Italian Food in Sardinia!! LOBSTER + Fried Calamari on a Boat! | Sardinia, Italy

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look at this fish food on the island of Sardinia is unlike anywhere else on Earth check out the size of this loaf of bread with just 24 hours on the second biggest island in the Mediterranean Sea I wanted to find out what exactly is Sardinian food and what makes it so special to find out we'll have a seafood lunch on a rustic fishing boat oh man the entire sea is in my mouth right now experience an endangered Sardinian cooking [Music] tradition the challenge of doing suckling pig is that you never know how the pig is going to actually come out and taste an illegal Shepherd's cheese that even I'm nervous to try wow literally just goes into your brain it's going to be wild let's go eat [Music] Sardinia hey everyone good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's Mark we and welcome to the gorgeous island of Sardinia in Italy in the Mediterranean we are about to meet up with some local fishermen who are going to take us on a fishing trip hopefully we'll catch some fish and some seafood and then they're going to cook we're going to eat on the boat hi hello and here's our boat this is Real Deal proper fishing boat hi here we go onto the boat okay John what's the what's the plan where are we at uh so we're in K okay the capital of Sardinia and we're in the Gulf of the C with some of the most important local fishermen who go out every day and and catch uh the local catch basically and we're going to have a meal on board and we're going to go on the go of the Kad Kad has a a beach which goes 7 kilomet all the way down and it's calledo the 100,000 people Beach who Seafood oh lines or what are those called scampy scumpy okay scumpy yeah that's much better nice so we are going to go fishing but we do have a little backup Seafood just in case some scumpy some Camari oh some bread some pasta uh I mean you never know you never know what you're going to get on a fishing trip this is cooked already this is ready to consume before we set out well no not yet this is the base for oh okay okay so we still need to make that into so in kaj they say frula in the towns small towns in the S it's called fra ah and those are like little ball pastas this is uh semolina and water oh okay oh and there's more lobers amazing bright orange lobsters oh our fishing has been successful we have succeeded Seafood before we head out we don't need to go fishing now so like so like in Maria okay the way we make a a fish soup like a bullia base our version Las sakaa is the local fish okay so you almost always going to have this in your fish soup okay and then this is lion fish lion fish or is it a rock fish or yeah it's a rock fish a rock fish okay yeah and then you have a mullet nice okay okay and this is a little San Petro of St Peter oh that's a beautiful look at this fish San Petro fish this is going to go into our Seafood fisherman Style seafood stew uh Sardinia style and man we have so much Seafood I mean we almost don't need to go fishing we're moving we're on the [Music] way oh more Seafood oh nice looks like some uh more calamari small fish oh this fish will be fried yeah I've never met a fried fish I didn't love you go fishing and you get so much okay go this is the cozy kitchen back here so Chef is getting started the lobsters the scampy going to make the pasta as well and all the fish fried fish what a kitchen my W oh wow oh the aroma Chef is preparing the the Seafood Steak so you boiled up that that fresh seafood the scampy the shrimp the calamari boiled it with tomato sauce um and now he's adding in some of the fish some of the rock fish go in fin whoa oh it's like a pillow sized bread check out the size of this loaf of red oh it's the size of my head it can hide Mr tter it's that big it's like a pillow literally is a pillow sized bread catalana okay so Catalan aragosta typical dish from Barcelona onion tomato aragosta and olive oil with the lobsters yes 400 years yes wow the fresh squeezed olive oil organic olive oil those organic too oh so the lobsters tomatoes onions fresh olive oil the fresh squeeze you can see how vibrant and green it is so I dare you in Sardinia to find a dish with more than four ingredients yeah yes four ingredients more than we usually have a piece of garlic some olive oil a protein and maybe a vegetable that's it that's it sard find more than ingredients this is the artichoke that's been marinating in lime [Music] juice oh that's amazing slightly bitter really crispy oh the flavor keeps on coming so Mark in Sardinia we have a special type of artichoke it's called Copo spinoso it's very rich in iron and uh we do many things with artichoke with aroke so Arch and fish eggs and that's the the fish eggs preserved salted votara and Kopi how many ingredients are in there four yes [Laughter] finish with olive oil answer huh and over on this side of the kitchen he's putting semolina onto the seafood that's how they they fry Seafood in Sardinia style he's sorting the fish Eduardo nice move [Music] oh that broth is incredible with the Tomato can I have it oh man it's good can I have one more yes the crunch of that AR choke and the olive oil the saltiness of the Baga that's amazing as John was mentioning Sardinian food is super simple maximum four ingredients and that's like proven right there focusing on freshness quality and like not complexity but I mean when your ingredients are this fresh that's what you need aroke B olive oil that's it boom this is incredible that is so good yes look at us okay and couldn't be in a more beautiful place here it is the ca that's the famous CA from calary oh oh man Eduardo thank you oh wow the muscularity it's so so muscular so sweet I do want to chase with some of those onions though