Gaming CPU Tier List - AMD 2024 Edition!

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today I will be ranking the best and worst AMD CPUs for gaming in 2024 my name is Valentino and you will have my favorite AMD CPU recommendations down in the video description and in this tier list I will go over every CPU from AMD that you can buy right now in the market and there are some CPUs that are not in the list and I will talk about the reason in a second but anyway I hope you guys enjoy and if you find valuable information throughout this one subscribe to the channel and I actually love making tier list videos with that being said let's start so we are going to be ranking these CPUs in terms of gaming so no content creation involved just pure price performance value when it comes to gaming so the first one that I'm going to rank is the Ryon 5 3600 now this one is an old CPU but it's still amazing on a budget it used to be the mid-range King like the Ryon 5 5600 is right now but in terms of performance it is basically the same as the ryzen 555 FR right now you can get it at the same price as the 5500 brand new so in my opinion this one is V tier it used to be S tier back in the day but as of right now I do believe that it's V tier just because it is not brand new and is not a mid-range CPU anymore because you have limited options when it comes to your GPU choice so I would per the CPU up to the RX 6700 XT or RTX 460 I wouldn't par it with anything higher end than those two gpus because I do believe that it's going to bottleneck now the ryzen 55500 is basically the same CPU and it's going into my v as well but one level above the Horizon 5 3600 just because it's newer is the same 6 core 12 thre processor very similar in terms of performance so VOR just one level above the 36 Ang now the ryzen 5 5600 is going into my a TI I do believe that this one is still until this day one of the best mid-range CPUs if you have $800 or less to spend in your entire system this one is great and you can bury it up to the RTX 4070 or rx78 H XT which both are very nice 1440p gpus so in my opinion this one is still an amazing CPU and it would be once again on my S tier if we didn't have the new ryzen 7,000 series processors so if you have this CPU or you are thinking of buying one because you are working on it high budget and you need a mid-range CPU this one is great then we have the ryzen 5 75f from the new am5 platform this one is going into my S tier the reason why is on my S tier is because of its price performance it is very similar in terms of price compared to the ryzen 57600 and it is going for around 125 to 130 bucks on AliExpress just keep in mind that those CPUs usually do not come with the stock cooler from AMD so you will have to spend around $20 to get an aftermarket CPU Cooler so the total price might be around 145 to 155 bucks definitely great value and the nice part about this CPU is that is on the am5 platform which means that if you have the right motherboard well down the line you can upgrade up to a ryzen 7 7800 x3d or the new ryzen 8000 series coming out pretty soon so great CPU with good upgradeability if you have the right motherboard then we have the Ryon 5 576 Ang which is going to my a tier one level above the 56 angri this one is going for 180 bucks and since you can buy from Amazon and other retailers in the US the delivery time might be faster than the ryzen 575 FF which comes from AliExpress from China so it has some pros compared to the ryzen 57500 F it also comes with the stock cooler but it is going to cost you around $ to $40 more for basically the same level of gaming per performance and you compare both the 7500f and the ryzen 5 7600 up to the RTX 480 super or RX 179 H XTX which both are two of the best gpus out there and the only graphics card that is better is the RTX 490 but that one is much more expensive and I would never recommend you pairing an RTX 490 with a mid-range CPU so the ryzen 57600 is basically the ryzen 5 56 from the new generation it is great you can PA it with most Jeep in the market very powerful and it is also very power efficient with a 65 wat CDP which is amazing so is the ryzen 575 RF so both are great CPUs and honestly if you do not want to buy from AliExpress you just want to buy from Amazon or any other retailer in the US then the ryzen 5 7600 is going to be your best option this system right here has the Ry 5 7600 and I bought it just to play fortnite and test it for you guys so if you want to see the best affordable fortnite gaming system you will have that video in the top right of the screen with benchmarks as well now we have the Horizon 5 7600 X which is slightly faster than the 76 hrid but honestly it is almost the same in terms of performance this one is a bit more expensive for around $10 to $20 more and it is not as power efficient it has a higher TDP and it needs slightly better cooling so the ryzen 5 7600 X is going into my a tier but it is going to be one level below the ryzen 5 5600 because of its price performance and because of the fact that the ryzen 57600 is a much better deal in my opinion for the reasons I've mentioned before more power efficient cheaper price and honestly it is basically the same CPU then we have the ryzen 7 5700x this one is from the am4 platform and I wouldn't recommend you buying this CPU if you are going to build an entirely new system if you already have a PC with the M4 platform let's say you have a ryzen 5 3600 and you want