David K. Bernard at UPCI General Conference 2018

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oh let's praise the Lord together hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh what a wonderful presence of God here tonight amen I'm asking my family to come I want them to pray for me I appreciate my family and my wife they're a huge part of my ministry my wife over fifty percent of my ministry and so I want them to pray would you join them and I asked my family to pray for me for this message tonight hallelujah let's pray together Oh Lord we asked for the anointing of the Holy Spirit we asked for your presence it's already here to continue to guide us to the message and it's conclusion that you would give a special impartation of the Holy Spirit in this place tonight in Jesus name Amen amen if you'll remain standing for just another moment I'm going to read from Acts chapter 14 verse 8 through verse 10 I'm thankful that all my family is serving the Lord all my sons and son-in-law credential ministers all my kids are involved in ministry and saved and my grandkids are receiving the Holy Ghost I've got the two younger ones yet to go but it's happening what a blessing to have your family in the church and involved in ministry that's really more important than any office you could ever hold amen and I'm going to Acts 14 8 through 10 I give thanks to the Lord and I appreciate Bishop Brooks and the other bishops from the Pentecostal Assemblies of the world in the Bible Way Church of our Lord Jesus Christ worldwide we sincerely appreciate your taking your time and your effort your finances to come and join with us as fellow believers in the Lord Jesus Christ amen amen Acts chapter 14 verse 8 through verse 10 and there sat a certain man of Lystra impotent in his feet being a from his mother's womb who never had walked the same herd Paul speak who steadfastly be holding him and perceiving that he had faith to be healed said with a loud voice stand upright on thy feet and he leaped and walked I'm preaching tonight expecting to receive expecting to receive and you may be seated I want to say I appreciate our general officials who are present on the platform tonight our entire general board has been very supportive many friends have text or emailed or caught me to say they're praying and I don't take that lightly or for granted there are times I don't mind telling you that I feel like I have a very heavy load because at the end of the day I have to make the final decision that affects so many people involves so many millions of dollars and no one else can everybody can advise but sooner or later somebody has to decide and sometimes the weight falls very heavily and sometimes I feel I'm all alone but that's where family comes in and that's where friends and that's where prayers come in that's where you come in and I would love just to preach a message that makes everybody shout but I pray each year for a word from God I don't think I'm any better than you are but you've chosen me for this role I think God honors that choice and there's a special anointing and a special impartation that I must receive so we can do what God wants us to do collectively and so I come with a word from the Lord and our message from our theme of this conference is forward I truly believe that we're moving forward last year I preached a Pentecostal future and I said we're seeing the greatest revival in the history of the church the 21st century Bible is greater than the first century viable it's happening it's not simply going to happen it is happening in all this year the general board caught a vision and last year the prophetic word came in the general Board meeting that there is a divine shift Bishop Brooks and the time is now and we should believe in the US and Canada for more than a million and so we've been in strategic planning every nation of the world and every district of the UPC I in North America has been involved and is in the process of strategic planning for growth you saw a video earlier this week of the Florida district you saw just now the South Texas district but I'm here to say that I believe strategic planning for growth is necessary but it is not sufficient to fulfill God's plan to move forward to step into the next dimension there must be a work of the Holy Spirit that no strategic plan can accomplish the leaders of the church whether you are pastor or a district superintendent or a lay leader in the local church somehow collectively we must join in unity of faith and expect a miraculous revival not just a numerical revival not just new buildings not just great choirs but we must move in the realm of the holy spirit we must have miracles signs and wonders just as in the book of Acts except more than we see in the book of Acts now to see that happen let me just briefly start with the basics and if you want to synopsis what brother Cunningham preached Wednesday night wasn't that amazing what brother Jones preached last night wasn't that amazing if you put those two message together you'll have my message tonight here's the basics we believe our mission as the UPC ah is the whole gospel to the whole world by the whole church the whole gospel that the message the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians 1st Corinthians 2:2 I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified that's got to be our message from start to finish it's Jesus Christ the focus is the Lord Jesus Christ we don't preach anything else we don't preach new pceye we don't beep preach Bernard we don't preach Jones we preach Jesus Christ and him crucified that's it that's it in a nutshell when you preach Jesus you'll preach there's one two and living God he created this world of humans to have fellowship we broke the fellowship by sin he could have destroyed us and started all over again but he so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son or in other words God was manifested in the flesh as the Lord Jesus Christ he died to pay the price for our sins he said his blood that we might be redeemed but you don't stop with him hanging on the cross because he's not on a crucifix today he was buried in the tomb he rose again he's alive forevermore he has victory over death he'll in the grave but you don't stop with what happened 2,000 years ago you must preach repent and die to sin in repentance be buried with Jesus Christ in water baptism rise to newness of life through the baptism of the Holy Ghost but you won't stop with the new birth you'll say I'm crucified with Christ escalation says I'm crucified to the world and I'm crucified to the flesh we must live as if the temptations of the world and the flesh cannot influence our lives any longer in other words that's the pursuit of holiness in other words when you preach Jesus Christ and him crucified you'll preach the one God you'll preach the Incarnation you'll preach the atonement you'll preach the gospel you'll preach the new bird and you're