GAP Prayer Service | September 15, 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how do you hear me [Music] [Music] right come on come on [Music] [Applause] it's time to be free from that fear that paralyzed there's an army that's rising up in power [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] cause there's an army that's rising up in this hour there's an army that's rising up [Applause] [Music] in jesus name [Applause] [Music] it's time to push back it's time it's time [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] we're serving notice we're serving notice we're still standing we're still contented we're still crying out and nothing will stop [Music] [Music] cause we are the ones that will push back we are the come on we are the ones [Music] is [Music] [Music] we are [Music] [Music] no weapon fork can prosper against us we serve them come on do you believe in tonight [Music] [Music] come on release the word tonight [Music] [Music] are you ready tonight [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] in the name of is [Music] shots [Applause] warriors came ready to go to war tonight i feel like some revivalists came ready to punch the devil in the face tonight come on on the count of three we're going to release a radical praise our sacrifice of praise oh we say the gates of hell shall not prevail we are the bloodborne church are you ready one two one two three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] seconds ten more seconds lift up that track your flight suppress come on push [Music] do you want more tonight [Music] now listen [Music] so we take up [Music] so we take up [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] as well [Music] this [Music] let the retrieved [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let it rise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah come on [Applause] that's the sound of an army [Music] [Applause] and the devil's getting nervous now the devil's getting nervous now he oh hears the sound of an army that's tapped into the power oh that's captain to the glory they've talked another way we've done the devil's getting nervous somebody [Applause] [Music] come on huh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] come on that's like 85 of you that's in it right now i'mma give the other 15 percenter a chance to turn from the natural right now [Applause] oh we don't come here just for ourselves but for the sake of a region and for the sake of a nation oh i urge you to turn from the natural and let the spirit take [Music] take over take over take over [Music] [Music] come on there it is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on no music cry out right now [Applause] come on stir it up stir it up stir it up [Applause] don't let up raise your hands in this place come on go after it go after it go after the glory go after the power oh come on go after him [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] of victory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on pray in the spirit pray in the spirit come on we're pressing on something tonight don't let up don't go eerie [Music] [Music] victory is the lord [Music] victory victory victory victory victory victory [Applause] [Music] come on let your hands let your voice [Music] victory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] victory victory [Music] god glory thunders his voice full of power victory this is our [Music] come declaration sing it just like that with a voice that says god [Music] oh my god [Applause] [Music] victory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're releasing our [Applause] [Music] say [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] victory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] victory [Music] is [Music] [Applause] victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and his enemies got it let the church sail it [Music] let the bloodball decree [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] who he is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] his enemies [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] victory [Music] is [Music] [Music] yourself there's power in your [Music] is the declaration is the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] action tonight [Music] [Applause] as we were just singing that i heard in my spirit the spirit of the lord said get your gavels out he said get your gavels out so i want you to take your gown right now and as we sing this bridge i want you just speaking to pounding right now hey come on come on come on one more one accord right now getting out of my let god arise and his enemies got it god arrives and his enemies [Music] come on we are the legislative assembly in the earth somebody decreed with authority tonight oh keep it just like that sing it i'll say it let god arise and his enemies [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] established [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the sovereign are you lower [Music] [Applause] [Music] sovereign are you lord sovereign are you lord sovereign are you lord the most thing that i'll say [Music] let it rise [Music] we serve [Music] are you [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody release who is [Music] [Music] [Music] worthy are you lord [Applause] [Music] worthy of you lord [Applause] worthy [Music] worthy are you lord [Music] worthy of is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is a god of glory our god is the god of glory he's my standards his voice thunders release yourself