GARMIN Costs Detailed | How much to upgrade the avionics panel in PA-28-181 Archer

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what's up everybody it's mike webb here i've got another video for you today many of you asked for me to break down the cost from my last video which is not at all surprising i knew it was going to happen and i was certainly planning on doing it so today hopefully i can answer all the questions you may have had about how the costs broke down in my avionics panel upgrade video that i did just a little while ago now first off i made sure to ask for permission from my avionics shop professional before i did this video because i'm going to go ahead and detail for you guys the costs of this job i want to be as transparent and as thorough as possible i should start off by saying that i'm going to show you everything from the parts the labor the taxes everything that it cost me to do my job but i need to remind you all in case you weren't already aware of this every plane is different every situation is different so what you see here today in my video you cannot necessarily extrapolate is going to be the case for you if you try to do the same type of job in your airplane and with that said let's go ahead and get down to the breakdown of the costs of my avionic panel upgrade it's kind of badass huh works well that is okay so first i'm going to back up a little bit and discuss how i actually found the shop that i went ahead and did the work at when i decided i was going to go ahead and do the transponder upgrade and maybe some other stuff i started to ask around to the people i knew the shops i knew the fbos i knew about what were the best recommendations they had for avionics in the greater dc washington mid-atlantic region i got several recommendations and i reached out to all of the ones that were handed to me some of them got back to me some of them didn't but ultimately i discovered a shop that nobody else had told me about and that was freedom aviation at klyh or lynchburg regional airport so i reached out to freedom aviation the avionics manager there his name is jason moorefield and from the very beginning jason was super responsive to me in answering the questions i had and developing a quote for me as i went along now i told him initially that i needed to upgrade my transponder to meet the adsb compliance mandate and that i'd potentially like to explore the idea of the garmin g5 to replace my ailing attitude indicator as i discussed in my other video i also told him at this point that i was considering doing maybe a dual g5 installation but that i was pretty uncertain about how that would really play out and so i asked for his advice on a lot of these issues he talked me through all the items of concern when it came to a dual g5 installation as well as a lot of other things that i ended up considering along the way he gave me a great education on the things that aren't particularly obvious to consumers at first especially with regards to the garmin g5 like the fact that you need a gmu-11 magnetometer and also accessories like the gad29b adapter so he was very helpful in answering all of my questions and of course the more i learned the more curious i was about other options the more i was learning about other gadgetry all of this of course i detailed in the other video and it just snowballed and project creep was happening but every time i needed to make a change or i requested to make a change jason was super helpful and always responded very timely he truly helped me decide which direction to go within this job just by answering my questions that i had it was really that simple now this process was not quick and when i say jason was patient i mean he was patient i looked i looked back at my records i have no fewer than 36 emails back and forth before we even began the project so that's from the beginning phase where i reached out to him initially to asking him about what would happen if we do this what would happen if we do that how much is it going to cost if i decide to do this what do we need to do if i go this direction he was super helpful throughout it all and uh really was was wonderful so i've decided to give you all the most transparent breakdown of the costs the easiest way to do this and the most transparent frankly is i'm just going to show you page by page the entire work invoice that freedom aviation provided to me on this [Music] job [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] now when the job was decided upon jason quoted me a timeline of two weeks to get this whole thing done now that was before i decided to add the gfc 500 autopilot which i actually made that decision i think on day one or two of them actually starting the job and in the end they only finished about three days past that original two weeks estimate they gave me which is a huge testament to how efficiently they worked because they not only tackled the scope of my initial job but integrated the autopilot functions as well or capabilities as well and it only cost me three days and on top of that they actually managed to finish the job on budget so on time on budget how many of you out there can say you've had that exact experience with your avionics shops i'm guessing not many now there was one unexpected charge that came across through this job and that was because when they were installing the number one cht probe for the engine monitor the jpi 830 they weren't aware initially that i had the uh the air conditioning on my piper archer and there's a compressor up there along with the belt and all the associated components and it took one of his guys almost an entire day of labor to get through that compressor get around it and actually install that cht probe and in the end he only charged me about a half a day's worth of labor on it so there was 400 bucks there that we weren't initially planning on so as you can see as i mentioned in the other video i ended up spending a lot more than i intended to on this job but i feel really confident as i said before it was absolutely worth it i also think that jason and his team at freedom aviation did a remarkably good job of actually getting everything accomplished on time and for a reasonable amount of money as you can see here from the invoice well they say reasonable everything in aviation is expensive but relatively speaking it was reasonable in the end i can't say enough good things about uh all those guys down there at freedom aviation they have not asked me to make this video i asked for permission from jason to use his name and to detail everything that was done so that you all could see the exact details of what was done on my avionics job but with that said i have no hesitation recommending them for anybody out there that has avionics work that needs to be done that's within the scope of what they can do so as for follow-up not only did the initial job they do work out great but i had some minor squawks after i left with the airplane some of it involving the work that they had done some of it unrelated and in the end they fit me into their schedule they made room for me to not only address the issues that may have been related to what they did but including other things that were had nothing to do with what they had done for me and they got me into their schedule and they fixed the problems right away i mentioned in the other video that when i had the engine monitor put in i discovered some issues with a cylinder or two on my uh lycoming o360 engine and i reached out to them because they have an engine shop right there on the field next door to them and when i told them about my concerns they made an appointment with the gentleman at the engine shop had me basically jason held my hand introducing that whole situation and i really couldn't be happier with the work that i received at the engine shop from the recommendation by jason those folks provided the same excellent customer service that jason and his guys did over the avionics department so i heard you i listened to all of your requests to get specific information about the costs of this job and i hope that you guys found this informative i couldn't think of a better way to actually show you the cost than to literally show you the invoice nothing to hide here no tricks this is what it cost me to have this job done on my piper archer again i feel it was a pretty competitive and reasonable price for all the work that was done and i encourage you if you guys have any work that you need to be done and it's worth a trip to lynchburg it's in the heart of virginia reach out to jason ask them if they can help you too i'm very confident they'll do a good work for you as well as always if you like this video please smash the like button uh subscribe to my channel i'm making more videos now and i'm super excited that you guys are willing to sit through these long-winded videos and actually hopefully enjoy the content so i'll make another one for you but until then as always don't fly too low or too slow [Music]
Channel: Mike Webb
Views: 27,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight training, student pilot, garmin g5, piper archer ii, piper archer, panel upgrade costs, garmin, garmin avionics, garmin avionics upgrade, avionics cost, cost of garmin g5 installation, cost of garmin autopilot, garmin avionics install, gfc500 cost, garmin gfc 500 cost, jpi edm 830 engine monitor cost, leaseback airplane, aviation leaseback, how much does garmin avionics cost, dual g5 install cost, mike webb, gfc 500 autopilot, gfc 500 digital autopilot
Id: rrN0frJGVY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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