to upgrade then it is going to be a nice CPU upgrade I believe this one right now is going for around $150 but I have to [Music] check much much much later so I just checked and it's going for 170 bucks making it not a great option considering that you can get another am4 CPU that's going to be better in terms of performance for a little bit more so in terms of power consumption and performance the ryen 757 HX is actually a pretty good CPU the price right now is not ideal if you see at 150 bucks then it's a totally different story but for 170 bucks it is a nice deal but it is not the best one for that reason is going into my V tier but one level below the ryzen 536 and GD now the ryzen 7 57 h x 3D is a totally different story because it is slightly more expensive than the ryzen 757 hangry de but it's going to give you much faster performance and it is very similar in terms of gaming performance compared to the ryzen 57600 but keep in mind that the 5700 x3d is from the am4 platform which once again if you already have a system with an am4 CPU then it is worth the upgrade but if you're going to build from scratch I highly recommend you going with am5 motherboards and CPU that way your system is much more operatable over time and they have the better gaming performance anyway so the 57 H x3d if you already have an am4 plat if you are already on the am4 platform then it will be on my Sor because it is one of the best upgrades that you can make when it comes to gaming if you are in this platform but since I'm ranking this in terms of price of performance overall and some people are not in the am4 platform then it's going into my a tier one level below the Ryon 57600 X then we have the ryzon 75700 X which is going for around the same price as the 57 HD X 3D as of right now I wouldn't recommend you buying this CPU if you already have this one don't get me wrong it's going to achieve great performance but I just wouldn't buy it for the same price as the ryzon 757 H x3d because it's slower it also consumes more power on average so you need a bigger cooler overall I do not like it but since the level of performance is great and if you already have this CPU you cannot complain basically it's going into my C tier not D tier just because of the level of performance with the next one we have the ryzen 758 hang x3d which is going for almost 300 USD and for that price I wouldn't buy the CPU it is the fastest CPU in the am4 platform but very similar in terms of performance compared to the ryzen7 57 hry x3d which is a$1 cheaper so there's no reason on why you should buy the 58 hry x3d over the 5700 x3d especially considering that $300 is a very expensive price and you can get into the new am5 platform with that amount of money for that reason it is going into my seat here one level above the 5800 X because it performs much better but in terms of pricing right now it is not there and I wouldn't recommend you buying it for 300 USD when you have the 5700 x3d going for 200 instead then we have the ryzen 77700 this is a great CPU from the am5 platform I do believe that it's not as great in terms of price performance compared to the ryzen 5 7600 just because it is almost $100 more expensive and it's not going to give you much and in terms of gaming performance they are actually similar the Ry 77700 is not going to give you a huge amount of improvement when it comes to gaming performance compared to the ryen 5 7600 so in terms of price performance not as great yes this one has eight cores compared to six cores from the ryzen 5 7600 But when it comes to gaming six cores versus eight cores doesn't really make a difference so I do not believe that the ryzen 77700 is the best in terms of price performance for that reason it is going into my V one level above the ryzen 555 FR because it is on the am5 platform great performance but in terms of pricing it is not the best especially considering that you can either go cheaper with the ryzen 5 7600 or you can go a bit more expensive and get the fastest CPU in the entire Market which I will mention in a second now the ryzen 777 HX on the other hand is a slightly faster not as good in terms of power consumption compared to the ryzen 7 77 HD and at the moment is going for the same price as the 77 HD and this one is slightly faster honestly you will not notice the difference between the two between the 7700 and the 7700 X but it consumes more power so for that reason it's going into my B tier again one label below the 7700 but you can swap these two it doesn't really make a difference here both are good CPUs if you buy it you are going to be happy with this one you can pair it up to once again the RTX 480 super or RX 179 hxx so it's not like if you buy this CPU you are going to be unhappy well no this is a great CPU but it's just not there in terms of price or performance and this one is the fastest CPU in the entire Market the ryzen 7 7800 x3d from the am5 platform and straight into the S tier one level above the ryzen 57500 F because of its per performance you compare this CPU up to the highest n GPU in the market the RTX 490 because this one is the fastest CPU in the entire market and the crazy part is is that it's not that much more expensive than the 7700 at the moment is about $40 to $50 more expensive but honestly in my opinion it is worth the price difference if you want the best gaming performance when it comes to your CPU in the entire Market with this one you can play games like fortnite at 