release your voice lord release your word lord release your voice okay release it over our nation refresh start here's what's going on release it over our city [Music] [Music] let it be destroyed then angels hearted to the voice of the word of god and let the word destroy everything in its path in the name of jesus come on pray in the spirit [Applause] [Music] pray in the spirit [Music] the bible says in psalms 68 that god arise and let his enemies be scattered there is nothing more powerful than what we are singing tonight because we are singing the word of god i said we are singing the word of god and that trump goes on to say let those who hate him flee before him as smoke is driven away so drives them away as wax melts before the fire so let the wicked perish before god but let the righteous be glad let them exalt before god yes let them rejoice with gladness sing to god sing praises to his name leave them a song for him who rise to the desert whose name is the lord and exalt before him what i see in this scripture as we decree let god arise and his enemies be scattered he said as the voice of the lord and as our mighty god is arising in the praises of his people in this place and across this nation that literally literally the demonic ranks are blown out of their way come on church come on church let god arise let god arise [Music] [Music] [Music] anything that comes against the plan and the purposes of god be scattered now in the name of jesus lift him up [Music] [Music] [Music] see you one more [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the scripture in the word of god that god has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise god has chosen the weak things to defeat the enemy god has chosen the feeble things to show the enemy that he is defeated i'm telling you that the devil is no match for our god and that god is within us tonight we need to get ourselves in agreement in alignment with the word of god that no matter how feeble it looks no matter how weak it looks that god can take that and use it to push back the enemy [Applause] it he's turning into his favor he's turning it to good he's turning into righteousness he's turning it he's turning it shout let the shroud of god's people victory god is turning it around [Applause] upon our [Music] [Music] a great journey [Applause] [Music] come on intercessors we've got work to do tonight returning doesn't happen simply because god is sovereign the turning takes place when we join with him in unity and we join with the holy spirit and we call forth that which isn't as though it is come on lift up your faith in this place tonight lift up your faith [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i heard in my spirit this afternoon called forth a great turning i heard it in my spirit this afternoon oh my gosh so we're gonna attack something in the spirit tonight [Music] hosea chapter 7 verse 16 describes the wickedness of god's people and he said they turn but not upward another version says they turn or they return and they sift or change but not towards the most high and we see this across our nation even today that they're turning but they keep there's a mis they're misguided like that word says like a crooked bow that can't be shot straight to and fro and to and fro so we call forth a turning or returning to the most high tonight proverbs chapter 26 says can i have a little more in the monitor's rep here and i'm going to show that i cannot say and i say problems chapter 26 11 says like a dog that returns to its vomit is a fool who repeats his foolishness ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 13 says fools base their thoughts on foolish assumptions so their conclusions will be wicked madness they chatter on and on so in the name of jesus we break the ridiculous cycle of falling that has latched on to our nation we declare that your hold on our government our media our education system our economy our families our churches and our entertainment will be broken now in the name of jesus christ we declare over you tonight america that you should not return to your falling that you shall not return to your wickedness but that you shall look towards the most time come on call forth the eyes of our nation will be uplifted towards the most high that there be a great turning in our nation toward god no time oh let there be a great turning back unto you oh god heaven said i release the word of the lord in proverbs chapter 2 over the united states of america i decree that america shall tune her ears to wisdom and concentrate on understanding i the american people shall cry out for insight and ask for understanding i declare that they shall search for them as they would for silva and seek them out like hidden treasures then america will understand what it means to fear the lord and she will gain knowledge of god all that america shall again fear the lord god almighty all that america still again fear the lord god almighty all we declare right now as the ecclesia that the fear that the fear that has run rampant through our nation be replaced by a holy fear of the lord god almighty hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i decree that the lord is granting wisdom to america from him from his mouth come knowledge and understanding the lord will grant a treasure of common sense to the honest oh to the honest we call forth the honest and the men and women of integrity rise up in your areas of influence and speak forth the truth in the name of jesus christ we speak to the lying spirits that have