those onions are just so good yeah unbelievable the best the onions are incredible never had that crispy and sweet onion oh man the lobster is amazing so perfectly cooked muscular so sweet oh [Laughter] who were you filming it's the first time I've ever been hit in the head with bread going in for some of that fish and then then that sauce on the bottom there okay fish sauce all together mhm the fishes fish is translucent the fish is incredible melt in your mouth we got tomato sauce with that hint of spice cooked perfectly Chef made sure not to overcook that unbelievable Paradise look where we are Paradise stunning Place stunning Place stunning hey somebody is got to do it it's a tough job but somebody's got to do it so now beautiful day in KAG on the boat with friends sharing a casa and oh my gosh look what I found a big scampy and you know what the first thing you do with the big scampy baby an explosion of flavors got one of the scampy take off the head oh that was a splatter suck the head from the from suck the juices from the head wow the complexity of flavor just bursting in your mouth man that's good that's like a a scampy soup plus tomato sauce just embedded oh wow absolutely stunning and here we go the body body oh the juices can kind of crack that and then I think break it from the bottom side yeah revealing the the sweet meat on the [Music] inside it really is incredibly sweet what I found so good the fried of the golf the poor fish is the best fish fried fish is best look at me the fried calamari God this is amazing platter of fried seafood covered dusted in semolina flour fried until golden crispy okay wow [Music] oh oh wow the freshness the crispiness that guy in the kitchen knows what he's doing yeah seriously I don't know about the Fisher Chef is incredible yeah salty crisp be everything you could in oh man crispiness the freshness of wow stunning oh wow that is the plate of the meal yep unbelievable floating around in the Mediterranean Sea off the island of Sardinia eating the freshest catchup of the day cooked to Perfection this is something truly memorable was a disaster but good yeah we didn't catch a thing we were supposed to go catching didn't catch a thing or didn't even try to go fishing but it doesn't even matter one one biter oh wow man oh it's so good so soft crunch the bone is so soft oh it's really really tasty nice the pasta has arrived the pasta has arrived and that was cooked in the broth of the seafood or as many people say in Sardinia frua fra Safa it's a typical Sardinian ancient pasta and it's made from simola and water and salt that's it yeah that's worth it can you do it or not wow eat something no I love the texture right oh man the tomato broth the seafood flavor from all that Seafood being boiled in that tomato sauce Eduardo is Sir concocting over here he's squeezing out the head oh the scampy [Music] head we squeezed the heads of the scampy into the frigola and we added a little bit of the fish from the original stock you're a great man [Music] Eduardo that's just magnified the flavor delicious what a seafood meal so it wasn't exactly a fishing trip but it was a nice boat trip and some amazing like the food was surprisingly delicious cooked on the boat that fried squid Camari was probably the the highlight of the entire meal from here we're driving uh to an Agri Turismo uh kind of like a an outdoor Lodge where a man is then going to prepare for us a traditional Sardinian meal for dinner [Music] tonight he he says he's it's a jealous dog because he just does this too he's [Music] always hey thanks for bringing us man what are we cooking here we're we're cooking a suckling pig it's a Sardinian tradition um but we've lost the tradition of cooking suckling pig underground and mikeli is one of the few people on the island who still do it um it takes around 12 hours to cook wow and the reason why you would cook a suckling pig was you didn't want anybody to see you okay so you know this was a land of Bandits okay and there are feuds and so there are many reasons why you wouldn't want to be seen um and and this is the origin of the suckling pig ah and why it was cooked underground yes okay Mel was uh the the first person in Sardinia who coined his wines volcanic you know the Sicilians were very good with ET and everything you know Sardinia is the one of the oldest lands in Europe it is actually the oldest piece of land in Europe it's volcanic yes and we're in front of an extinct volcano and then you can see here this is you know look at you know it's and mikel's wines are very minerally you'll see they're just absolutely volcanic wines the other thing I was telling you about when we do a suckling pig in Sardinia is we have wonderful wood uh so the two bushes uh that give off a wonderful um Aroma one is called lentisco mastic the Mio branches and the lentisco branches you will see when you eat the the suckling pig tonight or maybe tomorrow morning depending on how long this takes uh you will see that uh you will taste all that those Aromas of that oh man a difference between the suckling pig underground and the sucking pig that we just usually use as a ro rotisserie is you will see since this is a slow cook and you cover it it just it it it's just kind of melts off the [Music] bone different Woods using that's one of the most beautiful fires you'll ever see just crackling away that wood and the aroma coming off of it from all the different Woods burning and so now we're just going to wait I think till that heats up uh before we load the pig oh it's just snapping some MTO berries if you want to taste it it's very balsamic it's fairly fairly bitter we we actually make a very nice myto Jam but you use Quin oh okay you wouldn't do it 100% And this he's going to stuff stuff the pig with this with this herb almost