Garalina - A Family Company Of Horrors

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[Music] since 2017 I've been delving into various stories filled with strange macabre and horrifying machinations conjured from the minds of incredible individuals that managed to bring their ideas into the world of the internet and cement their spot in the realm of immersive media from been drowned conch loose hi I'm Mary Mary Daisy Brown and the Sun vanished the Pizza time Pizza dad cat ghosts sour salt my most prolific series to date on this channel pets cop these series have encapsulated just how far the ambitions of people's thoughts can go and how much dedication must be put into bringing them to fruition however one of these series has managed to elude me without my knowledge and drove me to become so engrossed in it that I had to force myself to stop as Scott was where I started analyzing immersive media for the very first time and across the span of its tenure it gripped hundreds of thousands of people frantically trying to find something anything to help solidify an answer to his story and its messages now we've finally been given true confirmation that pests cope as a web series is over but it turns out that a great many things within the story were never truly able to be solved just from watching pesco know this series was only one small part of the bigger picture and today I'm finally ready to bring you the full story of gara Lena the family and the development team behind not just Peskov but another game as well before you watch this video I implore you to pause it and watch pets Scott first not only will you be spoiling major plot points for yourself by watching this video it's also not going to run in the order they the information is relayed via watching the series afterwards I want you to have the series as fresh in your mind as possible so that you aren't going through this and being confused on where certain pieces of information otherwise let us begin so first let us ask the question what is Karolina so far Peskov has given us the following information Karolina is a game development team run by Anna mark and it is possibly named after the resting place of her sister Lina les coeds whose remains are buried in the garage of her home this leads me to believe that the death of Lee nolasco it's also known as the windmill incident of 1977 was something that Anna was privy to the entire time this moment in spite of the new information we've been provided since the creator's reveal is still where the story of Karolina began since Carolina's creation his employees appear to have remained fairly family based with daniel hammond Anna marks nephew being one of the main developers behind the game pair Scott the location of Gera Lina's main office appear stove beam what is now an old abandoned school one why Marvin mark Anna's husband and co-conspirator to his sister's death used to have access to in some fashion the evidence given to us with imp s cops story seems to point towards Anna and Marvin working there whilst it was still a place of Education so perhaps the main office had been there before the school had closed down which means that Gera Lina's office space would have also shut down at the same time this also puts further validation towards the meaning behind the first message that was on pets cops channels about section Rayner gave this gift to us on Christmas 1997 and 2000 it was the single longest day of our lives we were all certain he was dead at the time he'd been missing since June 1997 and 2000 we're not as concerned about these things now a lot of speculation has been made on the reason behind these dates we know that the incidents of June the 5th 1997 is an incredibly important event in the realm of pesco and considering that we know that Daniel Hammond is now in fact Reina is safe to assume that Daniel disappeared after finding out what happened to both Kari mark L and his brother Michael I think the reason behind this was because he took the game away with him and twisted it into the version that was intended for Marvin which was given to the family as a gift on Christmas Day 1997 I presume that Daniel was trying to get Marvin to confess his crimes by showing him that he'd been outfoxed whether evidence soars the company's office closure stems from the very first episode the sign in the gift plane tells us that even care likely an alternate version of the office closed down and all the staff at left will return to this later on because now we're going to look at the previous works of pet Scott's creator by that I mean the real one not Rainer well as begin with eight capsule the game comes with a preface document that gives you the basic controls of the game and strictly informs you to not go past the number 8 as we inevitably do so we're treated to a surreal landscape and you have to solve puzzles by clicking on objects and ensuring that they achieve a particular velocity so that when they connect with whatever they're meant to coincide with they hit registers however there is one thing that could only previously be speculated upon that appears in this game the red and yellow pieces connecting together so it turns out that the image was probably just a reference to this particular game the end of stage 1 provides us with a pill which is what takes us to the next stage needless to say this seems to be an allegory for the subject of this game being on some form of medication particularly one that can change your perception of the world around you such as a antipsychotic or an antidepressant the second level follows the same principles as the last solving puzzles very momentum however the third and final stage involves using what you've learned to defeat a boss at teleports around