Activation with Mike Parsons - Gateways

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[Music] courage you again just to just to close your eyes and just fix your eyes on Jesus and just think about him on the inside and think at that realm of the Spirit on the inside where he dwells and the realm of his kingdom and just think think of Revelation 3:20 and behold I stand at the door and knock and that door a first love that gate of first love you can se its encourage you just to think of that doorway that gateway a first love and behind it is the presence of God and as you reach out and you open the door and the presence of God comes all around you and you sense the love and affirmation of his presence you sense the warmth just the fire of his presence just sense his presence around you sense him welcoming you to enjoy him to experience his love and and his fellowship and as he fills your spirit you can engage with the gateways of your spirit gateway first love leads to the other gateways encourage you just to allow the Spirit of God to touch those gateways and as you surrender those gateways of your spirit to the lordship of Jesus just sense him drawing near to each gate they just let Jesus take your hand and just engage with the gateway of prayer and just stand with Jesus in that gateway she opened the door and just sense what he reveals to you about that gateway of Prayer and how he wants to communicate with you share with you talk to you listen to you because that gateway will be a flow of two-way communication of his life in your life of sharing at the most intimate deep level just allow Jesus to give you revelation about that gateway of prayer again just let Jesus take you by the hand and just go to the Gateway of reverence and again open the gateway just make Jesus Lord and just stand with him in the gate and sense how that feeling of reverence that feeling of intimacy of love begins to activate in you just honor and just deep respect just allowed Jesus to communicate about that gateway of reverence again just let Jesus take you by the hand and lead you to the Gateway of fear of the Lord fear of God just open that gateway stand with Jesus in the gate surrender to his lordship and allow him to give you revelation of the fear of God gate and how that will activate in your life the war and awesomeness of God and how that will motivate you and lead and direct you in your soul as you walk through the Gateway now with Jesus you go to the area of your heart and just let the sense of his presence be around your heart just feel the glory of his presence as it flows through reverence and fear of God to touch your heart with fire just sense the fire of his heart touch in your heart just feel the warmth and the depth that feels are the fire [Music] just let that fire come around you he is a consuming fire not to consume you just feel the fire of his presence just touching your conscience and the Gateway of your conscience let the fire of his presence just come through and refine and touch you at a deeper level just bringing transformation to your conscience purifying refining it just feels have that touch your heart just feel how it touches your heart now that fire to come and just touch the gateway of your imagination just purifying refining it that the fire of his presence around you sense the holiness the righteousness that brings you that the eyes of your heart just being enlightened the eyes of your heart being cleansed and purified the screen of your imagination it's being sharpened so that you can feel and see and touch and engage much deeper and just let Jesus take you by the hand now he's gonna take you through the realm of your heart to engage on the dancefloor of intimacy that place where he embraces you where his presence comes around you in the light just allow the DNA of God the very light of God to come around you right now to dance around you to touch you at the very fabric of your being touch you genetically touch you at the deepest level just that the colors come around you of the light just let the revelation of who he is the light touch your DNA the three strands of your DNA the light in the center receiving revelation from the father the three strands of the father's DNA touching you revealing himself to you but the three strands of Jesus's DNA touch you come around you reveal himself to you and the three strands of the Holy Spirit's DNA just touch you and feel the different light the different colors the different frequencies feel the vibration of his voice of who is touching you right within the depths of your being just let the connection be made at a deeper level she reveals deep calling to deep the deep things of God touching the deep things of your heart of your life body soul and spirit just feel the energy of that light that you have received and just let it begin to burst around you and envelop you as you can release the light that you receive as a child of light just sense the color that's coming off you being released from you as you reflect the frequency of who years [Music] now I just let Jesus take you by the hand again and let him take you through the veil into the soaking room where he lays you down and he paused the oil of joy and gladness over you are the sounds and the fragrances and the frequencies of that oil of the frequencies of wholeness envelop you come around you just let the music and sound of heaven come around you flow over you the colors the emotions the oils the frequencies of alignment bringing you into wholeness bringing you into health bringing you into an alignment with who you are and your destiny connecting you with the revelation that's coming out of heaven that's touching you and touching your spirit as you engage as you allow him just to flow around you to flow over you as you just allow the anointing oil to be smeared over you just let it flow be flow around you you as God whispers gently to you you are called for a time such as this you're called like Esther to be prepared to come into the chamber of the King to come before him in ever-increasing places of intimacy just again feel how that touches your heart how your heart is warmed but the fire of his presence just embraces you and calls you deeper and deeper to him [Music] now Jesus just takes you by the hand again and gently beckons you to come through the realms within your heart to engage with him you can night lie down with him in green pasture that he's with you so you share your intimate thoughts with him and he with you he senses pleasure of being still resting in his presence of knowing that he is God you can just rest cease striving rest know that I am that I am with you that I am yours and you're mine before you in that green pasture he sets the picnic table the picnic blanket with things for you to embrace to take to eat just look and see that blanket set before you spread with good things that even in the midst of all that's going on in life but he is your source of life there is food there is wine there is the deeper revelation of who he is there for you to partake him just let it touch you the deepest level of your heart just feel the revelation of who you are as the creative son of God you're his daughter with creative thoughts and power and words and just let that creativity loose within the garden of your heart to bring those things into creative order to tend and to cultivate the garden to see fresh things grow to see new things coming to creativity that secret place of your heart just go to that secret place that place just for you and him a beautiful garden your heart is becoming now you can just step back through the veil back into this realm bringing with you that sense all the beasts done all that is touched you with all that's happened within the fibers of your being at a DNA level within your life and that will be revealed to you and begin to flow out it will begin to move the desires of your heart as your conscience begins to direct you as guided by reverence and the fear of God it will protect you and direct you into those things that bring glory and honor and blessing to him as your imagination is sharpened that the eyes of your heart will be open to a greater dimension that your imagination will feel see and engage in the realm of the Spirit in the realm of heaven in the realm of you being the house of God and the garden of his presence just bring those things back and allow them to begin to shape as you walk in this earthly realm carrying with you the revelation of who he is his father carrying with you the revelation of who years is the son carrying the revelation of who years is the Holy Spirit and you begin to sense their distinct personalities their engagement of you you will feel the Father's love you will feel the friendship of Jesus and you will feel the creativity and the guidance and the direction of the Spirit and become more sensitive to them in every area of your life around you as just you allow these experiences to shape and direct and to guide you [Music]
Channel: Mike Parsons
Views: 26,470
Rating: 4.8414636 out of 5
Keywords: mike parsons, activation, gateways, heavenly realms, God, Jesus, Scroll, First Love, Love, engagement, exercise
Id: mUGjpiJbbbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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