hook up to support him and all that are helicopters part of his marines or they're from the air force or actually i think the marines have their own detachments for that never mind but yeah really solid episode and uh captain america is a [ __ ] idiot the yeah he's a [ __ ] idiot which part i've gotten every part every part i see him i just i just cringe internally let me just shut up this random car you just wanted to see what like ak would do he doesn't care about sabotaging some random civilians car even though i thought that civilians were really pissed and yeah that's true the the show highlights that there's all these types of characters in the yeah you're gonna meet idiots you're gonna meet uh the smartest selling ones you're gonna meet the competent ones you're going to meet the ones obsessed with grooming you know that sort of thing oh yeah he probably destroyed that card because he was jealous that person was able to have such a nice car well one of his reasoning it was stupid because shooting that guy was unacceptable killing him too yeah i bet a lot of incidents happened that were glossed over yep and the show at least is uh showing all these aspects yeah rather than hiding it yeah but uh yeah good episode yeah that's uh i guess all we can cover for now we hope you guys enjoyed our reaction to uh episode two of generation kill and we'll see you guys episode three take care peace out and have a great day and stay safe
Channel: Dark and Skull Watch
Views: 2,856
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: Generation Kill, react generation kill, iraq invasion show, new react generation kill, marines, sibling react, dark and skull, reaction, siblings, invasion
Id: iLPSXT1fpzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 57sec (1977 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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