Gang Member interview-Face

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- [Interviewer] So tell me how you got put on. - So I got put on when I was 12 years old. I got put on by six dudes. They all was grown. My bro he took me up there. He was fucking with my sister, but he was already gang banging it. So I used to go around to the house to sit. He'll always be like, no, you should get put on. You should get put on. So one day I'm like fuck it. My sister asleep, my mom asleep. We sneak out We go, I got put on that night. Yup. I said, six grown ass men. They whipped my ass. It was brutal. - [Interviewer] What did they do? They was whooping my - they didn't stomp me out. They just was just whipping my ass, man. Every time they hit me I fell down. It was bad. But after, after that ass whooping, it was love. I felt loved. - [Interviewer] Which you didn't feel in your family? - Kind of. I felt more loved, I felt more loved in the hood. Yes I did. I felt like it was more support. - [Interviewer] Now. How old were you when this happened? - I was 12 years old. - [Interviewer] 12? - Yes, sir. - [Interviewer] And that changed the direction of your life? - Totally. - [Interviewer] Major way, right? - Corrupted. (laughs) - [Interviewer] S0 how much prison time you done? - Shit, I did 5. - [Interviewer] What kind of stuff are you doing for 12 years old? - 12? I don't know. Bad ass kid putting firecrackers in the girls backpacks and shit and you know just bad kid, corrupted, just corrupted, man. I don't know. I moved to South Central. All the black people. I don't know. I got caught up. I did. - [Interviewer] You proud to be a Crip? - I am. I really am. - [Interviewer] So, how old are you now? - I'm 25. - [Interviewer] 25. And it says there's Crips, Bloods, there's Hoovers Hoovers are called- - Hoovers are criminals. And then you got gangstas. Gangstas moving, they stay moving. They go about third, you feel me? I don't do none of them. I don't do none of them. See I'm from neighborhoods, feel me. We khaki blue. We don't do that other side. Something that we just don't do. - [Interviewer] And Bloods call each other? - Damus. - [Interviewer] Damus, yeah. - Damus and Pirus. We diss them by saying Slavs or by saying Darus. - [Interviewer] And Crips call each other what? - Crips. Diss Crips by saying crabs. Yup. - [Interviewer] And what's it like, what's gang life in prison? - To be honest, it's like more militant. It's more serious. It's way more It's way more serious than the streets. I feel like in prison, it's ways tougher than the streets, is way tougher than the streets because people is in there and it's like all they do. They ain't got nothing to do so all they do is just gangbang. It's who's gonna come in. I seen some shit happen on the yards, man. I seen some shit happen, man. I was part of some of that shit, man. Some of that violence. I didn't want to but you don't got no choice when you get up there. You really got no choice, it's either you, you going to do it or they gonna get you. You can't hide. If you roll it up, that's gonna be the end of your career. You'd be running. So nigga, don't fold. If you want to join that lifestyle, don't fold. Be ready for what you about to get into straight up. This shit ain't no game. - [Interviewer] What's the quality you need most to do is? - You need, need, s-s-street smart. You need to be wise. Just have a good head on your shoulders. - [Interviewer] Need courage? - Courage, heart. And don't be scared. It's okay to be scared but just don't be no pussy, straight up. Like just go in there. Like if you wanna gangbang, gangbang. It's nothing good though. Nothing good in it. - [Interviewer] What did they say? Death or a death or prison. - Death or prison. That's pretty easy what's gonna happen if you stay in hood. - [Interviewer] And what do you think makes that attractive to a young man? - To be honest, I think it's the, the boldness, like the braveness, the toughness. Probably how, how the other females, you know the female crowd they kind of go towards the gang members. So the young dude he'll probably see that and be like he might be a follower, become a follower and want to be like them. That's what I, that's what I, that's what I was. I was a follower, kind of, sort of. - [Interviewer] You better off being a leader. - Yes. It's way more better. It's a better view, up top that, you feel me? - [ Interviewer] Tell me about Karma. - Karma? Oh, that's a bitch. - [Interviewer] It's gotta be with this life, right? - Yeah, she gonna come back. Trust and believe, one way or the other. Like my momma said, what goes around, comes around. Trust me. It might not come back, it might happen tomorrow, the next day or nigga, 10 years from now. But trust me, they don't get their revenge somehow. Yup. It's real. - [Interviewer] That's got to make it rough to go through life, right?. - Rough. But sometimes when you're doing shit and you taking or whatever you're doing, if you're doing bad just don't give a fuck. You can't give a fuck. Once you give a fuck, you're gonna fuck up. If you gonna do that, do that. Don't try to go in there and then, if you're gonna be a tough guy, don't try to go in there and be tough and then now all of a sudden you want to be all nice and shit like, stay committed. - [Interviewer] Tell