1,000 Kg. BIRYANI JACUZZI - Giant Indian Food!! 🇮🇳 Biryani Tour in Bengaluru, India!

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in this pot is almost 1,000 kilos of Biryani in India cooking and eating Biryani could be considered an extreme sport but what's so good about the combination of rice meat and spices that drives thousands of people to eat Biryani at crazy hours of the night or even fight for a [Music] table in this ultimate birani tour of bangaluru we're going to three places where you'll find totally different styles of birani they have a forklift for the birani I honestly had no idea what I was getting into wow that's a massive pot it literally is jacuzzi size the magnitude the size of this pot all the flavors keep on building does the birani live up to its hype well there's only one way to find [Music] out it's 3:00 a.m. we're on our way to go eat [Music] Biryani hey everyone good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's marqueen we are beginning bright and early well it's not even bright and early it's dark and early this morning it's 4:00 a.m. tripal good morning hey good morning Mark welcome to the early morning hoskote Biryani tradition oh people actually arriving and lining up they're still like 2 hours before they open good morning good morning nice to meet you and it was his father who began the tradition of the hot Biryani in 1992 correct 1992 okay so that's 32 years ago that's when the story began and his father began with very with a very humble uh small sort of a quantity I think aaga used to 2 kilos they would do about 2 kilos and today on a Sunday around 900 Kil M around 900 kilos 900 kilos so the journey that began with 2 kilos of meat 32 years ago today on a Sunday culminates in about 900 kilos of meat being used and I heard like 10,000 plates of Biryani yes I don't know I don't know tell you exactly how many plates but yes let's it's safe to say that the biryani here are sold in the thousands especially on a Sunday wow check out the size of this pot oh that's a raging hot fire that's huge all burning over wood fire at this stage the meat which I believe is mutton or sheep meat it is boiling simmering away probably with some spices that have been tempered down because you can smell that in the steam in the aroma uh but they're getting ready to add more ingredients more spices they're going to add the rice and we're going to see that process as they steam as they bake as they dumb it's called it the dumb process where they seal it all together the water of the evil ey oh okay yes that's a ritual he's squishing some limes in front of the bani pots it's a tradition and respecting their bani wow that's a massive pot it literally is jacuzzi sized today they're preparing 250 kilos of mutton yeah we got here at the stage where they've already tempered down the spices in the oil but you can smell out yeah the masalas are in there already it's been boiling simmering away with water with the mutton tenderizing now they're about to add more ingredients the tomatoes and the rice literally I've seen jacuzzi that are smaller than this bani spice mixture masala taste goes in so basically about six ingredients or seven ingredients that they mix at home his father see the father learned this recipe from their grandparents okay so it's a family it's a family recipe that's right you can have it it's not a problem but it'll be a little bit oh yeah it is spicy oh that's delicious oh that hits you in the morning oh B [Music] [Music] the rice has been washed rice goes [Music] in [Music] [Music] from here they're letting it gently simmer letting all those ingredients absorb into the rice it's a beautiful beautiful sight and truly incredible just the magnitude the size of this pot this bir is [Music] unbelievable and now you can see starting to the rice is now starting beginning to absorb that liquid so now the rice is rising to the surface now that is the ghee that's going in oh a whole bucket of ghee goes in [Music] oh wow that's a lot of heat to the face but they just all spring into action the lid goes on he starts piling the coals from the bottom to the top and that's the dumb method that's what's going to seal it all together keep it all sealed plus coals on the top and the coals are going to make it cook from the top the coals act to eliminate the condensation that happens on the top of of the lid what exactly is the history of the Biryani in hot and why is it so early in the morning so typically hoskote was a stop for truckers and in the morning when they wake up and they want to go let's say drive out for 300 400 km they want a nice hearty meal so that's when money began this whole concept of doing the Biryani and that became a instant hit with the truckers so the earliest customers with the truckers and then also the factory workers from around here we've got 512 on the clock there's a line that's now reaching into the parking lot probably 100 people are in line already you woke up for the early morning bani we just completed the shift and we game great oh okay okay so you work at nighttime yeah amazing so happy we can't express words actually thank you thank you so nice to meet you very nice to meet you enjoy the video what's really incredible and surprising is that it's not just truckers it's people of all walks of life that you can see in the line friends hanging out late night workers to entire families here do you guys come here often yeah we come here often what is the best part of the Biryani it's the mutt the M the mutton the mutton pieces the tender pieces very good oh oh release a little bit of that pressure and see oh oh the quality control passed now they're just jumping springing into action there it is that's what everyone has been waiting for he's got both the the rice from both the biryanis together oh and this is his ritual now he has a tradition it's a ritual ceremony kind of a blessing but kind of a spiritual ritual that he does with the bani the the celebration of bani has begun this mountain jacuzzi