Gaming Showdown: Powkiddy RGB30 vs TrimUI Smart Pro vs Anbernic RG35XX H

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what's up Gamers I've been getting a lot of questions from you guys lately about which system is better for you and this conversation seems to center around three devices the Amber bernick RG 35xx the trim UI smart Pro and the pow Kitty rgb3 so in this video I'm going to show you three games running on three systems on all three handhelds and let you decide for yourself let's get into [Music] it so our first game is going to be Wave Race on the Nintendo 64 and I chose this because it has a lot of physics effects and a lot of water effects that make it kind of harder to run and this intro video is running in engine it's not a pre-rendered cut scene and so the same dips you're seeing and and frame rate stutters you're seeing here are the same ones you would see in the game I have all three of these devices set to Performance mode to get the most out of them and what you'll probably notice is that the RG 35xx H looks the worst but I also don't think it's been optimized yet to run in 65 four games the trim UI smart Pro looks the best in terms of its frame rate and even though I'm rooting for the h model here because it is the most pocketable of the three this is essentially unplayable on this device right now and that could change in the future I think that this will become more optimized as we move forward but it's just not there yet in terms of color I like the PO Kitty I think the PO Kitty color looks the best the blues are more blue the reds are more red the greens are more green all all of that stuff it has the sharpest image but it is is dipping down to the mid-50s generally speaking in terms of its frame rate whereas the trim UI seems to stay at a more Rock Solid 60 frames per second next up is Mario Kart DS on the Nintendo DS this is also a really interesting one I have a really big problem with the trimi with this one because I cannot figure out how to get into a match or switch the screens I'm stuck on the top screen I can't see the lower screen I can't get it to switch this is the biggest screen so I'd like to say that this is the one that's the winner but I can't even get the game to to load on it and I have tried and tried and tried even there you see the the frame rate stuttering here there's something going on here that's just not quite right the pal Kitty rgb3 absolutely Rock Solid on this DS stuff on most of the DS games that I've played it is completely Rock Solid Mario Kart included and I it's it's honestly a really fun time and you can get those dual screens on here and it looks pretty good you try to get the dual screens on the H model and man look how much smaller that is compared to this and this one I can't even get to switch to two screens so for me when it comes to Nintendo DS I give this one to the rgb3 look at that slow down on the trim UI you can see that stuttering there you don't see that over here you don't see it over here I'm actually really impressed with the H model on here too I think that it does a really good job as well with the Nintendo DS stuff but it doesn't seem quite as sharp as it does on the rgb3 all right the last game we're going to run is on PSP and it's going to be God of War chains of Olympus and have this running with the exact same settings in the emulator and right off the bat what you're going to notice is that yes this is the biggest experience you can have right here it's a nice big image on the trim UI the Amber Nick here has it stretched to fill that 4x3 display and again the pow Kitty has the most colorful of all three of the experiences but let's jump into a new game and see what happens at the moment they're all doing their very best to stay at that 100% speed Mark they've all dropped down to 30 frames per second you can see they're hanging together pretty well but I think that might change as the action gets started here so for some reason the pal Kitty jumps down to like 70% speed it's in the 70% range right now these other two are sticking with 100 but pal Kitty for whatever reason just will not keep up and in order to get it to 100% speed you basically have to cut the frame rate turn the frame skip to two and then it does a pretty good job but for some reason it I just no matter what what I said it to it will not stay at 100% speed these two here are doing a pretty admirable job they dip down to 98 every once in a while but it's mostly right there at 100 of course now that I say that I do see that the H model is dipping down into like the 70s 80s 80% so it might need the frame skip to be turned on as well so I guess I'll do that so that you can see how this is affected so the pal Kitty even with some of this stuff turned on some of the skip GP readbacks turned on on the the frame skipping is turned on it still struggles to stay at 100% it's playable but it struggles the am bernick is now running at 10 frames per second but it's getting a pretty solid 100% but 10 frames doesn't look super great so that leaves you with the trim UI which looks the best on on this particular game so like I said this is not a an easy answer which one's for me well if you like Nintendo DS I would say the pow Kitt is for you if you like PSP I would say the trim UI might be for you if you like portability and a little bit of both of those things and can sacrifice some of that performance I'd say go with the Amber Nick but that's just my two cents worth I've got links to all of these devices down in the description below thanks for supporting the channel by clicking on those it doesn't cost you anything extra but I am doing my best to bring you high quality content and every like affiliate link click and subscription really helps out thanks for watching stay kind and encouraging out there and I'll catch you on the flippity [Music] [Music] flip
Channel: Bo Knows Gaming
Views: 18,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anbernic RG35XX H, Emulators, Gaming, Gaming Reviews, Handheld Emulators, Handheld Gaming, Nintendo, Playstation, Powkiddy RGB30, RG35XX H, RG35XX H vs TrimUI Smart Pro, RGB30 vs RG35XX H, RGB30 vs TrimUI Smart Pro, Retro Gaming, Retro console comparison, TrimUI Smart Pro, Video Games, Which should I buy?, cheap gaming handhelds, n64, nintendo 64, nintendo ds, powkiddy rgb30 emulation, psp, r43 pro, rg556
Id: oMU2uF0fsvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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