Garage Gym Tour - 2021 Update!

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[Music] i was born in the city i was raised on its edges my pop [Music] live here forever think it'd be for the better i love the weather even though it's fog 24 7. i love the people this is a city i've met all my best friends and i want to thank every break i want to thank every entrance to every building that i step in in this city of mine oh you most my best moments in life see i fell in love for the first time in golden gate park i saw my first rap show at great american hall i used to beg my homies for a ride across the bridge to goof off and spend the whole damn day doing whatever we want keep drove us down the ice place while we roll up a blunt and me and jack will get sony walk around and get lost don't think i'll ever truly pay back while i was lucky to get just by walking through the city i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right what is going on everybody so welcome to the gym tour so we're gonna start off just kind of over in this corner um as you guys kind of saw with that little bit of a b-roll segment we've got a lot to go through so i'm gonna try and keep this as quick as possible wife is also holding the heavy ass camera so we're going to try and make this as easy on her as we can so we're going to start here with probably one of the best parts of the gym and that is the bar rack so this is a 9 bar holder from titan just a vertical bar bar storage unit in it we've got a few different things there's the pink bella bar which is my wife's we have in the center here um it is a bella bar it was actually one of their like specials kind of like it's not a boneyard bar but it's kind of like a seconds bar because it's got a little bit of different things going on here and there but basically it's our beer beater bar it's also like my poor man's deadlift bar then we've got my trusty rogue ohio power bar cerakote red in the back here we have the band bell rhino flex bar behind that if you guys may remember i'll throw a link up in the cards here it is my diy band bill or earthquake bam or earthquake bar that i made out of pvc then coming around the other side notice i'm saving these two for last we have a rogue camber bar and finally these two bars are both kabuki bars this one is a kabuki cadillac bar this was actually a christmas present from my wife thank you which took almost three months to get here so it only actually got here about a month ago and next to it is the kabuki duffalo bar definitely an amazing bar the knurling on it is completely unique to anything i've ever felt and this bar is by far probably one of my favorite bars for squatting amazing bar if you ever get a chance to use one or get a used one jump on it great bar i held off for a while because they're pricey but it's worth the price okay moving along this kind of storage here or this back section here is just storage for all of our other stuff tools ski boots we've got storage along the ceiling just to try and get stuff off the floor and off the walls to open up space for as much equipment and as much stuff as possible so as you can see this is probably one of my favorite pieces of the gym this is a 5 to 100 pound set of troy pro style rubber-coated dumbbells and with these i got them for a screaming deal with the racks i paid just about a dollar a pound on them which if you guys know anything about dumbbells you know that that's like a quarter of the price new so a crazy deal i don't think i'll ever get rid of these unless i were to get like some watsons or something which are insanely expensive so yeah these are probably one of my favorite things in the gym use them all the time i really need to go through and like refurbish them a little bit they're getting a little dusty but that'll be a dif a video for a different time now coming down here we've got a few different kettlebells all of the kettlebells are from rep fitness mainly use these lighter ones for my bamboo or my bamboo bar i also use them just kind of for different like i don't know mobility stuff nothing crazy i don't do a whole lot of kettlebell stuff except for the heavier one there i use that one for swings and warm-ups a lot moving on we have a couple of slam balls pick those up on like a super sail from walmart i believe we got them for like ten dollars or less for both of them so like a crazy good sale about a year and a half ago and yeah they don't get used too much anymore but their wall ball is fun to use moving into this corner so this is a new piece from the last video that you guys will have seen this is a life fitness seated leg extension stack goes up to 255 pounds you might be wondering why it looks like this why i've got a block of wood here well because with this thing it's great you can use it for a lot of different stuff in fact you have you set up a little piece of wood underneath there you throw it on your knees you got a calf raise not that anybody ever trains their calves but don't forget my phone there but this is an awesome piece this is one of my kind of dream pieces not necessarily this brand but just a leg extension in general was something that i really wanted to get in the gym when i first started it it's one of my favorite pieces for training and isolating the legs so jeff definitely jumped on that when i had it come up sometime last year behind there there is a rep fitness sandbag goes up to 125 pounds right now i don't use it very much i think we use it mainly just to weigh down the cars during the winter so it's definitely nothing very fancy got another one over here that we use as well that one actually used a little bit more often use it often for like just overhead carries walking up and down the street things like that but over here the next new piece that you guys will see is the cybex leg press this again i got from the same place that i got the leg extension screaming deal on this guy i actually paid i think it was 250 dollars for this which considering i got a whole bunch of other stuff that i cleaned up and sold with both of these i basically got it for free i actually made money off of that once i sold everything