GASLIGHTING by Qbit Films | Award-winning short film

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Honey... Morning, honey! Morning... You woke me up - again. How? You were sleeping when I got up. As usual - you wake up first and then you try to wake me up. What?! You always do that. But... I wasn't trying to wake you up. I just wanted to see if you're awake maybe. With that you woke me up... of course. I hardly touched you. Gosh, I was half-asleep myself. I Iet you alone, didn't I? Why are you so bitchy this morning? Have you slept poorly? No! I slept perfectly - till you had to wake me up! Can you please stop now? Or do you wanna ruin the whole day? Here are your eggs. Thank you, honey. You know, I'm sorry. Maybe I did sleep badly. I can't really remember. Thank you for the eggs. It's okay, darling. I'm sorry! I shouldn't have touched you when you were asleep. I know you don't like that. It's ok. It's not so important... let's eat now. You can't expect me to always clean up after you. We're not in the 50s. I have a job. Why can't we have a proper  conversation about that? Why do you switch now? Fighting again? Really? Everything was just so fine. You're always doing the same thing. You're always ruining everything. I don't want to talk to you. I'm sorry I'm calling so late. It's just... I said... He said... Sorry. Who was it? No one. It doesn't matter. So... next week? Yeah. Yeah? Great. Good night, honey. Sleep well. Come on, come on. I don't want him to wait. It's just five minutes. I waited for you to leave the apartment - remember? Now you command me to  run? I just got coffee - I'm not going anywhere because of stupid five minutes. Did Peter call you? Do we have to hurry up? No, but I don't want to be disrespectful towards him. Go faster! It's five minutes - just write him! I will not write him! Come on. No! We will be late. Do as I say. Are you crazy? I'm not your dog! I don't want to make him wait. Why it's so awful to let him wait five minutes? What the fuck Alex?! Just hurry up. I don't want to make him wait. If you say this one.more.time... He seriously thinks I have to run after him? I'm not having this... Goodness. Not now. Hey Vicky. Look, there are ways in which you can talk to me and others in which you can't, ok. It's non-negotiable. If you bitch at me like that, I won't follow you anywhere.  It's your decision how you talk to me but it's also my decision if I'm having that or not - you understand that? Yeah you're right. I know what you mean. I shouldn't talk to you like that. Look, I'm with Sonya now and I have to go to work soon ok. See you later, darling. Ok. Bye. (yelling) I really don't need stress like this before work. Such a drama. Why did you have to make such a scene... Last week you didn't close the door properly. Come on, I will show you now. I told you days ago: Of course I know how to close the fucking door. We're living here for two weeks by now. I can't believe this. Oh my god, I even sent you a fucking video of me closing the door for Christ's sake. Leave me alone with this shit now. Marie or Caroline would let me show them. Are you insane? We're talking  grown-up women here and that includes me! Would you ask a man, let's say Peter, to do the same thing? If you didn't close the door before, of course I would. You fucking bastard. No, you wouldn't. (yelling) Stop it now! You always know everything better. You've got a problem Vicky. That's also  the reason why you don't have so many friends. Open the door, Vicky. *Vicky crying* Where have you been? That's hysterical, Vicky! Don't you think you're a bit neurotic? It wasn't for nothing! Calm down, please, ok? You're really overreacting right now. I'm sorry! You have a talent for driving me up the wall. Why do you do that?  "The Rapture of Transformation" Take it! No no, it didn't want to buy it. No it's ok. You can take one for free. Seriously? You look like you could need it. Na! Why do you do that? What?! You know. We talked about that many times already - your anger problem and all of this. And I really don't wanna talk about it anymore but something will have to change, you know. Exactly! Also talking about old things is not really  healthy. You know that. We talked about that, too. You seem very exhausted. Maybe  you should rest for tonight? Hey hey. How are you? I'm good. You know what, today I went to the massage parlor, the new one down the street and it was sooo painful.  Oh, I hate when they do that. Yeah, right? And the thing is: I didn't say anything - can you believe that? I mean... I don't understand - why didn't I tell her to not hurt me?! It was really painful you know. Hmm, you know sometimes  we're so busy with getting hurt, like... processing the pain really... or simply needing a moment - to feel the relief in-between that we can't stand up for ourselves, I think. You see, if the breaks between the painful  experiences are too short, there's simply no energy left, I guess. Ehm, you know what I mean, we hardly have enough time to gasp, let alone defend ourselves. Oh my God. You're so right. I mean, I didn't even tell her when I was paying.  You know, like the only time when they ask you if everything was all right. Well, you probably didn't feel like 'cause you didn't say anything before and mentioning it now would seem rather stupid, wouldn't it? Yeah... Not one single day can pass by without you acting all weird. What is your problem? And why do you put it on me? Do you think you're a good person? Careful! You're such a crazy woman. Maybe I should part with you. Alright!
Channel: Qbit Films
Views: 347,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: narcissist, abuse, manipulation, psychological, gaslighting, emotionalabuse, psychologicalabuse, mindfuck, mindgames, twisted, gaslighter, sociopath, empathy, empath, narcs, narcissistic, narcissists, narcissism, abusive, manipulative, emotional, cheating, manipulating, controlling, awardwinning, relationship, couple, weird, healing, love, toxic, relationships, mentalabuse, mental, toxicrelationship, toxicrelationships, narcissisticabuse, personalitydisorder, dysfunctional, trauma, psychology, film, shortfilm, traumabonding, oppression
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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