πŸ›‘ CPU Prices CRASH πŸ›‘ Ryzen 9000 vs 7800X3D Showdown πŸ›‘ Best Gaming CPU 2024

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welcome back to PC Builder I'm Jason this is our best CPU for gaming Series in June 2024 what's the best gaming CPU right now we're going to go through all the pricing and there have been some absolutely massive massive price cuts across the board as both AMD and Intel clear the decks for ryzen 9000 future CPUs we'll also punch through where do we expect the 9600 X and 9700x pricing to come in and the performance to come in versus the 7800 x3d and the existing ryzen 7000 series lineup also talk about when we can expect the 9800 x3d is it coming sooner than expected remember if you get value out of this video give a like CU it makes a huge difference to the channel especially this guy right here and of course subscribe for more cool PC content with that let's jump into it this video is sponsored by Best Buy and the new Samsung Galaxy book 4 Edge co-pilot plus PC laptop the Snapdragon X Elite processor power and co-pilot plus PCS ushers in a new era of performance intelligence and power efficiency this 16-in dynamic DC AMOLED 120 HZ screen provides amazing visuals press the co-pilot AI button and Unleash Your creativity and productivity and connect to your Samsung Android phone to seamlessly call Family text your friends set reminders and more check out the Samsung Galaxy book4 Edge laptop at Best Buy using the link in the video description let's jump into CPU prices in June 2024 and look at that we're going to start off on the rise side but your eyes do not deceive you look at those massive price Cuts massive price CS up to3 3% 33% what's going on here ryzen 9000 is coming they're trying to clear the decks for this in a way that they have not done in previous generations typically when a new generation comes the pricing stagnates for a while but they are doing something that seems to be different right now which is massive discounts let's jump in ryzen 5 5500 let's start on the more budget CPUs where we've seen some interesting price Cuts here the ryzen 5500 down to $83 $83 for this CPU we haven't seen a CPU with this good value since the ryzen 1600 AF what like 4 years ago so this is amazing right now of course if you want to come up in CPU power the RIS 5600 not that far behind it was $144 two months ago it's down to $116 now in June and it's largely because they're trying to compete with Intel that's massively cut CPU prices we'll go through those in just a moment right now ryzen 5600 $116 over at New Egg Amazon pretty much anywhere you want to buy it the ryen 5700x 5800 X not really interesting down to $162 but the most interesting ryzen 5000 CPU out there the ryzen 5700x 3D the x3d 5700 $199 right now remember it was just a couple months ago that that CPU came out at $250 we're already seeing it drop down to 199 which is good because the 5800 x3d for some reason seems to be going the other direction I think maybe we're running out of stock of that one 5700 x3d in fact I had to switch out the retailer here just a second ago because it sold out there here it is 199 so if you're somebody who's been sitting on am4 like an older ryzen CPU and you're like I'll just wait till the CPU gets it maybe it's here maybe the CPU has arrived and you might want to get one now again with a 5800 x3d for some reason the price is going up to 327 it's possible it seems like they're low stock pretty much everywhere I look could just be that that's the end of the 5800 x3d and the remaining CPUs that they have are hitting the lower the lower thresholds and they're biding them as 5700 x3ds instead all right switching quickly ryzen 7000 series CPUs more massive price Cuts especially at the High Core count end but let's start off with the ryzen 7600 $188 right now my goodness my goodness how far this fall remember this CPU launched at $299 188 great price for the CPU especially given the level of performance that you're getting you can also pick up the 7600 X for $199 but between the two honestly you could either save the 10 bucks or you could go this route instead now I will say we are going to compare this to where we think the ryzen 9600 X is going to come in terms of price and performance a little bit later in the video and see if it's going to keep that value proposition rying 7777 RX down to 246 that is absolutely an insane price insane price that's less than the ryzen 7600 X came on the market for 246 right now and remember you get included The Wraith prism cooler to it it's perfectly adequate cooler for this CPU if you want to get started with something but remember we expect expect the 9600 a probably to have same multi-threaded and better gaming performance so I I feel like AMD is like well we better get rid of these things because it's going to kind of really clog up our pricing out there and we will compare the 9700x both to this as well as the 7800 x3d speaking of the 7800 x3d down to 339 down about 50 bucks on the pricing wow 50 bucks on the pricing again in the past we