David K. Bernard at BOTT 2019

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(inspirational music) - Praise God. It's exciting to be in the presence of the Lord. And I'm believing that God is gonna do something special tonight. Not because of me, but because of the anticipation, the prayer, the dedication, the commitment that's represented here. So while you're standing I'm going to read two verses of scripture, the first one from 1 Corinthians chapter 12, verse 13. And let me say it is a privilege to address you. Thank you Pastor Anthony Mangan, the entire committee. I don't take it for granted. You wouldn't have to do this every year to have the general superintendent speak but I appreciate that and I also want to report for we have a new president for Urshan College, Urshan Graduate School of Theology, Dr. Brent Coltharp. (congregation applauding) But I mention this because without because the times there would be no Urshan Graduate School of Theology. I'm not gonna take the time to rehearse it, but I've tried to give you a report. When the graduate school got accredited, when we started the undergraduate school, this past year we attained candidacy, which is provisional accreditation, that was the big step. We got a new president, we got a new campus because we're already bursting the seams where we are because of the accreditation. We have a record enrollment, so this fall by God's help we'll be moving to a new campus and able to house the increased student body that's happening right now. Praise God, it's a miracle. It doesn't take away from our our Bible colleges. This is a different project and this is something we all should celebrate and I'm telling you because without you, none of this would have happened. But because of you. It's not an either or. It's not either support global missions or support college education. It's we're gonna do all of the above. We are an international fellowship. We can have cutting edge outreach revival, evangelism in every dimension from reaching the homeless, to reaching the college students. We can do it all. In fact, we must do it all. It's not either or, it's both and, amen. Now that was extra so don't hold that against me. 1 Corinthians 12:13, for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body. Whether we be Jews of Gentiles, whether we be bond or free and have all been made to drink into one spirit. And then I'm going to Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 18. Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 18. And be not drunk with wine wherein is excess, but be filled with the spirit. Those of you in our meeting last night know that Pastor Mangan ended with the exhortation be filled with the spirit. That's my title tonight. Filled with the spirit. Let's praise the Lord together again and ask for his anointing. Thank you Jesus for what you're doing right now. Oh, Lord, pour out your spirit, confirm your word. In Jesus' name. You may be seated. This is burning on my heart tonight. Filled with the spirit. The theme of the conference, we've heard his voice, we are expecting to have that kind of an experience where God speaks personally to us. For some it may indeed be an audible voice. For others it may be different ways in which God deals, but we've come here expecting and believing to have a personally transforming experience. Nothing can take the place of a personal experience with God. Nothing can take the place of hearing the voice of God for yourself. But when the Apostle Peter recounted that in 2 Peter 1, he went on to say we have a more surer word of prophecy or the prophetic word made sure he was talking about the written word of God. So what I'm gonna give to you is a little portion of the written word and after the experience, after Thursday night, you will still have something throughout 2019 that is the written word of God that will confirm and perpetuate what you heard and experienced. It's not going to be a word from me, it's a word from the Lord be filled with the spirit. I'm in the book tonight when I say the important thing we must take away from this conference, be filled with the spirit, be filled with the spirit. We've gotta drink deeply of the spirit of God. (congregation applauding) Praise God. I was being interviewed the other day and someone asked what are the greatest challenges of the church. Three things came to mind in our culture. The first challenge is diversity. You see what's going on in our culture and our society. You see how our nation, our world is becoming increasingly diverse and you see how the church is becoming diverse, but that's a challenge because when you have diversity, it stretches tradition, it stretches conformity, it stretches our preconceptions, our ways of doing things, our traditions. It can set up conflict. Some people don't really want diversity or don't want to talk about it because it does have an element of risk. So that's one challenge. A second challenge is I believe the challenge of unity. We are a very individualistic people. We hear from God, we're called of God. And that's a great strength of the Pentecostal movement. We launch out by faith and start ministries, but as we grow, there's the challenge. How do we work together and what I'm preaching about is more than just the United Pentecostal Church International. I think it's the greatest apostolic organization in the world. But some of you are not part of that group, I'm not trying to get you to become part, I'm challenging us if we're truly apostolic, no matter who we are, no matter our official affiliation, we've got to face the challenge of unity. We've got to work together. We've got to love one another. We've got to practice ministerial ethics, we've got to be accountable. We cannot be just off on our own with an independent spirit, somehow we've got to build the kingdom of God. That's a challenge. From the local church level to the international level. A third challenge is secularism. Have you noticed the world is becoming increasingly pagan? Have you noticed our nation has adopted secular values? And it's starting to put pressure on the church. It's gonna happen even more so. I was shocked to