the room once defeated you get this [Applause] [Music] [Music] strange listening indeed from what I can gather this game's final stage seems to be focusing on an individual's ability to destroy their personal demons considering that what we're trying to kill is literally a shadowy figure that constantly keeps on reappearing intermittently to torment the character also once it's destroyed the only thing showing is the word beauty subjective term that tends to relate to the self hate sound is the next one this plays like a traditional top-down space shooter us included the game itself doesn't appear to relate too much aside from the importance of the number-8 rather it's the ending that holds more significance here alongside more disturbing sounds now those two titles aside from one of them which we'll get to next appear to only loosely refer to things that we've seen in pet Scott therefore I believe that those games were not intended to be garel in his previous work but I felt like they're warranted a mention due to the references Santa look at the biggest part of this mystery that had eluded us for so long nifty the game is once again based around puzzle solving something that pets cops actual gameplay heavily relies on but for now let's look at the important information the symbols from Pez cops puzzles and the backgrounds of even care are here finally giving some semblance of a reason for their existence as for NIF the little character in the corner this is clearly an early or later version of the guardian take note I'm saying early or later for a reason and I will get to that reason further on in this video other than that there is literal confirmation that this version of nifty is a reprised version of the one created by Karolina the readme file that comes with a game reads as follows thank you for downloading the unofficial version of miffed Nifty was originally released by guerra lena under the name nifty this version is no longer available anywhere if you own it I would suggest not making it publicly accessible plenty of things have been altered and it may seem a little bit more complex and confusing than the original however this one is indeed winnable play this all the way through so it appears that nifty the original version of the game was actually unwinnable for some reason this is once again something that we see in pets cope with the it's a growing organism line almost as if they never intended to have a game that could be completed rather they instead meet puzzle games that are meant to be played but not finished either way the game holds progress for a moment to inform us that there's a treasure at the end that whomever is relaying the message does not want to let go off and asks for us to stop playing please turn off PlayStation comes to mind here of course we carry on and soon after another message appears threatening to kill NEFT unless we can save him NIF cannot be saved and we have to move on without him once we complete level 30 they are a myriad of methods ranging from deleting files utilising Carolina's helper maker program and even creating a text file called goralina code txt and inputting a code in the background of a level the game at this stage is still currently unwinnable however playing through it again on new game+ not only gives us sixteen text files providing the means to get to the final level but once you do reach the end of the game you can't win is unless you use the helper maker again once completed the following message appears on the readme thank you for playing nifty I guess now you know what this is all about though not entirely NIF the little character standing in the right box of course dies but this version of the original game has changed NIF enough so the players cannot become as attached to the little guy therefore his death can no longer cause one to kill themselves even if this did not affect you in the original you still would have to come to two points in the game where it is impossible to move any further the first can be easily passed by altering the save file this is not the case with the last one nifty has come with Guerra Lina's helper maker their private solution to beta testing the game you can now pass those two areas in the game by using two different versions of helper yes one of which is created with pass pass pass stop pass was created by me as a way to reach the real ending without altering the save file in creating the keys yourself I hope this clears things up once again thank you for playing nifty alongside this message will logs from guerra lena relating to the game and walter code 1014 mm we finished it i know you may be interested but we asked you to just wait two more days for the actual release it will be worth it i assure you this new game is amazing 1025 mm well our mission is basically complete everyone loved nifty now it is time to start a new project I hope all of you will continue playing our games 11 - mm I am in shock seems everyone is we've taken out the NIF download temporarily but when things cool down you will be able to pick it up again we are very sorry 12:14 2004 those of you who have not heard nifty will never be available again we apologize but there is no other choice more info on this tomorrow there is not enough time for me to explain 1215 mm NIF caused a couple of people to commit suicide well more than a couple apparently our little nifty Erik tur is responsible but we are not ready to believe something so ridiculous nonetheless we are forced to stop distributing the game our next game project is looking a little better however 321 2001 hello there are you ready to stop around with us yes we know we haven't updated the site who really cares we're not even making games anymore so what could be the problem