haven't seen AMD cut prices like this on last generation stuff just before the new generation launch they've typically held pricing kind of high they've really gotten rid of all their promos and discounts and stuff like that kind of forcing you to buy Next Generation not really sure what's going on here other than maybe they think that they literally aren't going to be able to move this stuff or maybe they'll give you some now and hopefully they won't have to give you massive discounts in the future to get rid of this stuff but 339 especially given where we think the performance of this is going to be Visa the 9000 Series CPUs AMD spilled the beans this is probably going to still be the best gaming CPU we'll talk a little bit more about that in the news section and what to expect on the 9800 x3d and then the huge anomaly out there is the Horizon 7900x 3D $314 until just like moments ago moments ago I hit refresh and it went to back order here on new's page and this is what Amazon often does as soon as it went to back order on new eggs page their price went back way up on it and of course you can't get it for the $315 you can still pick up for $329 on back order right now they got rid of the promo code obviously as soon as it goes to back order on it but it was insane this CPU right now you can get this cheaper than the 7800 x3d that just shows you that a lot of people aren't excited about the whole two CCD things and only one of them having vcash possibly in the Next Generation we've heard maybe both of them are going to have vcash all right let's jump over to Intel CPU pricing June 2024 and there have been some massive price cuts on the Intel side in fact it's probably one of the reasons that we've seen such huge rise in CPU price Cuts let's go through let's start with the budget end because I think this is where these Intel CPUs are the most interesting the 3 12100 $84 now down 11% down from $94 last month great pickup right now at $85 especially if you want something with PCI Gen 4 and you want a super cheap system you don't want to go with a ryzen 50500 this is a great CPU to pick up of course what really is putting pressure on the ryzen 5600 out there is the I5 12400 F down to $109 right now $109 in June in fact $19.94 over at New EG absolutely amazing and the one thing I will say about these CPUs the one kind of challenge for them is the b660 motherboards that are ddr4 motherboards they seem to be drying up there's still a handful out there including the azrock b660 M Pro RS the one that we continue to recommend out there but it is getting a little thinner of course we got the I5 12600 K down another $5 that CPU continues to be absolutely amazing for those of you who want to do a budget production system out there but honestly the 12 700k what is going on at $185 right now that's if you take that and apply the $20 coupon on it and obviously new's got the $20 promo code on the 12700 KF down to $185 totally insane remember you don't need a Zs series motherboard for these CPUs you can run them at stock settings unlike a B series motherboard as long as you get one with good enough VM and there's several out there like for instance the ack b6m Pro RS which you can get for $95 the rest of the pricing I'm going to be honest with you not that exciting the 13400 down to1 $71 is nice except it's slower than the 12600 K in fact it is a 12600 K it's been down Bend so I don't understand why that CPU continues to be more than the 12 600k other than I guess 13 is bigger than 12 therefore it needs to be more expensive the 13 700k if you're just looking for gaming and you don't want to go Rising for some crazy reason yeah 291 it's huge price cut you can actually get it cheaper than the 14 600k doesn't make any sense to me because 14600 K is a 13600 k a lot of other things that Intel needs to get right they're just not doing it right now let of the CPU news which is all about ryzen 9,000 where is it going to come in versus ryzen 7,000 in terms of price and performance and more importantly price to Performance should you be waiting for this thing after all that's what we really want to get to here we're going to compare the 7600 versus the 9600 X in terms of price and performance where we think that's going to come in as well as the 9700 X versus 7800x 3D and the current 7700x we're going to throw in the 90 7900 X 3D in there just cuz that thing is so crazy right now in terms of its pricing let's talk first about the availability we're expecting these by the end of July there was recently a wccf tech article that said you know they're going to come out July 31st so we have absolutely no idea but that's a rumor out there right now but let's talk more importantly about the performance so Donnie wosu who's a senior marketing technical executive for AMD and we actually were able to sit down with him at CES in January a great conversation he's saying that the ryzen 9 9,000 CPUs won't beat the 7800x 3D did however say that they are they're going to come very close but they're not going to beat it now that is in some