Garage Door Bottom Seal Replacement

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so garage door seal replacement um i've never had to do one of these before mine has obviously been torn up and uh actually noticed i had a rat in the garage you can see it's actually chewed through it um so i'm getting to look at this i thought it was going to be pretty easy i bought a new seal here just laying on the ground amazon pretty easy to get but i got to looking at this and i'm pretty certain that the seal was installed at the factory with the door not in here which would make sense and i think what i'm going to try and do i think i can use the same channel it came with new channel in the kit but the dimension looks about the same i think it'll work fine it appears to be riveted in i'm not sure what i'm going to do about this though i may have to take this lower roller assembly off to get to it or cut it so i'm not too sure what's entailed here but i think i can probably sneak it in from the side the whole thing seems to move pretty easily so hopefully the new one it'll be a little bit softer probably won't slide as easily but maybe i can sneak it in from one end or the other so let's take a look at this here's what i've done so far i got to looking at this this is one of the garage door i think most of them are set up this way it has the cable this this is a standard setup i know that for sure but it's got another uh pulley that's on the back side over here right there and that comes around the back and it comes to the lower roller so that's what pulls the door up and down from this from the uh from the tension the torsion springs that are on here right so there it is and that's what pulls the door up and down on this side so i pushed the door up as far as it would go where there wasn't enough there wasn't a whole lot of spring pressure left and i was able to lift the cable off of that off that shiv back there the pulley can't really see it from that angle but so uh after i did that i held on to the door and i just backed out the bolts that are here and to get that out of the way of this channel and then to keep the door held up in the meantime there's another hole in the door back here so i just moved the bolt back one just kind of put it in part way that way the door doesn't fall it's still held but now i've got clearance to slide this thing out of here so this should if i get a good pull on it i should be able to pull this all the way out of here so let's go ahead and we'll get this thing out of here and then we'll see if we can't get the new one in there all right so there it is i pulled it out took about 30 seconds to pull it out of there i was lucky it wasn't really stuck in there too hard it is a little bit dirty so i'm just going to take my brush here and go through and clean this whole thing out i want to make sure it's clean the channels are clean i might even get my air compressor out and blow this out a little bit the other thing i noticed this channel is actually wider than the new channel that came with the new unit with the new uh rubber threshold here it is this is the new one right here and this one's a little bit different it's got a it actually has this piece inside of it here if i take a look at the end you can see it it's got this and it's supposed to keep more pressure compared to the old one is just a piece of rubber just like that you can see here's where the rat chewed it right here i didn't even notice this at first and then i thought it got torn but then i realized after looking at it had been chewed on by a rodent so don't want rats in the garage so this thing's pretty wasted this garage door dates back to about 98 so it was due for replacement but they both work the same way where it's got this channel on it that these two pieces basically slide in now this aluminum channel that came with this section because that's how they ship it so instead of it being one 16 foot long piece like the rubber is you know to ship it they ship you these little sections that look like they're about 30 inches long or so but i noticed that this dimension right here is a little bit narrower which means if i use this it's going to squish it together more it's going to be a little bit taller i don't really want to replace that channel though over here i think i'd prefer to not replace that i think it'll probably still work all right but if it if it doesn't if it's too flat i might have to bust out the rivets and i know it's interesting i don't see any other rivets it's almost like this is molded in here somehow into the door really not sure how they do that i see a rivet on the end so i don't know what that's all about i'm not not sure but i don't know that i want to play with that or not so we'll give it a shot and uh see if we can't see if we can't get the new one in there and and how that's going to end up looking um just get it brushed out cleaned up here and then i'll uh feed it in there all right so it's uh part way and now i've got it about four feet in or so not too difficult it slid in there pretty easily like i thought the softer rubber is a little bit more finicky it doesn't want to slide so what i'm doing and i'll try and do this try and do this one-handed but i'll show you what i'm doing here you take it and fold it so as i'm feeding it in sorry it's a little difficult one-handed here i'm folding it to keep it kind of parallel so it doesn't you know uh so it doesn't get bound up because if the worst thing that could happen when you're trying to do this is you pull it in and it gets bound up and then you gotta pull it out you could tear it you know so i want to be careful about doing that but i'm just taking it i'm squeezing from this end my other hand i'm pulling it on this end so it's push pull kind of a deal and it seems to be sliding in so let me see if i can't get it all the way in there all right so it is in um it wasn't extremely difficult but it is not a one-person job um so uh i had to had to go grab my wife and have her give me a hand and uh the thing that i said not to do earlier i just assumed she knew to do and i guess that's why it's a good tip because it started getting towards the end and i went over to pull it from the other end and she didn't know to squeeze it from this end and i pulled it and of course it tore it a little bit so um you know make sure you tell your wife to squeeze it because that's the lesson so i'm gonna cut this off right here and put this bracket back on and this thing will be so gonna be ready to rock and roll all right so she's back together um not the cleanest cut on the end i used a hacksaw just because it's what i can get in there but it cut it decent so it's all new and a little bit of a struggle getting the cable back on here you can see how that works goes up over that shiv up onto the spool and uh so it's a little bit difficult to kind of get that back in place but not too bad one person job so for that piece so there it is brand new seal all right so one last thing i forgot to mention on this it did include these little rubber uh pieces and what these are for on this particular type of threshold that i got that has that internal loop of rubber to kind of keep it more rigid they want these inserted in the end so pretty easy to do it keeps the end rigid and from being able to fold real easily so you just insert that there so there's one here and do the same thing on the other side here now that it's been replaced um and i thought this might be an issue although it's not really an issue but if i want to be a perfectionist about it uh you'll notice when it closes get it closed here so i i can hear it strain just a little bit there at the end and it's because it's compressing all that rubber uh it's probably okay um i could probably adjust the closed limit a little bit i'm not sure if it's getting to the closed limit or if it's going into current limit it might be current limiting but i think the door would go back up if it you know if it thought that it was compressing something but there is a little bit of a gap there um it's not very big i may adjust it to come down a little bit more although it is touching up here uh i'll probably leave it alone but um so that might be something that you run into when you replace this is uh you know if your limit was real low and it compresses the rubber it actually might cause your door to go back up because it thinks that there's an obstruction i think i'm going to leave this one okay but that's just a footnote in case in case you run into that because you can see how much that compressed down so that's uh that's how i replace my garage door uh threshold rubber
Channel: mechtrician1
Views: 3,745
Rating: 4 out of 5
Id: PcGfSMhJ2aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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