Tord and Pedro's Super Spicy M3W Deck!

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yo what is going on you smelly shellman today we are going to be playing some games with what might be the last new good deck to come from this one before vivid voltage comes out this thursday and i am going to be doing a 12 hour live stream with the release of vivid voltage on ptc geo uh thursday the 12th 12 hour live stream starting at 12 p.m eastern i'll be giving away a booster box of vivid voltage 200 codes of vivid voltage uh and all the like extra cards i pull on pdcgo to uh to the chat um so be sure you be sure to come out for that on thursday 12 p.m eastern 12 hour live stream twitch.dv slash as well gg also if you guys need any vivid voltage codes or cards channel fireball link in the description use code azul gg all right so the deck today that we are looking at is ford and pedro's uh players cup 2 deck it is a mix of mewtwo and picaram to give yourself as many options as possible in as many match-ups as possible possible so it opens up kind of like a pikachu deck or picoram deck with the electrify um and then from there you have a lot of options you can go into something like the full blitz you have the tandem shock and you have the mewtwo so you have all these options at the same time while also giving yourselves options like the vileplume with the massive bloom then the ganadel with the venom shots and then the greninja with the misflash to get through stuff like the um siduai the ulteria also very good against stuff like the luke metal deck where they use their gx attack plus they have the metal goggles um so you can get through all those damage reduction effects to do exactly 130 set up two at kos on their big stations and luke metals and then you have this sir fetched in here because you're playing the aurora energy to give mewtwo all this access to all these attacks and then you get access to the meteor smash against the matchups like the peak run matchup or the attorneys match up with their weak to fighting and those big 18 kos can be a big difference maker in the match up um and then from there it's pretty straightforward as far as uh decks go right now you get to play the cherished ball which is a super powerful pokemon search card um you do play a ton of gx pokemon in here so being able to abuse the cherished ball is super nice um of course four quick ball one e radar so up the consistency a little bit help you find your dudeness um and then of course your um picaram or your right shoe and write you two reset stamp as uh as you would like to play in most of your decks it's nice to have that comeback factor four switch three air balloon nine three nine four my bad on the lightning into aurora energy uh four research for marty no surprise there three boss orders and one chaotic swell uh to keep those uh pesky stadiums usually hearths out of play at some point combining swell plus uh swell plus stamp against heart attacks welder decks in general in the late game is super nice yeah that's the list that's the list uh pedro and tord played in the european players cup two unfortunately neither of them moved on to the second phase both lost their winnings ends to uh week two of the players cup but uh really cool deck um i don't think it's like ridiculously opie or anything it's just a very solid deck with solid match up kind of across the board you can kind of beat everything with it um you're not extremely favored really against everything but you just have good options in every single matchups and plenty of options especially because you're playing a mewtwo deck that always gives you that many more options than the and usually your opponent's stacks a super cool deck um that they came up with here and i'm excited to play some games with it i have yet to play any games with it so let's go ahead let's do that let's get some games okay getting into it like i said i haven't played any games with the stack so we're gonna choose to go second that feels safe um i'm sure there's some matches where we'd like to go first but just electrify off the bat seems pretty safe i think that the air balloon on the mewtwo is pretty good here and actually his hand's kind of just good in general a lot of options we're gonna have that deadly change we had the panic explosion even for our opponent for some reason is playing power plant oh okay mewtwo mirror match um that'd be interesting i have no idea who would be even favored in this scenario also no idea what kind of build they're playing but i actually have to assume well looks like we've stumbled into a mirror match here as our opponent benches the peak rom and switches into it one second feels like it gives us an advantage for sure though is what i was gonna say um uh air balloon chaotix swell cherish ball grab myself a we could pull off the massive bloom turn one but that's probably not worth it if we're not gonna want to kill mewtwo grabber dead we probably just want to electrify to be honest unfortunately that means we do give up this energy but um i don't think i care about the sir fetch being in play either then what's going with that dead change yeah we're looking for it's kind of unfortunate topic of the aurora um there he is uh what do we give up here we want to keep the dene around yeah i mean i don't think the auroras are going to be that impactful in this matchup let's go get the boltoned um our opponent had a pretty slow turn one so i'm kind of not wanting to uh i don't want to marny them here i don't think they had a really slow turn one it doesn't mean they're dead drawing they could easily have a draw support in those four cards but attach switch pass i think i would rather just like not give them uh what's called and they have crushing hammers okay so it's another thing we have to deal with is uh crushing crushing hammers all right perfect cool um yeah crushing hammers another thing we have to all of a sudden deal with um not too worried about it once again did not check my uh order i did not check my neck for cocoa prism which would have been a good thing to check for that much better to have checked for now that we know our opponent is playing russian hammers it would have been that much better to have checked for our cocoa prism