respects what we saw with ryzen 7000 with the 7,000 non x3d CPUs didn't quite beat the 5800 x3d I know in some benchmarks they had the 7700x slightly ahead of the 5800 x3d but basically for all intents and purposes the 5800 x3d tied the 7700x and the 7600 X came in just behind it so if we take that level of performance and we kind of project it here based on what some of the pricing might be right now we can see what the price performance is let's start off with the ryzen 7600 X versus the 9600 X if the 9600 X comes at the same price as the 7600 X which is $299 given Street pricing right now and given where we think the performance will be I think I've estimated here it's going to be about you know five or 6% behind the 7800 x3d then it would not be great in terms of price to Performance look at $3.38 versus $33 7600 is just going to make way more sense and honestly if you want the extra oomph I'm not quite sure why you wouldn't just go spend the extra 30 or $40 get the 7,800 x3d where Ram speed is not going to matter as much and again we're assuming you're going to be using the same Ram if you need more expensive Ram then that's going to inflate the cost of 9600 X as well so overall I just at that price I wouldn't see much value of it but let's put in where we think it might be I I think that AMD might do something more closer to 249 and other leakers out there have said that's probably the lower level of where they would look at for the pricing at that price it's roughly on par in terms of value with the 7600 X $33 for the 7600 versus the $37 price of performance for 9600 X it would also give folks kind of a stop right there before the 7800 X3 I think make a lot more sense would also give AMD some room to kind of cut that thing down towards $200 I think they're eventually going to need to do that of course the big problem with ddr4 budget systems right now is they so cheap compared to the ddr5 systems though they are hitting some walls right now with more of the upper mid-range gpus so I would love to see that 7600 continue to fall in price 9600 X kind of take its place around $200 then of course if we look at the 9700x 329 is the lower bounds put out by some folks out there like morsa de I'll leave a link to his video down in the video description you can check that out but let's say we did and let's say we give it performance that just behind the 7800 x3d I think I assumed like basically 97% the same performance so about 3% behind let's say $342 cents in terms of price performance it's kind of right there if they pric it at 329 however if they pric it at 399 which is where the 7700x came in at retail it it completely blows up the value equation for the 9700x yes it's obviously going to beat the 7800 x3d in multi-threaded performance it just it just doesn't seem to make a lot of sense so I think that 9700x really needs to come in cheaper even if they did something like 349 let's say that puts it closer to the 7800 x3d but I think folks are going to want to grab that 3D vcash those vcash parts seem to have held up better possibly over time maybe like the 5800 x3d 5700 x3d and I see people kind of maybe gravitating towards those instead of going with the non x3d Parts which I'm not sure how they're going to hold up over time it's it's really tough to say remember gaming loves fast cash it loves and it loves lots of fast cash out there so that's something to think about of course a lot of you wondering when's the 9800x 3D coming that's the one that we're all waiting for out here and I've told you in previous videos yeah it could be this year it could be towards the end of this year or could even be in the first quarter of next year at CES in 2025 that's when I would normally expect it however I just continue to see rumors out there that they are now expecting it more in the fall whether or not that's been moved up or not I it's hard to say Club 386 came with an article a couple days ago basically saying that they spoke to somebody at computex or claiming I should say that they spoke to somebody at computex who's in the know who said September is when we're going to get the 9800 x3d now that would only be since we expect these CPUs in July whether July to August to September less than two months that's a little hard to believe that AMD would drop that kind of so quickly possibly maybe they wanted to get the 9800 x3d out sooner but they're just unable to for production reasons and other things like that it's hard to say or maybe this is just complete bunk and you should disregard it and it will come in the first quarter again this is always a hard thing when it comes to predicting this stuff based on linked to rers but I wanted to put this in front of you because I know it contradicts some of the other information I'd said earlier and I am starting to lean now towards maybe it will come in the fall let the best CPU for gaming in June 2024 and if you're not familiar with with how we do this we take all the CPUs that we've been tracking we take their performance for gaming and for multicore and then we