captivated our nation and we command you to be silenced now your words are of no effect because the emphasis rises up with the word of god in our mouths and our words are more powerful than any lying spirit so we spread forth the truth of the lord god almighty into our nation and we declare that the artists are blessed with common sense oh god you are a seal to those who walk with integrity and you guard the past of the just hey and you protect those who are faithful to you come on are you glad that he's faithful to us tonight oh you are faithful to us oh god as we prove our faithfulness lord we establish those of us in this place tonight who have been faithful unto you we establish now according to your word you protect us so lord we call forth a heads of protection around our nation oh lord won't you surround all of the american borders with your heads of protection with your heads of protection oh god we cry out for the sake of a nation for the sake of a nation oh god won't you have mercy on our nation and protect our nation on account of your faithful ones i decree in the name of jesus that the united states of america will understand what is right and just and fair and we will find the right way to go for wisdom shall enter the heart of america our wisdom shall enter the very heart of america and knowledge will fill her with joy wise choices will watch over us and understanding will keep us safe in the name of jesus we declare that we serve and the fear of the lord shall drive out every form of foolishness and fully all in america shall return to the lord america shall return to the lord not oh not your old ways but unto the lord come on shout a shout of unity in this place shall we victory in this place [Applause] [Music] what my sister was just doing right there she had her camel out she had her cable out and with the word of god in her mouth that camel turned into a sword and she was piercing the spirit of darkness in great faith i believe that this nation shall be saved in the name of jesus in the name of jesus so i'm gonna pray my prayers from that position of victory tonight yes lord we decree that there is a mighty turning happening in this nation and just like john turned around in the book of revelation this nation is going to turn around and they are going to see you high and lift it up they are going to see you high and lifted up oh god and just like john saw gonna read it word for work [Music] [Music] they're gonna turn around they're gonna see them they're gonna turn around they're gonna see them in the name of jesus [Music] like a son of man dressed in robe reaching down to his feet with a golden sash around his chest the hair on his hair was light like wool [Music] as white as snow his eyes were like a blazing fire i said his eyes were like a blazing fire and his feet were bronze glowing in a furnace his voice was like the sound of rushing waters and in his right hand he held the seven stars coming out of his [Music] his face was like the sun shining in its brilliance when he saw him he fell at his feet and he placed his right hand on me and said do not be afraid for i am the first i am the last i am the living one i was dead and now look i'm alive forever forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] let a holy reverence and a holy fear of trembling be released in this nation oh god yeah that i might show you that the lord spoke to me this morning and he said what do people do when the king in the natural is coming in and i said i don't know lord and he said the trumpet sounds the trumpet sounds and much like alliance roar that very trumpet that they used to be heard for miles and miles and the people would come in and the people would turn so i speak prophetically over this nation right now and i say lift up your voice lift up your voice like a trumpet lift up your voice like a trumpet lift up your voice like a trumpet oh god me the church lift up her voice in the name of jesus may this nation lift up her voice in the name of jesus may we be so consumed with who you are come [Music] like on trumpet like the trumpet we release it to the north the south the east the west the north the south the east the west the north the south the east the west the north the south the east the west the north the south the east the west the north the south the east the west the north the south the east the west the door the south the east the west the north the south the east the west the north the south the east [Music] [Music] turn [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this scripture has been in my spirit for quite some time it's very familiar and we have prayed it a lot here it is very familiar it's been prayed as a revival scripture and a scripture a passion for for a long time but i want to do create in this atmosphere tonight because more than anything else right now god needs america i mean america needs god to come down in unprecedented power and unprecedented manifestation of his presence oh that you would win the heavens and come down that the mountains might quake at your presence [Music] that the mountains might quake as your presence o god run the heavens and come down god when god's presence manifests everything will shake pull on his presence pull on his presence for this revival pull on his presence for your family for your household pull on his presence for this region pull on his presence for this nation oh that you would run the heavens and come down that the mountains might quake at your presence as fire kindles the breastwood as fire causes