Dynon SkyView HDX Affordable FULL Glass Panel | Overview | Mooney | N6887N is BACK!

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[Music] hey folks welcome back to the channel well today I have a surprise finally after 3 months 6 8 8 7 November is back at the hangar at Orange County mg j is the airport identifiers my home base here so there she is so and the panel was ready to go was installed I flew it back yesterday I'm late yesterday the weather was perfect was calm and it's great I didn't videotape anything because honestly guys I was planning nervous myself flying it back with a full blast panel on the ground for a little bit back to the airport on the ground plug her in using the battery and mess with it for quite a while so no video of the returns return trip from Mount Pocono but let's go over the panel right now and I'll show you guys what I was working on for three months so here is six eight eight seven that we all know this airplanes on the bills I'm going to plug in make sure I got the positive the negative want to blow the whole plane up already I just got it back and I'm gonna plug it in this way when I start up the panel it will not my sort the panel it will not drain the battery so let's hop in it's good to have her back that's for sure and I'm still getting used to everything so again another reason why I did not fly it back on video so much to learn I still got things all over I saw that but the program some things of studies down there but here is the panel hope there's no glare at the outsiders being the glare that but there is the panel zoom over subscribe view HDX you have the IFB 540 SL 30 they have to come first Marquis track at the barometer and the altimeter and this is gonna where the autopilot is going to be so that's gonna be where the autopilot is gonna go for the heart keys so we scoot it back over here in matter of fact with you guys I'm going to take off the little plastic piece here oops off look at that now I'm really in trouble so take this one off all right now it's broken in so there is the panel there's a backup from some avid ein I'm sorry from Tainan pull that off okay there we have it so I need my seat up because I got my seat Oh okay so I'm gonna put the battery master on any radio battery master in a radio with that on did a great job from one of Aviation's folks I mean look at this beautiful panel you were thinking in 2000 and well 2020 Moony instead of a 1968 Moony M 20 C Ranger it did a great job they built basing all this from scratch so the only thing the only thing I do have to do these seats I mean my Mooney compared to my buddy's movie that guys know Pat has 1969 moody Ranger his seats are a little bit higher because he has the same kind of height panel when I fly with him and so I lost probably about this much or so maybe this much or so of space and with this on here it's kind of until it breaks in a little bit this is all new I am too low so I can I can just see over like that basically and I'm six foot and so you have to get that taken care of that's not that's not a big deal so as you can see it's flashing cuz trying to get a GPS and positioning and then there you go but there is the Stein on Sky View HD X in a 1968 Mooney M 20 C Ranger brand-new panel of the dump ray it came out great and of course you have your backup from dying on the the EF is d-10 a so that's that again adjust with the backup turn coordinator but yeah there you have it finally back in Orange County and of course here's the avid ein 540 IFD 540 and again I'm still learning how how all this stuff even works at the be honest with you so I had a very not difficult time flying it back but really nervous flying it back because there's a lot of things like I got to know when I was rotating you know the speeds their heritage to tape for the speeds your altitude indicator turn coordinator the bank so it's all right there and then on this screen - it's a pretty cool matter of fact let's do this the sixth so to say it's off except the caution and go to display we'll make this a full screen that's the map as you can see and then let's make this go to display we go to full screen I'm still messin on the swing let's go back to this let's go let's go to this okay here's your math and once you've had girl your traffic on here whether on here this is a this is a now so we're at the Orange County NGJ and if there's my hanger for lunch right next to tutorial for for most part and then come back to me [Music] so there you have you can smooth this you can mow everything around if you want you have your my this actually my plane now not the demo of using a more aviation but here's my fuel tanks 20 for each side like that 22 right 16 on the left they had a hard time calibrating this they had to do a couple different things and of course their inches right here rpms okay hours per gallon I mean gallons per hour you have your my fuel pressure oil pressure and oil temperature VOC things about glory with you this is the conference says here yep battery of course okay and then it's pretty easy so your altimeter right here you can push that and you can say is to say where the tape off you go up to tip it off and safety see at your pleasure to 3,000 you know you put that in there and as you get closer to 3,000 I'll call out altitude and same thing you bring it down and coaching altitude those new minimums it would be a five reformer and everything else so it's really really cool system and then of course you have your battery voltage on your hands of course and I know that they actually got this to work unless you guys can see it with this camera maybe you can maybe can't and I won't know until I edit this stuff but right here you see the green light their gear is down and then gear up so that's pretty clear now I didn't keep this also and I can turn this off turn on high low whatever because I just like to have that visual as I'm scanning the panel with the gear up or down which is cool I want to kind of right there so that is really neat so there I have it I did add a push-to-talk on the top outside on the back I don't want to put ear holes or anything in here I want the crack and be more of a mess right now so I got to push the talk there and of course everybody always asks what's this