see the Vice-President's wife is being attacked because she's a teacher in a Christian school. All that school does is have a standard for its members and its leaders that conforms to scripture. Why should anyone be attacked in a country that believes in freedom of religion? A country that was founded on Christian values? It's one thing to say we tolerate all viewpoints, it's another thing for the basic Christian faith to be attacked. That's what's happening. If you notice, we had a nominee, I think it was a deputy budget director was attacked because he had written as an evangelical student a paper that he believed salvation is on Jesus Christ and so one of our senators and candidates for president said you don't deserve to hold office unless you will tell us that Muslims are saved. That's in our government. Recently we've had two senators attack judicial nominees simply for professing Roman Catholicism, but it's basically because they don't believe in abortion, because they uphold Biblical teaching they don't deserve to be judges. Now these are just simple examples, but can you see what starts at the top is gonna come to every local church and we're gonna face a challenge. I had a pastor recently tell me that a married lesbian couple wanted to join the church. He said you're welcome to come as long as you want, but membership is reserved for people that abide by our teachings. He was attacked by friends and family for that what we would consider a very Biblical stand. It's coming to the local church. I just preached for one of the daughter works there in Austin. He said my son attends a public school. For spirit week, they announced all the girls would come dressed as boys and all the boys will come dressed as girls. He had to write a letter to explain why his son would not be coming to school dressed as a girl. His daughter is in an all girl school, a public school that asks for all girls, but two of the girls have now come out as boys and so now they have two boys in the all girl school because they have a right to be whoever they want to be. This is not just theoretical, but the church is gonna face decisions every day that's gonna challenge our faith and challenge our existence. So there are three examples. The challenge of diversity, the challenge of unity, the challenge of secularism. And I propose the answer to that challenge is found in the scriptures I read. By one spirit we're all baptized into one body. What put us in here is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We must preach the new birth experience. We must preach the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's what's gonna change our world. The baptism of the Holy Ghost is not an optional extra. It's we are baptized by one spirit into one body. We are one body, not because of our organization, we are one body because of the baptism of the Holy Ghost. We gotta preach the Holy Ghost. That's what will change people's lives. That's what will give us spiritual power. We've gotta be filled with the spirit. Hallelujah. Notice. Baptized. When you're baptized, you're plunged. That's something God does to you, but if you're an empty vessel and you're baptized, that empty vessel gets filled at the same time, but you're filled, but from then on you must be filled. You must continue to be filled. That doesn't mean you have to get to empty every week. But if you imagine that empty vessel plunged beneath the river, it's filled. When it got baptized, it got filled. But the water is rushing in and the water is rushing out, but as long as you keep that empty vessel under the surface, it's never gets empty. It keeps getting filled with new water every minute, but it never gets empty. We are filled, but we need to be filled. We are filled, but we must continually be filled with the fresh flow of the Holy Ghost. To use another analogy, we must drink of the spirit and I believe that's what we need to do this week. Drink until we're filled with the spirit. We've got to drink deeply. How are we gonna face these challenges? It's not gonna be by superior intellect. It's not gonna be by superior education. It's not gonna be by superior talent. It's not gonna be by political connections. It's gonna happen as we're filled with the spirit. We will face challenges from a secular culture, but Jesus said in Matthew 10:20 and he was talking about persecution, but whether it be arrest of a trial or social persecution as of the sort we're facing, he says don't worry about it. When the time comes, the spirit of your Father, which is in you will give you the words to say, but we only have that promise if we're filled with the spirit. Filled with the spirit. The challenge of diversity. Some may even say well why you keep mentioning that? Read the Apostle Paul, read the book of Ephesians. He said the challenge of his day was not black and white, it was not English and Spanish speaking, it was Jew and Gentile and notice he keeps hitting that in every book, every time he can. We're baptized into one body. That means Jews and Gentiles. He says you Jews over here listen to me. The Gentiles are in the same body and hey you Gentiles over there, remember the Jews are in the same body. Remember it's one spirit, it's one Holy Ghost. It's not two spirits. It's not two Holy Ghosts, it's one spirit, it's one body. We gotta break the barrier. It doesn't matter if you're black, if you're white, if you speak Spanish. Somehow we've got to be one body. (congregation applauding) Yes, diversity has its challenges, but if we're committed, it's just like marriage has its challenges. You ever notice that? But when you're committed for life, you gotta make it work. If there's a major disagreement, you don't have the option of walking out and walking away. You're stuck. You're gonna have a miserable 50 years. Are you gonna make something of it. So you communicate. When you have that prior absolute commitment, these two are one flesh. You make it work. You figure it out. The same way Jews and Gentiles were one body. Whether you're black, whether you're white, whether you're a southerner, whether you're a northerner, whether you're a farmer, whether you're an urban