i don't know if it's in there or not there's a research not sure why they were debating that at all maybe they're thinking about switching back to the mewtwo i guess um which i might have done because they probably play air balloons this thing getting stuck in whoa okay there's a jirachi you never see this guy anymore okay so they're they're playing something a little bit different i was like all right this is probably just an exact 60 mirror but then the hammers came out and now there's jirachi gx out here so i have no idea what to expect to be honest anymore at this point um i kind of wish i had kept maybe benched the surf fetch actually at this point but we would we are down we are now down to aurora i guess i could have given up maybe this morning instead of um this morning instead of the aurora when i quick balled away because now we're kind of locked in on using and we don't have a ton of attack options to be honest and we could still get both of our roars and actually pull off the second surfaced but it looks like they actually lift energy on their side um yeah they actually with energy so they have to go dig for energy down now down another boss and a switch or they switched this guy out never mind uh yeah boss is gone the right to write you is gone but it's gonna be set up through the mu three um here's another crushing hammer this one thankfully is the tails um man i have no idea how it's gonna go especially now that they put this jirachi gx in play neither of us are one of ko in the other so i think we're gonna probably just electrify again on our turn and then we'll we'll see where we go from there i have no idea where the game is gonna go from there compact is a radar get rid of that um and then i will go ahead marty i don't want to that i yet still want to overly fill up my bench they're going from three to four they probably have a draw supporter in there we did with uh another pokemon to set up with the electrify which i definitely wanted to find here um i don't think i want four energy on this uh mewtwo unless they crush and hammer me which they might i guess so i guess maybe we do just throw four here to play around uh crushing here i look like a coco person was prized i actually didn't check again but i think it was prize so no coco prism access up against the crushing hammer deck is never excuse my sneeze uh never a good thing never a good thing to not have uh access to that um actually if our opponent has a boss here that would be pretty bad for us if they could just bought but they're down two they don't have any benchmarks to dig so i think our our bolton is probably getting hit this turn yeah if they could if they bossed our mute here that would be pretty uh pretty annoying i actually don't have a we did get the other aurora energy though so maybe we can pull something off with that they're going to electrify themselves i'm sure why they attached active then just fully set up from youtube yeah old five on the mewtwo all right there's a new youtube for us which we really like to see we don't want to lose this energy losing this energy seems so bad all right i'm just gonna have to marny again i don't want a money because they didn't do anything last term but i feel like i need more options here now we got bosses which is great so we can like bring up youtube and start hitting those first um i'm actually gonna check my deck this time finally i have this vileplume to be able to potentially use it next turn or get in the discard pilot i mean uh coco prism is here okay so that's good to know there's four energy left okay i think we're just electrifying again uh yeah i think we're just electrifying again set up my second mewtwo uh we have a boss i probably should have gotten a tenant here so i could go boss daddy change on the mute but we don't even have a way to one hit ko it i guess we could have gotten the other boltoned uh plus cocoa plus energy now we only have two energy left in our deck so that's going to be hard to pull off um i'm a little bit lost on how i want to approach this uh it feels like we've had limited options turn to turn there's the bolt storm for the knockout on our bolt end oh man i can't even we could lightning ride this all right we could go for the lightning ride on this bolton and then set up our own bolts and to kill that mewtwo i guess that wouldn't be terrible how many lightning do i have in here two five six seven eight ninth in the deck um i mean i don't hate it i guess i can't come up with anything better to get through this bolton we could just boss the benched mewtwo and then paralyze it with retroactive they are down three switch actually i kind of like that the more that i think about it so i'm gonna go ahead and boss this and we're gonna go ahead and retreat and we're gonna go ahead and with that tandem shot i think i'm gonna even hold this energy here because we don't have we have two energy left total so i might want this somewhere else yeah go this seems fine actually they have what one switch guard left once which card left the bench is also locked they can't deadly change they can't crowbat they get eldergas none of that to see extra draw power on their turn if they would need it so um um that also is uh good for us kind of uh you know reduces the amount of cards our opponent can see on their turn which is uh going to be pretty good yeah i probably shouldn't have played having this option has it names definitely a little bit better for sure right so they have five six seven uh even if they attach return they actually don't want to kill me two with the bolton so they would need to come up with a play with this mewtwo um or i could just they could just hit us with bolton i guess but i would be fine with that i think and then i want to try and set up my second boltons to one hit ko this mewtwo i think yeah sounds like a good game plan to me so we're gonna take this knockout oh they got their last switch oh that's so unfortunate um yeah only one out left one out one switch uh i was really hoping this thing would stay stuck but now they've committed it to the mewtwo do they have a play they could tandem shock us but i have four switch left nope it's going to be the ball for the big hit um i could negandel snipe this mewtwo which