basically put them together with ram a motherboard a cooler and we come up with either gaming cost and a production cost and then a gaming price to Performance and a production price to Performance then we divide them out by budget mid-range high-end we'll go through this of course if you want to jump into the spreadsheet put in pricing in your origion these are all us-based prices or you want to change the configurations because you don't like my configurations it's linked down in the video description feel free to jump in there are instructions on the side here how to make a duplicate copy of it and I've also got a change log of all the things that I've been changing let's JP the best budget gaming CPU 2024 in June and this is where the total platform price is $450 or less look at that the ryen 50500 just continues to dominate this category and with those price cuts and with the falling price of b450 motherboards out there continues to dominate you can now put this together less than $197 for the entire platform out there because it comes with included stock cooler now if your GPU needs a PCI Gen 4 system obviously you're going to jump up to either the ryzen 5600 or the i52400 F basically the same price around $250 basically the same performance for either one of them both have really good options in terms of those more budget tier motherboards out there this is using ddr4 and the included stock cooler some of the other CPUs just not keeping up as well even that with some price cuts at 12100 not keeping up as well 12600 K is definitely more interesting kind of on your way there to $313 a little bit more get you a little bit more performance but if you want to jump up to the next performance tier you're really looking at like the 5700 x3d or the ryzen 7600 7600 X despite the 5700 x3d being ahead in terms of price to Performance I would probably spend the extra what is that like $45 or $50 to get the ryzen 7600 that way you're on am5 in the future you can drop a 9800 x3d or 11800 x3d or whatever the next Zen 6 x3d CPU is going to going to be after the 9800 x3d it's just going to get you on that live platform it makes a lot of sense to me jumping over this mid-range production CPU in June 2024 so this is with the multi-core score is 170 or greater and the price is less than $750 or $750 would also work look at Intel just continues to dominate it's just due to the core heavy architecture and the fact that we use the multi-core score to kind of approximate this value so right now with the huge price cuts on i72 700k either a ddr4 or a ddr5 system although there's huge discount if you want to go ddr4 and you're just doing production maybe you just price stability over everything that was probably the way I would go remember these are 32 GB of system Ram too not just 16 out there it's really hard to be $381 and no slouching gaming either if you want to do that but if you're production first it's pretty much all Intel 126k there it's kind of hard to justify versus the 12700 K being so close in terms of its price and then all the rest of this stuff unless you need super high levels of high-end performance just not making a lot of sense jumping over the best mid-range gaming CPU 2024 in June so this is where the gaming score is 130 or greater and the total price is $750 or less so we're looking in that solid mid-range if you got an RTX 470 maybe a 7800 XT 7900 GRE those kind of gpus even faster ones to be quite honest even though the 5700 x3d is like kind of screaming there at the top of the chart right now it's hard to kind of justify given it's not that much further ahead than the 7600 yeah 389 versus 443 given that you're going to be on a live platform with the ryzen 7600 and you're going to be able to drop in future upgrades on that am5 platform kind of really hard to ignore 13 600k yeah thanks for coming but just he just not doing it I mean look at the 14 600k it's just total garbage right now Intel what are you doing out there try and be competitive it's possible that you're just going to let these things rot on the Shelf until we get Arrow leg I don't know what they're doing out there help me out right now a lot of these other CPUs just really hard to justify unless you're looking for higher performance all right jumping over to high performance production where the multi-core score is 315 or greater yes it's normally 330 but I realized it's only filtering one CPU out which is a 7900 x3d and with this huge price cut on that CPU I guess it was kind of who cares before I figured people would want to see where it placed on the chart so I I reduced it a little bit this still is all Intel 14700 K good news is it looks like maybe the bug with the Intel CPUs burning out is mostly the I9 CPUs based on some leak stuff from Igor's lab out there who really knows I could understand if people want to stay away from Intel just B on the unlocked CPUs just based on that 375 right now in terms of 147k really good remember it's got those four extra e cores over the 13700 K and then yeah the ryzen 7900 x3d doing pretty