General Conference 2019 Bishop David K Bernard

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[Music] and foundation the door that you [Music] hallelujah the children's ministries of the United Pentecostal church International has brought to this conference this year a burden a vision a 1 million children revival can you imagine how this world will be impacted with a million children filled with the baptism of the holy ghost tonight we are going to pray for those children we are going to reach out and grab the horns of the altar tonight and shake it with our prayers the intercessors that are within it with here tonight I would have you to operate in that gift of intercessory prayer for our children let's pray let's all stand right now and let's pray for the children of our world 1 million children to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues Heavenly Father we thank you tonight for our children they are precious in your sight our children that are available right now to be filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost we ask that your hand be upon them tonight God wherever they are at seeking you lord find trying to find the place of your kingdom we pray that the Holy Ghost will work a great work in their lives enabling them to be used in our mighty in a powerful way to be used in the gifts of the Spirit even at a young age five six years old laying their hands upon the sick and the sick recovering they're going to make a powerful impact on the body of Christ the church now I'll be pray for our children today build a heads about them protect them from the influences of this world protect their minds from those who would want to rob them of their purity and robbed them of their innocence God we ask you to send your angels tonight to Encanto by our children they are friend just in your sight and then I have precious in the sight of the church God we ask you right now to do a mighty work in our service tonight as we hold they left before you on the altar of mercy and grace in Jesus name we pray in Jesus name we pray the Lord hallelujah hallelujah now we're gonna pray for our apostolic children you heard the preaching today brother Collins that the enemy is trying to steal our children not on our watch come on let's lift our hands and pray for apostolic children in the name of Jesus God completely surround our children Oh God with the emotional and physical and spiritual protection put your holy angels around our Epis tall like children hallelujah Lord I pray that you would strengthen our kids Lord God give them great big faith Lord fill them with the passionate desire to seek your face call our children God even at a little age an early age Lord we asked you God to give them godly wisdom help them God choose the right friends that will encourage them Lord and that they would boldly be courage to take a stand for you God and to stand in truth God renew their mind help them to remain pure God when they pick up that phone help them not to wander on websites that they have no business being there lord help them Lord Jesus bless them over their activities over their academic things Lord God I pray Lord God put it those that are in authority over our chip give them godly examples Lord hallelujah protect our kids Lord give them wisdom and understanding help him to stretch forth their hands to heal God let them Lord God heal the sick in the name of Jesus help them O God be used in the gifts of the spirit Lord thank you God for giving us children Lord and protecting our kids give them a compassion Lord for those needs God above theirs Lord in their schools in their neighborhoods in the churches come on this once again bless our children Lord God I pray for our kids hallelujah thank you Jesus you will find that your seats a new prayer guide don't you know there is dynamite in this place this new prayer guide is entitled TNT taking new territory and I believe that we are taking new territory in the kingdom of God I would like for you to take this guide home as a reference when you pray take new territory in your homes take new territory in your churches take new territory in your sections in your districts in this organization in North America missions in global missions we are taking new territory in the United Pentecostal church international amen praise God I would like for you to believe that God is able to do anything the Word of God says that if we believe we can have moving faith he said that we hit saying to this mountain be thou removed and it will be cast into the sea if you Pelt not in your horse amen praise God it's good to be intentional but it's time to move to execution because God is going to give us great harvest and revival amen whatever you do be kind of my edit be the bone in the kingdom of God how many of you believe in that God's gonna do it there's a shaking when they begin to pray the Bible says the whole house was shaken amen praise God at this time I would like to introduce evangelist Victor Jackson he will be leading us in prayer tonight on taking new territory let's believe God as we welcome him to this podium in Jesus name grab the person's hand next to you right now grab the person's hand next to you I want you to lift it up to the sky it was the Levites the priests that took the glory across the Jordan into the promised land if we are going to possess the land the glory of God has to be upon every one of us it cannot be human intellect it cannot be human ability it has to be the glory grab that person's hand and lift it up to the sky Lord right now we are going to possess the land together as a movement we are going to possess the land with the power of God Lord is not going to be our ideals our programs our ability it's not going to be the carnal mind that is in the t against God the Lord is going to be your glory I pray put the glory to descend upon the United Pentecostal church like never before to possess the land there is a land that is set before us but everywhere that our feet step let it be a position we come against every demonic spirit we come against every devil every amp that we try to stop us from possessing what God has given us we come against the spirit of fear and the spirit of doubt Lord send a stream into the desert send a stream into the barren cities I come to speak and the Holy Ghost to every Church that has been dry we're coming out with the power of God relieving this conference with fresh anointing huh relieving this conference with fresh authority huh big kabosh taya a prophesy against the barren pool pizza the barren Baptist Rize nor let it bring forth fruit in the name of Jesus Christ let there be a fruitful place in the wilderness in the name of Jesus Christ no kingdom of Hell shall come against the Church of the Living God we cast that every demon with your word we're going into the highways and the byways we're going into the countryside into the urban cities we're going into the metro cities we're going where no one's ever gone before Oh God we pray over the whole world we pray over both America we pray over Brazil Australia we speak into Indonesia give up by the Holy Ghost uh we've come to take the kingdom of violence the Kingdom of Heaven of suffered violence and the violent take it by force ah we've come to take some things back here tonight we've come to take our kids back we've come to take our anointing back we come to take our future back oK we've come to deliver the people from the kingdom of Satan unto the power of God I wish you and lift up your voice where you are I was sure begin the praying period I was a spirit of intercession we come upon you from the front to the back hit the name of the Lord Jesus Christ huh I wish you and pray with the person next to you and pray over there Cydia why don't you lay your hands on the person next to you and begin to pray over their city huh begin the prophesy over there Church come on open up your mouth then begin the prophesy lay your hands on a net begin to speak at the name of Jesus Christ you will not die in that wilderness you will not die in that barren land you will not die in that barren place huh we're gonna possess the promised land we're gonna possess what is ours huh we'll walk as long as we have to walk as long as the walls come down we'll walk and shout as long as we have to shout until every wall I tell every demon ax comes down in the name of Jesus huh come okay you open up your mouth and can you give glory to God that somebody huh send up a shout of worship can somebody up but can they clap your hands like never before can somebody have began to open up their mouth we're never gonna be the same we're not going back at the name of Jesus Christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] a phone call in the middle of the night get that feeling that something isn't right you're traveling he picks up the phone a voice on the other end of the line gives you the news it cuts you like a knife I've been there before I've been through storms and been through rain searching for the I've been on the bottom as low as you can go I've been hard had pain and wondered but one ever been [Music] standing next to a hospital bed you and believe what the doctor said when you love someone it's hard to there's times when life just isn't fair I can testify I've had my share it can cut you to the ball a business [Music] searching for as low as you Oh get up and wondered but one thing jeez I believe that I can hold on I've been through storms and been through rain searching for the line of Dame I've been on the bottom as slow as you can go [Music] now's down taking through Oh [Music] one thing Oh I've never no I've never been alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] great is thy faithfulness Oh God my father there is no saddle or turning with thee thou changest not thy Compassion's they fail as thou has been for ever will be thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning new mercies I see all I have the dye has provided great is the faithfulness great is thy faithfulness is ah [Applause] for me [Music] to me Amazing Grace will always be my soul appraise for it was grace that aha finally birdie I'll never learn to see why he came and love me so alert be are my thoughts and so my me I shower my TK 2 the crew where Jesus died for me the Great's that called my farm in Seoul he looked beyond so my is anybody thankful for that tonight mari - cow why don't you lift your voice and sing it with me too [Music] the crew which Jesus died for me yeah that car so my fault thank you Jesus oh yes bill and so my me thank you Jesus all thank you Jesus oh thank you Jesus we praise you Jesus I would like to invite you to attend the seminars that we're having this week they will take place on Thursday and Friday mornings from 9:30 to 11:50 and then also on Thursday afternoon from 4:00 to 6:15 p.m. you'll find the complete schedule with the list of the topics descriptions and teachers in the general conference directory please come ready to be challenged informed and inspired since 2003 the stewardship group's mission has been to build trust and provide solutions to pastors ministries and Saints the church loan fund offers loans campaigns and construction services to churches districts and ministries by offering investment certificates with fixed rates of return the United Pentecostal foundation offers ways to leave gifts to ministries to endowments annuities trusts and offers life planning seminars teach about planning for the future finally United insurance solutions offers term life and AD&D to you PCI ministers to protect your family visit our website or come to see us at our booth for more information [Music] hello ladies I am so excited to tell you about the event coming at General Conference this year in Indianapolis our Friday morning ladies event is just between us and our theme this year is be good to yourself we're going to be talking about the mind the body and our emotions we'll start at 9 a.m. with a breakfast you don't want to miss that the sessions will start at 9:30 and go through 11:50 oh and I forgot to tell you go to the event page on Facebook just between us ladies day [Music] and then our Instagram page is