Powkiddy RGB30 or Anbernic RG35XX-H which one should you buy

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hey guys JY here welcome back to the channel and finally I get a chance to review this beautiful handheld this is the rgb3 by pow Kitty this device has been out for maybe roughly about four months already and I've been using it for about 3 months and let me tell you about my experience and if it's worth buying it right now also I should make a comparison about whether to buy that device or the rg35 xxh from unber which one should you buy this one sells for roughly about $50 $55 more or less and the rgb3 sells for about $90 95 even $99 on Amazon but which one is it worth it which one should you buy so right now I'm going to concentrate in reviewing this device and then I'm going going to make the comparison welcome to the channel I'm jolster and let's do [Music] this all right guys so let me tell you about my experience with it so far because like I said I've been using it for about 3 months and I actually took it to uh CES in Vegas and I played it on the airplane uh while I was in the hotel when I was taking a break and I really like it the first thing I like about this device is the size this is uh rather larger device compared to other handheld devices out there and what I like about the size is because I have large hands so this just feels more comfortable when I'm holding it I mean look at this it's just my hand just sits natural in here especially on this shoulder buttons here it's just the way I'm holding it it feels more intuitive it's just just more natural and this is very important especially if you like to play a lot for a long period of time this is going to be the most comfortable device if you have large hands and that is my case I also what I like about this device is the big screen I mean look at this this is a 4in IPS screen and it just looks beautiful it is very bright and uh also since this is IPS the the colors are usually more vibrant than usual and then you're going to have beautiful viewing angles so no matter which angle you're looking looking at this device colors are going to remain vibrant and saturated and beautiful I love that um another thing is that the aspect ratio this is a 1 by one so this is like a sort of like a perfect square I can say and this is great for Retro Gaming because you know like before we used to have TVs with this similar aspect ratio so this is great for that especially for like Game Boy games Game Boy advance and all those old school games they're going to look beautiful on this screen and also what I like is the resolution this is a 720p resolution which means that things are going to look sharper especially like little details or text you're going to be able to look at it and it just looks beautiful and it's going to scale old school games to a much better resolution so this is nice I love that now that I'm talking about the size let's talk about the face buttons which also are work very very good they are very clicky let me just turn all this off so I won but look at that they're very clickable they're not that loud though they feel very responsive too and the same with the d-pad I mean while I'm playing games I'm able to perform like in for example on Street Fighter to do all the haduk and all you guys they work perfectly fine so uh the analog sticks I also like them because because they are clickable you guys can hear that they're very clickable and they are very very responsive too and another thing I like about this analog sticks is they are at the same level as the face buttons or the dpad I don't know if you guys can see that but they are the same level which means that this device it's very pocketable you can put in your pocket it the analog sticks they're not going to be on the way and they work very very well so I like those little details over here in the front we also have the uh front-facing speakers now I don't know if this are actually front facing but the grills are actually here right here on top we have all the shoulder buttons and I already mention that I like it because they feel good in the the hand my fingers just it's just it feels like it's made for my fingers in my hand size but what I also like is that notice how this the L2 and the art two they're lifted more a little bit so which means that you're going to feel it more and it's going to be more easy to access it when you are actually playing this device right here so I like those little details right here on top we have the volume plus minus and then the reset button and then we have the power button and then we have this little pull right here which is very important if you like to connect this device to an external for example a TV or maybe a portable monitor which I already did I connected this to a OLED portable monitor and it works fantastic this is a mini HDMI which you can buy or purchase that uh cable and just use it to connect it to an external monitor right here at the bottom let's go at the bottom real quick and then we have two uh USB type-c ports one is going to be for charging and the other one is going to say say OTG this one is if you want to connect external controllers um to play with this device then we have two SD slot cards for memory one is going to be for the operating system and the other one is going to be for games now what I did is I upgraded the SD cards to more like a name brand because a lot of people keep saying that you know the ones that they give you they don't work well they make break so uh I did the upgrade and also it's very simple it's very easy all I had to do is just put the SD cards into one of this little SD card reader put it on my computer transfer everything to my computer internal hard drive and then install it into the new SD cards and it was super easy and then right here we have the headphone jack and that's pretty much it in the back there is no way for you to remove the battery that is you have to take off this little screws right here and open up the device so it's not easy to access the battery that is probably like the only negative I have so far all right so let's start with some games and before I do that I'm going to show you what type of emulators this device has um so let's start with that so we have Mame over here we have final burn Neo we have Capcom system 1 System 2 system 3 picco 8 which by the way way I love PCO 8 this is so much fun highly recommend it um you do have p8 but you have to purchase p8 through their website so you go to the website purchase it it's about $15 and it's totally worth it and then you have to download it to the SD card and then install it it's like a process that you have to do