of birani they're scooping out now you can see they've laid out all of the to go uh bowls for takeaway but then they also serve it on a leaf plate uh to eat here the Aromas coming out of this pot are unbelievable quite an impressive uh control system here a queuing system it's very organized that very organized so you line up you go around like it's almost like an immigration immigration que you buy your token there you pay your money and then you come here with the token and this is where you get rewarded with a Biryani Biryani pot is here fresh servings people just roll in the first people have been served this morning it's time the moment we've been waiting for so rice first rice first just to get a it's like dipping your feet into the pool to test the waters that's [Music] right oh oh wow yes oh the flavors keep on building with that first bite it's like when it hits your tongue it starts off good but as you keep on chewing and letting those each individual grain of rice settle on your tongue the spices just emerge oh that's rich and moist and oily and again they are very generous with the mutton looks like we got a whole bone here with marrow on the inside that's a nll um the nollie Nuggets tender test oh oh yes oh it's it's finger tender my finger actually went through it okay M oh all that meat that salty savoriness of that meat Mark and it's brazed in that liquid until it has that that really extreme tenderness yet it's not melting it still retains that muscle naturalness of it yeah it has a bit of a bite pendant yeah also the smokiness that's coming through on the outer surface of the meat oh yeah and on the inside the gelatinous softness juiciness cooking in quantity is not easy and sometimes when you cook in quantity you sacrifice the quality yeah but here like you can be guaranteed they've been making that same recipe in a small pot with a gigantic jacuzzi sized beani pie and have not sacrificed the flavor the quality you got the onion and lme I love red onions as well and kind of mix that into the the B on a little bit oh that compliments it well as well going for a little bit of the raita especially want that that cucumber onion mixture yeah and then again you can you can work that in massage it into their your plate of bani the raita gives it a totally different dimension again that like Dairy cooling it's cooling that's right I think it's a piece of the kidney I got a liver you got a liver yes so that's the other thing so you you get a surprise nugget in every Biryani yeah something all the organs are used as well absolutely the chicken kebab that's right most of them are wings it looks like coated in a masala and this is fried I believe too okay it's not the star of the show yeah but it is an accompaniment and it gives you a different flavor a flavor of chicken I mean in case you want more meat to be honest in my opinion you come here and just do the mutton Biryani yeah yeah you know don't distract yourself in in any other restaurant yeah that would be outstanding but when we fished with a plate of mutton bani from like the chicken gets shoved aside we have kind of looks like the leg maybe the portion of the shank yes wo like totally dense with spice and rice flavor is great though and then the meat are on the outside it's so tender yeah at that leaving the revealing the bare bone on the [Music] bottom full verification full justification why people wake up at 5:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. to come eat this bani now Joel and prash are over here enjoying the bani how's the B on you guys Joel how is that B on I'm alternating between speechlessness and and then just like all words related to softness jiggly Meats delicious fatty bites they're just flowing out as you can see I'm sweating because this biryani is I think one of the spiciest biryanis I've ever had but I still can't stop eating it how is the Biryani guys it's good [Laughter] awesome so I kid you not I came outside to wash my hands after eating that Biryani and I literally forgot it was morning I was just lost in my thoughts that's one of the better plates of birani I've ever had absolutely incredible flavors we've had a massive plate of bani and it's just now 7 a.m. we have more to eat today so we are driving back to baludu for the next [Music] place [Music] we made it back to the center of bangaluru and this is where we're going to find our next Biryani on this tour but this is quite an intersection here the colors the action the energy uh it's really really a cool setting oh hello we are at a place called Taj Hotel now this is a b that goes back decades in fact this Tre goes back 90 years wow and they do a very special Biryani which is called a bangaluru Shiki Biryani this is a Biryani which is usually celebrated over a wedding Feast ah okay and the good thing for us we don't have to wait for weddings hiom hi very nice to meet you what a pleasure thank you thank [Music] you we're jumping straight to the kitchen to see some of the process and already the chefs are at full force there's like five different pots going over fire they're going to get started now on what is their most famous dish the mutton B onion so onions have been tempering down in oil caramelizing now ginger garlic taste goes in red chili powder a whole plateful oh the lamp that's going in this is basically a combination of some chopped mint mint and the coriander mint coriander coriander there's some salt also there salt and is that Ginger goes in oh man what a combination kurd kurd is going in chopped tomatoes go in that's right as with all beanis it's truly an art it's a process it's a strategy everything is strategic and so after stearing off that meat and he pours water in that's going to boil that's going to simmer until the meat is ultra tender uh before the rice probably some other ingredients go in as well one of the most challenging tasks of a wood fire is regulating the temperature that's what he's doing now he's trying to reduce the heat so he wants the meat to simmer not to