the ladies you PC I Instagram page so go follow this page and go sign up for the event I hope to see you there [Music] if you're gonna have faith if you're gonna have trust you're gonna have to know the ways of God and that doesn't just happen on the spur of the moment you can't get a prayer book out say okay what's the right prayer there must be some time spent in prayer and fasting he spent time in his present he spent time talking to him you satisfied the things of the world and you focus on the Lord this doesn't happen except my prayer [Music] [Music] we're [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and like the Lindsay like in the [Music] this [Music] mr. Ouya spirit oh you know Hey you're we're gonna see revival Claire god it's our prayer in this moment that you would throw us back to a place of communion with you Lord we know that all the provision comes from you all the protection comes from you and the outpouring of blessings comes from you Lord so right now we ask that you would open up the windows and pour out your spirit your spirit for you Jesus an accomplice [Music] your United Pentecostal church is a vibrant world changing force there is still much to do but there is also much to celebrate Church advancement is a collection of ministries that serve the entire body of our fellowship ministries such as Spanish evangelism ministries which is one of the fastest growing segments of the UPC I consisting of over 1,000 churches and preaching points and over 1,300 licensed ministers in the US and Canada we also include building the bridge ministries which emphasizes and encourages the participation of african-americans in the you PCI over the last 12 months multicultural ministries has hosted 13 conferences focused on the evangelism of specific cultural groups seeing more than 150 filled with the Holy Ghost it has launched a diversity training program unveiled a short-term mission program relaunched global tracks comm website and seen record attendances through all nations Sunday initiative finally singles adult ministries focuses on the needs of this large and growing segment of our population this has been an incredible year for you PCI youth ministries since last year's conference Bible quizzing has completed the unshakable Bible doctrine featuring 540 verses of our core apostolic identity during early 2019 213 teams quiz at one of the five regional Bible Quiz extravaganzas the North American Bible Quiz tournament concluded the quiz season with a record number of teams and attendance campus ministry international has also seen tremendous growth with over 300 chapters across North America CMI awakening in 2019 saw over 450 campus ministers come together at the University of Maryland for a time of spiritual and practical importation there are now teaching materials doctrinal touch point cards video based training and an updated strategy guide available at campus ministry during the 2018 2019 school year project 7 Bible clubs saw the record number of registered clubs increase and as a result of this increase many students and their families have been led to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ because of apostolic Youth Court 590 participants were able to be involved in ministry all over the world a YC assisted in a Metro church plane in Chicago and also 15 other global missions countries this has led several to commit to associates and missions next steps and becoming Hugh PCI licensed ministers and last year - conducted another - tour traveling from Oregon to Delaware to Toronto and ending in Houston the theme for the tour was empowered the goal was to empower young adults to reach their world with the gospel of Jesus Christ to go without hesitation to serve selflessly at na YC 2019 - young adult ministry celebrated its 10th year of existence and just last month the st. Louis saw over 36,000 registered attendees flood the streets at North American Youth Congress this represents a record-breaking number of apostolic youth who gathered together to experience mighty moves of God at na YC and split sessions were huge with over 7,000 7,000 attending one single session on Friday night a sacrificial offering of over 1 million dollars was collected for sheaths for Christ isn't that awesome and to cap off the event the serve project filled 1,500 buckets with supplies for distribution to those in disaster situations and that effort received national coverage on Fox News and last week with excitement I get to tell you that over 6.7 million dollars was collected for shizer Christ a fund administered missions and ministries all over the world I am youth ministries [Music] [Applause] the division of publications provides resources that train the Apostolic movement this past year we completed the ministry central ministerial credentialing courses in English and Spanish we launched discipleship central to help individuals and churches grow deeper in their faith we also released our second Apostolic Vacation Bible School curriculum called the faith race ladies ministries empowers and equips the ladies of the UPC I through a variety of efforts mother's memorial 20:19 had an incredible offering of over 3.4 million dollars over the past year district ladies conferences saw over 34,000 ladies in attendance ladies ministries is currently expanding online Bible studies and articles to include Spanish and French the ladies prayer international newsletter is translated in over 25 languages with a worldwide reach close to 100 today's Christian girl clubs are meeting in North America and overseas teaching our young ladies about the Apostolic lifestyle and doctrines [Music] it's my high honor tonight to present to you those individuals who were elected or appointed to offices at our business session yesterday morning I would like to ask those who are going to be making their way to the platform together over here to my left I will be presenting to them you one at a time we will probably hold our applause largely until the end with one exception that exception being the first I'm delighted to announce to you that elected yesterday once again to serve as our general superintendent we're honored to have as our leader dr. David K Barnard thank you for that you may be seated and then we will honor the rest of these at the clothes elected as assistant general superintendent for the eastern zone Indianapolis own Paul Mooney assistant general superintendent for the Western Zone Stan Gleeson general director of global missions Bruce pal general director of North American missions Scott Sistrunk general children's ministries director Steve cannon general youth president Josh Carson general ladies ministries president Linda Gleason executive press butter representing the general board from the Western zone Tim Gaddy regional executive press server for the Northwest region Travis Miller regional executive press beador for the north-central region Steve Willeford regional executive respirator for the south-central region Tim Sullivan regional executive press pa'dar for the Southeast region filling an unexpired one-year term Daniel Davey representatives on the minister's appeals council Terry Pugh second member is not present with us tonight junior Blackshear and the third representative on the minister's appeals council Robert Hinson appointed to serve for the next two years as our editor-in-chief Robin Johnston global missions director of education and short-term missions James Poitras the Chairman the chairperson of the OEE Board the office of education and endorsement and also the endorsing agent for our military chaplains dan Bachelor multicultural ministries director Brock Chavez Spanish evangelism Ministries director Raoul Orozco building the bridge ministries director Dave Henry before you tonight are those who have been elected or appointed to serve you at least for the next couple of years in offices I think it'd be appropriate for this great crowd to pay honor to these individuals who are serving the United Pentecostal church and now while you're standing would you transition and lift your voice in prayer for these precious folks who are serving us and serving God lift your voice like a trumpet and pray God's blessing and favor over their lives Lord Jesus I thank you for these great men and this lady that stands behind me who serve the United Pentecostal church to serve your kingdom I ask God your favor and blessing on them give them direction grant them wisdom O God to serve you effectively in their roles in the United Pentecostal church I pray your blessing on their health I pray your blessing on their minds I pray your blessing on their homes and on their families I ask Lord God you'd bless their service and ministry in the kingdom give them creative ideas and the empowerment to withstand the onslaught of he'll give them Lord Jesus strength of spirit to be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand I pray in the name of the Lord you would anoint and equip them to this to which you have called them use them Lord for your glory and may the only name that gets exalted be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I thank you for these precious people and we commit them to your care to your service tonight in the great name of Jesus a man a man a man a man thank you so much you can be seated god bless you precious folks for your service to this wonderful organization we're very honored tonight to have representatives from the 195 nations and 35 territories around the globe and as I call their names I'm going to ask them to stand from the African region brother and sister Randy Adams Regional Director for Africa Reverend and mrs. Feder du desta national leader of Ethiopia Reverend and mrs. Richard Smoak superintendent of Tanzania Reverend and mrs. Patrick groves superintendent of South Sudan Reverend and mrs. Keith iCard superintendent of Namibia from the Asian region seated in this area down here is Reverend and mrs. Linden sharm regional director for asia if you would main standing Reverend and mrs. Khalid provides Bishop of Pakistan Reverend and mrs. Lamar loose Alma silo general superintendent of the UPC of northeast India Reverend David don't superintendent of Japan and Vietnam Reverend and mrs. James Corbin superintendent of Bangladesh Central America and the Caribbean Reverend and mrs. David Schwartz regional director please remain standing if you would everyone and a bishop and mrs. Oh Garth McCoy superintendent of the UPC of Jamaica Reverend and mrs. doe Bert Clark National Superintendent of the Cayman Islands for Europe and the Middle East Reverend and mrs. Michael Tuttle regional director Reverend and mrs. Leroy Francis superintendent of the United Pentecostal church Great Britain and Ireland Reverend Salvatori Archie the Econo superintendent of UPC I of Italy Reverend and mrs. Nathan Herod superintendent of UPC of Spain Reverend and mrs. Charles Robinette superintendent of UPC of german-speaking nations Reverend Sims Strickland president of the UPC of Greece Reverend and mrs. neva key president of the UPC of France Reverend and mrs. Adam Hundley president of the Gulf states Pacific Reverend and mrs. Roger Buckland regional director of the Pacific region Reverend and mrs. John downs superintendent of Australia Reverend and mrs. Alfred o bodegas from super the superintendent of the pill Philippines would you please make welcome all of our special guests from around the world on Monday night of this week before many of you were here there was a very special event it is the general superintendent's banquet it is held largely to honor individuals who are being inducted into the order of the faith which is a collection of those individuals who have made significant contribution to the United Pentecostal church to the apostolic work around the world and each year there are new inductees there's a special time to honor them we want to make you aware of those who have been inducted this year into the Order of the faith on Monday night we were very honored to be able to present the stories and pay tribute to NJ bibs CB Dudley JRM Z T lead over greer and j mark gordon some of them and some of their families are in this house would you pay