water to boil to make your name known to your adversaries that the nations may tremble at your presence when you did awesome things which we did not expect you came down the mountains quaked at your presence for from the days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear nor has the eye seen a god besides you who acts in behalf of the one who waits for him come on church [Applause] let me put it in our modern day language you might be a little bit more excited about it tonight god we need you to split open the heavens and we need you to manifest in the united states of america lord we need the mountains the barriers occur that are in hollywood that are in washington dc that are in seattle washington that are in dallas texas and new york city we need the mountains of hypocrisy we need the mountains we need the mountains a treasure hell we need the mountains to quake actual presence we need the mountains that are in this nation to quake and to shake and suppress us like fire oh god let fire burn burn light fire from the north and the south and the east and the west burn everything up like it was kindly word oh god make your name known make your name now to the atheist make your name known to the agnostic make your name known to bill gates [Music] [Music] make your name [Music] of our government [Applause] [Music] tonight come on come on do you get it tonight do you get it now do you get it now when we praise isaiah 64. we are asking god to split the heavens and make his name and his presence known to every adversary in our nation and the rest of that scripture says let the nations tremble at your presence raise up your intercession see your presence come in your presence talk send your presence god let the nations tremble let afghanistan tremble let all your tremble let them tremble let them tremble let the islands of the sea tremble let the continents tremble let europe tremble will as the nations tremble at your presence oh god we need your presence let your presence break in and shake everything that can be shaken bring it down bring it down i don't think you are getting what i'm saying tonight [Applause] i know you're praying i know you're pressing but i know when i feel pushed back in the spirit so i'm gonna address it right now [Music] we need a god-shaking intervention [Applause] throw your hands up and pray in the holy ghost we need a god shaking intervention we need a turning attorney and it's going to take the presence of an almighty god we need you to come down god we need you to come down now all of you wiki wacky theologians out there i know i have god within me but what we are decreeing right now is we are wanting god to break out of heaven and the manifestation of his presence i said the manifestation of his presence intercessors we need the manifestation of his presence we call on the manifestation of his presence that the nations may tremble that the nations may tremble that every king that every president that every every uh national leader would bow to the king of kings and the lord of lords in africa in asia in north america in south america everywhere inanimate in china in china in china in china in china china china [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] keep pressing keep pressing great here oh lord break in oh lord verse 3 says you did awesome things that we did not expect the mountains quake at your presence you did awesome things that we did not expect throw your hands up and begin to ask god for awesome things mighty things supernatural things to break out in this nation from the north and the south and the east and the west mighty things mighty deeds miracles signs wonders miracles we call the manifestations of your spirit realm we call oh god all the mightiness of who you are the awesomeness of who you are we need you to break in we need you to break in we need you to break in we need you to shatter we need you to shower shatter the strongholds oh in the name of jesus [Music] for from the days of old they have not heard nor perceived by ear nor has the eye seen a god beside you lift your hands and worship him nor has the eye seen a god beside you nor has the eye seen a god besides you who acts in behalf of the one who waits for him victory belongs to our god victory belongs to our god i speak right now to california and i say california victory belongs to our god point your hands toward the west and pray over the state of california right now in the name of jesus christ [Music] california you hear right now we are not giving up and as we have already decreed as we started praying tonight a turning is coming a turning is coming attorney is coming it's coming it's coming california in the name of jesus pray in the holy ghost for 30 seconds over california from the north and the south and the east and the west from the north and the south and the east and the west there's returning a turning in the name of jesus bro come on 15 seconds 15 seconds [Music] get ready to shout for victory for california come on 10 seconds i'm telling you we're going to release by faith a shout for california are you ready tonight god arises on the shouts of his people everyone in california watching with us right now you shout with us one two three come on [Applause] show [Music] we're gonna rise [Music] [Music] let the mountains [Music] oh the mountains quake at your presence [Music] one more time [Music] lord we decree that victory belongs to you tonight victory belongs to you tonight victory belongs to you tonight hallelujah hallelujah i don't know about you