boil too much in that stock something interesting for the preparation is that the rice is going to be first pre-boiled separately before it's then combined with the meat to cook and seal and all the juices and all the flavors okay so the rice is half cooked now it's he's going to scoop that rice out that is boiling boiling hot and then he's going to put it into the meat I don't even know how he can reach that far into the pot that's incredible skills wow timing is very important right yes that's incredibly hard work the rice that comes out towards the end is the one that's cooked the most okay and therefore that's the one that stays on top and doesn't need to cook as much the r that came out first is at the bottom so it will cook so you will see that now he'll introduce it once again to the Biryani hes oh saffron with milk yeah saffron so the saffron has dissolved into the milk okay so now the the dumb style where it's going to be sealed sealing in everything a cloth goes around the outside and now he's scooping in those coals actually putting it on the sides of the pot as well scooping it around Distributing it around the pot and I think some will go on the cover on the top as well what a process unbelievable so that Biryani is laid to rest it's going to mingle with itself cook and steam and bake and roast um all together until we reveal the [Music] biryani [Music] oh look how fluffy that rice is oh and the ghee splash of the ghe oh wow let St so the Biryani is ready just that Rice the luxuriousness of that rice that texture that blend that swirl of colors the Aromas and the meat is still nestled below such a cool process and just the art the craft the strategy that goes into it incredible oh there's the meat revealing itself yes just a bite right out of the pot this is as fresh as it gets oh yeah this is going to be hot M it's it's worth it to sacrifice your fingers yes oh wow that melts in your mouth oh it has this incredible gingery cardamom like richness to it with the ghee a rich and you got the lushness of the ghee yes and then some way that sweet gentle sourness of the Tomato cuts that right away and maybe the curd as well M bone tender A that's look at that look at that pure meaty deliciousness really tastes pure that's right yeah there Ultra tender absolutely I think this is a Biryani yeah that we'll have a lot of fun with on the table I I believe so you want to spend some time with it like in India in here we say meaning at leisure let's move to the table let's move to the table huge pieces of mutton tender falling apart mutton that oh that moist rice the tomatoes and onions in there oh thank you very much okay so some of that that eggplant eggplant sauce on the side there m mhm oh oh wow the flavors have started to mingle together now the flavors the length of the flavor has certainly deepened yes M the meatiness but the pureness the cleanness okay me moving into the meat oh oh you can tell it's going to it's falling off the bone still hot and tender it just pulls apart oh that lamb it's so good and so tender and so fresh you know what's interesting about tasting the meat in this biryani is that you can taste the true essence of the flavor of the Lamb it's not masked by too much of the Masala there is no garam masala in this biryani yeah it's not strong on the spices that's right there's a Biryani that allows you to appreciate the character of the animal yes in terms of its flavor oh a bean is uh eggplant okay BR eggplant okay so the eggplant and just that gravy not only eggplant but tomatoes in there that's that's right can you also taste a bit of the coriander oh yeah the coriander seed some of that spicing that comes the tness of it the tness of it oh and it has a bit of a chili tick to it as well that's right oh that is I mean it just gives a totally different dimension to the bani eggplant Curry is just blowing my taste buds now that added tartness okay so next up we'll try the ashor this is called the dala MK dalcha oh so there's D into lentils wow lentils that is the base of that so again you can you can see the ashour in here you can see the tomatoes in here and again you just kind of like work that into your to your rice massage it giving it even more body much more gentler mhm creia oh a little richness the starchiness of the the dollin in there oh man the lentils also there's a bit of garlic that goes into this yes and what sad was telling me was that typically when they make this dalcha at home there's also some mutton Bones the stock that goes into to flavor this dal okay it's not lacking in flavor absolutely absolutely flavor packed phenomenal another absolutely phenomenal bani but completely different thank you very [Music] much thank you very much thank you that was incredible incredible thank you thank you see thank you very much that was outstanding okay we're moving on we still have another [Music] beani so we at shivaji military Hotel here in bangri South Bengaluru this by far is perhaps one of bengaluru's most popular and also perhaps one of the oldest biryanis that continues to be served over the last 90 years I think we have arrived so this is the dining room at chaji it is intense so many people everyone's here to eat the birani definitely if you didn't know what you were doing you would be a little bit intimidated but literally people people sitting eating people are waiting in line to sit down to eat to get a taste of the food here and yet it's all all in the good natured friendliness Mr rajie yeah very nice to meet you third generation behind shivaji military Hotel wow it's him and his brother loesh who run the show here everything every single pot of Biryani is tended to personally by Rajiv or his brother loesh the Masala the spice mix is ground by them at home by the family at home and that's what gets deployed here oh are we going on the forklift that's right yes yeah another huge pot of Biryani wow wow this kitchen there's barely any space in this kitchen it's a small kitchen but they have a forklift for the