tribute to them once again tonight for their service to the United Pentecostal church they've made a historic impact on who we are today and there is one last group that I feel very privileged to honor here tonight it will ask you to join me in that momentarily the scripture says that the greatest love a man can have is to lay down his life for his friends there is among us tonight a group of individuals who are willingly putting their lives on the line for the cause of freedom in our country and around the world I wish tonight for the chaplains of the United Pentecostal church the military chaplains if you would please stand where you are tonight and I would ask your families to stand with you for they sacrifice as well could we show our appreciation for these great heroes that serve our country and serve the cause of God we honor you highly tonight thank you for your service you may be seated let's hear a little more about the United Pentecostal church through the efforts of UPC I've men's ministries hundreds of men continue to build and support the kingdom at home and abroad in addition to numerous remodeling projects for North American missions our men have brought relief to areas ravaged by natural disasters such as hurricane damage in the Florida Panhandle and tornado recovery in Ohio responding to a need at Tupelo Children's mansion a team restored wolf Hall which houses the Haven of Hope globally multiple trips were organized to build orphanage and Bible School facilities in Brazil Guatemala Belize and Haiti UPC I music ministry exists to provide training and resources for music directors pastors and musicians within our fellowship this past year over 200 new churches signed up for monthly content and training we are excited that over 650 churches have taken advantage of this great resource along with new memberships we currently added a national database allowing us to locate those involved in different areas of music ministry we also partnered with north american missions and global missions to provide membership discounts for our missionaries among other new developments our new district music coordinators and a new music ministry [Music] the UPC I children's ministry has just completed its greatest year ever because of your generosity we were able to report a record offering to save our children of one point eight five million dollars National Holy Ghost Crusades have taken place all over the nation this year seeing 1,100 students filled with the gift of the Holy Spirit bringing our seven year total to 7,200 children receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit additionally global crusade and teacher training seminars have been held in Guatemala El Salvador the United Kingdom and Chile this year the Haiti children's orphanage will soon be completed all of the necessary funds have been raised and the work is nearly done the goal is to use this orphanage to train children to become leaders and evangelists in their countries furthermore a national teacher training program has started and it's called train of train up saw over 1,000 preachers teachers and guests attend the first two training sessions this is an incredible opportunity for those that minister constantly to our children to be ministered to as well the Junior Bible quizzing Department has also broken several records this year as they studied the Apostolic Doctrine at our Junior Bible quizzing finals a hundred and sixty teams comprised of 454 students enjoyed a week of fellowship and quizzing these incredible students memorized a collective total of one hundred and six thousand nine hundred and ninety four verses of Scripture affirming the Apostles doctrine on Sunday of the junior Bible quizzing finals the students experienced a life-changing service with many miracles reported and many students receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit this year at General Conference the children's ministry is launching an unheard-of 1 million child revival around the globe after all the vision of the children's ministry is to reach every child with the gospel of Jesus Christ - I am children's ministry [Music] launched in 2006 my hope is the internet radio voice of the UPC I with twenty stations from which to choose free content in 2019 my hope radio hosted Talent Search worship arts with over a hundred and twenty five entries leading to 12 finalists at North American Youth Congress this year we initiated the my hope radio Apostolic Music Awards with open nominations and voting the winners of both the Talent Search and Music Awards receive their awards on Friday night at youth Congress the office of education and endorsement has received five new applications for endorsements this year these new entities encompass a wide variety of ministries and networking for apostolic councillors educators business owners church planters and civic leaders in the summer of 2019 for Chaplin candidates graduated and will be joining 28 other UPC I endorsed military chaplains in the summer of 2019 kerschen college students were approved for federal financial aid and christian life college was granted regional accreditation [Music] [Applause] North American missions is responsible for planting and supporting new churches throughout North America almost 400 strong these church planners take the gospel throughout North America with an average weekly attendance of over 9,000 members this past year they had over 9,000 visitors over 2,000 baptized in the name of Jesus in almost 2000 filled with the Holy Spirit because of your generosity Christmas for Christ was able to provide grants to 97 applicants so that they could continue growing the kingdom of God while still providing for their family last year in General Conference your overwhelming response to our city's worth state and offering raised a record 1.1 million dollars among other things this offering and abled for Metro Missionary families to go into four new cities and plant churches as well as allow a current Metro missionary to plant a new daughter worth our attendants nearly doubled at our launch church planters training in February with over 300 participating this event is for new and seasoned church planners who come to receive tools and inspiration our Christian prisoner ministry is active in over 300 churches and they have an average monthly attendance of over 10,000 inmates this last year they saw around 2,500 inmates baptized in the name of Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit Church in a day completed seven building projects this year which brings their total number of churches completed to 140 our Evangelist ministry has grown to 75 enrolled ministers and on Pentecost Sunday this year they preached to over 9,000 individuals the 511 filled with the spirit 54 baptized in over a hundred document and miracles and just that single day record allocation from Caesar Christ aloud 42 church planters to purchase property buildings and to renovate existing buildings a record investment from ladies ministry but for emergency funds for evangelists and church planners allowed 46 of them to receive money for vehicles housing and medical expenses with the help of youth ministries a new eight-week short-term missions program initiated was introduced this program is going to allow support for our current Metro missionaries while also taking care of the next generation of church planters we are excited about everything that God has done in this last year and we're looking forward I am north-american missions the United Pentecostal church international stands on the precipice of a significant milestone the 75th anniversary of our organization the Pentecostal heritage society through the Center for the Study of oneness pentecostalism houses the archives and artifacts that tell our story this year seesaw began the process of moving to an exciting new home on the new Ocean campus in addition a significant new artifact was donated the Cessna 172 float plane used by missionary Benny des merchants to evangelize the Amazon basin of Brazil the stewardship group continues to see unprecedented growth and progress while offering vital financial products and services to our constituency in the last year the United Pentecostal church loan fund has grown to over 55 million dollars in assets with close to 500 active investors the United Pentecostal foundation now has a total of 74 endowments and scholarships United insurance solutions the UPC I owned insurance corporation saw an amazing open enrollment last fall with a hundred seventy three ministers adding to their coverage within the past year the world network of Prayer has conducted an average of two major events per month that directly impact thousands worldwide over the past year there has been an unprecedented manifestation of healings miracles signs and wonders as reported by prayer recipients at W NOP events since last General Conference there has been a growing interest in prayer and prayer events reflected by hundreds of new subscribers connecting to WN o P through social media [Music] [Music] in 2019 global missions has experienced unprecedented revival for thousands attending Crusades in Bible School classes and thousands more being baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost and the while we rejoice with the multitudes our mission is that every soul will hear the name of Jesus and while we have many programs for evangelism one by one we teach we feed we mentor and we care this this is what you enable this is what you supports this isn't just about a missionary in a distant land this is the UPC I your UPC I because of your giving to I am global missionaries like these are spending more time in the field feeding the hungry comforting the hopeless and reaching the loss and by spending more time on the fields missionaries are planting more churches making more contacts and meeting more needs this is why we go when the highlight of a child's week is the bag of rice they've been given the pair of shoes that they wear or the genuine embrace of someone who cares this is the Jesus that they see our missionaries are ministering to Souls like these all over the globe and in a world filled with hopelessness the love of Jesus is shared through a smile a sheer tear and a genuine heart while we rejoice with the thousands we minister to each one by one our success is not defined by numbers but my souls by perseverance by character and by the power of God global missions is taking the whole gospel to the whole world with the support of the whole church I am global missions I am global [Applause] [Music] the United Pentecostal church International is composed of every language every ethnicity every cultural group every background we are young we rolled we're black we're brown we're white we're everything in between we cover every spectrum but poor rich whatever God has called and created in His image which is every human being that's who were reaching for that's who we are and what unites us is greater than what the devil would try to use to divide us I'm here to tell you tonight we are the Jesus name people we are the Holy Ghost fill people we are the holiness people we are a mighty force of revival in the last days I am the United Pentecostal church international [Applause] [Music] [Music] the store revive your church and make us whole night transform take us to a place we never seen before the impossible see our mounts isn't a football [Music] [Music] Thanks [Music] [Music] make us whole we Sena [Music] [Music] come on up here in this house tonight and you believe that the best is yet to come with two mice and from the [Applause] [Music] foundations are shaking and every curse is breaking falling and greater things are coming up [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] date creative things come on in to open [Music] into the darkness you shine [Music] come on would you tell them an item [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no God like to hold there's no God like Jehovah there's no God like Jehovah there's no God like you say like to hold no God there is no God like to hold like to hold Oh God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on Wendy Wendy