preached alive of holiness I do believe in holiness if you want to know for sure my family's not perfect but my family represents what I believe the church we started Austin's not perfect but it represents what we believe and you know I wrote the book on holiness if you'll have me to say it that's the message but then the whole gospel to the whole world the whole world that's the mission jesus said in Matthew 28:19 go ye therefore and teach all nations teach there as the New King James brings out means literally to make disciples nations is from the Greek ethnos meaning every nation or every ethnicity if we are going to be the true Apostolic Church we must reach every nation every region every ethnicity every tongue every top tribe every color every race there must be intentional diversity there must be no prejudice there must be no racism there must be no discrimination but we must have a worldwide vision not only reaching to the other side of the world but to the other side of the streets to the other side of the tracks to the other side of the city we cannot be polarized by the secular media our political system but we must be one body in Christ the whole world by the whole church mark 16:17 jesus said these signs shall follow them that believe the whole church is the messenger every believer is a witness every believer is a minister no not everybody is a pulpit preacher but every child of God should have a place of active service in the body of Christ every child of God should have a testimony every child of God should have a prayer of faith every child of God should be able to witness it some form fashion every believer must be a witness every believer must be connected to a local church and a pastor and every church should be connected to the larger body that's the messenger acts 14:23 Paul and Barnabas the missionaries when they had ordained them elders in every Church and had prayed with fasting they commended them to the Lord on whom they believed so they set up churches and they set up pastors that's the plan of God you can't just be an Internet Church or a media Church or you can't be just saved in isolation you must get into a church and you must have a pastor acts 16 4 through 5 after there was an international debate over whether Gentiles could enter the body of Christ without being circumcised and becoming Jews all the apostles and elders from all over the church gathered in Jerusalem it was the first General Conference of the United Pentecostal Apostolic spirit-filled Church International and they voted they debated sharply contended and voted in some form or had some means of consensus and they said it seems good to us and the Holy Ghost that's God's plan he works through his spirit and he works through his church and he works through his leaders and you should not try to separate as if it's one or the other the church cannot function without the Spirit but God will not operate in this world he can operate sovereignly as he wishes but his plan is to use his church and so in acts 16 4 through 5 Paul and Silas went back on the missionary trip and as they went through the cities they delivered them the decrees for to keep that were ordained of the apostles and elders which were at Jerusalem and so were the churches established in the faith and increased in numbers daily it doesn't look like when they got the decision of their Jerusalem Council they said well we're going to turn in our card we just don't want to do that they didn't say well we're gonna leave the United Pentecostal Apostolic Church International because we don't like what they did in Jerusalem last week they didn't do that what you see is the principle and hear me well of self-government of local churches under the oversight of pastors we can't and should not take that away but we also see the connection of local churches to the general body to provide unity submission leadership and accountability the goal of the UPC eye is not merely to make converts or to have great Crusades with thousands and millions to attend but we want to plant new works preaching points daughter works home Bishan churches and we want to bring the mature to maturity as self-governing local churches not a hierarchical circle we're not interested in controlling from st. Louis or from some other location churches we want them to grow to maturity in Christ but we want them to be connected to one another and I just want to say and most of you've heard the testimony so I'll be brief I think they're gonna show a slide but I'm not just a headquarters bureaucrat telling you what to do I'm not an ivory tower theorist that's come up with a doctoral program that's better than your plans I've been there and done that and I still want to be there and do that my wife and I who's my wife who's sang a moment ago we started church in Austin Texas while I was pastor we started 16 other churches out of that church and under pastor Shaw they started several more churches and daughter works and this was not just a Bible Belt city Austin Texas only 10% of the population calls themselves evangelical Christian 90% don't believe the Bible within a 5-mile radius of our church is a Muslim mosque a Hindu temple a Buddhist temple a doubt was temple I said 5 or 10% or evangelical Christians well 5% identify as L GBT cute that's our city but you know what you can establish an Apostolic Church in a secular liberal postmodern post Christian City you do not have to compromise Jesus name baptism you do not have to compromise the holy ghost speaking in tongues and you do not have to compromise the life of holiness you might want to change some methods or even some traditions even if they are Pentecostal but you don't change the Bible message you don't change instructions for godly living whether it's sexual morality or modesty of dress or gender distinction or everything in between you can be apostolic and you can build a church that church in Austin and the existing works probably has 2,000 constituents I know it can be done because I've been part of that you might say well it's easy to put them on paper yes we've had some struggle we've had some closed down we had some restart and on and on but right now out of that effort there are 12 net 12 self-governing churches to daughter works that were transferred to other churches that were partnering with us and to current daughter works maybe some more that I'm not up-to-date on 11 of those churches have their own buildings three of them got financing from the UPC loan fund one more has land to build so I'm not talking about paper churches I'm talking about real churches with real people it can be done it is being done they call me the bishop but I don't control those churches what that means is I'm the advisory pastor if I was still controlling them I would be in you PCI lingo I would be senior pastor so we can call anybody a bishop that's great but if they have control they are the senior pastor if they don't have control