500 plus FPS on average if you pair it with your right graphics card so you can really compete in esport Shooters with this one or you can play highend simulators that usually consume a lot of CPU power like fly simulator so great CPU s tier because of its performance also because of its power consumption which is not really that high so you don't actually need a big cooler for it and then the price is very decent with the next one we have the ryzen 95900 X we are talking about gaming performance here this one is just not there in terms of gaming performance it is very expensive and is from the for platform so I just wouldn't recommend you buying it same for the ryzen 95900 X they are going into my D tier not because of its gaming performance because the gaming performance is good but there are much better CPUs out there in terms of price performance for example like the Ryon 750 700x 3D now if we were talking about production work or content creation then it would be a different story but remember this video is about CPUs for gaming so we are ranking them in terms of price performance for gaming with the next one we have the ryzen 9 7900x same things happen here but the performance is much better and it is from the am5 platform so it is clearly not at the same level as the other ones so it's not going into my D tier but it is going into my C tier one level above the 58 hangry X because it is better in terms of price performance than the 58 hangry X but it is not ideal for gaming if you want a gaming rig just go with a ryzen 778 H x3d if you were thinking of a ryzen 97 9 HX just because it says ryzen 9 doesn't mean that it's going to be better when it comes to gaming performance then we have the ryzen 979 hangri X 3D which is basically the same as the ryzen 778 hangri X 3D when it comes to gaming performance in some cases it is a bit slower you will not notice the difference and in terms of pricing is about $60 more expensive than the 78 H x3d that being said this CPU is actually good for gaming I just wouldn't recommend you buying it right now because you have the ryzen 77 HX 3D and it's not going to give you any higher FPS on average so this one is going into my B tier one step above the ryzen 5 5500 and just because it is on the am5 platform and the level of performance is amazing now the ryzen 9 7900x is going on my C TI here as well with the 7900x one level below it just because it is much more expensive and it's not going to give you any gaming performance Advantage remember these CPUs are more for content creat than just gaming of course you can play with them and they are great in terms of gaming performance but I would only recommend you buying it if you are actually a content creator and you will use video editing applications otherwise there's just no reason on why you should pick this one especially if you're main focus is gaming and you want the highest FPS possible and last but not least we have the ryzen 9 7950 x3d this one is not as good as the ryzen 7 7800 x3d or the 7900 x3d because of the price this one I believe is going for around $600 so it's much more expensive almost double the price compared to the ryzen 778 HX 3D and it's not going to give you any performance Advantage so this one is going once again into my C tier with the 7950 X so the C tier and the tier you can reorder them if you want honestly it doesn't really matter because I wouldn't recommend you buying them especially when it comes to gaming performance just because you have these two CPUs right here the ryzen 5 75 H F and 78 h x3d which are much better when it comes to gaming performance so if you're working with a mid-range budget go with the 7500 F or 7600 if you're working with more money and you want to buy an RTX 490 or you want the fastest performance that you can get out of your CPU then just get the 78 HX 3D and you will be fine let me know if you want me to make the CPU tier list for Intel next and if you want to build a complete PC remember you need a graphics card and that is the most important component when it comes to gaming so you can watch my video on this best gaming PC builds of the month for every budget and every resolution with no bottlenecks you will have that one in the top right of the screen and there Ison why I left out some CPUs like the ryzen 55600 x3d or ryzen 55600 G well it's because I just wouldn't recommend you buying them right now so these are the ones that you may consider buying even though some of these I do not recommend for gaming but people usually consider buying these CPUs right now thank you guys for watching if you need personal PC help that's going to be the top Link in the description you can join my PC community and ask me anything that you want there thank you for support and I will see you on the next one
Channel: ShadowGamingPC
Views: 5,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cpu tier list, tier list, best gaming cpu, best processor, intel vs amd, amd vs intel, budget cpu tier list, best cpu, best budget cpu, best cpus, cpu tier list amd, tier list lol, best gaming cpu 2024, best gaming cpu intel, best gaming cpu right now, best gaming cpu budget, best gaming cpu amd, amd vs intel 2024, amd vs intel processor, amd cpu vs intel cpu, amd cpu cooler, amd cpu 2024, best budget cpus for gaming 2024, best amd cpus for gaming 2024, cpu, shadowgamingpc
Id: cloPTbmMtBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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