i didn't need so yeah but a leg press was also it was another piece of equipment that i was like really wanting to have but it takes up so much space especially traditional leg presses which this one is really nice just because of how compact it is the weight horns stick out pretty good ways but the machine itself is very compact when compared to other leg presses so awesome piece here if you guys have used this before you know it's one of the best leg presses on the market a little old school only downside doesn't have a safety catch on the bottom so you kind of do or die when you go heavy on that guy [Laughter] now moving into this corner behind this guy this is the ret fitness ft 5000 functional trainer um behind it a bunch of storage and crap like that probably end up sticking the snow blower here during the winter but this guy is an awesome piece to have luckily um i did a lot of measuring before i got this guy into the gym and it barely fits with the garage door open i've got about two inches of clearance it barely fits that was one of the main requirements for it i actually had an opportunity to buy a life fitness commercial grade functional trainer when i purchased these other things for i don't know i think it was about a thousand bucks but it wouldn't have fit pretty much anywhere in this gym in the garage just because of how much bigger it is so this guy works for what i needed it's commercial grade it was actually it's actually from rep fitness's commercial equipment line this is a little bit older model it still has the victory branding on the front on the sides it doesn't actually say rep fitness but it is from rep fitness if you guys are interested let me know down below if you want me to do a full detailed review kind of everything on this my thoughts and things like that so moving on i have modified this just a little bit i've taken a piece of plywood painted it white cut it down and attached it to the back of the machine so with this i then attached a couple of wall control panels so they're basically metal pegboards we've got a few more on the other side of the gym that you'll see soon and i use them to hold a bunch of different cable attachments i've got a special bin down here that i use to hold all my knee wraps my knee straps a bunch of different accessories things like that nothing too fancy on here i will say these guys the prime fitness rotate handles we just got them in this past week so far i've only used them a handful of times they're some of the best cable attachments i think i've ever used for most movements few movements they kind of don't work for anything where you're kind of pressing but for the most part i would highly recommend picking up a set of those if you haven't seen them before all right moving on now kind of back here we've got just a white board use it to track our workouts from time to time shove back in the corner nothing gym related but i have my one wheel we've also got a foam roller use this guy almost every time i work out just a nice warm up this is the centerpiece of the gym so this guy is my rep fitness pr 4 000 yeah 4000 their part numbering system is all kinds of crazy but it's the pr 4000 power rack this is basically the largest model that they offered in this model so it's 91 inches high 41 inches deep it has the extra weight storage attached it's got the front feet the only thing i don't have for it are the flip down safeties and the spotter arms which i might be getting a set of spotter arms sometime in the future just because it'd be nice to have a set come out the front but for the most part this guy is awesome i've got a lot of different attachments on it i've customized it quite a bit to kind of fit what i need and overall this thing has been a great purchase the only thing i probably would have changed if i were to do it again is instead of going 41 inches i probably would have gone with 30 just to save a little bit of space but at the time i got it the difference was like 50 75 so i figured just go big go home go big in the home okay so so a few more things as we're kind of walking around this guy is just a diy military bench that i set up um i got these pads and a couple more pads off of craigslist or facebook for like five dollars ten dollars decided i'd use them to build just kind of a seated military bench ideally i'd like to replace that except that the they're usually like five six hundred dollars for a stinking little upright bench so i'm not going to be spending that unless i find a nice used one sometime soon another thing i've got over here is my deadlift jack this was one of the first things that i purchased for the gym mainly just because i wanted it i figured if i'm gonna have a setup in here then gonna get stuff that i like and this was something that i really wanted so just something nice about not having to bend over and like pick the bar up to load off the weights and it just kind of all that hassle so awesome great definitely recommend it yada yada yada moving over again to the rack let's move inside here real quick got a bunch of different random things attached to it so first and foremost get this out of the way there we go all right so inside the rack first thing you can see are the monolift attachments these are the titan x3 monolith attachments for their titan x3 line these are the adjustable ones work extremely well a lot of people say they have issues with clearance but i've never had any issues with them they are probably one of my favorite things that i've purchased for this rack i never use the regular j-cups anymore except for maybe like bent over rows overhead pressing things like that squatting benching anything else i'm using these guys and they are definitely again another thing that is worth the money pretty much anything in this gym if i still have it it's something that i feel is personally worth getting now behind it you can see we've got speaker system i've got a few lenses on there that i need to bring inside i was doing some photography earlier of stuff but speaker system i've got chains these are the titan 5 8 inch chains i believe and then they're attached to the elite fts easy loaders i've