they are the honorary or advisory pastor I just do that in four exponent or of purposes just to make sure we're all on the same page okay that's the messenger now let's talk about the method here's the method we can only do the job through ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit there is no other way mark 16:20 Jesus after at the very end of the book after Jesus gave the Great Commission and ascended to heaven the Apostles went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following acts 2:42 through 43 here's the model of what the church is supposed to be like even to this day and they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles Paul right after the earlier message that I read to you 1st corinthians 2:4 paul continued and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and a power we are living in a secular age we are living in a post-christian age it's intimidating there is spiritual warfare on every hand that is difficult and tough but you know what that does that forces us to be apostolic we cannot slide by on culture we cannot depend on the school system to teach moral values we cannot depend on government to protect us we cannot depend on true human tradition to keep people living right we must have the power of the Holy Ghost there is no other alternative there is no other method than ministry in the power of the Spirit now let me say this we believe the Bible is the infallible inerrant Word of God but we are not the group called fundamentalist the fundamentalists bleed the Bible is the word but they don't believe in miracles for today now we share the belief in the Bible but we're not fundamentalist what I mean by that if you preach the word only that easily leads to legalism when you preach word only that easily leads to a spirit of suspicion because with different cultures and different churches and different methods if somebody does things differently you can easily suspect they're trying to compromise the faith and some people have done so but we cannot succumb to a spirit of suspicion as if all we have is the letter we have the word and the spirit if somebody is keeping the scripture they might be changing some traditions and methods but if they're upholding the scripture and they're ministering in the power of the Spirit let's at least respect that don't put your hand on or don't use social media to derive some brother who's trying to operate in the spirit eventually their fruit will show one way or the other but we are not legal as we are not fundamentalist we are people of the word but we're also people of the Spirit don't adopt that fundamentalist attitude because we are apostolic Pentecostals yes if you read acts 2 we must have the Apostolic identity or doctrine yes we must have apostolic unity but notice so we must have apostolic power or we have no right to call ourselves a New Testament turf in acts 2 you'll notice the word acts 243 wonders and signs wonder speaks of the essence of the event these are notable events these are miracles this is divine intervention signs speaks of the effect of those events signs that says it confirms the faith of believers and it opens the eyes of unbelievers now when we're establishing a church or trying to advertise our church we want the best possible image and I'd pause to say I'm very thankful brother Mooney you said last year that in Indianapolis there's such a wonderful report from the people of the city of how we were a good good guests and they're waiting for us to come back and brother Gleeson you just texted me and my wife also text me the head valet at the hotel said this is the best group we've ever dealt with and the head the the bellman said this is the best group one in 17 years of service 1 in 13 years of service said this is the kindness most gracious even of the Christian groups thank God for that testimony it's not because you're wearing brand new clothes it's not because you're flashing money although you should be generous but it's because of the spirit of holiness we're not trying to get people to change searches our advertising message must not be our building is prettier our choir sings better our preacher preaches better we're friendlier so please switch your church membership to our church I don't care about that what we need to be saying is this is the place of healing this is the place of restoration this is the place of deliverance if your marriage is in trouble you came to the right Church if you're on drugs you came to the right Church if your child is bound by pornography you came to the right Church this is the place of miracles this is the place of signs and wonders I could spend the rest of the night telling testimonies and many of you could too but again I'm not speaking from theory I'll just briefly hit the points but I can personally say with my own eyes and my own ears in our local church we saw a man raised from the dead in a church service in our local church we saw miraculous answers to financial needs I was able the first time this ever happened to me but not the last a man in our church sold the business and gave me a check for 1 million dollars that sure helped our new building program we had demons cast out I can tell you of a young man that shot himself in the brain and God delivered him and he was restored to healing came out of the hospital I could tell you of a man who had a stroke went into a coma then a heart attack the doctor said do not resuscitate the family signed their release they said there's only a 10% chance he will even survive the night but God raised him up and he's still alive many years later I call that 90% chance it must have been a miracle another man had a massive heart attack stop breathing they resuscitate him the doctor says in these cases only 4% survive but you guessed it he survived and he's alive many years later a little girl had a brain tumor they took out a portion of her brain when they did the next scan the tumor was gone but the brain had gone grown to fill the empty cavity I can tell you two of the ministers of our local church both Hispanic one a man what a woman were healed of severe diabetes a girl here healed of sight cystic fibrosis a woman healed of a blood clot on the brain a lady healed a spina bifida a man healed of a faulty heart valve a woman healed up Maneri hypertension I'm telling you God is still healing today don't stop believing in the miraculous with humans it might be impossible but with God all things are possible deliverance I can tell you personal testimonies of people in the church delivered from cocaine from methamphetamine from prostitution from homosexual lifestyle yes from a transgender lifestyle yes this is happening today I personally experienced it when I was a pastor we must believe in the miraculous we must believe I can give you testimony of people delivered out of a mental institution I can give you testimonies of people converted from atheism Islam Buddhism Mormonism Jehovah's Witness