Biryani oh this is one of the coolest kitchen moves I've ever seen no he's going up he's going up and that's going to be lifted up a little bit of elevation this is a finished pot of the birani it's chicken biryani the D Biryani which is served in these Banana Leaf or plantain leaf bowls and this biryani again it's totally different the aroma coming out of this rice this has a very nice yellow green color there's some green Masala herbs in there and then the other thing that I really smell are the bay leaves the bay leaves in there just coming out so nicely you see hints or accents of tomato or chili in there it's so incredibly aromatic this kitchen is unbelievable this is the reason I was not going to leave bangaluru without coming here you wouldn't expect it any other way but the kitchen is just as insane as the dining [Music] room finally found a table here in the corner actually things are starting to sort of calm down a little bit but this place they have literally taken dining to the extreme this is Extreme dining it's almost a sport to eat here that's right that's the right one it's a sport survival of the fittest yes we're also joined by Dr Anand and he's going to be joining us for this meal for this amazing meal thank you I'm going to Nestle some of this out of the the Don into the plate oh you can feel the freshness of it that Rice the aromatics coming out oh and when you get some of it out onto your main plate you can it just opens up the aromatics spill some of it out and if I've learn one thing you've got to ease into the rice first rice first meat comes after [Music] still Don Biryani Don [Music] birani oh again the flavor is starting to build the complexity of the spices the pepper the green chilies the aromatics that's right oh man thank you see this is the reason why people wait here Mark they go through all this but when they wait and they tuck into that Don Biryani that's what happens to them and they're like All is Forgiven totally washed away M oh yes everything makes sense when you finally sit down to eat how is that that meat looks so tender in the mouth oh can taste the blender down fat oh Aroma and the taste of the rice is just awesome nice okay I've moved into the mutton now and again oh some little riblets again look at that mutton it just finger tender oh wow oh it's absorbed all of that flavor that Ginger all those spices are embedded within that meat all the way to the Bone it goes all the way to the Bone what is this sauce exactly so this is basically something called chera so it's a combination of various greens that go in there's some mint there's some coriander plenty of chili that goes in onions so it's basically a fortified sort of a gravy just in case you want to give your Biryani a little extra kick oh you just see it's melting onions in there oh man green chilies pepper oh that re rehydrates totally rej juices and rehydrates your rice oh wow if you thought your birani could not get more flavorful think again oh that sauce yeah the minty freshness with the caramelized onions that melt in your mouth the pepper the pepper just it's just embedded through and through the spice starts building this is the mutton fry oh I didn't think it was going to be that tender I should have known better that was terrible to think it wasn't going to be tender look at that just leaves the bone completely Barren and you've got just that again finger finger tender that's right man can you feel that pepper hit that yes insane pepper hit the black pepper coarsely ground so it just unleashes on your [Music] tongue oh you'll be licking every bone clean here yeah that pepper is absolutely Sensational think next we should try the mutton Kima okay the mutton Kima thank you so the the mutton Kima the M but in meatball in meatball formation they call it the Kima [Music] K it has a nuttiness to it that comes from the dried penu Greek that goes into it wow that's just loaded with that flavor of nuttiness that gravy is insane oh man again it's like you think the flavors could not get more complex and stronger and they do with every bite it just keeps building it's one of the most exciting meatballs I've ever had in my life we've got one more one more meat dish on the on the table here this is the black pepper chicken oh yes oh cascading down want some more a waterfall of meat juice oh wow this one you're tasting more the flavor of the coriander yes you know the dry spice has this greenish this greenish Masala flavor to it but again the pepper is just standing out and like magnified I can honestly say that was one of the best meals I've had in my life shivaji military Hotel it's still family run for over 90 years and actually all three restaurants their Heritage their still family run they serve unbelievable Ban's unbelievable food and it's the the stories the food the people that are behind them that make makes them so incredibly special I'll have all the restaurants listed in the description box below that you can check out when you're in bangaluru and I want to say a massive thank you to my friend kpal from food lovers TV and I want to say a huge thank you to you for watching this video remember to give it a thumbs up leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and remember to subscribe because we are traveling all the way around the state of Karnataka in South India eating some of the best food you're not going to want to miss any of it thanks again for watching goodbye from baludo I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,322,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Indian food, Karnataka, biryani, India, Mark Wiens, best Indian food, street food, biryani street food, South Indian food, Shivaji Military Hotel, Hoskote biryani, things to do in India, what to do in India, Indian street food, India street food, Bengaluru street food, Bangalore food, Bangalore street food, food street, food videos, food vlog, food tv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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