about well playback I think it didn't complain back up to five times back I guess ident transponder and of course of course the autopilot disconnect which is knocking up right now but that's where the autopilot is going to go right there output right now I'll show you what its gonna look like but that's what's gonna look like and then of course well you're probably saying yourself where is your transponder well hey guys real quick again I'm going to add this into this video my last video I did I said that Dinah uses Aztec servos for the auto pilot that is incorrect information I apologize it was miscommunication on my ends so I apologize dine on does their own autopilot and makes her own servos so it's a hundred percent dine on made in the u.s. of course so I apologize so you cannot use other servos if you want to install the dine on autopilot you got to use dine on servos with their autopilot so sorry for that wrong information so I'm gonna correct that right now so see you guys it's a remote transponder how I get to it now I'm gonna move let's go back to the map here put a map so I'm going to go and get this done the way how I want it and set up so there's a lot of different personal references you can do instead of wait whatever that way when I set it up I gotta mess with that because there's a lot of things I messed with but to get the transponder you push this once twice here's your transponder you can touch it and it brings everything up for you so stand by ground on altimeter it does everything for you but if ATC called out you just hit that button twice and then bring it right up you just hit it and type it in what it is and then what I do here then you identify right there where I can hit ident from this as well of course I still have I kept this for a backup camera explain to you guys before TSL 30 I was a great unit Harley used to the previous owner very rarely I rarely used it it's like I used the barman for Edith Annette and he's a great unit so I kept this because I wanted to have the the nav feature and the comm feature which would also flip over to NHS side times 2 so I can attract the vor I could track GPS I can get you know one of the other ones magenta and one is Danny coming like I said I got a mess with this whole thing it does closet it's getting traffic right now synthetic division so that's really neat and then I could display I can also take that away The Seagull back to display and that is that and I still figure a lot of things out it's calling out traffic going to hangar that's how great this system is okay so one more thing now to show you quickly it's in a short video I got a message there okay except and it is that you can go to display and then we're gonna make this a full screen and there you have a full screen of synthetic vision and you can see the airports out there to about more could mean I think that sexual day that is but it'll be Airport to out there to take synthetic vision to see that the nose is pointing up a little bit and some facing yell and engine monitoring again on the bottom and you can move that around however you want to do it so just what screen and that's on both sides so basically I'll quickly go back over everything so you have a backup Terminator food I know you get them to back up I have more a dark over here say they Stratus USB port and the reason why I put two there's one here there's one over here is because I don't want to have one plugged in like a cable plugged in here and then plug in my iPad if I put it same caution a might want pressures low no converting the hanger here so if I had something wire hanging from here you know all the way over around the yoke here and over here my iPad having my knee or wherever our phone charging and I want to put the gear here's a Johnson bar sorry about that little dark looks like the Johnson bar down or up I don't want it to have to move the wire around or hit the wire and have a problem I have one over there for the passenger I have one over here you must be two plugs for myself but that's that and we have again Skyview HDX from dine on 10-inch screen again I kept the again you really can't see it with a little darker here but the SL 30 so I have been turned on me that look looking it better for it for again there nav / comm unit which works with the HSI right here you can hit this magenta line and I have the Abidine IFD 540 and of course the audio panel which I also got from PS engineering again you know I can't see it again I have the hard keys I can use the heart key over here if I want to okay and I just click on it and do it I got to do over here right I can even touch it and I can move it around or I can go right over to the heart cave and play turbulent hair track barometer altimeter and again right here doesn't be with you autopilot keys are gonna be and of course on this side I have the other 10 inch Sky View HD x7 thief the seven-inch screen was only 1200 bucks I think less so why not get better 10 is the same labor putting it in because it panels already out so that's why I decided to do all that fun stuff of course we have over here the fuses and then if more fuses down below and they did a great job marking everything for me another push to talk with a co-pilot fine everyone say now it's saying well pressure because planes off let's see yeah I hear it says enough you guys do it or not but says real pressure low when it calls everything out for you but push-to-talk for the copilot on the panel which is fine with me and of course all my mixture and all in a nonsense Wow the of course over here we have you really can't see it Delaney white speck of a pike you picked up my phone on here here we go absolutely so yeah and then you can see here I have my landing light position way insufficient light do he/she strobe lights master radio then fuel pump and then put a battery master really pretty light that's better and there's the other status of each others so that is the panel I'm gonna get this I get that painted but notice that that's about that actually haven't painted why it was there but it's okay not a big deal but what a great panel turned out very well and I want to thank Dyna and I want to thank we're from Carson we're aviation we did a great job with this panel I'm very very happy