we had lifelong Pentecostals get saved in our church as well it's a miracle in some cases young exchange student from Albania Muslim country when I baptized him in Jesus name he received the Holy Ghost he said how come nobody has ever come to my country to tell me I could receive something like this why did I have to come to America to know this was possible Islam I'm telling you I can just give you story after story a radio talk-show hosts began visiting all the churches in town she started reporting on our church come to find out when I met her she said pastor when I walked into the service I felt something I never felt in any of other churches that I visited needless to say she was soon baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost I had a man leave a message on the answering machine he said I think my son is possessed by demons can you send someone to my house to pray for deliverance when I finally contact him yes we my son Jonathon I sent our pastor Youth Pastor Seth and then I myself went and and he said I called churches all over the city I left messages but nobody would return the call and he said I asked talked to my neighbor mice neighbours had tried the Pentecostals they know how to handle stuff like that he said you are the only one who returned the call I'm happy to tell you the whole family came into church yes that young man was trouble mentally and spiritually but he was delivered baptized in Jesus name fill at the Holy Ghost the family is still in the church today we need to be known if you don't know where else to go why don't you try the Pentecostals if you need a miracle why don't you go to the Pentecostals if you need deliverance there's a church I heard that believes in deliverance now this next story I'm gonna tell you you you take it for what it's worth I've got several theories I'm just gonna tell you what happened a young couple delivered set free from alcohol drugs and their new converts the woman calls in a panic she says pastor I need help immediately my husband has gone back to drinking and he's messed up and he's so angry and he's so despondent he went into our room bedroom and pulled out the gun and pushed me out of the room and slammed the door shut she said he says he wants to kill himself pastor what do I do I said let's start praying in Jesus name right on the phone we started puking the devil we started praying in the name of Jesus pretty soon there was a gunshot I said what's going on she said I'll find out the next thing her husband is on the phone with a shaky voice he said pastor I don't know what happened to me I took out the gun I put it in my mouth I pulled the trigger the gun went off but I missed that's what he said he's still alive today I'm telling you I don't care what the situation is you start calling on the name of Jesus and anything good can happen you start calling on the name of Jesus and a miracle can take place a young african-american woman I was preaching Sunday morning I got to the end I asked everybody to stand but I felt like as a preacher sometimes do to preach a little bit more and while I was preaching she fell out in the middle aisle received the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues my spiritual side was very excited because this is the same thing that happened with Cornelius my carnal side was worried because her husband had a doctorate of engineering and was an associate professor at the University of Texas and I was a little worried what he would think with his wife lying out on the floor in front of hundreds of people speaking in tongues but somehow he managed it and he too was baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost a family came in our church the wife got a wonderful experience the man probably six-foot to over 300 pounds he came into my office belligerent he said my family is I'm gonna join a cult you're trying to make them change their life you're trying to tell them how to dress you say everybody except you is going to hell if you don't speak in tongues you're going to hell I won't put up with that and he began ranting he's standing there Clow just just standing over my desk and looking down at me and and it was pretty intense I felt the Holy Ghost speak and I said you know what your problem is don't worry about all this other we're not trying to condemn the rest of the world we leave up that up to God we're never gonna tell your family what to do we're just gonna have some of the following of the Holy Spirit but I said you know what your real problem is you need peace in your life when I said that he crumpled he said pastor you're right he said I'm taking medication to try to control my rage but it's not working and he pulled up the sleeves of his shirt he said look I'm cutting myself I'm trying to find that hitter I'm cutting myself because I don't know what else to do I said you know what to do forget about all the things you're worried about we'll never pressure you or your family you just need to start coming to church and God will give you peace he started coming and you could see on Sunday morning the spirit would move he would come to the front he would start to repent and then suddenly like a different personality he would stiffen straighten up get angry scowl look belligerently everybody wanted to stock off it was demonic possession or oppression or something but one night Sunday night we had one of those traditional blowout services people running the house people dancing the spirit you know and I have guest preachers come sometime to be shocked by the worst room well I thought you're a professor I said look I'm Pentecostal will he expect this is because you have education doesn't mean you forget how to worship doesn't mean you don't want to move the spirit what kind of church we expect you at fine so they were running the aisles they were dancing the spirit they were falling out in the floor people receiving the Holy Ghost the whole place was just torn up but when those things happen I always try to close with about five minutes of preaching because I never wanted to say Church was so good we couldn't preach I wanted the word to be the final word because there's always somebody so I just said okay everybody take a seat wherever you are I'm gonna preach five minutes and if you can't wait go to the prayer room well one of our ministers was sensitive to the Holy Ghost he saw that man in the back that struggle going on and that minister discern this is the time he went over to him and said you need to go to the prayer room I didn't see it because I was closing out the service but two of our licensed ministers one I just talked to a few weeks ago he said brother Bernard I'll never forget this as long as I live he said when that man entered the room as soon his energy he said it like a tree falling him he didn't just kneel he just fell the 300 plus pound six-foot-two fell prone flat on the floor instantly delivered and begins speaking in tongues as the