and stop leaving comments about nifty we know you want your stupid game back but no it is not coming back the game was impossible to beat anyway it was designed that way perhaps that's what made those damn players kill themselves goodbye now then is where I'll return to my previous statement regarding the character NIF and the Guardian the reason why I'm unsure whether NIF is meant to be a precursor to the Guardian or if he came afterwards is because of those messages we've known since day one the periscope initially came out in 1997 with his production beginning in 1996 if these messages are from the year 2000 mentioning their next game being at development surely that game would be Pett Scott there are two possibilities to this oversight from the paths of pets copper Nifty's creator or pet Scott was never originally the property of Karolina is very likely that Daniel Hammond was creating the game as a passion project for Michael to play but once 2000 came along Karolina took over the project there is evidence towards this such as the About section saying we're not as concerned about these things now alongside PES got 12 and now I'm gonna line it's been long speculated the Raynor or Daniel has been dead for a while and since we're aware that owner and Marvin were nefarious enough to hide the body of Leena less quits in a garage is hardly far from the realm of possibility that the reason they're not concerned about his whereabouts is because they were the ones who put him where he resides Six Feet Under so if we put that to one side for now what is the purpose of Karolina creating and releasing games that are impossible to complete to be honest the only explanation I can come up with is that they aren't really games they're more like tests all of the games that are garelu nor have had a part in have something to do with solving puzzles all while giving off the impression that your actions in the games are being monitored nifty also has this kind of monitoring implemented with the stage that asks you to delete you save files but then breach you for trying to trick it and orders you to delete them properly their games are less about enjoyment and more about testing the players and seeing how they tackle problems were already aware that their head office a main workspace resided in a school so as possible that these games were made for children under the guise of educational purposes but if players began to commit suicide because of nifty they were probably forced to close the company and it's likely that the entire school was shut down for allowing the development of the game to happen under their roof however we do know that things didn't truly stop there because of this line Paul's mother Anna mark had access to Peskov in 2003 and Paul knows that the game could have changed in the time since Bella played it in the initial testing phase so this gives further verification to Anna having access to not just the game itself but the game's development code now that we know where Marvin was going in pesco fate we also know that the rooms behind that wall relate to carry mark Marvin's abusive behavior and Daniel's awareness of these events she removed access to these rooms and by extension removed Paul's ability to learn about what happened to him the atrocities of this company do not stop there was shown through our periscope than the manner of which these games were tested were disturbingly clinical each child was monitored both inside and outside of the game they were sealed into one of eight rooms that were locked from the outside complete with a bed for them to sleep in meaning that their time within these rooms was indeed an extended-stay the child library in the lower reaches of the game just shows how many different children were used as test subjects leading me to believe that the school was far from a regular place of learning instead it was a prison with hundreds of viable candidates for experimentation on side all of this Anna and Marvin use their own family members in their sadistic game of a few torture and murder so why do I assume that the child library is linked to the company once again allow me to direct your attention back to the very first sign-in pet scope-1 if you are unaware the gift plane provided homes for over a hundred young pets unfortunately we've been unable to remove all of the pets from their homes 48 pets remain here at the time of writing we would strongly encourage you to visit our eight homes and find some friends to take with you those eight homes mentioned are likely to be related to the eight testing rooms as shown in Peskov 23 as for the 48 remaining pets I presume that they are the testers take notes Peskov 24 has 45 names listed in its testing numbers but if we have three other names from the series intuit that we know have played the game such as Marvin Anna and either Daniel Chiara or even all we reach that 48 pets total the child library is likely a catalog of other students from the school itself ends the over a hundred young pets line of course only family members gained a specific facial feature combination in the game that doesn't stop Paul from being able to visit other rooms by imposing random combinations but what about the machine where does that fit into all of this it's very possible that the machine was solely for Marvin's purposes but if it wasn't then what purpose would it serve for the company considering what we learned from Peskov 23 that the machine was in fact used on carry mark the results of this was not only blindness at first but a complete change into someone else in the end there's also the severe inability to recall past events as we've seen with Paul Lesko it's throughout the story I know that the process failed but clearly the