i think i will do because that removes six energy from play of my opponents so switch cherish ball grab that negan it out i will bench the coco and then research yeah there's this bolton i was talking about trying to get this guy in play attach i don't want to pop coco yet because i want the energy here inside of here because they get to have a uh the boss here in ko this museum next turn so i'm not gonna pop the coco yet i will attach to the bolton though i think and then yeah we're just gonna go ahead and uh venom shot take this thing out that removes six energy from i don't understand why they attached another one there um gotta get rid of two of our lightnings now they still have two crushing hammer left and they could play stuff like um play things like uh yell grunts or whatever so they could still remove a decent amount of energy from my board you know boss caitlyn this removes three energy from play so we're not in the best buy yet now they have access to a benchmark yeah i was gonna say their coco prism can finally be put into play and here it comes here comes that dance of ancients um so yeah they have that now two energy from there um who knows if they play e-switches or not oh they we know they play e-switches actually they probably at least play two so there's another e-switch that has the potential to be put in play here so yeah i'll be very curious to see what they do they are out of switch though so actually we could try and just play for tandem shock up and trap a uh if they're at a switch they're on a switch so unless they play like a bird keeper or something they just can't move uh pokemon once we paralyze it and that's what we're gonna go for actually we're gonna try and paralyze uh one of their tag teams trap it and then uh do it ko it and then that'll be game that's gonna be our game plan here with them down that four switch um what if i would have changed my play i didn't really like fully think about that until right now but i don't think i would have changed anything for me four five six seven eight off the cocoa can't quite get to nine energy like we would like to um one hit ko theme u2 or one two three four or five six and we get seven eight from this we actually have zero energy left in our deck so it's impossible to do that yeah but this still feels pretty good uh yeah i'm feeling pretty good here we're just gonna paralyze this mewtwo uh with tandem shock we could even tandem shock the picoram um but if they do play a bird keeper or something they probably want to utilize the mewtwo has more options of course so um targeting that seems best because we should be able to 2ko it pretty much no matter what i think and it looks like they actually get the attack here with their mewtwo so they're gonna probably try and tandem shock us which i'm not gonna lie doesn't seem like the best idea and actually with uh i just realized we could actually just second surf fetched the pika picoram this thing is weak to finding i was kind of thinking in terms of mewtwo's weak to sidekick and now they have this so i don't even want to kill each other's views but they actually do have this peak rom on the bench that's worth three prize cards uh so if the fetched is in the deck which it looks like it is um the second fetched is there we got the dub take out the speaker on for two prize cards uh and then uh that's it take these two fightings to it with that uh resolute spear ability bring up that picaram and then take it out with the meteor smash the 200 damage yeah i just kind of like i just saw that play coming together and then i was like wait a second uh but peak rom's week to fighting still like i was i was like locked in on the mewtwo psychic surface won't be very good in this matchup they got the mew or the jirachi gx not muji x jirachi jj are moving the second week just to even begin with and then i was like wait a second i'm just fighting let's get that done okay we're into another one here uh once again i'm just gonna go second i'm going to turn on electrify um there's also a decent amount of x i want you to go second like i mentioned before um got the raichu or sir fetch i think we open uh i think we'll open the right because we don't always want sir fetched but right you pretty consistently a pretty good card i feel like against uh most things looks like we hit a another picoram deck the question is is it the mewtwo build is it just picoram let's find out here uh as soon as possible unfortunately for us we opened an aurora energy so we might have to let that go we want to like electrify but maybe we should attach to the surf fetch but the thing is we don't know if coco prism's in the deck or if it's prized so like setting up immediately for like a turn to fetch play is uh is a little risky we could also just like get try and get uh this on a bolton and that would kind of stick on a ball unless they play crushing hammers of course it would probably stick on a bolton but if they do play crushing hammers it would not stick so well um we'll see though they didn't get an energy attachment yet they're definitely setting up pretty decently so far for our turn to full blitz still need a little bit to work with though got the attachment for turn so they're they're well on their way now um a bench a fetched i think i just have to go to marny i don't want to um i mean we could be a little bit more aggressive i think we're going to marny though we're looking for that bolton we can still like that a change crobat and stuff after that so we could also just get the aurora to the surfaced which it looks like we're gonna go ahead and settle for here um let's go take a look at the deck first coco is here so we could go with a turn two fetched and start swinging with that um one of the problems with that is that it can then be well we've got the two 10 hp's actually can they don't even have a good response to it even if they electrify [Music] yeah it might actually work out let's let's go for it and see how it goes let's get rid of uh the vinyl plume maybe so we do need to get a cocoa we need to get lightning in the discard pile and we need to find another aurora energy and on top of all that we probably have to hope our opponent doesn't play crushing hammer and then uh if they do have