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how's it going taco stackers and all that beautiful people on YouTube here we are another day in garbage picking world today we are going garbage picking once again and some people have asked me recently if I'm always still be garbage pickings in the winter season well as you can see as you can see it's snowed this is the first time I'm actually wearing these boots and they're actually pretty comfortable but yes I'm still garbage picking in the winter it's no problem me it did snow about three to five inches yesterday and a lot of it has melted off I say probably two inches of snow in my area but I go to a couple other towns couple cities stuff like that and we go out garbage picking up your new dead Channel we try to find things we can scrap keeper ourselves or sell at the flea market or online so join me let's go garbage pickin all right we start off the day will follow electrical cord for scrap I guessed this looks a pretty primitive he's got the hook there it's got another one here I don't think this is for a cattle I think it's something else but some of you guys might be catching my drift where you think that's going this piece weighs a ton oh that's some sort of motor sounds free probably take that off the thing with motors now I'm out take this off I don't know that's desperate another day got some brass on the end Oh start good shape old-school handtruck leave that cooler it's really dirty and disgusting so the laminate flooring there's about ton there it's price soaking what those little a it's brand-new it's a lot of land in the floor you know what I'm leaving that the reason why I'm leaving that I'm leaving that cuz it's moldy on this whole side so may if it's moldy on all the pieces don't know these are wood or metal might be able to make a scrapping video this week it's been a while and that's just because I haven't found that much good job and wind out your local school this a nice real nice this thing's already broken and might be fixable it's mid-century modern I don't think it's I don't think it's real I think it's like a knockoff might be fixable might not be able to else out here we have some irony a little some white iron guess.well Samsonite that's the suitcase is actually a good rant so Samsonite but it's torn on the side so could not believe that piece tryna unfortunately it's nice crutches that's a nice piece I'm it's a shame it's fake but that's mid-century modern it's it's a lot of money if it's you know the real thing see what kind of contraptions we have over here where's the handle oh it's missing the handle it's actually pretty nice piece stained [Music] we took the purple taupe is that yeah purple Toph cuz uh it was in better shape the suitcase is missing the handle I'm staying on inside little dehumidifier action goes through scrapyard my buddy I got the mark wait for it microwave the bite who I got the microwave for like last time like garbage picking or two times ago he needs a demon by our bad things missing the back piece so I mean it's kind of pointless we got all sorts of cat things over here it looks like a dog whoa you know what I'm going to leave it just cuz it's used and I I don't I don't think people would want use cat things at the flea market alright so far very far away because this is a very busy road there's not a where to pull off I'm actually hating to it there so now I'm cleaning my garbage picking video this town is the town that switched over to these new I don't know what you like to call them but there's a very nice piece over here if I can try not to die / probably get a ticket for doing this [Applause] oh for sure that's like a 15 20 piece at the flea markets all right hackers think we might see a little mahogany like a coffee planners stand over here did rain I guess that goes in there all right got some rugs there like that yeah she'll work it's a nice piece of real wood furniture so overripe that I don't know if it's mahogany but it's got that color to it kind of looks good but I'm excited we have some scrap metal some tin this might be stainless and then I'll grab these pieces down here oh we got over here looks like a cooler some sort of gym thing iron gym might be hard to see iron gym and we got a cooler old Pepsi cooler hello dirty on top I'll clean that up be good for a flea market next year next year all right yeah all right so that's gonna wrap it up for today's vlog hopefully you guys have enjoyed it definitely I included a couple days worth of picking out there I think with these winter months coming up and the snow season a lot of people tend to get a little bit lazy with their daily chores I like to call it I know for myself I don't even put out my garbage till like 5:30 6 o'clock right when it's about to get dark just because it's cold out you procrastinate a little bit today was no different I did find a couple cool items that's I did find a couple cool items some scrap metal as well with these winter months here I think people do tend to put out their stuff a little bit later I did include a couple days of picking into this video so if it seemed like you know we were jumping around a little bit I apologize for that I want to keep the video content-based and give you guys you know content so with that in mind hopefully you guys have enjoyed the video if you guys are stopping for a first time and you want to see more definitely hit that subscribe button I do come out these about once a week and as always have a great day keep living the dream whose [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 40,297
Rating: 4.9521914 out of 5
Keywords: Garbage Picking, Trash Picking, Dumpster Diving, Dumpster Diver, Dumpster Dive, Recycle, Scrapping, Curb Surfing, scrap metal, scrapper, scraper, scraping, restore, recycle, reuse, treasure, free stuff, free, antiques, primitives, metal, iron, garbage day, trash day, garbage truck, landfill, junk yard, omar gosh, dumpster, treasure hunting, river diving, river treasure
Id: D3MUzbe7PkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2017
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