well but honestly we all know this is about to massively change in a month when we get to 99 50x and the 9900x so it's kind of hard to justify probably any of these CPUs for just a high performance production system jumping over this high performance gaming CPU 2024 in June look at that this is where the gaming score is 160 or greater oh my gosh the 7800 X3 is finally unseated by the 7900 X3 and that's only because of the weird pricing going on right now and despite the fact 7900 X3 has slightly less gaming performance it's not less enough in order to offset the pricing so you basically get the 7800 x3d dethrown by another AMD x3d CPU that being said I wouldn't buy the x3d the 7900 x3d remember it has two ccds only one of them has vcash on it and you have to use like the Xbox game bar and it's supposed to turn off the right CCD for gaming doesn't always get it right it's a little too finicky for me I'd stick with the 7800 xrd still plenty of multi-threaded power out there now will'll be interesting to see next month where does the 9700x kind of dump into this chart here does it unseat the 7800 x3d in terms of price to Performance or is the 7800 x3d just going to continue to be Far and Away the best CPU for high performance gaming it's going to be interesting all right let's play everyone's favorite game should you buy now or should you wait well oh my goodness we are got to be getting close at this point I'm filming this towards the end or kind of middle of June right now there's probably only about another month and a half left to go let's be honest until we get to ryzen 9 9,000 Series CPUs regardless of all these guesses on the release date we do expect AMD will actually make an announcement at some point where they will actually tell us what the pricing is and will actually tell us what the release date is those will be great pieces of information where would you be right now let's go budget by budget at the budget level honestly no reason to wait in fact I'm a little worried that some of these really good PR the really good pricing out here in terms of like the I5 12400 F and the ryz 5600 might dry up so if you're somebody in you're looking to spend let's say like $700 or $800 and you want to build a gaming check out our best budget gaming uh builds right now we primarily use those CPUs in some great builds starting around $500 you can get gaming right now and GPU prices are also also very cheap right now so check those out but then when we get to the mid-range it listen if you just trying to eek into like a ryzen 7600 system you're spending right around 900 is dollars maybe there's no reason to wait because again I also we may see that price discounts on the 7,000 series go away as they want to force you to buy the 9,000 we've seen that in the past so if you're on that dividing line I might just pick up riseon 7600 remember even if you make a mistake and get the 7600 right now a couple years later you're just going to drop in an x3d CPU and you're going to keep going so this I wouldn't really worry about that but for those of you kind of more in the upper mid-range yeah I'd probably push the big pause button right now I think we want to see 7800x 3D versus the 96 600 versus the 9700 although you know AMV could pull the discounts on the 7800 x3d also and push that CPU price back up to $400 and then all of a sudden it's not there anymore so we are going to take a little bit of a gamble if you want to wait and you want to wait in both the mid-range and the highend right now you're basically throwing the dice to see are these new CPUs going to be any better versus can I just pick up an a 7800 x3d right now I'd probably lean towards just picking up the 7800 x3d right now unless you're somebody at the ultra high-end and you're waiting for the 9800 x3d also I know Intel has AOL Lake coming out there given what we've seen out of them from 14th gen I'm going to use huge air quotes because we all know it wasn't a generation they just used another box for it and they slightly Bend up 13th gen I I just I'm not going to give Intel the benefit of the doubt this time if you feel like giving Intel the benefit of the doubt then maybe consider waiting I just I think I feel like that they've lost their benefit of Doubt right now and it's kind of the show me time right you got to bring something to the table and show tell me that you're back in the game before I'm ready to like stop everything I'm doing remember if you got value out of this video give a like this makes a huge difference Channel especially this guy right here and of course subscribe click that Bell icon that way you get notified when we release cool content hey speaking of cool content did you check out our best 1440p gaming monor 2024 video right here it's a great time to buy a 1440p gaming monor prices are insanely cheap check it out and we'll catch you on the next one
Channel: PC Builder
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Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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