Holy Ghost filled him that's how you win converts in this sinful world you're not going to win them by better education or by better debate techniques or by eloquent preaching or even by the act of singing but you must minister in the power of the Holy Ghost there's no substitute now I'm getting towards the close and my main point here's my main point if we really want to move to the next level we must have in one word expectancy expecting to receive notice back in acts 243 fear came upon every soul that's the fear of God that's all reverence respect for God his and his leaders that's why I say I said earlier whether you're a local saint talking about your church and pastor whether you're a minister on social media be very careful when you handle the things of God be very careful when you handle the men and women of God be careful when you Hale handle the Churches of God even if they're making poor choices or questionable decisions be very careful because when you destroy that holy awe you will not have the miracle signs and wonders in your local church you might be a hundred percent correct doctrinally and even correct in your own opinion but if you don't have the power of the Holy Spirit you're not gonna have an apostolic revival Church why would you trade that to score points we can as ministers legitimately talk about concerns and questions but I'm just saying be careful not to destroy the fear of God the all the reference respect and I'm preaching to leaders whether you're a pastor or another minister or whether you're a lay leader in the local church a faithful saying of God the leaders need expectancy the leaders need spiritual perception we emphasize the importance of the individual having faith to receive but when I titled my message expecting to receive I'm not really a talking about the end recipient that needs a miracle I'm talking about the spiritual leadership and mature saints of the church they are the ones that must bring an expectancy I want you to notice in acts 3 4 through 5 I'm reading for the New Living Translation this is the lame man that was healed at the temple in Jerusalem Peter and John looked at him intently and Peter said look at us the lame man looked at them eagerly expecting some money the lame man exercised faith the King James says he was expecting to receive my very title but he didn't really know what he was going to receive it was a pretty weak faith in that sense but before he believed Peter and John exercise discernment did you notice that they looked at him intently they expected to impart before the lay man expected to receive anything the Apostles expected to impart they are the ones who inspired faith and as a result not only was that man heal but 5,000 souls were added to the church you want apostolic revival it needs to start with a miracle if you want a miracle it needs to start with the leaders having an expectancy to receive in my text the story of the lame man in Lystra I'll read Acts 14 9 through 10 New Living Translation looking straight at him Paul realized he had faith to be healed so Paul called to him and allowed boys stand up now the lame man likewise exercised faith because he obeyed the command but before he ever exercised faith the apostle paul looked at him closely observed him the apostle paul was reading the crowd and he saw one man who was believing he discerned that this man had faith now I believe we should pray for all of the sick but I believe we can enter a new dimension if we read the crowd and we find one person who has faith or who is starting to believe I'm not talking about gimmicks or techniques to make people do stuff that they don't know what they're doing I'm saying we've got to move in the Holy Ghost the leaders and it shouldn't be just a rare person like a Billy Cole or a T W Barnes all of God's leaders should seek that ability to step into the realm of the spirit expecting to receive here's my main point yes the recipients need faith but in both stories the emphasis is on the expectancy of the church and its leaders as spiritual leaders we should expect the miraculous we should lead into miraculous revival we need spiritual perception that means preparing our heart seeking after God looking intently at the need we must have spiritual discernment that means we need to hear from God we need to understand what God wants to do we need to follow God's will I'm saying we must have spiritual expectancy we are the ones who create a climate with our worship with our prayer with our preaching with our teaching we are the ones who should expect the miracle not the needy person we are the ones who first need to act in faith we must move from our own fears into the dimension of faith and let me tell you it's already been stated but the time is now the United Pentecostal church international I think I just got a few slightly updated statistics brother Hal we're in 193 nations 35 territories 228 nations and territory we have worldwide including the US and Canada 42,000 works 40,000 ministers 4.9 million constituents in Florida 51 new works in two years in Quebec the least evangelized area of North America in the last 10 years we've grown from 9 churches and works to 25 works 178 percent increase Wisconsin 10 years from 72 to 123 works 71% increase South Texas you saw it tonight from 226 works to 372 works in 10 years a 65% increase a total of 13 districts in North America have creased increased over 1/3 in the last 10 years including some of the most needy areas Canadian Plains and a number of the districts of New England and we're intentionally pressing toward diversity if you look at the Hispanic black or african-american asian-american constituents in the US and Canada of the total 1300 pastors fit that category 27 percent 2000 ministers our 19 percent total constituents estimated 34 percent and get this we've still got a long way to go but notice what's happening I did a survey of district board members district department head district chairs and of that all total 261 are from those minority categories and that is a 58% increase from 2012 I'm saying something is happening in the realm of the Spirit you heard testimonies that God is giving us denominational churches in Southern California multi-million dollar facilities for free last a few weeks ago I talked to pastor Mills in Augusta Georgia he purchased an Anglican Church building for $1 the preacher wanted him to have it I'm telling you something is happening in North America something is happening around the world that time is now in Bangladesh just a few weeks ago a crowd of many Muslims and Hindus how do you win Muslims how do you win Hindus it's got to be the work of the Holy Spirit I got a video watch the video when I shout hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 6,000 miracles [Music] let's stand all across the building brother climbed in Steve Angeles coordinator and your team this is the time of impartation now when I call for you to come