Brother Penguinius - HERO OF THE IMPERIUM! | a Warhammer 40k story

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I'm going to be real with you man it's not looking good oh what fools we were to put our faith in walls and Gates instead of walls and gates with spikes and Hazard lines on them look don't don't get weird about it just hold here and maybe the emperor will uh Smite them or something just keep the faith and don't listen to their beiling heresies even the dullest among them can be a crafty trickster hey if one of you guys sticks your head above the parapet we'll all leave and go home H what a bunch of idiots they've made this far too easy do you think they're gone yet if it's all right with you we're going to assault your lines now just making you aware oh that was nice of them all right everyone take out your grenade when the enemy jumped down into the trench pull the pin uh sir wouldn't it make more sense to throw the grenades at them before they reach our trench wouldn't it make more s to shut up sorry sir wait what's that up in the sky I hope it's an artillery she all going to put us all out of our misery hero of the imperior run for your lives get the war master in the horn tell him pinius has come to defend Terror call Off The Invasion father I'm going to [ __ ] kill you one sec one sec brother penguini M gulp I'm out of here brother penguin you've saved us all I thought I was going to have to have some novel length psychic battle type thing with Horus but thanks to you I can devote myself to my true passions child's neglect and posting on r/ atheism wait no thank you brother Earth hero of the imperior it's looking rather Grim sir the xenos aren't letting up The Siege has come to a stalemate gosh don't Dar it it seems those cute pics of your Rin stored in the webway shall be forever beyond our reach at this R sir I don't even think we'll be able to get cute pics of MAA arrange a parlay with a fcia tell him he's one no wait up in the sky cute PS of your brain no it's her the Imperial it's a relief to see you brother penguini but I don't even think your might can get us out of this Jam wait this can't be these are the cutest PS of your rain I've ever seen I want to frame them and put them on my dresser thanks to you all of the thousands of men I sacrificed to obtain these cute pics won't have died for nothing we were fighting for what wait no thank you brother hero of the imperior I'm Jones I'm going for a hit tooke right now check the stash stash weer you smoke smoked it all there's nothing in here here but a couple of old ancient issues of white dwarf and a jar container of mustard wao I have mustard uh maybe it's time time to kick give up the Habit I'll make por us some coffee and we can call ring rehab in the morning wait wait up in the sky heavens we have have a skylight why' you come crashing through the roof yes 100 kilos of the legendary chaos pack this will keep keep us High stoned for weeks thank you hero of the [Music] Imperium what's an Imperium did you know that guy what you called him brother penguini is hero of the Imperium what does that mean well I I just who's Brother penguini what the hell are you talking about well I I just thought that is it just cuz he's a penguin did you make that up well I was just guessing I that was a really strange interaction do you want to get high stoned or not well no not really anymore a flying home penguin just flew through our roof handed us some weed and then flew off it's it's been a weird day plus we need to call a repair guy now we should probably get on that oh yeah now that you mention it it it is getting um is getting kind of drafty in here all in days work for brother penguin is her of interior I I still don't I what what is that what do you mean
Channel: DreadAnon
Views: 44,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Atfa-IHJvXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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