me about your, your family. - My family. They doing good. My mom, you know she at home with my sister and shit - [Interviewer] Do you have your dad? - I never met him. Never met my dad. But yeah my mom thought I was gangbanging. She slapped me in juvenile hall and she came to see me. I did 18 months there. I got sentenced to three months there but I did 18 months though, by getting refiled. Every time you fight, you get an extra three months. So I started with three. I ended up with 18 months. Yeah, that was crazy. So yeah, it was tough. They overall, they doing all right. I'm home. I'm home. We all free, man. So it's good. Free. - [Interviewer] Tell me what the tattoos on your face. - The tattoos, it's my hood. - [Interviewer] Turn this way. And then turn the other way. - Yeah man, that's the hood. I got the hood tats on me, you feel me? I'm committed, man. I made a decision. So I'm gonna rock with it. - [Interviewer] It's going to make it hard for you to get a job at Chipotle. - Man, I accept all of my consequences. As long as you accept your consequences. Take like a man. You'll be aight. - [Interviewer] So would you describe yourself as self destructive? - When I want to be. When I get into that mode. I'm a good guy though. I'm funny and shit but like all depends who I'm around. How the environment is. What's the, you feel me? How it is. What's the temperature out there like. I'm just gonna give a motherfucker what they, whatever they want. I'm gonna match they energy. - [Interviewer] Your environments everything, isn't it? - Everything, yup. - [Interviewer] And family. - And family. - [Interviewer] But that's your environment. - God first then family. Yup it go a long way. Keep them. - [Interviewer] Do you have kids? - I have one. - [Interviewer] And whose he with? - A daughter. - [Interviewer] Your daughter. Whose she with? - Her mother? Her name Binky. My daughters name Kimaya. - [Interviewer] Do you see her? - No, I do not because I'm out here. You feel me? You already know my situation. Nigga, high as a motherfucker. She don't need to see me right now. I'm not, you feel me? Nah, I rather her not see me. I really don't. I'm still young. You feel me? I care but it's like, I care but then it's like Ugh, I'm still young and I'm thuggin. So it's like, I care but I'm thuggin though. You feel me? That's like being in the hood, on the phone, talking to your bitch. You slipping, you don't get your head blown off. Or you trying to pop at a bitch going across the street in your hood. - [Interviewer] So you're torn between being a good guy and a bad guy. - Good guy and a bad guy, yup. I think I'm, I think I'm a good guy, but made bad decisions. I think so. I finally realized that. - [Interviewer] And where do you see your life going from here? - Man? A billionaire A billionaire. Probably staying at Trump towers. - [Interviewer] How's that going to happen? - I don't know how I'm gonna do it but I'm gonna do it though. - [Interviewer] Are drugs apart of the picture for you? - Drugs. It's not gonna, it's not it's not gonna, be all thing of my life. It's going to stop. But for right now, I'm enjoying it. - [Interviewer] So what is that? Crystal meth? - Yes, sir. - [Interviewer] That's a popular drug now isn't it? - Very popular, very popular. I remember I used to look at people weird, Who said they did that shit. And once they told me they did it I swear to God, I cut them off. I didn't want them no part of my life. Like you do drugs, like I'm straight. It's weird though how everybody doing it now, especially black people. - [Interviewer] And what does crystal meth do for you? - Uh, he gives me a strive, puffs me up. Have me ready for whatever. Life I get hit by a truck I feel like I'll survive it. If I get shot, if somebody shoot me, I feel like I survived because I don't know. It's just, it's bad, but it helps you out a lot too. It sharpens you or it can make you paranoid. Depends on mind game. Mind over matter So it's whatever you want to expect. Like if you're weak minded, you're gonna get fucked, straight up. - [Interviewer] How many days you go without sleep on that? - Shit , like a month. (Both laugh) Incredible Hulk shit. - [Interviewer] And then when you do sleep, you sleep for how long? - I'll probably stay for like a two days. Get right back to it. Hitler almost took over the world with this shit. Hitler discovered this shit. Blame it on Hitler. Yup. Hitler was a bad guy. - [Interviewer] Do you believe in God? - Yeah, I do. Once I didn't. But then later on down the line I finally, I finally realized there was a guy. Like I felt him. - [Interviewer] What's the most important lesson you've learned? - So always, always go to a fresh mind and make the right decision and don't follow and don't let nobody push you over it and don't be no 'yes man'. Always is just, don't be no 'yes man'. To anything, just don't. Just know it as a man, as a woman, that you're an adult and you do have the right to make your own decision. So don't let, what I learned is that, you know make your own decision. I don't know. Just be yourself. Don't try to be nobody else I learned, I can't find the word. I can't, I'm trying think of how to think of the word but I can't really, I can't figure it out, man. Like I can't figure it out, but yeah. Think that's about