forward we're gonna pray for miracles but the first prayer is for spiritual leaders whether you're a local lay leader a minister or a pastor we need to step into a next dimension of expecting to receive it's got to start with the leaders we must focus faith to receive how does that happen we must pray with authority we must lay on hands or anoint with all as the symbol of the Spirit we must call on the name of Jesus and here's what I'm praying for what's gonna happen I've got some key leaders that are gonna pray for the whole congregation then I've got some more leaders they're gonna pray for each one of you that come and then I want the first appeal to be leaders however you define yourself that you want an impartation of a supernatural anointing what are we praying for perception discernment expectancy anointing that when you go back home it will not be Church as usual or business as usual but God will begin to show you things and not everybody's gonna be healed not everything's gonna happen like you think but there will be a noticeable increase in miracles signs and wonders there will be spiritual breakthroughs that will transform your church and open the door for converts that will come no other way casting out of demons raising the dead miraculous supply of financial needs miracles of healing that will bring an entire family to faith and then once we've had time to pray for leaders than anyone who has a need of healing I'm gonna ask those newly empowered leaders to pray for those who have but here's what I want to do I'm appealing to spiritual ears why don't you come forward right now just come close to the front and I want us to pray for perception discernment expectancy anointing I want you to pray for the whole country I want you to lift your hands all over this auditorium and get ready to pray just wait the nature of the anointing is its first received then it's released and then it's increased we have received the word of faith from the man of God now is the time for the release and when we release it with our shout and we release it with our praise we're going to feel the impartation of God's increase upon us I'm giving just a moment for a few others to get in this altar we're going to do this in one mind in one Accord evangelists would you lift your hands across this auditorium leaders on the platform would you lift your hands out over everyone the shout is very strategic in bringing down the walls and bringing the release let's get ready to release it now by the authority of the word of God and by the power of the name Jesus and the anointing and authority of the man of God here tonight we release our faith into the hands of God and onto the body of Christ shout it [Applause] [Laughter] by the name of Jesus by the name of Jesus by the name of Jesus there's anointing and authority covering upon the ministry right now shout it release it it's releasing to your voice it's releasing to your voice it's releasing to your praise it's releasing to your prayer it's releasing to your hands lalalalala ba you Cobra supernova ha in the name of Jesus we release the miracle we release your miracle in the name of Jesus there's an impartation coming to you man of God woman of God leader ha ha ha ha come to reassert ah ha we're going to evangelize the world with miraculous power to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ all the way to the back lift your voice let it come from back there up here [Applause] some evangelists you're gonna have to push your way out through the crowd to lay hands on some of these men of God Bishop wants an impartation [Applause] [Applause] aha Talib aha we feel led to let this remain a few more minutes before a general prayer there's a partition all over this older men of God laying hands on men of God women of God with women of God [Applause] haha [Applause] there is spiritual authority coming upon you right now there is an impartation of spiritual authority upon you right now [Applause] haba haba hyah wonderful pastor's mighty pastors of this fellowship there's a ministry of an evangelist coming upon you there's the ministry of evangelism coming we're going to reach this whole world your church is going to grow souls are going to be baptized in the name of Jesus filled with the Holy Ghost in that local church seems like God lifts your hands over this ministry it's coming your way in a few moments bahahaha la la la la Baja leaders leaders of the United Pentecostal church in the Apostolic Church are receiving an impartation they're receiving a fresh anointing God let us be the most evangelistic people that have ever lived give everyone of us Lord the Ministry of an evangelist give every one of us the ministry Lord of soul-winning outreach signs wonders and miracles let the gospel be released in our mouth let the gospel be released in our hands [Applause] ah-ha-ha-ha [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] hahahaha yes yes yes yes yes yes yes what a release what an impartation [Applause] I feel the angelic presence of the host of angels in this place tonight in Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty name [Applause] the in the release of our faith is getting ready to increase all over this auditorium it's getting ready to be a mass miracle healings deliverances blind eyes open deaf ears unstop back pain is about to leave cancers are about to be eradicated tumors are getting ready to dry up you're going to live and not die you're going to be strong and not weak here's what I want you to do all the way up to the bleachers I want you to turn to somebody that needs prayer all over this auditorium get to somebody that needs prayer right beside you and I want you to put your hand on their head like this right here yep get like this is right here everybody turn to somebody all the way up to the bleachers turn and do like brother Smith and I are doing do what we're doing just like this this is everybody ready put your hands on their head and say by the authority of the word of God and by the power of the name Jesus I release a miracle to you now hallelujah [Music] come on let's let it break out all over this auditorium everybody prayin for somebody everybody's hand or somebody get out in the aisles if you have to step over a seat if you have to [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on pray your release and faith pray in the name of Jesus speak a prophetic word speak in faith come on all the way to the balconies all the way to the risers from the left to the right use your voice hell can't stop a prayin Apostolic Church pray in the name of Jesus we're releasing the gifts of healing we're releasing the power of miracles tumors are drying up right now in the name of the Lord Jesus the tumors disappearing off your body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ the tumor is disappearing off your body [Applause] sorry Allah bakatari al-abbas ayah in the name of Jesus right now blind eyes are being opened cancer