tell secrets with us [Music] is from the scene with me no see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's like everybody's shaving me come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] nobody like my Jesus the you want to take a few moments right here it is gift on some crazy razor because no come on I think we can do it again let's give God a great praise in this house tonight come on from the front to the back let's give God a great praise in this house tonight how great is our God how great is our God turn to two or three people and tell them you're so glad to see them at General Conference 2019 [Music] and after you've greeted a few folks you may be seated my name is Bill Park II I passed her in the great city of Memphis Tennessee and for obvious reasons for the safety of my family and myself please do not take any pictures and post them on social media tonight I'm honored to be at General Conference 2019 and pardon the personal reference but I'm fifty years old and have been coming to general conferences as for as long as I can remember was raised in the home of a mother and father that have been a part of this organization since its inception and in our home we learn to appreciate this great movement this great organization and all it means and the blessings that it is meant to my family I remember in my life that General Conference was vacation for us we didn't have normal vacations but our vacations were camp meetings and general conferences and we always look forward to the time that we could come and see ministry friends and connections from across the country hear the word of God and feel the presence of God and go home with a fresh vision and passion for the work of God so tonight I follow in that tradition and I am here with my family and our family has been blessed through the years and even this year to hear the Word of God that we have heard and the passion that has been imparted and the vision that has been set for our movement and for each department and personal ministry across our fellowship I was thinking just through my lifetime and I had the opportunity to share with the General Board on Tuesday just some of the things that I remember from General Conference I see these chat that are here I remember one of the general conferences that someone had the bright idea to get them to just march in formation and gave them orders to turn in and about-face and it was kind of an organized chaos but I remember harvest time song fests and classic singers and brother heroes saying bringing Bible salvation to every nation it's harvest time it's still harvest time in 2019 and the treasure is in the field and we're still going after it and we're still reaching people across the world so tonight I'm here on behalf of this General Conference we've given to all kinds of departments in offerings and you have generously given but tonight I'm here to make an appeal that we give an offering that supports this week of services that we've had a thought of the different departments and how great an opportunity is for them to come and present their vision and for us to be challenged and for us to give and be a part of that but there would not be that opportunity if there was not General Conference for us to come to and so tonight we're going to give you an opportunity to give to make this possible what we're enjoying here tonight so I wonder how many would just stand with me I made an appeal to our general board as you know we have no registration this year and that obviously is a revenue that has has been there in the past but how many's glad you were able to come tonight with no registration and the doors were open and what a crowd we have here tonight so if this conference and the United Pentecostal church means anything to you I want you to just ask the Lord what you could give tonight to be a blessing I presented just some other memories that I shared of things that I remembered and and thankfully our general Board responded in that Tuesday meeting and our general board has already given $51,500 toward this offering tonight they have not given me an amount or anything to target but I just thought it would be great for at least this congregation to match what our general board has given and maybe even more that we could give tonight I think if many of you could say I could give $100 I think that would be great tonight we're not asking for a great sacrifice but just something that you can give to be a blessing I wonder how many would just stand our ushers are in place if you can give something tonight $100 $50 $20 $5 $10 it would be good if every person in this building tonight could just give something and maybe you look around and somebody's not able to give you could just give them something to give but I think it would be great to show our appreciation to this great organization and this meeting that we've been a part of tonight if you've appreciated what you've heard what you felt once you've experienced once you just put your hands together and give God a great clap of Thanksgiving tonight amen amen amen our church is going to give $1,000 in this offering tonight because I believe in this cause and I want to say thank you to everyone that's made this week possible I will go home bless my family will go home bless and I believe that you will go home blessed tonight could we just bow our heads and ask the Lord to bless this offering tonight Lord we thank you for everything that we've heard we thank you for everything that we've experienced in this place thus far I know even in this service tonight as we hear from our general superintendent there will be vision and parted and a word of God that will be placed in our hearts and our spirits I pray you would bless each and every one that gives tonight I pray that you would multiply it in their life and God that you would pour out blessing on them that they cannot contain we thank you for everything we've experienced and we give you praise in Jesus name somebody shout out hallelujah amen all over this room as we are giving tonight if you desire a move of God tonight would you just raise your hands right where you are would you turn your attention to heaven and would you just ask the Lord God would you move in this house tonight how many want to move from the Lord right now corners do that talk to him for just a moment move among us move among us [Music] Mountains are still being moved strongholds are still and news God we believe and yes we can see it but wonders are still what you do you believe that tonight bodies are still being raised Giants are still God we believe [Music] we [Music] we set our hearts on you and one might wanna [Music] miracles signs and wonders [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] can you just think about what you've been praying for [Music] can we not ask you tonight but can we thank you in advance but I thank you for revival thank you for healing god I thank you for it out pouring of your spirit God I down pouring out of your spirit we thank you in advance in the name of Jesus you are more than able [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on lift your hands off this bill we are here come in - why should you [Music] come really this is a move this is this is a move [Music] come over in this house right now lift your voice come on as you lift those hands and as you clap your hands I want you to add your voice with it I want you to add your voice with it come on let heaven hear your voice is tonight let heaven hear your voice is tonight [Applause] let heaven hear your voices right now [Applause] all over this building although this building Orchard is lift up a shout of praise god we desire a move from the Holy Ghost in this house but we surrender ourselves to you in this house right now we surrender our praise and we surrender our worship to you in this moment God we desire to feel your presence in this house [Music] [Music] [Music] day [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing it with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on if you feel that presence of the Holy Ghost in this house won't you just do that right now just tell the Lord right now Lord I surrender everything to you tonight I'm sold out anybody sold out in the house tonight anybody sold out in the house tonight I'll give you everything Jesus take all of me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and [Music] [Music] somebody get in the hoppers in the building [Music] [Music] [Applause] say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in this building give him praise everybody magnify the Lord oh it feels good in this house hallelujah hallelujah glory to God it is a distinct honor of mine a very happy privilege to introduce to you the speaker for this service in introducing him I could say dr. David Bernard it's coming to preach to us tonight he holds a Bachelor of Arts mathematical sciences and managerial studies from Rice University masters and doctorate of theology from the University of South Africa Doctor of Jurisprudence with honors from the University of Texas I could say to you attorney David K Barnard coming to this pulpit to preach he is a licensed attorney with the Texas Bar Association I could introduce him to you as author David K Barnard he has written in published 36 books those books are published in 39 different languages and more than 900 thousand of them are in circulation I could accurately introduce him as apostle David K Bernhard believe he's called and anointed and appointed by God and that he walks in a powerful apostolic anointing I could certainly introduce him as visionary David K Bernhard he's given this fellowship visionary leadership in so many areas not the least of which is our present initiative strategic growth that will double the number of men ministers and churches in our fellowship in just a short time all of those titles and introductions would be correct but I think I'm going to introduce him this way it's my pleasure to bring to this pulpit a genuine Christian a man of Prayer and of faith a man of God ladies and gentlemen would you receive our Bishop the general superintendent of the United Pentecostal church international let's give the Lord praise right now he's worthy of all praise hallelujah thank you Lord for your wonderful presence that this is this place tonight amen if you'll just remain standing for another moment thank you for that kind introduction by the Cunningham I'm not going to make a lot of introductions but I certainly depend upon my family my wife and my children my oldest son and his family are not able to be here tonight but one of my sisters is and I want them to come pray for me and would you also pray that I can convey what the Lord wants for our church at this hour I'm just the vessel but if you'll pray for me God can use me so let's pray together right now thank you lord thank you lord let's praise the Lord again together hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen praise God if you'll stand just one more minute I'm reading from Exodus chapter 14 verse 13 and 14 Exodus chapter 14 verse 13 Moses is speaking to the Israelites as they face the Red Sea with the Egyptians behind them and the Red Sea in front of them and here we find and Moses said unto the people fear ye not stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will show to you today for the Egyptians whom you've seen today you shall see them again no more forever the Lord shall fight for you and ye shall hold your peace I'm preaching for a few minutes tonight from fear to faith this is what I believe the Lord has said that we need in order to possess the land from fear to faith you may be seated we are people of faith we're saved by faith we walk by faith we live by faith as human beings we would much prefer to walk by sight but the Bible tells us we can't walk by sight we must walk by faith the just shall live by faith that's so important it stated no less than four different books of Scripture from the Prophet Habakkuk to the book of Romans to Galatians to Hebrews the just the righteous the Saints shall live by faith we're saved by faith we're blessed by faith we are sustained by faith we live