GARAGE GYM TOUR | It Cost How Much???

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welcome back everyone my name is drew bullock and today we are going to be going over a tour of our garage gym [Music] all right so to start this off we put in a garage gym doesn't mean that it hasn't been your garage it could be in your home we just this is the space that we have we have a tandem style garage uh where we have this extended part so that's where we put our gym so we're essentially working with a single car garage space so not a whole lot of space but we're making it work if we look at our main piece that we have in here most of our stuff in our garage gym is by rep fitness we did you know a couple bulk orders by them and then we also have some pieces by rogue fitness which we also really like but let's go over the main piece which is our power rack this is the pr 4000 power rack by rep fitness when you're looking at this rack it has all the laser engraving every five so you have 20 25 30 so it shows you exactly where you want to put it you do get one inch hole spacing anywhere from here to here which is your bench area and then after that the whole spacing gets a little bit wider whereas if you went with the pr 5000 you're going to get this inch hole spacing throughout the entire thing which is nice if that's something that you want it's probably personal preference but we've had this for a while now and the whole spacing on this is is great you really don't need any more than this so essentially when you do your rack and you're customizing it online you pick out every little piece of it so the first thing that you do is you pick out your upgrades which are your four tall uh steel three by threes right here these are the 93 inch uprights you can get 80 inch uprights as well which are going to be a little bit shorter so depending on the height that you have uh you know wherever you're putting your gym at that is a consideration to make especially if you're going to be adding a pull-up bar on here so we went with the 93-inch uprights because we have a little bit of additional space and then if you look in the inside of the rack you have your cross members but you get your two bottom ones and then you get your two at the top uh we went with the 30 inch cross members this is the middle of the road they have ones that are slightly shorter at 24 inches they have ones that are wider around 42 but these are the 30 inch cross members so this is going to basically dictate the amount of space that you have inside your rack so if you move these j cups to the inside and you're utilizing this to do squats and you take your weight off the cross members are basically going to be how much space you have to work inside of your rack i suggest going the 30 inch road route that we did because it gives plenty of space with also not taking up too much room in your gym so 30 inch i think is the way to go if you look at the j cups like i mentioned previously these are just your standard j cups which you can move around they do have other ones but these you know there's really nothing wrong with these these these do the job just put them in line up and then turn down if you look at the safeties we went with so these are flip down safeties by rep fitness and what's nice about them is with the rep fitness and everything is laser engraved you know exactly where you're putting these in so if i want to put them in on the 15 hole mark i put it in here and in the front and they flip down what's nice about these is they're straight unlike some that kind of are the rope style and they hang down so when i put this in here we know that for squats if we put this in on a laser engraving of 15 they're going to be perfect for when we go down in our squat we're going to be about an inch over these so we really like the flip down safeties that we went with if you pan to the top here if you're looking at pull-up bars which is another attachment that you can do we went with the multi-grip pull-up bar so in the front here you're going to get an inch and a quarter diameter and in the back here you're going to get a 2 inch diameter so you can do pull-ups from the back which is a really a big grip here or you can do the inch and a quarter which is in the front also you have the multi-different multi-grip so you have your straight here and then your wide grip or angled and a very wide grip here so it's a it's a pretty versatile piece and you can do a lot of different things with it also helps stabilize the rack so this is the multi-grip pull-up bar if you look at the bottom here we did go with the front foot extensions on our rack the reason that we went with these is basically because of our setup in our garage gym and the type of slab foundation that we have so if you have a newer home um our house is about eight years old and we have post tension slab so essentially if you have post tension slab in your garage you cannot drill into there there's usually a stamp somewhere in your garage that says post tension slab do not drill so if you look at this rack on the sides here there are two holes on every one of your uprights where if you buy this rack rep fitness sends you really huge concrete anchor bolts that you can bolt this rack down so it's not going to go anywhere that wasn't an option for us so we went with these front foot extensions which also have a hole to bolt down but just having these really keeps the rack from moving around especially if you're putting weight on the outside of the jacobs or you're hanging from the front you're really going to rock the rack back and forth so having these foot extensions on here does stabilize it a lot so if you can't drill into your cement that's an option that you could go with if you look at the back of the rack here we added on the addition of the lat