impossible in Sardinia to have myto without myto Soto is always on the on the court this one or this one all of them all of them okay okay so you almost always with the red wine taste the balsamic this is balsamic and you almost always have this in our red wines a little chalky a little Juniper almost M excellent yeah very good Sardinian Cuisine is extremely simple compared to Cuisine which can be very lot of ingredients kind of busy um and this is it exactly what you said from the bush to the you know table that's what they specialize in yes everything local yeah and this is just going to be you know the Theo uh the the pig and Sal that's it the herb pot oh the [Music] Rosemary oh it's going to go in too oh yes wow yes oh another giant pot of herbs backyard herbs more getting stuffed into the pig yeah it's so long take photo there look how long it is so he's put SP in [Applause] there he closing their stomach I asked why why they don't do this anymore in sgia they says it it takes too much time um a lot of people don't know how to do it anymore and it's just too expensive we don't want to lose time when I come to m i often come like 10 or 11 in the morning and uh he said when you cook a suckling pig underground it's beautiful to watch it go underground but you never know how it's going to come out every time it's different you don't have a thermometer to you know oh yeah so it's a guessing game by experience okay he's going outside oh he's heading off into the forest oh to cut some more herbs okay oh what is this one okay ah on Aroma oh nice okay that's another herb another Aroma yes he's a he knows everything about the land here I love his hustle he just works so fast he's sprinting around we'll only get half of it in the video no he knows he's man on a mission he knows what he's doing so he's covering it Inc smells so festive yeah that's amazing he just ran to the bush cut down half the bush and he's wrapping the pig in an entire Bush of branches fresh green branch so that it protects yeah they're very aromatic yeah it's festive almost festive smelling stra Bush bundle the challenge of doing suckling pig is that it's not only the weather you know the different time of year the the temperature of the air but it's the it's the humidity in the soil it's there's so many different variables you never know how the pig is going to actually come out so what he's trying to do right now is he's just trying to figure out what what the soil is this time of year his fire you know and he's just kind of you know doing making an experienced calculation yes yes yeah it is you're going to taste this oil told it's a very expensive oil it's uh we use it for medicinal purposes this is mastic though too yes this is this is mastic this is the mastic berries okay and you can eat them too it's very very yeah yeah yeah go ahead the mastic berries my first time we use it um for skin lashes and birds and for stomach upset stomachs oh these are for horses when they have a wonderful a little bit bitter yeah a little bitter and a little little peppery yeah oh oh that crackle goes the pig oh the pig wow goodbye good piggy thank you we love you oh and that immediately he's covering it with Earth has to work really fast too flame on the mhm you want heat you want to kill that flame immediately yeah and just get that Steam and Vapor oh man the pig is in it's covered but the process is not over now they're covering it with more logs more fire goes on and it's supposed to cook for 12 hours whoa looks like it might be fire on the bottom fire on the top 2021 oh of course we handpick our grapes semi Dono or in the in the Sardinian dialect sem that's the wine yes what is it that's a reason for celebration oh that's refreshing now all you can do is wait now we have a I think a 6 hour wait until the pig will be ready in the meantime we're going to eat a lot of snacks uh hang out and just enjoy the beautiful night Countryside in Sardinia this is something truly truly special it's just when you're here you just feel the this immaculate nature peace and it's it's almost this unexplainable feeling of history and nature and land preservation and pastures and it's kind of unexplainable but something truly truly magnificent goat salami goat salami never had goat salami before this is the stomach of the the awesome it's coming off the goat yes the the the covering you know wow this is a goat ham goat that's regular wild pork that's a goat sausage it's time for the Forbidden cheese of Sardinia man it's alive you can smell it they have to warm up a bit because they're cold now so they they're a little slow but once they wake up they'll start jumping all over the place wow look at that texture looks like butter almost a bed bug looks like butter because they they kind of weave in and out you know so one of the things I was really most interested to try coming to Sardinia is this type of cheese and it's called kumaru kumaru kazumasu and John's going to really quickly give us a little briefing about it and what it is and how it's made so kazum Mar is the traditional Sardinian Shepherd's cheese and this is a cheese which is made you basically when you make a form of cheese you put little holes in it and you put it up on a shelf for the fruit flies these these little fruit flies come and they lay their eggs here and then then you get this they actually work the cheese and make this wonderful cheese called kazum marsu and you cannot go visit a Sardinian Shepherd and he will always have this at is it made from sheep milk yes sheep it's a sheep cheese and how how long does it take to to ferment or ripen it takes about a month okay okay and and the signature is that it always has the the live flies worms within it absolutely and kazum Maru you see we keep it in a bag because the worms this is cold still but the