by faith fear is the opposite of faith if we live in fear it's very difficult to live in faith if there predominates we can't walk by faith as I know we all have fears we all have doubts but you can't let doubts win you can't let your fears win as I remember Bishop gold or years ago right here in Indianapolis said we all have our doubts but here's the problem or here's the solution don't believe your doubts and don't doubt your beliefs when it's all said and done face the fear in the face face the doubt in the face and say I refuse to live in doubt I refuse to live in fear I choose to move forward by faith and so I'm preaching tonight all the wonderful promises that we talked about in this conference and hasn't the Lord spoken in amazing ways each night and each day from brother Huntley to brother Hundley to brother Collins we've gotten clear direction there's no doubt about where we stand in our doctrine there is no doubt if you've attended this conference there is no doubt what we teach about holiness if there is no doubt that we believe in the miraculous there's no doubt we believe in church planting and church growth but in order to see all those promises and commitments come to pass we must move from fear to faith in the text Israel had received a miraculous deliverance they were slaves but God through many miracles including ten plagues delivered them from slavery in Egypt now they were headed to the promised land they were free but there was one last obstacle in their way the uncrossable Ridge scene and in order to receive their permanent victory in order to receive permanent freedom they had to cross the Red Sea there was a great opportunity it was literally the opportunity of a lifetime but with opportunity is a challenge and with the challenge there's always a risk and with risk there's always fear I'm not saying we never have fear if you're a normal human being if you're a man or woman of God at times you will have fear but here is the key you've to move from fear to faith if you read Exodus 14 from the beginning verses 1 through 12 preceding my text you'll find that God told Moses exactly what was going to happen all of the problems that we face are known in advance to God God already has a plan to bring us through just because we can't see it doesn't mean it's not there God already knows what he's going to do God already knows the miracle that's going to take place and so God gave Moses the instructions ahead of time they came to the Red Sea and they faced the crisis of their life because in front of them was the uncrossable sea but behind them was the Egyptian army that it was coming quickly and they will either be killed or captured and brought back into slavery they couldn't go any direction they couldn't go forward they couldn't go backward and they couldn't stay where they were it seemed like an impossible situation and if you read the scripture they responded with great fear such fear they begin to complain and said it would be better for us to have remained in slavery in Egypt to be in this situation we face right now and sometimes that's the way we feel God you called us it had been better for us and they're removed it would've been better for us never to start the church it would been better for us to never witness it been better that we'd never done what you we thought we want you want us to do we'd be better off and that was their fear speaking but God gave the plan of action and Moses begin to speak if you look at the text for just a few minutes verse 13 14 and the next verse 15 you'll see seven elements of God's plan of action I'll just take a few moments to share them first of all don't be afraid there is fear but what we must do is confront and overcome our fear do not live in fear don't be afraid number two stand still don't depend on your own ability don't depend on your own wisdom don't try to take matters into your own hands I believe brother Mooney in training and education so to you but we cannot depend upon degrees and education to do the will of God I thank God for incredible ability such as we've seen with our musicians and singers it's simply amazing but we cannot have apostolic revival by depending on eloquence of speech our wonderful talent in a human level somehow we're tempted to face those fears with our own education or our own talent or our own resources our own many money but God says wait a minute stand still slow down listen to what God has in mind because what we do is only in the natural but what God will do is in the supernatural standstill there is a time to act but first you better hear from God first you better pray first you better get God's timing and God's direction number three see the salvation of the Lord look to the Lord for the answer look to the Lord for the victory God wants us to find impossible situations so that we could never get glory we look to the Lord and see the salvation of the Lord and when the Lord comes for through nobody can get the glory nobody could say well it was general superintendent Bernard that did it nobody could say it was general secretary Grail who did it everybody will look at amazement and say these people had their role but it was God who gave us the victory it was God who gave us the revival stand still and see the salvation of the Lord number four God will use the situation to give you a permanent victory I love the archaic King James in this particular instance the Egyptians whom you see too you will see again no more forever I don't normally talk that way but that is the perfect way to describe this enemy that's getting ready to take you back in bondage this enemy that's getting ready to kill you this enemy that you're quaking in fear they are a mighty professional army with the latest weaponry and you're just some peasants and shepherds but I want to tell you God says that enemy that you see today you will see again no more forever I will give you a permit of victory you will never go back to slavery again you will never go back to Egypt again now they faced trials in the wilderness and even when they got to the promised land they had to fight to possess it but one thing about it they never went back to Egypt they never went back to slavery they never had to fight Pharaoh they never had to fight the Egyptian army we can have a permanent victory now we're gonna have troubles till the Lord comes we're gonna have a fight the rest of our lives but you can achieve a significant victory and through great trial and through great tribulation or great opportunity and risk you can win a permanent victory that's what happened when you are born again it changed your life forever that's what happened when you accepted your call to preach it changed your life forever that's what happened home missionary maybe it was here too or year three or you're five but you broke through that barrier and you've never looked back since you've got new challenges and new problems but you're never going back you're never facing those old battles because you've broken to the next level I'm promising and prophesying tonight somebody is going to receive a permanent victory you will break through to the next level and you will never be the same you will never back again a permanent victory a decisive victory I use this I preached all of that message I'll just throw this in I use it earlier this year some we've heard it but remember the amazing story in the people of Israel of the young man that faced the Giant and killed him you know that story well I'm sure you can tell me that story even your Sunday school kids can tell the story of course you know that story of the story of a Bashar killing used to be Ben Amma you're aware of that story aren't you right or maybe it's Jonathan the son of Shannara that you're thinking about or maybe it's el Heckman that you're thinking about am i hitting the right you recognize it for some reason even though it's in the Bible it's in 2nd Samuel 21 therefore stories of Israelites killing Giants but we don't know those stories because the first story was a young man named David killed Goliath that had never been done before in the history bizzle it was impossible the whole nation from the King on down was quaking in fear but once a teenage boy anointed by God killed the Giant that changed the destiny of Israel that changed the thinking of Israel that changed the paradigm of Israel after then it seems like every young warrior said I think I could kill me a giant I think I could kill that giant over there a verse I said I think I could kill it be speeding up Jonathan son of Scilly I said I think I could kill me a giant it was a decisive victory this week God was to give some decisive victories to the United Pentecostal church international it's already happened that was North American Youth Congress we proved it could be done that was she's for Christ we proved it could be done there was I am blow it proved it could be done and will never be the same again we're never going back we're moving forward it's a new territory we're moving from fear to faith some evangelist some missionary some pastor is gonna win a decisive victory and when everybody hears that they're gonna say not that he was a superhero they're gonna say if he could do that I can do that if that can happen in Ohio that can happen in Missouri a decisive victory a permanent victory we're moving from fear to faith continue the sixth point hold your peace so when it comes time to act or number five I'm sorry is going into verse 14 God will fight for you there is the definite promise if you'll follow this plan of waiting for the salvation of the Lord and believing God for a decisive permanent victory that you do have the promise God will show up God will fight for you you will start seeing some things in your situation beginning to change you will see some initial signs of your future victory because God shows up and God begins to work God will fight for you and then number six hold your peace so as you approach the battle you've got to become it doesn't mean be inactive it means become be ready don't get all worked up in your own human emotion we face real enemies but our real enemies are not other people although it seems that way they're not our brothers and sisters in the church although that seems that way it's not our neighbouring pastor although it seems that way don't get caught up in fighting your neighboring pastor or your Saints or your backsliders or your visitors they are not really your enemy the devil is your enemy don't fight people fight the enemy of their soul people can be used as a tool of the enemy but be calm just just slow down and see what's really going on in the realm of the Spirit don't respond with human emotion respond by the word of God and the Spirit of God hold your peace think clearly trust in the Lord and then verse 15 and verse teen 15 switches to God's direct command verses 13 and 14 Moses spoke to the people based on what God had already said but after the people listened and they're ready to receive they went through steps 1 through 6 so to speak then verse 15 God said okay now Moses stretch out that rod now Moses go forward there is a time to act and I believe right here in this conference we're going through steps 1 through 6 right here this conference don't be afraid stand still see the salvation of the Lord trust a permanent victory God's gonna fight for you if you'll hold your peace but that's not all we've got to march out of this arena into the streets of our city and back into our home and we've got to go forward in Jesus name we must move from fear to faith at the end we must act in faith now I want to take a few minutes I want to slow down a few minutes here what about the things that are unknown what about the things that are impossible I'm just gonna give you a few scripture two because it's found in the Word of God Jeremiah 32 27 behold I am the Lord the God of all flesh is there anything too hard for me when you face that impossible situation go back to what God says he's I'm the God of all flesh of 7 billion people on planet Earth I'm the God of all of them if you're the only one of seven billion people that's ever faced that problem if you're only the only one