citizen, whatever you are, we are stuck with other so let's make the best of it. Let's sit and talk to one another. Let's pray for one another. Let's love one another. We've got to make it work. We have no choice because we are one body. Ephesians 4:3 says keep the unity of the spirit. You know our fundamental doctrine in the UPCI says that. If you just thought somebody made that up, a bunch of compromises wrote that in there. No, it's actually from Ephesians 4. The unity of the spirit till we come to the unity of the faith. Our friend Jerry Jones told me, he said I think that is the most violated statement in our manual that we're gonna keep the unity of the spirit. Let that not be so. Let that be just a joke and not the truth that we're gonna work hard to keep the unity spirit. I'm not talking about compromising the doctrine. I know if I stand up and say we believe in the oneness of God, we shall. We believe in the new birth, we shall. We believe in holiness, we shall. We believe in practical holiness, we shall. I believe all the stuff. I'm preaching all that stuff, but don't use that as an excuse to attack your brother and sister in Christ. Don't use that excuse to go your own independent way to the harm of the body. We don't have to pit the doctrine against the unity of the body. (congregation applauding) One of the most horrible words in our fellowship, compromise. But again if you've been married more than a few weeks, you know compromise is a good word. (congregation laughing) You better learn that word. You better learn how to practice the word. Marriage is not 50/50. It's you give 100. Then the other time the other gives 100. You just do whatever it takes. You just make up the difference. So it is in the body of Christ. We don't want to compromise the doctrine, you understand that already. We don't want to compromise our holiness of life. We want to be holy on the inside, on the outside, every which way we can, but that doesn't mean we can't work together. That doesn't mean we can't rise above personal differences of opinion in order to fulfill the mission of the whole gospel to the whole world by the whole church. And so, whether it be local church governance where we respect our saints. I believe in pastoral authority, but I don't believe in authority without accountability. We like to preach authority, it's true. It's Biblical. But we need to back it up with accountability. Mutual accountability, mutual submission. I'm not your pastor, but I think if you are a pastor, you've got to be submitted to the body. You've got to be submitted to one another. You do need mentors. You need people to whom you are accountable. You cannot operate on your own. You cannot lead people and expect to exercise authority if you're not willing to submit to authority. That sounds harsh to some, but that's in the book. (congregation applauding) We've gotta a balanced view. Authority equals responsibility. Authority equals accountability. I could go on and on, but I'm coming to a close. We've got to be filled with the spirit. We've got to practice ministerial ethics. If you're the only pastor in your town pastoring ministerial ethics, you do it. It does not matter what the others do or don't do, you're accountable to God. You be ethical on your end, God will take care of the rest. How can we do all that stuff? Filled with the spirit. The Christian life is not a battle of two equal opponents, flesh and spirit. No, it is a victorious life. We do have challenges. We do have temptations. Sometimes we actually do fail and we must ask God to forgive us, but the goal of the Christian life is a life of fullness, of victory, of power to witness, of spiritual fruit, of spiritual gifts. How can we attain that? We've gotta be filled to overflowing. We've gotta preach out of the overflow. We've gotta teach out of the overflow. It can't be just a struggle to get by, but somehow we've gotta be filled. We've gotta drink deeply. We've gotta be filled to the overflow and then we'll know how to deal with a secular world. Then we'll know how to deal with a pagan environment. Then we'll know how to love our brother when our brother is not so lovable because we're filled and I'll just give you this summary here. If you go back to Ephesians when it talks about be filled with the spirit, it doesn't stop there, but it explains just exactly what that looks like. You just keep reading, he says don't be drunk with wine wherein is excess, but be filled with the spirit and then it continues the same sentence. Here's what it looks like to be filled with the spirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, that's worship. Giving thanks always for all things in the God and the Father, name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that's thanksgiving. Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. That's accountability. Don't say you're filled with the spirit and then attack the body. You lost most of that spirit that you got filled with. Don't say you're filled with the spirit, then you can't worship. If you're filled with the spirit, it's gonna flow in worship. You're gonna start speaking. You're gonna start singing. You're gonna start worshiping. You're gonna start giving thanks. You're gonna submit to one another. You're gonna listen to the brother. You're gonna pray for the brother. You're gonna respect the brother. Oh, I challenge you church, this is my message tonight, be filled with the spirit. Oh, drink deeply tonight. Don't come to Alexandria and not drink deeply. Drink all you can. Drink to overflowing. take it home with you. Be filled with the Holy Ghost. Oh, let's stand right now. Be filled with the Holy Ghost. Be filled with the Holy Ghost. The Lord will confirm the word with signs following. The Lord will confirm your ministry with miracles and wonders, but you gotta be filled. Oh, let's praise the Lord. (congregation cheering and applauding)
Channel: United Pentecostal Church International
Views: 45,643
Rating: 4.9151397 out of 5
Keywords: UPCI, BOTT19, BOTT, Pentecostal, Apostolic
Id: 9gccGeRUtP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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