low attachment this is really nice and helps you do a lot of different things with your rack that you would typically find at a gym that you would go to having a gym membership so this allows you to do lap pull downs here and we have a couple different you can get you know different chains from home depot but have different lengths here essentially but you can do lat pull downs you can do tricep dips if you buy an attachment such as you know a rope or a straight bar if you look down here at the bottom you can also connect into the bottom here and it has this really nice foot brace here that is adjustable here so you can pull this out push it in and you can do low rows or you can attach in here and do standing bicep curls if you have an ankle weight there you can attach it and you can do different exercises as far as like your glutes and you can do some hamstring exercises so this piece is is really cool we're really happy with this one um it isn't a a style where it's like a weight stack it just has these these big prongs here which you slide on your bumper plates or your iron plates and then it just glides up on these guys here i will say that with these you do have to clean these um you know maybe once every week or so and then you do have to put a white lithium grease on these to get it to slide well or it's going to be really tough to get these down so it's not going to be as perfect as something at a gym so there is a little bit of maintenance to do on these so if that's something that you're looking at is adding this attachment just know that you're going to have to do that to get it to slide well also you know before i forget along with this this does add the rear stabilization bar to the entire back side of your rack so that does really keep your rack from shifting side to side or tweaking or moving so that along with the front foot extensions really helps this rack from moving around um let's see if i get this attachment over here and this is where we store this you can store stuff on your rack pretty much anywhere you want but this is the leg roller attachment so if you're going to be doing lap pull downs uh i highly suggest you getting a leg roller what this does is if i put it in the level five which that's the one that we use and put this down you can utilize this to lock it in place and essentially if you were to scoot your bench under here what it does is your legs your thighs are going to be up under here and it's going to keep your body from lifting up off of your bench when you're trying to do lat pull downs so you can get away without this guy but as soon as you start putting some you know decent weight on there depending on how much you weigh you are your butt's going to start lifting off off the seat so having one of these leg roller attachments is going to solve that problem and it is uh it is a pretty cheap attachment to get and the pad on here is really nice so i'm pretty satisfied with that we were talking about the bench so we might as well just go over it but i'll move it into frame here but this is our ab3000 by rep fitness what's cool about this bench is it's essentially three or four benches depending on how you look at it in one the way it is now is a flat regular bench which you can buy benches out there that that's all they do they're just a flat bench but this is a flat bench here it adjusts with this back piece here if you just lift this up now you have a decline bench so you have a flat bench you have a decline bench and then also this may be kind of loud when i do it because you can pick this up or you can just this is how easy it adjusts all the way up to straight if you wanted to do a shoulder press so you can use this as a chair to do shoulder press it has five different increases as you go along so you can use it as an incline bench you can use it as a flat bench and a decline bench it's super easy to put back and then if you look at the seat here on this side it does have an adjustment where you can pull out here and this piece does move up and down so if you're doing incline and you want the seat to move up and down this does adjust as well and then it has these pads here for your feet so if you are doing incline you can lock your feet into this here and it gives you a nice stable base for when you're doing different exercises on here so it's a pretty great bench if you look at it at the end of this video i am going to go over prices of all of this so you guys know exactly how much this stuff costs and give you guys a total of what our garage gem looks like and how much it costs us to build so we'll go over the price of this but i will say that this bench or everything that can do is a fraction of the price from some other different brands out there so i highly recommend this if we move along we won't go over all the different little attachments that we have in our garage shim but some of the main pieces that we have here on this wall is our plates so we have a bunch of different bumper plates we have you know 45s down here we have a pair of 35s 25s and 10s this rack also houses our rogue ohio power bar so that's all of our plates and our power bar here they also do make things where you can hang these on the wall but if you get one of these trees that has the sleeves in the bottom it has a sleeve on the backside too which we do have a little bar back here but that can hold your bar on there and it's a great space saver if you look here we did get the hex dumbbells by rep fitness the knurling on them is pretty nice and we essentially just went with a set uh just so that we could get some some plates or i mean some uh some dumbbells in here so we went with the five to fifty uh range and they go up by five so five ten fifteen twenty all the way down to 50. they're pretty nice having the hex rubber and then also having