is being taken out of your body every muscle in your body that has not been functioning I commanded to submit to the power of God now every sickness that's in your body let it be released out of you now in the name of Jesus somebody gotta lift up their voice in this place lift up your voice lift up your voice Teodoro boqueria in your stream there's a breakthrough I said in your stream there's a breakthrough yo Dorobo saya it's here do it now pray in the Holy Ghost well pray in the Holy Ghost [Applause] miracles are happening all over this house right now [Applause] miracles are happening all over this house right now open your mouth and speak in tongues the spirit knows exactly what to say open your mouth and speak in tongues the spirit speaketh expressly let the Holy Ghost interpret what you've been saying in your English language let the Holy Ghost say it in the spirit language go ahead open your mouths the spirit this begins upon the parties and every cell of your creative vessel into the twelve systems of the body for restoring your 1200 million cells Laura Nichols shot Devils Lake Casa PK rates rocketbox barbaric let's get the ropes all right spot [Applause] we're gonna hear some testimonies in a few minutes there's miracles all over this house if God's already healed if you were in pain in this service you had a tumor or lump in this service and God has already give you the miracle the pain has gone the love has disappeared you've already received a miracle would you just raise your hands like this and just kind of wave it at us a little bit right here just waving at me for a minute we want to see a look at him hundreds and hundreds all over this auditorium we'd like to ask some of you I know it's a long way but some of you if you could come over here on the right come over here on the left we've got some ministers over there tell them your testimony tell them what God has already done for you tonight we want to start giving God some glory all over this house you've received a miracle in your body come right over here on the right or over there on the left tell one of these ministers that are on the platform are on the steps so I'll post some over there this is what God did for me God's healed my back God took the tumor away I feel it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ while you're coming we're gonna pray another prayer of faith Holy Ghost is all over this house power God is everywhere in this place this was bishops vision for tonight that there would be mass miracles all over this place put your hands in the air and get ready [Music] by the authority in the Word of God by the power of the name Jesus let that miracle take place again come on I want you to believe right now that whatever you're asking God for you might not say I got it yet but I'm about to get it right now come on blind eyes are about to be open deaf ears are going to unstop diabetes is going to leave that old nasty spirit of cancer by the authority in the Word of God spirit of cancer I command you in the name of Jesus to dry up now I curse you at the roots I command you to leave that body now I command it to dry up now in the name of the Lord come on blind eyes are gonna be open up deaf ears are going to unstop I promise you tumors are leaving huh I'm telling you the lame is going to walk I want you to get your visa I want you to open your mouth I won't see the decree and declare if the Holy Ghost I'm getting my miracle right now I'm receiving my miracle right now if you got America you need to come around to the sides that's right come oncome tell somebody what God is doing in this house [Applause] you still need a me Recor something in your body slip out and get up here a little closer brother Bernard envisioned at the end that we would give a call for everybody that needed a miracle touching your body a turn around and deliverance get on out of your seat and press your way up here these men of God that have been flowing in the Holy Ghost for the last 15-20 minutes some of them are going to turn around and release to you what's been released on them you need a miracle come on come on into the back of this altar area some are coming down the aisle on that side some over here on the left come on up to the front this man right up here at the front has just testified when we when the ministers prayed over the spirit of cancer on him he felt something just lift completely physically off his body said I don't know exactly what's going on but like something lifted off my body he fell out in the Holy Ghost I think he's on the floor over here but I think the cancer is gone what do you think hallelujah get some testimonies up here we want to build some faith tell us what the Lord is doing men of God some of you have already been blessed and healed I want you to start turning around to these that are behind you and start laying hands on them some of these that are coming down to the altar men of God there's going to be a miracle flow through you here tonight there's going to be a miracle flow through you tonight lady right here at the front when she came up she had a big lump on her neck they're telling me it has completely disappeared right here lump on her neck she's waving her hand right there in the orange or yellow completely disappeared come on give the Lord some high praise this is what our Bishop was preaching about tonight come on come on in the law I think we ought to take a few minutes and just worship for what's already happening let it ring out all the way to the left oh la la la ba ha [Applause] halleluja halleluja do you feel the sovereignty that is in this place I feel like you ought to just lift your hands up to the Lord and allow yourself to flow and speaking in other tongues allow yourself to flow and speak in other tongues there's something deep transpiring right here there's something deep flowing and moving right here goes somebody's laid a cane up on the altar God's healed their legs or their hip or something they don't need it to walk this man right here in the white shirt and tie heart murmur always can feel his heart beating irregularly and has had an infection in it but now he says my heart is beating normal I'm breathing normal I can feel the miracle this man shouting right here is the man that laid the cane up here on the platform somebody just threw a brace up here on the platform folks I'm telling you I feel we just released this thing with all of our heart Jesus Jesus Jesus I think there needs to be a shout I think we need to take this up another level Jesus by the authority of the word of God that was preached to us tonight and by the power of the name Jesus I command the pain and the illness that is in your body to leave you now in the name of Jesus be healed now shout it out loud hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] aha [Applause] jeez beyond Dorobo see arabic italia there's healing all over them there's miracles all over this place faith has been lifted