of 10,000 ministers in North America that's faced that problem so what I'm Lord God of everybody is anything too hard for me obviously not the angel Gabriel appealed peered to a young woman a virgin named Mary and said you're gonna have a child she said well how can that be I'm a virgin it's impossible and the angel said Luke 1:37 with God nothing is impossible Jesus was speaking to his disciples and talked about how difficult it is for rich people to go to heaven the disciples recalled in shock because according to their thinking if you really were going to be blessed by God you could be rich and if you're rich it's obvious you're blessed by God everybody wants to be rich disciples are will say wait a minute God we all want to be rich what do you mean rich people can't go to heaven that's what we want to be and that's highly relevant to us as we don't think we're rich but by the standards of human history and the rest of the world we're rich if you have a car multiple cars you're rich if you have electronic appliances and gadgets free you're rich if you can eat whatever you want when you want and your main concern is gaining weight you're rich if you can go to a buffet or a salad bar or a restaurant and choose from a hundred different idols items you're rich and so the disciples were lured what do you mean and he said in mark 1027 well with God all things are possible even people like us actually can be saved because with God all things are possible notice these statements of faith we can have revival in North America I 100% agree with brother Huntley I was raised on the mission field I can tell you every story you can imagine from personal observation but I also can tell you story for short I can tell you of watching demons being cast out in Korea I can also tell you of demons being cast out in Austin Texas I can tell you of the had been raised but I can also tell you of the dead being raised in Austin Texas whatever story you have I can tell you it's not only happening overseas it's happening right here in the US and Canada it may seem difficult it may seem impossible but remember God with God nothing is impossible with God all things are possible in our culture we can face the challenges of secular North American culture and we can still see the miracle-working power of God we've got to move from fear to faith 2nd Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power we have the power of God and of love maybe that's a part of our problem because it's not just about power it's about loving people if you don't have a soul-winning Church view why would God give a lot of power there's got to be power but there's got to be love and God has given us that and a sound mind that's why it's ok to plan God gives you a mind to plan in other words God's giving you whatever it takes to do what he's called you to do God's commands are God's enabling whatever God tells you to do he gives you the power the love and the sound mind to do what he commands first John 4 for greater is He Who is in you than he that's in the world that's true in North American culture that's true no matter what demonic forces are in our culture verse 18 goes on to safe because perfect love casts out fear I'm persuaded that fear is real but I'm also persuaded if we can love God with all of our hearts and if we can love souls with all of our hearts then that love is gonna cast out fear will move from fear to faith and nothing shall be impossible to us now just for a few minutes I want to talk about overcoming fear I want to mention seven concerns briefly and I want you to listen because I feel I'd love to just preach an evangelistic message and be done with it but like I'm supposed to speak to the church and I have to give inside direction in the way god I feel put it on my heart so I want to talk about some concerns and I could be misunderstood let me just say very clearly the concerns I'm going to mention are legitimate it is legitimate to be concerned about these things but we cannot live in fear of these things we cannot act in fear because of these things we have to recognize the concerns and the problems but consciously decide I will not act because of fear I will move from fear to faith number one is the fear of compromise we are a conservative even strict holiness organization so the way to RAL rise could get us roused up in our human thinking is to suggest compromise if you don't like something if you can convince people it's compromise then you could kill it that's how we operate in our movement now you may not like what I'm gonna say but just hear me out I've written our book the books on our doctrine I think I've shown I believe in our doctrine as much as anybody I've actually faced it when when I was in the minority and standing up for what we believe I can tell you story after story but I don't want to belabor the point but I'm saying you cannot have a revival Church if you're just consumed by fear of compromise notice the concern is legitimate I don't want us to compromise the oneness of God the new birth tongues this initial sign the life of holiness modesty of dress a gender distinction ladies having long hair you just go down the list I do not want us to compromise one iota but I to operate my ministry based primarily of fear that we're gonna fall into compromise you can't have revival when you're living in fear they say what do you talk about well when I was pastoring so this is a number of years ago so you know any personal references are so old it doesn't matter but I had a guy that moved from another part of our country from a very strict holding his church and he came to our church he loved it but but after a few months he said pastor I just don't understand how can you have all these people coming and some of them they got received the Holy Ghost well they they won't get baptized in Jesus name how can you allow that and there's some of them they receive the Holy Ghost but they're still wearing jewelry they're sewer and makeup how can how can you put up with that why don't you deal with that I said you know we're trying to win them some people understand everything immediately but some it takes time and I said I wonder if they're coming on Sunday morning that's not the core church but I'm not gonna run them off as long as they're coming because I have an unfair advantage I've got the Word of God I've got the power of the Holy Spirit if they'll keep coming I'm gonna win them that's how I look at it now I said if you look at our leaders and and so on you know what we believe and you know what I teach you heard me teach so while I'm so strong with that because in our church back home we wouldn't let people come like that I said okay how many were in your church at home he said well about 25 I said let's assume all 25 were ready for the rapture at that time we had about 500 our church I said okay we've got about 500 coming I'm not saying they're all ready to meet God I'm not saying they're all safe let's say only half of them are safe only 250 which approach is winning more souls for the kingdom of God you see you can't live in fear now I'll give you another example so this is a long time ago there was some kind of social media forum an apostolic form of some kind I was a part of it but but one of my friends said hey they're talking about you would you care to give an answer I said so they said what it was so I said well look I'll tell give you the answer you can do what you want and so somebody wrote oh I thought brother man I was such a great holiness a preacher but I went to his church I was so disappointed to see so many unholy people so my friends well how would you like to respond that said well I assume he came on Sunday morning if he came from Sunday morning he probably saw 50 visitors that would not understand our way of dress and he probably saw 50 converts of the last six months baptized or receiving the Holy Ghost that would be in process so I agree he probably saw a hundred people in that service that will not follow our teachings of holiness but if he looked at our choir our musicians our praise singers our Sunday School teachers our children's ministry workers our youth workers our hostesses our Usher's our church board our ministerial staff he would find not only do they have the new birth they followed written guidelines that they agreed to of dress of no drinking no smoking a modest lifestyle ladies having long hair men cutting their short ladies not wearing pants mints not wearing dresses I'm not just picking on one I'm gonna go down the line the whole way and if you've ever been to Austin Texas you know you can't take anything for granted you got to spell it out because yes we had men coming to church in dresses that happen so I was perfectly clear so I said I don't apologize for that because that's how you grow a church you set a clear standard but you've got to be inclusive of souls when you're talking about visitors when you're talking about converts when you're talking about working with real people in a lost world you cannot live in fear that they're gonna destroy you you gotta have faith that you are gonna overwhelm them with the Word of God with the power of the Holy Spirit and the example of the saints that's what I'm talking about so I'm concerned that the UPC I not compromise I'm concerned about that what do I do I study I preach I teach I write if you're concerned I suggest you study and get it deeply so it's not just something you're saying because you have a label but it's something you understand you know backwards and forwards you preach it you teach it you affirm it and you trust the next generation let me hasten on second fear is fear secular secular culture I agree it's legitimate concern we're faced with an ungodly society with all kinds of teachings of sexual immorality same-sex marriage transgender paganism New Age movement you could go on and on and on that's a legitimate concern but we cannot withdraw in isolation because of fear we have to actually believe greater is He Who is in us than he who is in the world so what am I gonna do again I'm gonna study to know what I believe in relation to these false teachings I'm gonna preach I'm gonna teach I'm gonna commit my way to God I'm not gonna tremble in fear yes I'm concerned about the influence on my kids and now my grandkids but I've got to commit them to God I can't live in fear I've got to pray over them I've got a preach and teach to them I've got to live it those lost people I can't isolate myself from them I cannot ban them from coming to church but I need to reach out to them I need to love them I need to win lost souls because nothing is impossible with God yes we've seen people from a lesbian lifestyle a homosexual lifestyle a transgender lifestyle addicted to cocaine you go you name it people that tried to commit suicide people are in mental hospitals people with medical diagnoses of illness physical and mental I could go all night and tell you of testimonies I've seen people come out of those lifestyles and those addictions being baptized in Jesus name Phil what the Holy Ghost being Saints in the church singing in the choir teaching Sunday School you can't isolate yourself in fear you got to move from fear to faith number 3 fear of change because we are concerned over compromise what no nobody likes change alright so when somebody starts changing we get afraid especially because people that want to change our identity they start with little changes that are ok and they get you lulled to sleep with change and then they start crossing the line and we've all seen that happen so much anytime somebody changes one thing we're jumping to the conclusions I remember one time our sociopath sir now this is when we're more strict or now Austin is such a laid-back culture it's official city motto is keep Austin weird and so the people dress accordingly meaning people don't even know that we have holding the standards that everybody dressed is weird I don't even know that we're dressing weird they don't even know that all the ladies are wearing dresses it doesn't got on them because you never know what who will wear what it's so it takes the while oh all the ladies here wear dresses it they