it's really not that hard I was able to do it so I'm going to leave a link in the description to the video that I used to uh install p8 in this device which is very simple and like I said it's $15 but oh my God you're going to love it then we have MSX msx2 PC engine Nintendo Nintendo it has a lot of games but it's not going to have the Mario games Super Mario games the classic ones you're not going to find them here you do have to download those games and it's actually very easy and let me tell you when I'm say very easy it's coming from a guy who does not have any experience on how to download your emulators and the ROMs and the BIOS all the stuff I have no experience but I was able to download the games here Game Boy Super Nintendo same thing with Super Nintendo you can download games here all those Super Mario World Nintendo 64 game boy Coler Game Boy Advance Nintendo DS Sega Genesis Game Gear Sega Mega Drive Dreamcast Neo Geo Neo Geo pocket PlayStation which by the way PlayStation games run very good on this device PSP now PSP games also same thing uh some games run very good some games don't run very good so it's you know if you want a device that is just for PSP games this is not it not every game runs good but some of them good uh and scum VM I don't know what scum VM is I never used it before and then we music player tools and favorites so another cool feature I like about this device is that it has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth building Wi-Fi is very important in my opinion because you're able to upgrade the operating system which by the way it uses yellows OS which I think it's very easy is one of the best ones in my opinion because it's super easy to use and everything just works flawlessly so far I haven't had any issues with this device so once you connected to network you're able to upgrade the operating system and also connect your retro achievements account which is so much fun for that you have to go and open an account with retro achievements and once you do that you go here and then you put your information your password and then you're connected to retto achievements so every time you're online and then you start playing a game you can do that you can get achievements how cool is that and then also there is Moonlight game streaming which allows you to connect to your computer and stream from your computer um I haven't done that I'm not a big fan of that but I know some of you guys love that so yes Moonlight is available here and then Scrapper so basically Scrapper is when you download a game let's say right here go to favorites you can see this information you know sort of like a preview or maybe like a picture of that I haven't opened an account with Scrapper so for example some games that I downloaded for example Super Mario World is there's no picture here this one there is super punch out but not in Super Mario World so Scrapper I think is a very good I still have to open an account and I'm probably going to do it later but to me it's not really that important what matters the most is that I'm able to play these games and let's do that right now so you guys can see the achievements right here on top it open up my retro achievements which is really cool because yeah who doesn't like to get some achievements here then showing off on your retro achievements account right so this is how Super Mario World looks on this device and look at that it looks beautiful this is a 4x3 aspect ratio right now so you're going to have black bars right on top and at the bottom but honestly it doesn't bother me I think it looks looks fine and look at that it's very colorful it's very responsive it's also very bright which is very important especially if you're playing like outside during the day daylight or maybe you're in a bridegroom this is the screen is going to look beautiful amazing it doesn't really oh wait there you go it doesn't really matter where you play so uh yeah the black bars don't bother me you can also change the aspect ratio if you want to but this is the one that I recommend to use I think it looks amazing now this is Street Fighter third strike and look at the volume of this device it's very very loud so I'm going to turn it down a little bit because it's just like really loud so let's see how this game performs look at this sometimes I can I do my Myans my that the helicopter Ki I work best but honestly I feel like more comfortable playing with the analog sticks there he goes my power oh my God I beat it up with my super hugan so right now let's play a classic game from PlayStation this is larra Tomb Raider oh my God this game when he came out it blew my mind because this was the first time I've ever seen a 3D game like this and it was beautiful you know back then I'm talking about I think it was like 96 or 97 I don't remember but I love this game the uh the movement is very very difficult I mean you have to really Master this movement because back then we only had the d-pad we didn't have the analog sticks to look around like over here like they don't even work you know so back then we only had the d-pad and it was just really difficult like the this game if you want to make a jump you have to like count the steps basically and then you have to make sure that you press the jump button where was it oh this one oh yeah it was just so awkward and I think that was the most challenging part because most of this part most of this game it's like empty places and then you have to figure it out where to go the exit and everything but hey it was a lot of fun it was a lot of exploration and a lot of figure out the remot the controllers but um yeah you can revive that again relieve it and just bring back those memories in this device so yes I'm playing a Castlevania Dracula X or something I don't even know I never played this game but this is on PSP and like I said some PSP games they run pretty good but some of them they don't run that well so this one so far it runs okay I noticed there's some part right here that they don't do it it struggles playing this game and even though it doesn't look that very demanding but uh yeah if you want to play PSP games keep that in mind some of them are going to work some of them are just not going to work but hey you can have this you can play it and have a lot of fun I like it let's try some cast games so reer by Crystal Dynamics I remember when this game came out it was so so cool it was just something different you know man this game runs very good on this device these Gates twist space it's just this two bars appear sometimes but overall when you're playing the game um it plays very good oh yeah I can I can eat them oh I forgot about