with everything that turned out and excited to fly it let it fly a bit more this would get used to everything that's a lot to learn when you're all you know steam steam gauges for a long time 15 years and he got glass it's it's it's really unique and different but I can also throw a 6-pack if I wanted to right here and I can make that display you can go to fullscreen so I can have look I played it with on the way down so I can see what I'm used to it under my up build panel used to all this and it looks like it's the turn for there it works like it's a six pack of steam gauges believe it or not it's crazy so I can always go to that if I get little disoriented with the tapes so but these are all the things you can see a little better oil pressure look down I'm going to learn on how to display it's gonna work and I go back to menu P at the tools and of course I can take the 6-pack off I got a G meter Airport flags and all that other stuff you can put in there's so much more to learn on the globe with you guys in flight I'm not gonna do that today the weather that you change the rainy and cloudy and everything else I want to take a nice calm day to go over everything and then give you guys a good advice on what we need to do and how everything exactly works but I want to do a quick video on the update and I hope that this isn't me but you know I'm not gonna hope this is perfect for me I think it's just great I think I'm gonna keep this plane for a long time so the money I put into it I'm not concerned about because like I said before there's so many planes out there that or expensive the two old ones Muniz they're all 80 north of 80 you know the south of the 80s I'm into 90s I'm a hundred thousand and they still need all this stuff they still need a you know a panel they still need 80s be in and out some of them two paints off whatever engines are almost timed out and I'm like you know what it's a ranger it's a perfect for me I don't need the long body you know what I mean on a mid body I'm fine with this airplane it's exactly what I needed for for myself I am very proud of the fact that you know with Kirk's help from where aviation we designed this panel the way I wanted it got it to work and it's just perfect for me to do what I need to do with my general aviation stuff that I'm doing and my love story continues and I always say that general aviation is a love story I mean it sure is because again you know we keep moving up in GA having having stuff like this offer to GA okay you know in our capacity at a reasonable price from Dyna because dine on for 20 years did explore mentals so in the last four years they've done stuff certified so they're always where G a company a G a company there's no corporate stuff there's no no jet airliner they had the garment stuff and then you know those companies are great companies but the i9 really focuses on GA and to family company everything's made in the US and I'm just proud about that and they really helped me along the way here and also they help curb from radiation with Kyle they both work great together and we came out with this great design and I'm hoping people in the future see this get some pricing and if you're a fortune if you're if you're people are doing it if you got to get a TSP in and out anyway you're in your panel shot you want to upgrade to a GPS and you got to do some stuff anyway if you have a little bit of extra money it's okay to throw some little extra money on it to get something like this and believe it or not if you go Undine ons website you do go through their price points you'll be surprised how much stuff costs now you don't have to get to ten inch screens okay with that you can get one screen one screens not forget exact about four thousand dollars and then you add on some of the accessories which is plunge and monitoring it's not that much more money in a reason why I didn't get a separate engine monitoring because dine on hasn't built in it's everything everything is in one system so it's great and I don't want to have to add anything else that is paid off what if this like perfectly clean and healthy looking and it just just everything that goes perfect for me so enough of that Phelps short video here if you have any comments or questions you can email me at polyphony 101 at gmail.com more videos to come honest with the new system again I'm sorry if I didn't put on I didn't record the way back from where aviation because it was new to me I went to concentrate on the radio so radios new to me on all of that stuff and had a fly with the screens like took my time I didn't want to have the pressure of having things on video with that but more to come also any can email me again like I said I'm on Facebook at Pala front of 101 over 15,500 I believe now followers on Facebook thank you so much for that support and thank you for the support and the emails again I've really appreciate those great comments you guys are emailing me and I can also drop any questions or any comments below on the YouTube video so they flick them dule folks consider subscribing my channel that again that mixing my mojo keeps going that makes me able to it's worth me at that point keep doing the videos because it feels like I'm giving you guys information that you guys deserve to have that I didn't have that opportunity I love to share my experience and my aviation love story with you folks so you guys can make a decision and based on my experiences so that the goalies folks fly safe be safe then I'll see you guys next time in the air with the sky view from dine on [Music] you
Channel: PilotFun101
Views: 4,842
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: foreflight, mooney m20c ranger, mooney, flight, orange county airport, new york airport, flight training, singe engine airplane, pilotfun101, family fun, aviation family fun, air traffic control, aviation, flight school, flight instruction, walk around, L3 Transponder, N6887N, filmmaker, goprophotography, megaplane, instaaviation, aviation life, airplane lovers, gopro, bose aviation, dynon avionics, avidyne, ga flying, what is ga flying, Dynon SkyView HDX Affordable FULL Glass Panel
Id: KE9zJzlZroo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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