Garbage Day

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anyway I find that Blackwater Park is opeth's finest work it's cohesion Flawless combination of Death Metal aggression and melodic influences perfectly embodies the spirit of struggle much like our own struggles I respect your choice brother and I agree that Blackwater Park is indeed a masterpiece however I would argue that ghost reveries demonstrates a greater range and subtlety in their songwriting it strikes a perfect balance much like the balance we strive for the Imperium the brutality in Melancholy in Blackwater Park is something our sons can relate to the harsh and soft elements alternating the Despair and Bleak the transformation in the leper Affinity isn't that what we are warriors born in Conflict yet striving for peace and unity an interesting perspective brother but consider Ghost of Perdition and baying of the hounds from Ghost reveries The Narrative complexity in these songs embodies the intellectual challenges we Face Opeth is about more than just raw emotion true but the raw Beauty and emotion of Blackwater Park can stir the heart of even the most stoic astartes isn't that the essence of music after all what say you fulgrim huh what sorry Manny I was reading some spicy hentai oh come on not on the call Bud you uncultured Blockheads could never appreciate the Majesty of these Works anywho how can you guys talk about Opeth without the trash boy present that's a really good question fulgrim Bobby where is mortarion that depends Ferris how long ago was that poetry session the one where he ran off at the mouth uh give or take 50 years oh streamlined heavy Imperial taxation I have to go wanna hop on Siege I promised rogel that I'd help rebuild his Minecraft world after percharabo put nether crack penises everywhere that's kind of based no it's not uh what a beautiful damn day the birds are burden the sea is seeing and tarash's thing be thing and or at least I assume it is with the restraining order and all why the am I talking to myself hello Morty holy is that Caesar Augustina I see you know I ought to be a pissed off for you dropping me off in this bootleg ass space Rome reboot gets no that's understandable like how the has no one realized I've gone well you see you ever stuck your Plasma Pistol in a watermelon Bob I don't what have you ever fruit is what I'm inquiring Bobby I've been surrounded by nothing but nature and fresh clean air with not a single thrown damn pair of cheeks in sight I'd settle for an ogre and woman Bobby that's how down horrendous you've made me you pompous boy well I'm sorry you feel that way but your punishment is over as of today you're a free man oh well Hallelujah wait until I tell malcador in my Legion what you did to me you tax loving bureaucrat well malcador was the one who suggested this punishment and alfarious has had one of his praitters impersonating you for the last 50 years no way my Legion isn't that stupid it's amazing what you can accomplish with mechanicum-built stilts a voice decoder and the scent of moldy ale ugh just get me the off of this planet the theatrical performances the themes their use of heavy guitars these are all Hallmarks of the metal genre you ghost May employ some elements traditionally associated with metal but they lack the raw aggression the intensity that truly defines metal their music is almost poppy why don't you go listen to more of your black metal Garbage I'm a side with our brother fulgrim in this my objections to Black Metal stem from several aspects not least of which is its near constant wallowing and themes home sweet home I suppose hey Morty yeah welcome home it's Cannon and spin raw booty love you too little brother black artistic choice as a genre born of rebellion black metal often celebrates isolation and anti-establishment themes yet it seems to me that this rebelliousness can sometimes devolve into self-parity or Worse harmful real world Behavior there's a fine line between expressing dissatisfaction with societal norms and promoting destructive Behavior also I find that the excessive use of aggressive
Channel: Voxcast To Nowhere
Views: 35,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rswrqIv-xJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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