got both the long and the short for squat and bench and dead lift definitely chains are a really nice thing to have very few like commercial gyms have them so it was something that i really wanted to get when i started the gym i've used them a few times and they're a great way to add accommodating resistance not necessarily cheap though that's the only downside let's see so something that you guys didn't see or you saw and i didn't talk about are my plates one thing you might notice compared to the last video are i have a few less reds than i did before so originally i purchased the 1 000 pound or like 459 kg kilograms set from rogue during one of their black friday sales but i almost never am using more than three reds at a time so i decided hey i'm not going to need these with prices pretty much like through the roof last year i decided i'd just list them up on facebook see if anybody wanted them for basically the cost that they would be new minus shipping just because i paid five dollars for shipping so with that i ended up selling off four sets of them basically paid for all of these which was awesome but i have gotten again strong enough to the point where it's like kind of wish i have one more set of reds i'm not going to worry about it though the only thing i would like more plates for is the leg press it is a bit annoying having to carry plates to and from the leg press from time to time but i don't want to spend money on i don't want to spend like two three dollars a pound for plates right now and i don't need them now if we kind of back up a little bit you can see this is another new piece that we have here this is the titan fitness selectorized lat pulldown and low row so you kind of can see i've got this guy in front of the low row section this was a fairly new addition to the gym we got it a few months back by far one of the best value lap pulldowns unless you can find a used one for significantly cheaper uh that i have seen on the market stack goes up to 300 pounds more than i'll ever need maybe for low rows but at the most i use maybe like 200 pounds so this guy is awesome it's got the band peg attachments so if you needed to use bands you could use bands and overall would highly recommend this if you guys are on the fence about it i think the closest competitor in terms of like price and quality might be free fitness however i do know that like rogue has their option but it's almost three grand not including shipping and also you have the issue of it coming pre-assembled and all that kind of stuff this guy came in a nice big wooden crate on a pallet and it was pretty easy to assemble by myself i had a couple points where i needed a hand from kate my wife but overall the thing was super easy and quick to assemble definitely recommend that now kind of hard to see but back in this corner are the other wall control panels that i was talking about now on here are a few different things we've got some actual mag grips which if you guys know what mag grips are you know they're some of the best cable attachments for lap pull downs low rows that kind of stuff currently on the market and then we also have the kind of knock off ones that i got from walmart and these guys surprisingly are extremely nice for the price i think for all five of them these four that i have here the one that's still in the machine i paid 130 and it was free shipping versus the mag grips are like eighty dollars a piece plus shipping so for the price of less than two mag grips less than those two i got basically five of almost the same thing and they work extremely well i don't know if i would do them in like a commercial gym setting but for a home gym they're just as nice as the mag grips on here we also have all my different sets of bands we've got a couple different like hip circles things like that shorty bands long bands mobility stuff we've got a couple belts here the pink this one's mine yeah now this is my wife's she has the pioneer this is a custom pioneer belt and she also has on it the pioneer pal system which we got recently it's basically their adjustable lever which is pretty nice i've actually because she hasn't been able to use it for the past nine months i was the one using it recently once we got this installed just giving it a try and works really nice if i wanted a lever i'd call for a lever but this one's mine police public call box if you guys know what that is that is not a custom belt it is actually an insert belt forever lever belt or forever single prong belt 10 millimeter that i got almost eight years ago and painted myself so it's held up extremely well i think i've actually drilled an extra hole in it for except for i think that was so that my wife could use it one time back when she was super skinny and wanted to give my belt a try i drilled an extra hole for it right in the center of the x so yeah but yeah that's pretty much the entire gym i mean you can take a look and just kind of step back here uh the other thing that we have going on here just kind of looking down at the floor is a deadlift platform with this i've got band pegs on it so that i can basically do different types of band pulls again adding different types of accommodating resistance the platform that my rack is sitting on is also a home built platform it's got two layers of osb underneath the stall mats on top and then in the center we have a stained and polyurethane sheet of nice plywood personally if i were to do this again honestly at this point i don't know that i would build a rack for my or i build a platform for my rack the rack i would probably just put down directly onto the concrete or at least onto mats that are sitting on the concrete and i would only build a platform for deadlifts i originally built the platform because i was having to lift inside of the rack back when we first started the gym because i basically wanted to limit everything and compact all the space as much as possible so i was doing all my deadlifts in the rack in order to prevent damaging the floors but at this point i really don't think if i was to do it again which when we eventually move we will be doing it all again i honestly don't