it. - [Interviewer] Think for yourself. - Mhm. Think for yourself. - [Interviewer] You been in love before? - Once. I don't like it. I don't like it. I, I felt that it. It was one girl. Her name was Trineesha, but she was cool, but she was like kinda like a bugaboo, but she was sexy though. But like just a bugaboo. Wanna be in my face all day. I want to be a player. I can't, she wanna be in my face. I'm pushing her off and make a long story short, I ended up breaking up with the bitch. But once I broke up with her that's when I found out I loved her. It was weird. How much I already like n-n-needed her like my side. You feel me? I was doing good. Like when she was around, I was doing good. Once she left, I just started going downhill. Going back to jail, all the shits. Yup. So yeah I felt it, I don't like it. I still love that bitch. But she moved on already, got kids and all that. That shit hurted like fuck, I wanna fuck with her like, but I fucked that up, man. Fucked it up. Sometimes you lose. Snooze you lose. - [Interviewer] Is that one of the mistakes you've learned from? Is that one of the mistakes you've learned from in your life? - Yes. To keep something, something, something special. Hold on to it. - [Interviewer] Do you consider yourself lucky? - Yes, yes I do. - [Interviewer] You're alive. - Yes sir.Yes. - [Interviewer] You have friends that are dead, right? A lot. A whole lot. And I'll be thinking like damn, I could have been there with them, but yet I'd be somewhere else. - [Interviewer] I've seen so many guys like yourself, that were much older that have survived and all their friends had been murdered or whatever. And it's almost like they had something protecting them. - You gotta, you gotta, you gotta be thirsty out there. You gotta see, I'm a thirsty crip. You gotta be thirsty. You just gotta be on everything. When you gangbanging, you gotta watch every car that passed. You got to be on everything. When, everything, especially in South central you must be on everything. You don't just be walking and thinking is good. Be on everything that, you gotta be on everything and bang on everything. Don't try to think where a nigga from, bang on that nigga. And if you got them, you know what to do after that? - [Interviewer] What emotion do you deal with most? Angry, depressed? Anything like that? - Depressed, more stress. Trying to just, just try to make everything happen. - [Interviewer] What do you, what do you worry about? - My mom and my sister? Yup. If they eatin good, ya know if there's money in their pocket, you know enjoying life. That's what I, I don't know. I haven't been there so. I just pray they doing good though. - [Interviewer] Tell me how shame plays a part in your life. - Say that one more time. - [Interviewer] How shame plays a part in your life? - Shame. A lot. - [Interviewer] Like guilt or shame? Shame. Yup. A lot. With my family, I feel like turned my back on them. Even though I'm grown and I can do what I please. But I still feel like my mom need me and like kinda like just like brushed it off. Like, even though she'd been there for me, through all them times. Going to juvenile hall, all them schools I done got kicked out of. Find out I'm a Crip, you know, tattoos on my face. Anybody else probably would have left their kids already. Like, know what? You're on your own and she's still rock with me. Come visit me, put money on my books. You feel me? Still be like, if I go right now, she gonna welcome me. Good woman. Yup. Good woman. Very good woman. - [Interviewer] Lucky to have that. - Yes. Yes sir. - [Interviewer] What advice would you give to a young man who's considering joining a gang? - Man. Look, don't be stupid, man. Gangbanger's not cool, man. You see, you see the fun-ness of it. They see the fun-ness of it, the popularity of it. It's all popularity, it's publicity. They look at that and they see that like, man if I do this, I'm gonna be popping. Because right now with the state that they're in right now they're like a nerd, geek. Not getting no ladies. So. Gangbanging, it's not cool, man. Trust me. It's a bad time too, when it's time to go slide and do all that, trust me. You don't wanna go do that. Trust me, you don't do it, man. Just get a job, got to college. Get them hotties and get try to get, try to work at Chick-fil. - [Interviewer] Be a square. - Be a square straight up. Squares the best thing. They can go anywhere. I can't go anywhere. And no tattoos on the face. - [Interviewer] Do you regret getting- - Yeah, don't do no shit like that, don't do it. - [Interviewer] Do you regret the tattoos on your face? - I like it, but I don't because it's this it's not good. It's got it's good but then it's got it's bad too. So just to cancel all that, to prevent all that just don't get them. So when you get your interview on your job, you for sure get it. It won't no exceptions. - [Interviewer] All right, Face, great talking to you. - Yeah. - [Interviewer] and wish you the best of luck, man. - All right. - [Interviewer] Thanks man.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 1,317,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, swu, gang member interview, crips, crip interview
Id: tKGsY0okuWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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