Garden of Eden - LOCATED!

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[Music] there's good reason to believe the Garden of Eden is a real place the Bible actually gives specific geographic coordinates for Eden it's not the kind of thing you do if you're making up some mythical story because well if you were lying you'd keep it vague but the Bible isn't vague at all about Eden it gives us surprisingly precise information so if we plot that data on a modern map we should be able to locate the place where human history began new scientific discoveries make this possible for the first time ever the Bible lays out four rivers that flow through Eden to are well known the Tigris and the Euphrates both flow through modern-day Iraq and empty into the Persian Gulf the other two are the P Shan and the jihad but no one really knew where these two rivers were on the map until now thanks to new research we have a pretty clear idea a newly discovered extinct river system in the Saudi Peninsula fits the biblical description of the Pichon and the jihad for example the Bible says the rivers extended into a gold producing region that we know was here and a place called cush that we know was here so now that modern science is nailed down the likely course of all the biblical rivers all we have to do is follow those four rivers and where they come together it's the Garden of Eden the problem is they don't all seem to come together it's a dilemma that's vexed scholars however recent research by a guy named Ward Sanford offers a fascinating solution Sanford's not a theologian he's a PhD hydrologist who literally wrote the textbook on groundwater geology in simple terms Sanford theorizes that in a previous Ice Age there was a natural dam at the straits of hormuz meaning there was dry land and what is now the Persian Gulf and if the Persian Gulf is dry the four rivers would converge so the place that was once the Garden of Eden is now under the waters of the Persian Gulf at least that's how Ward Sanford sees it he admits his case isn't rock solid but it is plausible the gulf is surprisingly shallow averaging only about a hundred and fifty feet deep so in theory if you want to visit the remnants of a Garden of Eden today you can all you need is a submarine and Sanford's map but there's a hitch the Bible says God placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the Tree of Life so maybe it's best to leave Eden as it is
Channel: loststates
Views: 615,764
Rating: 4.3999496 out of 5
Keywords: Garden, of, Eden, Bible, archeology, sanford, old, testament, Paradise, Lust, Brook, Wilensky, ­Lanford, scripture
Id: raO44UXXcg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2011
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