worms will start jumping up and you will have you'll have them all over you awesome awesome maggot cheese wow good I didn't know I love maggots so muchu Maru yes oh man that's incredible almost has this ammonia that fulfills your your face M says it gets your saliva going and it's very persistent it's a long taste as a matter of fact in 3 hours you'll still be tasting it can you say that is Ultimate fermented persistent has a long taste cheese that you'll ever taste hours tasting it that is unbelievable wow it's strong yeah what do you think Ed a little so good it's very harsh not for everybody it's very good it's intense those are the those are the live worms maggots the cheese cheese I can see him moving around to my understanding it's actually illegal but it's not enforced because it's such a huge part of Sardinian culture and everybody literally everybody I Sardinia is a culture of shepherding um and everybody loves it everybody enjoys it and so that's also why it's called forbidden cheese so it's the stomach of the kid it it's you take out the stomach you empty it you put in freshly squeezed milk and you then you put back the the little the stomach the stones in the stomach which give off the renit and then you cure it in salt and then you're ready to go these are two dishes which you always will have at Kazu with worms andit chees in the stomach yeah this is very hard to find u in in in the market for example it's extremely hard to find something that you eat with the shepherd so we're trying the next cheesea stomach cheese oh yeah that's borderline yogurt like really creamy oh man that is intense it's almost it's almost fizzy on your tongue oh man that's unbelievable flavor you can just taste it's alive man both of those cheeses are two of the most intense cheeses you'll ever taste in your life and really just straight up Sardinian Shepherd cheese unbelievable flavors that I mean you can taste that that flavor is just going to be embedded onto your tongue maybe until tomorrow I mean your tongue goes numb goes num I have a little numbness on my tongue yeah literally so we're sitting down first before the pig for some snacks I've never had goat goat ham and goat salami and then those cheeses are just unbelievable just like mindblowing Flavor let's try some of I think this is the goat the goat goat salami Oh manami is amazing melt in your mouth it's like Cherry nutty one of the great cheeses is this sheep stomach cheese which we tried and the texture look at I mean it's almost like it's like the texture of sticky peanut butter but fermented in the the kids or the the baby goat's stomach [Music] unbelievable [Music] wow Lally just goes into your brain man the cheese is almost intoxicating thank just totally Mar straight to your brain am I turning turning into a turning green turning into a shepherd with every bite of that cheese we've got the next the The kasum Maru again another bite of the the live maggot cheese it's the most one of the most intense things you could put in your mouth oh man actually it's kind of sweet and nutty right yeah totally man just again just like a little caramelly almost but like like just mind-blowing flavor that goes to your brain the only thing I can think of that I've eaten that even that is almost similar actually is this 2-year-old uh you had the 2-year fermented stinky tofu oh yeah twoy old 2y old it's it tastes like oh man that's almost what it it's actually very similar oh yes it's time for pasta and this is a special type of pasta uh which is from Sardinia oh man oh that is so good tomatoes the cheese on top the texture of the pasta which you say these are little Rings or almost like an earring the chewi it's almost midnight and it's time man there's still so much heat in there after six hours there it is wow look at that smoke near room of those baked leaves and branches smell incredible C good C perfect and those herbs smell incredible the B leaves the Mystique yeah did you notice the garden shears that's awesome the wire cutter the metal cutter one second just one one the rebar [Laughter] cutter oh my God don't oh man man there Smokey the herbs you can taste every single herb yeah you can taste those herbs like embedded into the meat oh it's so good wow perfect you don't want to cook that one more minut perfo fecto thank you yeah that is insane it melts in your mouth it's cooked perfectly and again the herbs just totally transform the flavor of that oh man that was worth the [Music] wait unbelievably tasty and earthy and [Music] Smokey M wi what a man using garden shears and just feeding us bite by bite just keeps coming I mean M it it's juicy it's I got it I got it it's herbaceous I've never had a pig like that no it's totally unique unique every now and then you get a little bit of soil and even that tastes good that right yeah yeah this is like the real the volcanic soil of Sardinia even tastes good oh man what an incredible day I absolutely love the people the food the lifestyle of Sardinia I want to say huge thank you to Eduardo to John to Michaela and to everyone for hosting us today it's been outstanding and I want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up and remember to subscribe for lot more Italian food coming your way stay tuned you're not going to want to miss it thanks again for watching good night from Sardinia
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 855,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sardinia, Sardininan food, Mark Wiens, Italy, Italian food, food, food tour, best food, Italian street food, Mark Wiens food, Mark Wiens Italy, Sardinia Italy, Sardinian seafood, rare Sardinian food, Sardinian cheese, maggot cheese, Casu martzu
Id: LmZZgKW_9vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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