but i feel something shifted tonight [Applause] god is doing miracles across this nation [Music] [Applause] things are being set up and divinely aligned right now in the spirit and in the natural for there to be a nation shaking history-making revival what i just pray to you isaiah 64 verses 1-4 miracles are happening across this nation [Music] things are aligning hear what i'm saying evil is ramping up across this nation [Music] the devil is working across this nation are you hearing me [Music] things are happening in the natural that seem as it's going contrary to what i just we just prayed for myself to stacy to jenna what i prayed at the end you hear what i'm saying if you have ever read your bible if you have ever read your bible that is exactly how it happens in this bible from genesis to revelation [Music] just for emphasis i'll say it again to make the devil and religion man in case you haven't remembered that is exactly how it happens from genesis to revelation god is doing miracles and the devil is fighting back god is aligning with his purposes and the devil is wreaking havoc are you hearing what i'm saying church you hear me in this room and you all know well but those watching online do not quit do not shut up do not back up do not stop praying do not stop pressing do not stop pushing the lord had me say at the beginning or a while ago that he chooses foolish things he chooses weak things you watch you hear the prophecy in the word of the lord right now that is coming out of my mouth yes the lord would say even in the days and the weeks ahead you are going to see weak things and you are going to see feeble things and you are going to see small things and these wheat and these feeble and these small things are literally going to begin to shift and turn things in the natural realm that nothing else can turn it's going to be a weak voice it's going to be a small voice it's going to be somebody that may look feeble but they have a safe [Applause] it's turning it's turning it's turning it's turning it's turning it's turning it's turning it's turning god always has the last word god always has the last word [Applause] hallelujah miracles are happening supernatural is breaking out the devil is fighting you know what is really probably not a good sign is if [Music] the devil's not fighting [Music] that should say something if he's not pushing back let's just say something [Music] because if he's fighting and if he's pushing back that means we're rattling his cages and we are making him nervous [Music] and someone that is watching or maybe you're in the room right now you might say oh that sounds so silly it sounds silly to an unregenerated mind it sounds silly to those who don't have faith you reach your bible from cover to cover and there were silly things happening all in our natural eyes there were silly things happening all throughout i just read it the other day a prophet had to go naked and and something else i don't know what was it naked is something and i can't remember now and i'm like my god thank thank you lord that you haven't asked any of us to do that come on somebody come on come on come on it looks silly in the natural but i'm telling you hear this it turns things in the spirit it turns things in the spirit it turns things in the spirit it turns things in the spirit you go ahead you marker you laugh all you want to laugh you go ahead you religious one you mark all you want you ridicule all you want i will be even more foolish i will be even more undignified i will be even more unjustified causes god love the supernatural [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah i have been sent this week three emails and i don't know if somebody's telling them to do that i'm sure they did but uh like if they all knew they sent the email but i have gotten three emails of physical healings that have happened [Applause] [Music] is is valerie in here is she in here anywhere okay can you come up here she's like really short even up here but she's really short back there holiday uh jacoby can you come up here or see you [Applause] [Music] and uh jasmine is jasmine dominguez here tonight is she here hey man [Applause] [Music] somebody if she's here if she can uh somebody get me an extra mic up here i didn't bring my husband's mic out here um valerie i'm gonna pull up your email lydia her name's lydia and uh she um when we get to mike i'll have you tell well holly there we go there's a mic go for it okay now let me before they start telling this this is to build our faith tonight this is to build our faith well ultimately is to give god glory and if you need physical healing in the room or or a miracle breakthrough this you need to grab it tonight we heard our we heard our our story of our sister uh that was healed of the type one diabetes all right and so this is a i believe a co-worker go ahead so i have a co-worker her name is teresa and her daughter was diagnosed with uh chf which is congestive heart failure and for years she you know she had been sick and having issues and she was told that she would never be able to get pregnant and if she did that she would have to abort the baby because it wouldn't be viable and that she definitely couldn't carry it to term last year even though the doctors kept speaking that over her she kept refusing that and she wouldn't accept it and she said no i have faith that my god is a big god and uh last year she got pregnant and um and the doctors still kept speaking death over her they kept insisting you need to abort you need to abort and she