the horse stall mats on the floor rubber does really protect your garage flooring or your foundation and then next to it here we did add in an air bike um like i said the beginning of the video we still want to park our cars in our garage and only utilize this extended space um so when we were looking at our garage gym we didn't have any kind of cardio pieces so we're looking at a rower but they take up a lot of space we went with an air bike this air bike doesn't take up a whole lot of space we were able to pick this up for 400 brand new i will say that's because we have a buddy that owns a sports uh essentially store that sells used and new equipment so we picked this up for 400. i do think it retails for round six or 650 brand new it's essentially the same exact thing as a rogue echo bike that you may have seen at gyms and air bike but a lot of resistance with this um and it's just a great piece for cardio let's see um there's not too much more we added in a pull-up bar here by road fitness which is nice because you can attach things and throw resistance bands over it and then behind it we put in some trx style cables attached in which you can do pull-ups you can put your feet in here and you can do different kind of crunches and then we just utilize the space the best that we could so obviously we have our water heater in here so we utilized a little bit of space that we had in order to put up a rack in here that houses our yoga mats it houses some of our different attachments as far as lat pull downs slam balls and some kettlebells different stuff that we have in here all the little little things and then if you kind of just pan around you'll see that we have a couple different hangers on the wall this one by rogue this one's really cool it's just it has a bunch of prongs that stick out and you can put all your different goodies on here so you have your guys to keep your weights on there you have you know wristbands a belt you can put resistance bands on here or you can put your jump ropes but this is a cool little hanger to have on here so um but yeah this is our garage gym i hope you like the video stick around right after this i'm going to go over the price and break it down by the rack and exactly how much all this stuff costs so you guys know is this something that you guys would like to put together because essentially a garage gym budget can be very small or very very large um if you like this video you want to see more fitness nutrition related videos like this please subscribe like this video and hit those bell notifications that way you know when my video drops next week see you guys so i told you guys i would give you the numbers of how much our garage gym cost uh so i'm gonna go over that i wrote it down on a piece of paper because i want to make sure that you get the correct dollar amounts for how much this stuff costs and how much it can cost to build a garage gym so when i added up my power rack and all the different accessories that i went over with you that i have on there and this includes the lat low pull down behind me um it looks like my total was right around sixteen hundred dollars for the rack with all the attachments and then i have my ab 3000 adjustable bench was 269 let's see my dumbbell rack was 139 and then the hex dumbbell set 5 through 50 pounds those uh these guys right here so 5 through 50 pounds um they are dollars then you have bumper plates in the bumper tree uh for all my bumper plates and the bumper tree was 600 the air bike we went over that so that we got that for 400 and then the horse stall mats were 200 we had five of them and they were about 45 dollars a piece so in all our garage gym is looking to be about 3 900 um you know there are some other things that we threw in here as far as um pull down bars you know we painted in here we put in mirrors we ran some electric our buddy ran electric uh if i turn around here you can see we got a fan up here so that blows air into here kind of gives us a nice circulation but there was some other things little things that we did in here uh but overall you're probably looking at about four grand for what you saw in the video so i don't think it's too bad especially because there's some gym memberships that you know if you go to there's a gym in arizona called lifetime fitness they are averaging around 100 to 120 a person so there's a lot of people that go to that gym and for a couple that's 240 a month so you know you guys do the math over time the garage gym will pay for itself and you know in my channel we talk about you know busy lifestyles and fitting in fitness into a busy lifestyle so honestly um having a garage gym saves a lot of time but overall those are the figures this gym costs about four thousand dollars but you can do it for as expensive as you want or as cheap as you want you don't need a power rack you could get you know a box jump and a barbell maybe some dumbbells uh you could go as minimalist as you want or go as extreme as you want so uh but yeah that's it i hope you guys like this again if you guys like this video please give it a thumbs up um subscribe and then hit that bell notification because i'm gonna have a uh video drop next week i'm not sure exactly what it's gonna be about i'm still figuring out that content but i will have another video drop next week so please tune in to that all right i'll see you guys next week
Channel: DREWeekly
Views: 9,138
Rating: 4.865922 out of 5
Keywords: Garage Gym, Home Gym, Fitness, Rep Fitness, Rogue Fitness, Garage Gym Tour, Home Gym Tour, Rep Fitness PR-4000, Garage Gym Tour 2021, gym, How to build a home gym, how to build a garage gym, dumbells, bumper plates, barbell, best home gym, garage gym arizona
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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