to hope hey there it is hope they don't hit any heads there's the first one uh first of potentially many coming out on this turn uh we'll see if they find any of the other ones yeah i hope everyone doesn't play crushing hammer they do um so it'd been great to have used electrify on this turn our hand was super awkward we never found the bolt and didn't find the quick ball would have liked to have gone for the the bolton though for sure um there's a bolt in from our opponent so it looks like they might be settling for an electrify this turn which i am more than five together the 2 10 hp on the the surf fetch is actually like a big deal tag ball doesn't ko it's i mean five energy lightning ride would ko that's like a lot to get going um and then even the coco v won't quite get the ko on the surface there's another question another tails there we go the uh aurora energy lives for now um here comes that electrify the p is set up they get up to six energy next turn there's the another aurora we're getting there um we have a boss here because i want to keep the switch in that because i have to change after this um get into that switch we are very close now we are very very we got the air balloon we got the cherish ball for the demi today change we got the air balloon i think i said air balloon twice there but uh we got that air balloon air balloon did i change can we get a quick ball or the coco the answer is yes we can we have the other fetch to work with as well actually which could be a big deal um um so we're gonna get rid of this neganidae grab ourselves the coco bench the other fetched cocoa prism um take it uh i mean it worked out like decently well here we we're definitely in a spot where i mean a little bit lucky a little bit of luck had to go our way i feel like uh our opponent did find crushing hammer head pushing our crush hammers unfortunately for us hit those tails um it has led us to this situation where we're in a pretty commanding position uh to be honest we've got another aurora energy for the next run to set up on the next fetch and then we can look to get a switch here comes a third crushing hammer all right a heads was finally found from our opponent and actually even a yell grunt here would be pretty devastating to be honest um ooh this is definitely what we want we want to carry that right should write you uh we only have one boss left though so it'll actually be hard for us to get that knockout on the raichu raichu um oh we're going to try and find it we're going to try and kill this right you with this sir fetched another lightning top tech uh on we're gonna lose a lot of energy on this that i change here or should keep that in the deck for draw power potentially the boss and the switches are there so it's possible and then yeah dead a change can we find a switch um the answer is yes and the boss oh my gosh i'm not gonna lie that's pretty fortunate um now they have no way to respond ko this fetched um we are going down to uh actually i'm gonna put this here that's actually kind of insane uh we are going down to one price guard so the stamp to one is on the way but we have it set up so we can just retreat into the other fetch with this air balloon and then just knock out the speaker rom or whatever they send up because they're all weak to fighting and then just win the game so we have set up uh super well here uh unfortunate from our opponent to whiff those crushing hammers sometimes you gotta get a little bit lucky in those kind of scenarios and have it go your way to get the dubs uh they do have one question here left yell grunt is also something that a lot of picoram decks do play so would not be surprised to see the yell grunt happen here of course they would need the combo that with the crushing hammer has to actually make it do anything or they could yell grunt this and then reset stamps to one which is another play that would be uh actually pretty good they could also tag bolt this turn actually but that doesn't kill this surface that 210 hp uh being a huge deal in this matter if we had 200 hp uh uh tag volcanoes coco v if they play it with kos yeah that'd be a big game changer but yeah the 210 uh kind of insane having that extra 10 hp being a i mean a big difference maker in this squad uh for sure and uh i think it's just our opponent can't deal with our fetch uh very easily at all e-switch is happening so the tag vault is happening once again it doesn't ko the fetch though i don't know if our opponent has realized this or noticed this or not um or maybe are they finally going to realize it or notice it we'll see picaram got the six energy the judeni currently stuck in the active though this has to be moved um i guess i can't attack next turn so they could just go for the tag bolt here ko the benched one get the reset stamp stamp to one if i don't get a switch okay all right i see what they're going for now if i don't get a switch here then i actually uh i might be in trouble here how many boss do they have left is my question now because if i just run this to the bench can i hide for long enough no there was the conceit so it looks like they did not find the switch card to move there to deny it would have actually been a solid that was a solid route there for my opponent yeah 200 170 they clean up the fetch on the next turn looks like they whiffed the switch card and i would have won next turns by retreating into the other fetched the fetch doing work as they should when your opponent's pokemon are weak to fighting that's going to do it for these games with this uh kika rom youtube box deck brought to us by tord and pedro so shout out to them i'm going to leave their links in the description so be sure to go check them out on their twitches their twitters whatever you guys enjoyed the games if you did give the video a like in the comments be sure to subscribe have a good day thanks for watching and peace i
Channel: AzulGG
Views: 6,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTCGO, Pokemon, TCG, PokemonTCG, AzulGG, Card, Game, Cards, Nintendo, Commentary, Tag Team, GX, Sword, and, Shield, Sword & Shield, Rebel Clash, Darkness, Ablaze
Id: vavABWqm0yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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