said nope i'm gonna show you how big my god is so uh in february um the first time tony suarez came i believe he prayed over or declared that women would be pregnant getting pregnant this year and and all that she was already pregnant but later that same month even though the doctor said she would not carry the term wouldn't they kept speaking that death she delivered two weeks right before her due date her baby is perfectly healthy his name is gavin he's actually a big healthy boy you know pretty chunky and um one thing that i told her mom because i kept praying with her mom telling her that i'd continue praying over her i believe that she is going to be healed from chf this is just the first thing that she's seen and she gave all glory to god that was the thing that that that was to show the doctors to show her family that god is big and that he gets all the glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everybody i don't do this so my name is jasmine um [Music] um so last year um a week before thanksgiving um well me and my husband first of all we've been trying to have a baby so um i was like okay baby i'll just go to the doctors just make sure that everything's good and everything's smooth sailing and then we'll be good to go so i went to the doctors and um [Music] everything was fine except hormones i'm like okay cool i can deal with that it's just dieting an exercise i can do that and then um they did an ultrasound on me and then they said um well the results came back abnormal and i was like okay i i feel stuck i don't know what to do but pray and so um the doctors the doctors told me that i would be infertile it'll be challenging to have a baby um they said that i had pcos which is polycystic ovarian syndrome which apparently a lot of women have nowadays and so um i was about to start my period that day tmi sorry [Music] so so i was trying not to cry when the doctors were telling me all these things and i was trying to hold it in so i kind of held it in and then i got into my car and then i just bawled and then all i could say was your kingdom come your will be done lord and i held my hands up and then i called my husband and then he's like just come home so i came home i gave him the papers and my surprise my husband's like while the lord told us to be fruitful multiply so we prayed and prayed and we had a bunch of our friends and leaders and pastors praying with us and along with us and so um long story short i'm sorry um we um i went to get my hair done with stacy and i was nauseous that day and she was like did you get a pregnancy test and i was like no because i'm always late and i don't ever check i have to wait it out for a while and so she's like we're getting a pregnancy test i was like okay so and so they bought a pregnancy test so while my hair was processing i took a test and it came out positive and i'm [Applause] [Applause] have a pregnant [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um so it was about four months ago uh right before revival weekend it was like thursday night and i just um i slept funny that night kind of wrong position and woke up the next morning and was just in tons and tons of pain so i got checked out and they're like oh you have a herniated disc uh you have early onset osteoporosis like all the things um and i was constantly like getting adjustments and ibuprofen wearing back braces icing like getting shots in my bag just doing anything because it was like nothing would give me relief standing sitting walking lying down i could only do all of those things for a little bit of time because it was just constant pain because that that disc was pushing up against the nerve so it was causing pain in my low back and my hip um sunday morning revival sean smith does the healing altar call and we've done them we've done them before we've done it before but this this one in particular i was like i gotta walk away with it this time like i have to um so i was i was like serving that morning so it was like a little bit of guilt but i was like i was like i need it um so he's he's praying and i'm not really hearing what he's saying i had to go back and watch uh because i didn't know in the moment i just knew like as he's praying or whoever was brownie's friend um like i just started feeling like warmth in my in my back and he's they're continuing to pray and i'm feeling myself start to stand up straight like i was i was straightening out and i was like okay god clearly i know you're moving right now because i can feel it but i was like but i was still having pain in my hip in that moment so i was like okay it's not a hundred percent and i said i'm walking away with it today so the prayer continues and i know this because i had to go back and watch the video but he called out herniated discs and it wasn't he wasn't pointing at me i think i was like over here somewhere he was pointed in a different direction but obviously it was in the atmosphere because he he called it out and when i saw that i guess probably simultaneously in that moment i just like just lost it i just lost it because i was like only god can do this because i've done everything in the natural to try to fix myself but only god and here we are on wednesday 10 days straight not a single ibuprofen not a single back brace i haven't gotten one shot in my back i can stand i can walk i can jump i can do it all only god oh my god come on give god praise [Music] hallelujah give god praise miracles are happening miracles are happening now lift up your hands all over this building if you