can't figure it out because everybody this is their own way and so one time our assistant pastor is working doing some manual labor at church and he ran out of time he was going to go home and change and come back but it couldn't so he actually stayed in church without a time and one of our faithful Saints came up who had gone through a church split in another church the church went quote-unquote in our lingo Turk charismatic so she'd been there and she's seen it she saw the signs so she comes up and saying are we going charismatic an assistant pastor is not wearing a time are we going charismatic is that the first step so understand that's a legitimate concern but all change is not compromised how do you know the difference we've got to focus on the Bible rather than tradition even our own Pentecostal tradition now look I'm 62 years old I resonate - I surrender all I resonate - it's all in him I resonate to those kinds of songs but guess what you like the kind of songs and the kind of preaching when you came into the church or when you grew up in the church when you are a teenager the prevailing styles are your favorite so you're not completely comfortable with anything else but you cannot say all change is compromised just because it's not your personal preference I hope your church will reach out to the older people like me so that we feel comfortable but I also hope your church reaches out to people who didn't grow up in Pentecost to people who are teenagers and twenty-somethings that really had no clue what bringing in the sheaves being they don't even know what sheaves are they don't understand Jesus on the mainline they're really worried about what mainline means they're not aware of the Royal telephone but somehow we've got to change without compromising our identity I'm being candid so some 20-something show up with casual dress little facial hair which I'm a hundred percent against that on women but but their thing you know they hear a great sermon on gender distinction they think they're doing what the pastor said they don't know that that's not what we were probably talking about now I know that's a sensitive point I'm not trying to change your conviction or your church or what your pastor T's I'm just saying you can't live in fear of something that is not a scriptural thing but a cultural thing or a tradition thing we've got to emphasize the Bible as the absolute we methods are secondary they can change principles don't change here's what I found help me I was raised as a missionary did you know in Korea they had different styles of dress had your verse AWS of food they had different styles of music they had different styles of dancing when they the spirit moved and they danced they didn't dance like Americans they danced like Koreans they they had different customs and and my parents said we're not trying to make you Americans we're trying to make you Christians we're not trying to get you to worship like Americans we're trying to get you or some like the Bible like the Book of Psalms now if you're my age you are a missionary in this culture so it's not just what song makes me feel good or what style of dress communicates to me authority or respect or whatever I have to be wise enough to say what is the language that these unsaved teenagers and twenty-somethings I mean because most of our commerce our the kids and teenagers and young adults right so if we're missionaries to them we have to understand what makes what they think about and how can we relate in a term without compromising our identity please understand if you're not comfortable some things I'm saying my main point is this we can't live in fear we have to move forward in faith you could be as strict as you feel like God has called you to be but it has to be in faith you have to appeal and I would say trust our young ministers I'm not saying carte Blanc but I'm saying like Ronald Reagan said about the Russia's trust but verify if I get brother Josh Carson to preach I trust him absolutely but I'm not gonna turn off my brain if he starts teaching false doctrine I'll go talk to him don't worry but I start from a position I trust him his text may not be my text his illustration may not be my illustration but I'm gonna listen with the attitude he's probably right and if it sounds a little strange I'm not that I'm probably the one that didn't get it I'm probably the one who misunderstood the current terminology but I will go home and double check and make sure trust the next generation fear of church growth that sounds strange everybody wants to grow but there's a fear I understand the fear we when we built our first building in two years we went from 125 to 250 that's exciting but when half your people are new that can be scary how do you disciple them and then it's great to plant a new church but what if that new church takes all the people from our church I remember one district far away and long ago we're trying to teach on church growth and the superintendent said I believe what you're saying but you need to meet my district board I said really said yeah you need me my district board and asked them why we can't have new churches so I said okay I said why can't we plant new churches one being spoke up said our churches are all so small if we let another Church come in they could wipe us out so we don't need another church to me if all the churches are small that means you need more churches another guy spoke up it so you don't understand Pentecost is so foreign in our area it'll take us generations before people will accept Pentecost wait a minute you cannot live in fear of bad ethics and try to block churches and have turf protection what you got to do is teach men and sell ethics you got to enforce Minister ethics but you've got to release and let go I know what it's like to be afraid to release someone in ministry because I need them for my there was a wake up I used to think if we only got to a hundred we can handle everything and then when we got towed and I thought well if we could only get to 200 we gonna have everything and you know I worked really hard build the youth program build the children's program build a music program my wife and I were in charge of every program but gradually we trained leaders and we had leaders in place so I thought if I could get all these leaders in place they don't have a good team we'll have a good church but you know I found about the time I got 10 leaders in place one backslidden another got a bad attitude another did exactly the opposite where I said I had to replace him so I realized I would never have a perfect team it was always gonna be a work in progress which I realized is a good thing because that's job security for the senior pastor so then I realized if God calls one of my best leaders to plan a daughter work that doesn't mess up my perfect team if it's the right time and if it's the will of God I'm better off letting that person go you know why because God has another person that's gonna rise up and take their place it's the same reason I give to global missions you could say we can't give to global missions we have to save money for a new building you know what I learned give the global missions and God will help you grow a new building when we move from our last building to the new one we sold the old property for three million dollars that was every dollar we had invested in that property God gave it back to us as a down payment on our new building but at the same time I calculate brother Hal in that same period of time we gave three million dollars to World Missions you can have your cake and eat it too in the kingdom of God you can give it away and grow it back you can give to missions you can give leaders to neighboring churches you can plant churches and you can grow it back don't live in fear of Church growth God has a plan to grow your church and grow other churches too fear of loss I covered that it's the same thing fear of Church growth of fear of loss fear of fellowship some people are afraid of fellowship they call it they're afraid of the organization organisation's not perfect but you know start with trust instead of suspicion not every decision I make is right but I hope people at least when they hear I can't believe brother Bernard did that I can't believe headquarters did that well maybe you shouldn't believe it then maybe you should call me I do have a cell phone I do have an email and I have a secretary executive assistant you can actually get ahold of me if you have a question you can call brother Graham if you're if you're you know if you don't you don't want to bring it to the level the journals superintendent then talk to brother Graham or talk to my assistant Rhonda Morley talk to somebody but if you have our legitimate question you deserve a legitimate answer but don't go speculating or believing the worst start don't don't live in fear of your own organization just because your organization might make some mistakes doesn't mean you can live in fear figure out what those mistakes are talk to the right people fix them vote on them do whatever you have to do but at the end of the day there needs to be servant leadership mutual accountability communication participation invest in your organization help it develop a healthy culture if you're worried about your district having a dysfunctional culture will you create a healthy culture I remember when I was a whole missionary and I and another pastor were in that same section we're both from outside the section we both had missions field experience and there were several churches pushing the liberal edge in fact they fell off the liberal edge later and then their leadership was very reactionary a very harsh and in just trying to control it so you had these two polarizations and so my friend said you know what I'm not coming back to another event I'm not bringing my youth to to the youth event because this is a dysfunctional section I said hey if you and I both come we bring all of our young people we bring all of our church we will outnumber the others we'll change the culture of the section will have revival in the youth service couple years I was elected president we were able to change the culture the same two of us there were no daughters we're gonna start daughter works so in seven years we grew from 30 churches and no daughter works of 53 churches and daughter works I'm saying if you don't like your section or your district or whatever's going on why don't you start investing why don't you start changing the culture why don't you be the peer that exerts the pressure don't live in fear and then finally fear of failure we're all afraid to step out by faith and do something we never done before I know that feeling very regularly I started a church started 16 daughter works started a new district started a new seminary start a new college every step of the way there are people that said it can't be done and there are people said we don't want you to do it it's scary and it costs money and the stakes are higher you got to move from fear to faith I'm wrapping it up I want to give you some examples Los Angeles California Raul Orozco our Spanish evangelist and ministry directors started church in 1986 he now has a church of approximately 500 people that's an amazing story but he's also started 28 works out of his church those works have a total of seven thousand three hundred people they can only get together once a year in one adit or iam who says you cannot have revival in Los Angeles who says you can't plant daughter works without destroying your mother work no you can do it in Jesus name I hope you're showing these pictures Dallas Fort Worth Brent Jones North Richland Hills Texas started a work in 2001 I'm sorry I don't have his picture but he did a great work but several years ago he felt a burden many of his people were coming he was on the north side of Dallas worth people coming to the Southside and they're also been another work years ago that left us and totally abandoned identity and there were still people that needed something and so two years ago this is shocking I've never done this except with Spanish I never know the English people because I was too scared he