that my God so yeah if you like to play Soul River Legacy of King Soul River this device runs it pretty good not perfect but pretty good all I guys so I'm going to show you Nintendo 64 games because yeah why not let's see how it works so far I can tell you that it's uh there's a lot of stuttering I don't even know what to do here to be honest oh I'm ging it how do you jump like see like it stutters a lot maybe you can there's a way to change that but um there's some problems with this game oh what is that oh shoot I don't even know what I'm doing I'm just pressing the buttons here but yeah Nintendo 64 on this device not the best experience oh what happened oh I think I fell so yeah guys there's a ton of games that you can play on this device but for the most part the Nintendo 64 don't seem to work very well but if you don't mind that my God there's other plenty of other games that are just amazing and I especially love fighting games like here I'm playing uh with King of Fighters and even though I getting my ass no I actually W but uh yeah this device plays it very very well and look at that it looks magnificent I love it all right guys so the moment you all been waiting for let's do a comparison between these two devices this is remember the RG 35x xh from amberik and this is the rgb3 now at a glance they look kind of similar right because they both have analog sticks right here the d-pad the face buttons and everything but then when you realize oh my God look at this size of the size of this one it is much much smaller I mean let's put it right here here right next to each other SP right here and look at the size of this even though the length look almost almost the same looks like the 35xx it's a little tiny bit bigger or larger or longer but uh the RGB 30 it just is is taller so if you have smaller hands probably this is going to be the best option for you if you have larger hands trust me the are gb30 is going to be the best option because when I'm holding this one yes this buttons feels good but the shoulder buttons they're just kind of useless I mean my hand will rest my finger will rest back here instead of top here it just feels uncomfortable I feel like I'm doing the claw right here when I'm holding this another big difference is of course the screen I mean look at this screen size it's just a major difference this is a 3.5 in IPS screen and this is a 4 in big screen and here is a side by side comparison between how these screens look and perform as of right now what I can say in a in a different angle when I'm looking at it uh the rgb3 looks a little bit warmer and then this one the RG 35xx looks a little bit brighter but uh I think they both look amazing the only thing is that this one has this black bars on top and bottom as you guys noticed before and on on this device it just covers the whole screen because you know it's just a little bit stretched that's another thing I noticed it's a little bit stretched but it just covers the whole screen and I think it looks looks beautiful I actually love it on both devices and also both devices they have Wi-Fi they have bluet Bluetooth you're able to connect you know um external um monitors or portable or your to your TV because they both have the HDMI mini Port right here on top you know when it comes down to those ports both of these devices they have the port when it comes to emulators they both have almost the same ones you over here for example we have the PSP we have PlayStation Dreamcast oh no we have this is not not PlayStation this is open board I don't know what that is but this is Dreamcast PlayStation I mean there are plenty of emulators on board you can also play p8 here if you want there are many of them and also even if you don't if they come with the Nintendo emulator neither of these devices come with Mario games so you do have to download those Mario games and as a matter of fact on both devices it's very easy to download those Mario games if you want to do that in the face buttons I feel like the face buttons are better right here on the rg35 xxh I don't know they just feel smoother and both of them uh work very well but the way it feels I feel like this one feel a little bit better the analog sticks they actually look very similar and they feel the same way too so there's no big difference on that the operating system they're completely different but on both of them you can do a lot of things you know I know a lot of people don't like this one I think it's Linus based operating system I don't even I don't even know what it's called but uh I know they're working on the onion OS that's what I heard if you want to upgrade also you can connect to Wi-Fi but so far with this operating system you can't even though you're able to get online but you can't upgrade the operating system which is weird so you're going to have to you know use your computer download the operating system through the SD card so it's a different process it's not as easy and intuitive as it is with jell OS which is right here on the RGB 30 so like I said there are some pros and some cons but um so far my favorite is the rgb3 and you're going to have to pay the pay an extra price like I mentioned at the beginning this is roughly about $50 and the rgb3 is about $90 now if you want to purchase these devices you can either purchase it from AliExpress or from their own websites but I personally recommend to buy it from Amazon even though from Amazon is a little bit more expensive maybe five or $7 more expensive but I noticed that Amazon does come with a case so you can protect your device it also comes with a screen protector and it also has 30 days of returning 30 days you can return it if for any reason you don't like it or if something's wrong with it you have 30 days to return it and also the delivery is fast you can get it like the next day so that is a big Advantage if you will purchase them from Amazon either this device or the rg35 xxh so if you go enjoy this video please leave a like subscribe to the channel I am jolster and I'll see you guys on the next one Jer out
Channel: JoelsterG4K
Views: 22,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: handheld gaming, emulation, retro gaming, video game emulation, handheld console, portable emulation, anbernic rg35xx h, anbernic rg35xx h review, anbernic rg35xx h gameplay, rg35xx h, the anbernic rg35xx h, rg35xxh, rg35xx h anbernic, the rg35xx h, anbernic, anbernic rg35xx, rg35xx, retro handheld, new retro handheld, anbernic rg35xx plus, powkiddy rgb30, powkiddy rgb30 gameplay, powkiddy rgb30 handheld
Id: io1C6MnLmrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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