need god to touch you right now you need god to touch your physical body we're gonna believe for healing right now in the name of jesus lord we have heard these testimonies you are a miracle working god lord even doctors reports that says that they were not going to be able to get pregnant or not be able to do this or they were diagnosed with this or that or the other lord but you turned it around so in this place tonight whatever report that you have received whatever symptom that you are feeling right now lift your faith to a miracle working god and that's paul of the realm of glory that's paul and jesus come on jesus working power of almighty god in the name of jesus let sick bodies be healed let bones be healed let blood be healed in the name of jesus let backs be healed let barren wolves be fruitful in the name of jesus we take it by day tonight we take it by date tonight we take it by faith tonight in jesus name i receive my healing you receive your healing in jesus mighty name now lift up your hands in 30 seconds pray in the holy ghost let the holy ghost minister right now come on this is revival [Music] any part of your body every organ come into alignment diabetes be healed hearing loss be restored vision loss be restored issues in your feet and your ankles be restored right now skin disorders be made whole in the name of jesus children in the room that are having issues the doctors have told you parents that your children have this issue or that issue right now be healed be made whole in the name of jesus [Applause] asthma be healed in the name of jesus asthma be healed in the name of jesus lift your faith come on asthma be healed in the name of jesus heart difficulties be healed in the name of jesus digestive disorders be healed in the name of jesus lingering disorders that are in your body right now that have come because of some attack on your body whatever it may have been through the blood whatever it may be in the name of jesus be healed be healed be healed by the stripes of jesus christ miracles are happening miracles are happening miracles are happening miracles are happening i command fevers to break right now i command fevers to break right now [Music] lord we stand in agreement as your ecclesia on behalf lord of our region our city and our nation lord break this ridiculous virus off of our nation no matter what it takes for god break it now break it now break it now lord there is a there is a man of god that i don't have never met i believe his name is lauren sanford he's a prophet of god this contract to coven and not sure exactly where he he dwells but he needs our prayers right now can we pray you may not have a clue who he is but lift up on behalf of prophet i believe his name is lauren sanford lauren sanford i believe lord heal heal now turn it around no matter where he's at no matter what the doctors have said turn it around lord turn it around turn it around lord healing now god in the name of jesus come on 15 seconds believe on behalf of this man of god come into agreement with the faith of thousands across this nation hallelujah we believe lord we believe hallelujah now before we leave here tonight i believe miracles have happened i believe that things have turned in our nation and in our city and our region [Applause] i believe when you when when things when the will you begin to see the manifestation of your miracle let us know amen because god is working miracles amen before we leave here tonight pray for your pastor pray for my husband he's doing very good he's watching right now you can wave at him if you want [Music] [Applause] he very rudely texted me to remind me to get something at the store on my way home while i was born yes i told on you yes man he's doing good he has surgery in the morning it's going to be a pretty quick procedure from what we understand and then and so between 8 30 and in the morning jesus can work a miracle come on put your faith on it father in the name of jesus we speak to that bone and we speak to that leg jesus everything is possible with you your word says with god all things are possible with god all things are possible so we come into agreement right now for pastor paul lord for my husband and we decree we declare that bones come together bones come together bones come together bones come together bones come together let them be creative miracle let there be a miracle let that doctor be amazed let that doctor let every doctor that we have seen be amazed we put our faith in you almighty god lord bless this people that is here tonight god go with them let miracle power be in their hand let the voice of almighty god lord come from out of their mouth as they speak the healing power and the restoring power of jesus christ to those who are around them in the mighty name of jesus the lord bless you the lord keep you god bless you be back here on sunday morning nine o'clock god bless you thank you for joining tonight's gab service to watch tonight's service again you can subscribe to our youtube channel for updates on all things fresh start church follow us on instagram facebook and twitter if you've been impacted by tonight's service and you want to partner with us you can give by texting 623-299-2707 thanks for joining our live stream and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Fresh Start Church
Views: 2,216
Rating: 4.9649124 out of 5
Id: bE4ERFb80QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 23sec (5783 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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