intention was always to turn someone into somebody else we learned that fact very early on from Marvin's efforts to bring back Lena if Karolina was going to use the machine for that purpose the only benefit I can see is the ability to essentially recycle old testers by turning them into a new person and see if the change results in a change in the way they play the term is a growing organism always oaked me since I heard it not only does the sentence have the ability to mean countless other things but it's also proven false by the fact that Guerra Lena had created another game that was never intended to be truly finished so what aspects of the game is a growing organism and what does Nifty have to do with it going back to the Guardian an if again we can see that the Guardian looks more detailed but lacking in one particular area that NIF doesn't arms let's go back to something that was mentioned in pets got numerous times the fact that the Guardian cannot open doors it's a running theme throughout the game until the meaning behind it is revealed instead of opening and closing doors ignore the door States entirely and presumed that it's open and passed through regardless of whether or not it is on the surface that sounds like a ridiculous thing to say because in reality that is impossible but allow me to put it into another form that's more logical think of the door state as a positive and a negative with open being positive and of course negative being closed if we consider this state in terms of thoughts or views such as glass half empty or half full there's actually a third option that can be taken and it's something that only a sentient being can accomplish cognitive dissonance the ability to hold two opposing views at the same time the Guardian in this regard is not a sentient being therefore when it's shown a door that's closed it can only see that inability to pass through its threshold however when Paul accepts that even though the door is closed there is the ability to hold a middle ground and pretend that the doors open suddenly the Guardian can pass through it albeit in a different state of the game so what does this mean in terms of the growing organism well there are multiple testers for solving a puzzle game that's unbeatable where the point of the testing is not for the game itself but for the player their input to the game both inside and outside is monitored extensively and those inputs are of great value to Guerra Lena I think that Guerra Lena has been doing all of this to achieve one thing we they managed to do with NIF create a sentient machine Neph has arms which in turn means it can have the ability to open and close doors the metaphor that this conveys is that NIF can choose we also know that NIF had the strange ability to make players feel so attached to it that they would kill themselves when it died the version of NIF that we're seeing is not the Centene one since the copy of nifty that we can play is an altered version players killed themselves because the NIF that they had in their version was likely a lot more interactive became an endearing presence to them since it was able to do so essentially when the players failed to save NIF in the original version it wasn't just a character in a game that was being killed NIF was at that point as close to a human as if machine could be it had a personality thoughts and feelings if this turns out to be what actually happened in the story then guerra leena achieved the ability to create sentient machines via horrific and torturous methods exploiting children in their goal for progress now before I end this I feel that it's only right to mention that the creator of pet Scott nifty and the other games mentioned in this video has openly stated the following this gives off the impression that the Creator only intended the references of the works to be the sole link to them rather than them being canonical of course this changes things if that is the case but not entirely sometimes you can reach the same conclusion regardless of all the pieces of information being entirely linked up to one another therefore I'm still happy to say that I'm proud of the theory that's been proposed here and it could still hold water regardless of Nifty's existence take knows how I said theory there as with all of my content I will only ever stay something as factual if there is evidence that solidifies it beyond reasonable doubt otherwise it's purely speculative and should be treated as such this theory is only here for the purpose of providing food for thoughts rather than saying this is what it is is the information in this video to help towards paving a path towards your own take on events especially with something as ambiguous as Pez Scott the series is over and his plot points that were never answered will forever remain that way which is by design it's up to you the fans the viewers the analysts and the theorists it's your jobs to work together and try to figure out what went on in the game I'd like to say at the time before we in this video to thank night dogs for his involvement in his creation it's an honor and a pleasure to have him on board for this go check him out if you haven't already the link to his channel is in the description until next time people keep on surviving [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Noir Ascii
Views: 10,173
Rating: 4.8558559 out of 5
Keywords: aspects of horror, noir ascii, arg, creepypasta, analysis, theory, fan theories, enigma entries, nifty, pressedyes, petscop, garalina, care a, care b, care nlm, paul, leskowitz, tiara, belle, rainer, marvin, nightdocs, alex bale, lina, game, games
Id: SodzAtmc-44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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