all over this place in the name of Jesus somebody give God praise in the house lift up your voice and give God praise in the house [Applause] sayonara Catania [Applause] I feel in the Holy Ghost it's been repeating in my mind and repeating in my mind that we need to place a demand on the seeds that have been planted all over this world because there are folks in this place that you have planted seeds you have sent money all over this world but you have not seen an increase in your own church or in your own ministry but it's time to place a demand on the seed that whatever you have planted around the world you will receive the increase in your church in the name of Jesus so I want you to lift up your hand every pastor every minister in this place right now in the name of Jesus for every dollar that has been invested for every bible school that has been built for every church that has been built around the world for every missionary that's been in the scent all over the world for all that we have invested in the kingdom of God right now we place a demand on the seed up and we declare an increase in every church revival be broke out in every church up in the name of Jesus now somebody shouted give him high praise high praise come on one time let's give the Lord a hand clap a praise in the building here's what we're gonna do there's no possible way that people can come to the platform brother Bernard said this is fine brother Kline that said it's fine if God gave you a miracle I'm talking about you had a situation you had pain you had a disease but God gave you a miracle here tonight there's no pain you can tell you know your body I want you to lift your hand you know it happened lift your hand and just keep it up keep waving it and they're gonna start they just gonna just keep it up keep waving that's right just keep waving hallelujah we're gonna rejoice in just a moment that's right I mean there's hundreds of hands hallelujah they got a lot of hands going up all over the building they're counting that's right I'm just got I know it's not about numbers but it is cuz we gonna give God a little praise and give him a little honor and a little glory on this side yes that's right come on you still got a chance to get a miracle you still got a chance I see hands off they're counting all around the congregation we're just giving them a few moments we got a few folks countin we're giving them around we're giving them a few moments here that's right just keep waving your hand that's right just keep waving your hand okay they say on this side how do I know you okay hallelujah how many knows he's still in the miracle-working business I like it when they pray and then the Lord said what do you sees that I see ministries Jesus said oh we're gonna pray a little bit more if you still need a miracle raise your hand come on if you're still need a miracle raise your hand now if you see somebody with their hand up all right in just a moment but the Train is going to add to it right now they've counted up about two hundred and thirty three so far confirmed miracles in this house tonight as we as we go along hey man as we go along they're going to be miracles sent in to headquarters you're going to send your testimony of this service you're going to write it down if you're watching on line you are live on Facebook you're on our live stream right now we feel like there is going to be a release from this auditorium right now angels that are all over this house are going to go flying out of this place in the name of Jesus this entire auditorium is getting ready to release the power of God that is here over that livestream our camera people are going to help us get this released as they span your praise and worship and your release of the Word of Faith so this time our shout this time our loud praise is going to be a release to those of you that are watching online I believe somebody in living rooms is about to be healed and delivered they're going to be thousands all over this place are you ready Congregation for a mighty release to thousands that are watching all over the world right now I want you to close your eyes I want you to lift your hands I want you to get your mind right on the Lord Jesus Christ right on Jesus and when we shout this time we're going to shout the name Jesus we are shout is going to be the name Jesus your faith is in his name his blood is going to be released at the shout of his name demons are going to flee spirits of infirmity are going to be cast out my command now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ blind eyes to open deaf ears be unstopped demonic strongholds release your crib cities be loosed and delivered into the Apostolic Doctrine I curse cancer and leukemia and every Blood DS and muscle disease and bone disease and organ disease in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we lift up our shout and our faith and we release it now shout it in the name of Jesus [Applause] cameraman scan this crowd let the internet see what's happening in this auditorium let us feel the APIs [Music] car taken power the name of Jean every knee shall bow [Music] every tongue confess you're delivered in the name of Jesus come on if you feel the delivering power Batiatus sound somebody out of there my body ought to speak another town ritzy the Holy Ghost Fritzie golly go I believe there's some right here at the front receiving the Holy Ghost they made their way into the front hallelujah hallelujah come on Pentecostals I think we oughta sour Oh your testimony [Music] if you need to go you're dismissed khadijah go [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] right up here at the front my brother Crowder this fan right here had hearing aids in his ear took them out he could hear now without the hearing aids God right there come on it's happening all over the house these are just the 10 [Music] [Music] come on the place [Music] [Music] break through with my heart right through it my mind break suit in my spirit breakthrough in the south breakthrough in my weakness to instruct you worth [Music] right to wit my spirit person with with my weakness Circle [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this lady right over here that is shouting up and down her husband just told me she ain't been able to walk all week she couldn't hardly even stand up but in this service tonight God has healed her and now she's shouting and dancing somebody ought to dance with her somebody ought to shout with her she's shouting in America she's dancing in the miraculous dancing the miraculous [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: United Pentecostal Church International
Views: 37,238
Rating: 4.8844767 out of 5
Keywords: Apostolic, Pentecostal, UPCI, Oneness, United Pentecostal Church
Id: w5BK4iR2bfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 58sec (5278 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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