sent 55 people and $100,000 from his church in 2017 to start a new church and Chris Copeland and Joshua Texas now has two hundred people two years later when I became general superintendent the largest Church and the largest city in the US and Canada that had no church at all of the UPC I was Quebec City several years ago Melissa Frost yes a woman in ministry started the first United Pentecostal church in Quebec City Quebec Canada a lot of people I'm sure said it couldn't be done the largest city in the u.s. that had no UPC I Turks when I became general superintendent was in Newark New Jersey the North Central Jersey district has started to move there a small district but in the last five years they planted eight works this year I preached the fifth anniversary and church dedication for pastor Warren white in Newark New Jersey that weekend I preached in the suburb of Irving Irvington Demitri Williams another pastor I don't have the picture but he also has a new building Neville Clarke the brother of our super 10 of Cayman Islands was a Trinitarian Pentecostal preacher he was baptized in Jesus name baptized his whole congregation I preached for him he just bought property to expand his building three churches right there in Newark New Jersey I'm saying it can be done it is being done Thibodaux Louisiana it's close to my heart because my grandfather was from there I never knew him at tibideaux you think of losing anything Bible Belt South Louisiana is not the Bible Belt it's French Catholic Cajun shorthand version it's the Mardi Gras culture it's a pagan my grandfather his first language was French and when he married a process will make icked him out of the family and so he traveled a Baton Rouge and that's where my family heard of Pentecost he became a preacher with his similes the word the Church of the Pentecostal somebody's of Jesus Christ predecessor at UPC and he was a French evangelist in south Louisiana so several years ago I preached for Josh Malone so yes its Malone so in Thibodaux Louisiana and the Bernards are famous in Thibodaux they're all my relatives there I don't know any of them because they're all Catholic and they kicked us out but if you go to Thibodeau and you if you know if you meet a Bernard it's one of my cousin's he took over a solid strong Apostolic Church seek from his father six years ago in six years they've had five hundred converts now that sounds exciting until you think these are non-christians never been discipled you now have a good Church of several hundred but you add five hundred new converts and so I've been preaching for him every year and I've been advising him and he's he wants my advice he wants you PC identity but he says you know brother Bernard got all these people and I'm sure our neighboring pastors are thinking you know he's just going Whirley you know all these people with all these things and I said what you got to do is focus on the Bible not tradition you just teach Bible whatever's in the Bible you hold him to it if it's not the Bible you can't just don't kind of link kind of leave that aside and I said you need to start with your leadership team make sure they start lining up with the Bible but you got to use people you can't just not use them but fine ways and maybe non-traditional ways that are not leadership that don't dilute your message but you got to start getting him involved and I said he and he talked to and maybe he's this thing night so I hope he doesn't mind me being candid because we're we both very candid with you start over I said you know I understand why people might be worried or a fear frame but I said why don't you start taking your people to camp until ladies calm all that because exposed him to what's going on last time I appreciate your advice he said it's been a wonderful thing it's been an exciting thing I talked to his district super dinner by the he affirms that they took 80 women to this year's a ladies conference in ten received the Holy Ghost they took fifty men to men's conference three receive the Holy Ghost they had to teach them what to expect as far as dress and appropriateness but you see what I'm saying is you could live in fear of church growth in revival and cold down the revival that God has given but I want to reach out to situations like that it's safe if I can help you find a way to add 500 to your church and disciple the majority of them and have a solid apostolic church I'm willing to work with you I'm willing to test it out I'm willing to try it because I want to act in faith I preached in Gramercy what's that st. James Parish there has never been an Apostolic Church much less you PCI Church of any kind in the total history of st. James Parish we have the first and only one that's a foreign mission field that's difficult to disciple people but you can't say forget about those people they won't make good apostolic swith modesty of dress in the first six months so we just can't have a church no we've got to find a way to be true to our identity but move from fear to faith Georgetown this is personal hope you don't mind Georgetown Texas northern suburb of Austin its Metro Austin some years ago we sent Donnie and Cassie hostage to take a little small Church in a rented building they've done so they've done a great work they brought building and property on the north outskirts of town but they and they're building a new building even as we speak but then they realize that leaves the center of Georgetown really unreached so he recruited a friend to come and start a daughter work in his own City he started a whole missions work Andy Gossett he talked to Pastor Shaw that passed another church he said I need a good assistant who can help me who you release someone and so Rodney Shaw sends one of his own leaders named Jonathan Bernard that's why it's a personal he's assistant to the pastor his wife is the music director and lo and behold I can't believe this my son Daniel is an expert drummer my son Jonathan expert bass player but Jonathan is the keyboardist for this church what I'm saying is we can work together we don't have to work in opposition we don't have to fight each other move from fear to faith I'm coming to a close here's what I'm saying Christian life and ministry give us the greatest opportunity of our lives with opportunity comes challenge what challenge comes risk with risk comes fear we must face the challenge and take the risk in other words we need to walk by faith not a blind faith but a reasonable faith but at the end of the day it's faith acknowledge your fear and face it then choose to act in faith step out of your comfort zone to do the will of God jesus said in mark 11:22 have faith in God it sounds simplistic it's not it's simple but profound at the end of the day have faith in God God has already spoken to some people this week God is speaking tonight God will speak tomorrow night when you hear the still small voice of God you've got to move from fear to faith you've got to have faith in God have faith in God move from fear to faith and you will see the incredible three weeks ago I preached for Pastor Shaw he shared with me a testimony a man had been a Buddhist for 23 years six months ago he was meditating and started getting into demonic forces that disturbed him but as he was sleeping God gave him a vision because evidently God saw a hungry heart or a dream and in that dream a woman in white apparel apparently an angel said your answer is in Jesus you need to find Jesus he went to a charismatic church to find Jesus it's a church I know well they believe in the spirit but they don't have much opportunity so what they do and it actually they told me they tell people if you want to receive the Holy Ghost go down to new life they know how to pray people through to the Holy Ghost then you could come back to our church he went there for six months and he said but I'm still not finding what I need somebody told him about Pentecostals so he went to the evil internet and he went on evil YouTube and he saw a Pentecostal preacher and so he schooled Pentecostal church Austin they found new life he said when he walked in the doors he felt this is what I've been looking for that night he was baptized in Jesus name came up out of the water speaking in tongues a Buddhist for 23 years the next week I preached in Syracuse New York a Muslim immigrant was baptized in Jesus name received the Holy Ghost don't live in fear yes the Muslims are here the Buddhists are here the atheists are here the carnal Christians are here the charismatic SAR here the compromising Pentecostals are here but I refuse to live in fear I've decided to move from fear to faith I'm gonna have revival somebody needs to come here right now God is speaking to you you can start a church you can have a revival you could ever break through you can have a decisive victory you can see a miracle you can win a Muslim you can win a Buddhist you can win a soul it's time to move from fear to faith all across this building if you feel it and you want to come or if you want to stay and where you are or you want to turn to someone and pray I challenge you to hear from God I challenge you to believe for a decisive victory I challenge you tonight faith and I challenge you move from fear to faith maybe you should walk down the aisle to show I'm moving I'm moving I'm not changing my identity I'm not changing the gospel I'm not changing holiness I'm not changing my church identity but I am gonna move from fear to faith I am gonna move from beer to paint I am gonna move from fear to paint okano bogota arabic a cigar bar [Music] [Music] fear [Music] Jesus you change everything [Music] now she changed everything [Music] now Jesus range everything [Music] [Applause] you change [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all of this building won't you take somebody by the hand but you take some out of hand every Paul needs a stylist if one come us could put a thousand of life two of us get but ten thousand will take somebody by the hand once you lift that hand they happen right [Music] and won't you open your mouth and declare it before me behind me always beside come on let alone I'm not afraid come on you are deterrence that person you hold the hand right now encourage your prey farm [Music] in the Holy Ghost there's power in numbers but is power in numbers come on one look at your job for that person right now we got this wait now you can do this you can make it you can have it [Music] don't be afraid for the I'm with you don't be afraid just drive with you [Music] come on up for the Holy Ghost in this place [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on the Spirit of the Lord is in this room the spirit Lord is in this room you want to lift your voice and declare but I'm gonna do what God has called me to do I'm moving from fear to faith and no matter how crazy it sounds and no matter how impossible it sounds and no matter how far-fetched it sounds ever God called me to it then he'll bring me through it and if he gave me vision he'll give me provision for the vision I pray our spirit of boldness will come upon this crowd right now and you just declare some things in the Holy Ghost before you ever make it back to your house before you make it ever make it back to your city before you ever make it back to your region before you ever make it back to your church you get some things settled in the Holy Ghost I would not be afraid I will not be afraid I will not have fear of failure I will not have fear of fellowship I will not have fear I know God will make a way out of no way and if he said it I believe it come on let your voice in this house one more time and begin to declare some things that you need to declare in the Holy Ghost [Music] you ought to move throughout the crowd and find somebody to pray for and encourage before we leave here tonight gonna fire somebody lay hands on them encourage them in the Holy Ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: GSN Reliable
Views: 11,730
Rating: 4.7990866 out of 5
Id: 9f0XC7EQy7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 41sec (10361 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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