think i will be using this platform i'll probably just put the rack directly onto some mats on the ground and go that way and then have a separate deadlift platform entirely so i'm not doing anything inside the rack that requires that extra surface area that extra space or that extra material that a platform would have and also the plywood in the center it's so smooth that i can't really do like you can see here i'm in socks and i'm just sliding all over the place versus if i'm sitting on the mats i'm not going anywhere so it's like i can't lift in socks in here i can't i have to either be shoes or barefoot and sometimes when during the winter when it's cold out i like to be wearing just my socks i don't like to be wearing shoes but i don't want to be barefoot because it's cold and i can't do anything in the rack if i'm wearing socks so it just kind of sucks even with shoes sometimes i've noticed if the rack is kind of dusty it is easy to slip as well so yeah i definitely if you do build a rack and you do install um a polyure or not a polyurethane but if you do install a plywood center i would recommend adding in some like grit adhesive or grit texture to the top layer of polyurethane just to again give it that little bit of extra texture you could also go through and lay down some like grip tape for skateboards things like that but overall it is what it is i'm not too concerned about it at this point in the future when we eventually move i'll probably get rid of it but for right now it works just fine and i just make do uh one thing as well that i didn't mention still kind of back hidden in the corner is our heater so it's a 6 000 watt electric heater that we installed last winter not this winter winter but the one before it that thing is hooked up to a an alexa smart plug that runs through a relay that powers the circuit breaker so with that what i'm able to do is basically control the start stop interval whatever basically control the heater from um an alexa app so basically i'm able to go through and say like if i know i'm going to be working out at 5 00 am in the morning i can have it turn on at say four o'clock preheat for an hour before i get in here and then that way the garage isn't 50 degrees it's up to a nice 60 65 in the middle of winter when i'm starting my workout so definitely a quality of life thing that i would highly recommend if you guys are in a cold climate to start looking into especially now while it's summer before you hit winter and the other thing in terms of insulation that i would recommend make sure your garage door is fully insulated as well as your walls before you look at a heater because if your walls on your garage door are not insulated a heater is not going to do anything for you because with everything without the heater this garage almost never drops below about 50 45 50 degrees during the winter even when it's in the zeros or even when it's negative degrees outside um it's just stays pretty nice in here even like manageable with a couple layers on so now something that some of the more astute of you may have noticed is there's a piece that's actually missing from my gym um if you guys have seen some of my pictures over on instagram of what it was about two three weeks ago or if you guys have seen my most popular video uh i no longer have my reverse hyper so i actually got rid of it just a couple weeks ago mainly because it did not get used enough to warrant how much space it took up i originally built it just to kind of try out the movement see if i would be able to incorporate it and if i liked to incorporate it into my training and honestly just after about a year of using it on and off it just ended up becoming more of a table than i actually used this much to use the machine so i ended up getting rid of it definitely i'm glad that i did because kind of that space behind me near the garage was a little bit cramped with having the lat pull down the functional trainer the leg press the leg extension all of that kind of crammed right underneath the garage door just getting rid of that opened up a lot more space allowing me to move the lat pull down up against this wall on the other side of my rack and then also allowing me to kind of move things around over there and it just feels a lot more open and inviting in the gym now it doesn't feel as cramped the only downside is i did lose my table so i need to figure something out for kind of tracking and writing down all my workouts setting things down right now i'm just kind of setting it down on equipment as i'm not using it but it would be nice to have a little bit of a table in here again just so that i'm able to use something to write on because i like to write down all my workouts anyway that is the gym hopefully you guys enjoyed the video i'm going to take a second to allow you guys to go down and hit that like button maybe comment what your favorite piece of equipment is in here comment let me know what you think i should get next because as you know if you have a garage gym the process is never ending you should see the or the look i'm getting from my wife right now but just let me know what you guys think you'd what if this was your gym what would you add next so that's been it for me guys hopefully you enjoyed go ahead and hit that like button like i said subscribe so you can stay up to date with all the different reviews product reviews workouts anything that might be coming for this channel definitely helps out helps me produce more content for you and basically helps the youtube algorithm to kind of show my channel to more people so as always thank you for watching and i will see you all in the next one bye yeah
Channel: Dylan K Johnson
Views: 23,271
Rating: 4.9081631 out of 5
Keywords: garage gym tour, home gym tour, home gym, basement gym, garage gym, gym tour, bodybuilding garage gym, bodybuilding home gym, powerlifting home gym, best home gym, basement gym tour, rep fitness gym tour, pr-4000, ft-5000, titan fitness gym tour, dylan k johnson, kia kaha athletics, home gym on a budget
Id: Oyhc3dra_xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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