Garlic Parmesan Ramen Recipe | Ultralight Backpacking Food

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today I'm going to teach you how to make one of our favorite quick easy and cheap ultralight recipes garlic parmesan ramen and be sure you stick around to the very end of the video because I'm gonna share some time-saving and food safety tips if you're new here my name is Erin Owens Mayhew I'm a registered dietitian ultralight backpacker and trail food cookbook author as you can see the recipe only includes a handful of ingredients and they're all available at the grocery store which makes it really quite inexpensive and I would say this recipe might even cost a dollar or so so just to show how quick this is to make we're actually gonna use a stopwatch today so let's get started so first off it's 1 package of ramen you can either put this in a separate bag that you're gonna plan to cook in but I just leave it as it is and then you need a quarter cup of Parmesan cheese then you need a tablespoon parsley and I do repackage everything as I go just because I like to keep a neat kitchen so this actually would take even less time if you didn't package things you need a quarter teaspoon of garlic powder and I would normally have a towel out here to wipe off in between but I forgot to do that so we've got a quarter teaspoon black pepper and to save on dishes I just reuse the same quarter teaspoon for 1/8 teaspoon of salt just fill it up halfway or just do a pinch and then that's it you seal it up and done minute 23 seconds and then the olive oil is packed separately for addition to the meal on trail and I recommend putting this in a leak-proof package so that it doesn't make a spill in your backpack there's any number of ways that you can prepare your meals in the backcountry and there's the cook in the pot there's cold soak and there's also a freezer bag style and if you happen to use freezer bags for vacuum sealing your food then I like these the vacmaster brand because they do have a zip top bag at the top so after you prepare your meal you can zip it up and it doesn't make a mess in your bag but personally I'm phasing away from these because environmental reasons they do use a lot of plastic especially through through hikes and so I'm transitioning back to your freezer bag style meals that are really easy to prepare but mixed in my stove pot and as I mentioned this recipe can be cold soak or cooked hot so one of my things about cold soaking is that I like to have a container that my hand will fit in completely so it's really easy to clean and also one that has smooth ends because some of those ridges and peanut butter jars are really hard to clean out so this is just a few tips that I've learned with time so to cold soak the ramen noodles I just break them up really well so they can fit in there really easily and also it's less water required to fit over the noodles then you just pour just enough water on top and I probably could have crunched those up a little bit more to cover the noodles and now it's about a little over a cup of water and then you just let it sit it probably takes anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour be careful not to let them over soaked because they will get really mushy so but I prefer the recipe hot and that's just one of my preferences so I'm gonna show you how quick and easy that can be done today so again we're gonna use the timer just to show how fast that is so here we go so again you're going to crush up the noodles so the less water is needed and again add in just enough water to cover the noodles as you can see we're outside so we're having to deal with the elements like you would normally okay so the water is just starting to boil so I'm going to let that sit for a minute or two and let it cook inside the pot and to speed up the cooking process you can actually put the pot in a cozy and I do recommend using a little cloth just because this can get really hot so you can do this like so in another way you can do this depending on if you're in bear country or not is and you're using the freezer bag style and so you can put your bag inside of a smell proof bag and you can put it in your pocket but you have to be really careful not to make a mess in your bag your jacket because it will cause a lot of snow and attract rodents or bears and you can also use the lock sacks as well as snow proof bags so that's another option okay it's just been under five minutes since we started cooking the noodles they're done and I leave in just enough broth to have some liquid to mix the ingredients in so you just dump in your bag and stir it up a little bit and then to also help the ingredients mix up with the noodles a little better is you add your tablespoon of olive oil and then I usually just do a little bit of a dollop I don't measure it out precisely so after only six minutes we have a delicious meal mmm so delicious so if you had a chance to test the recipe yourself we'd love to hear what you think by leaving a comment below and as promised I'm going to tell you some tips tricks about food safety cost-saving and time-saving so I do like to be environmentally friendly so this is the bag we used earlier to put the ingredients in so when I get back home actually leave this in my backpack and I'll wash and reuse it when I get home for the next meal some time-saving tips when you're preparing meals at home is I use just a Tupperware container that's been used over and over again put the bag in and then I also have some Dixie cup excuse me just some plastic cups that I've cut the end off of and again these I get washed and reused over and over again and I slip it right here on the top of the bag because this way it keeps the opening and if I'm preparing for three hikes or the entire season I will line all these up that way I can just dump dump dump dump one after another without having to constantly open and close the bag so that really works really well and also if I'm preparing meals for long term storage I will actually use plastic gloves or any other clinical app so you can wash and reuse because the oils on your hands will actually cause the food to go bad sooner so this is another food safety tip money saving tip these are actually in the same container because I buy all my spices in bulk at the discount store so it's really cheap and also we live in a band so they're all aligned really easily so it saves a lot of space and the other is the olive oil is to have it on trail you can put it in a smaller container like a Nalgene bottle and it'll close really tightly and store it an extra plastic bag to keep it from leaking and they also on Amazon they sell tiny little bottles that you can use and then that way you just refill those up when you get home as well so if you're interested we actually have a 52 page cookbook for free right now on our web page so be sure to go check that out but before you go make sure you check out our van tour video so you actually see how I can actually do this in the van so if you can I can do this there you can do this at home for sure and also we have a few other videos about meal prep and that you might enjoy there I'll see you next time
Channel: Backcountry Foodie
Views: 25,593
Rating: 4.9251103 out of 5
Keywords: backpacking recipes, backpacking meals, ultralight backpacking, dehydrated meals, backpacking recipe, thru hiker diet, thru hiker meals, thru hiker meal, backpacking food, trail food, meal ideas
Id: 4MLdPsaIwtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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