6 Things You Need to Know About Computers!

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today's video is going to be a followup on our basic guides on laptops and desktops however this time the topics that we are going to detail will be more in-depth therefore if you are not interested in computers the topics we're going to discuss may be a bit confusing to you so I'd recommend at least checking your own PC to have a basic understanding before watching this video by the way if you like this video I'll share the second part next week so if you are ready let's get [Music] started let's start with CPU namings because they determine if a PC is power or efficiency focused what are the letters at the end of CPUs mean for Intel Desktop processors the Intel naming convention consists of four elements brand model generation and TDP values firstly you have the brand Intel Core is relatively old but very powerful segment while Ultra is the latest model that focuses on efficiency from Intel the number indicates the generation and the letter at the end indicates Ates the expected TDP value and the form factor it's aimed for k x and XE indicate that the CPU is unlocked and can operate at higher clock speeds than the advertised maximum limit this capability is known as overclocking as long as you can keep its temperature under control it will keep reaching higher speeds in laptops you can identify overclock enabled CPUs with the letters HK and HX while they can't offer the clock speeds of a desktop Kline HK K and HX CPUs are also able to overclock but before moving on to other processor letters I want to tell you something you know we spend quite a lot of time on web browsers yet based on our workflow we can't decide which is the best web browser I have a fantastic recommendation for you in this regard Opera Opera in my opinion is the most practical fast and reliable among web browsers it boasts many Innovative features powered by AI but the one that impressed me the most is tab Islands as you know I write the scripts before creating videos during script writing I use multiple browser tabs for my research with Opera tab Islands feature I can easily group and organize these tabs making my work faster and allowing me to find the tab I need quickly another useful feature of Opera is the built-in ad blocker with the built-in ad blocker you can experience an AdFree and smooth web surfing experience without the need for any additional extensions additionally Opera offers a free VPN with Opera free VPN you can hide your IP address preventing third parties from tracking you and stealing your data furthermore Opera has its built-in AI Arya with Arya you can summarize texts brainstorm new ideas and instantly access up-to-date information also if you're switching from another browser you can easily transfer all your data to Opera and the best part about Opera is that all of these features are free you can access Opera and all these features for free from the link I've left in the description and comments so so where were we we were talking about the letters found at the end of processors if there is no letter at the end of the product it means that it is a locked CPU which means you can't overclock it these CPUs are designed to work within advertised power limits for most users they are an excellent option because they perform very well with minimal extra spending in laptops locked CPUs are typically identified by the letter H they are usually offered with laptops that come with high resolution and high refresh rate models but this can vary by region therefore you have to look for display information the letter f means that the CPU is not able to overclock and it is not capable of video output because it lacks the integrated graphics card to do so if you are buying this CPU you have to buy a GPU as well KF means that the CPU is capable of overclocking but doesn't have an integrated GPU like the fine you need a dedicated GPU for this they could be a good option if you're interested in relying solely on your dedicated GPU t and u mean that the CPU is optimized for lighter tasks they do have integrated gpus but are not able to reach higher clock speeds these products are optimized for longer battery life Chromebooks that are aimed towards entry-level users use these CPUs CPU models come with different thread and core counts power limits clock speeds and cash for Intel the first thing you'll see is The Branding and model the Intel Core lineup consists of four distinct categories I3 line these CPUs are entry-level products that perform well on Lower powerered setups they are mostly used in office or entry-level products I5 line the I5 is a more performance focused line they offer at least six cores and are a good choice for a gaming rig additionally their cash capacity is usually higher than that of the I3 i7 line the i7 line is the preferred choice for heavier tasks such as streaming alongside gaming if you are looking for a PC for video editing the i7 line is the best choice because most editing software requires your PC to have at least eight cores they typically have more cash than the I5 in laptops they can be a sweet spot because they are usually priced better than I9 line laptops while offering similar performance Intel also has a new line of CPUs focused on efficiency alongside performance called Intel Core Ultra they can easily be spotted with their branding that indicates their new generation these CPUs are offered in the mobile segment where both performance and efficiency are important an they belong to a similar Branch as the i7 and I5 lines the I9 line represents the most powerful offerings from the Intel Core lineup they offer at least 12 cores these CPUs are the best from the Intel lineup whether you're looking for desktop or laptop options these CPUs can handle very heavy workloads in the AMD lineup the naming scheme is similar first you'll see the brand and model name like AMD ryzen 3 5 7 and 9 as you can see this is similar to to the Intel Core lineup as the model number goes up you'll have more cores threads and cache just like the Intel products these are aimed towards different types of users also it's worth mentioning the following unlike Intel processors which can only be overclocked in specific models all AMD processor models are overclockable however your motherboard needs to support this feature you can overclock your ryzen processors on motherboards such as b450 or x570 what are core and thread do they matter in gaming if you've ever looked at the specifications of a certain CPU you'll notice terms like eight cor 16 threads or 12 cores 24 threads a core is a subunit of a CPU today's CPUs contain more than one core for better performance and power efficiency a thread count indicates the tasks that a core can handle in the simplest terms they act like virtual cores almost all programs benefit from this but the ones that benefit the most are creative programs like Adobe Premiere Photoshop Da Vinci resolve and 3D modeling programs what is CPU cache why is it important if your CPU is powerful enough the rate of data that it processes May exceed the bandwidth of your RAM this basically means that your RAM cannot transfer the data fast enough to the CPU at high speeds this can cause performance drops and system latency CPUs have very fast memory modules called cache located near to them these modules allow for faster data transfers than what your RAM is capable of by itself cash is particularly important in use cases where your CPU processes a large amount of data such as 3D modeling highresolution video editing streaming and AAA gaming cache plays a crucial role in improving the efficiency and speed of these tasks by reducing the need to access data from slower Ram thereby enhancing overall system performance now let's move away from the processor and take a look at what we need to know about graphics cards in GPU use you need to look for these three features Cuda cor count vram capacity and wattage limits let's start with Cuda cor what is Cuda cor Cuda cores are the processing units that Nvidia gpus use they were developed during the GTX 800 series they are similar to CPU cores in their base design however they are simpler they have wider bandwidth and work in parallel this allows them to process an enormous amount of data in real time this is very benef official in graphically demanding tasks such as gaming and 3D modeling in recent years Cuda core's advantage in processing large amounts of data has made Nvidia gpus a very good candidate for more unusual tasks such as running large language models or virtual neural networks for AI systems AMD has a similar technology called stream processors they are similar to Cuda cores but have slightly less processing power however their optimization options are wider in terms of performance both process processors are able to provide a good experience but this is highly dependent on vram driver support and optimizations what is RT core an RT core short for Ray tracing core is a specialized Processing Unit found in nvidia's RTX series gpus RT cores are specifically designed to accelerate Ray tracing a rendering technique used to generate realistic lighting shadows and Reflections in 3D Graphics Ray tracing involves simulating the behavior of light as it interacts with objects in a scene tracing the paths of individual rays of light to determine how they interact with surfaces and objects this process is computationally intensive and traditionally requires significant processing power with the introduction of RT cores in nvidia's RTX series gpus real-time Ray tracing has become more feasible in gaming and other Graphics intensive applications allowing for more immersive and Visually stunning experiences with realistic lighting and Reflections AMD gpus are also capable of r tracing via RT cores however Nvidia has an advantage as they use software optimization to get the best results what is tensor core tensor cores are basically a more optimized version of Cuda cores Cuda cores focus on providing high performance on Parallel tasks like rendering or Ray tracing tensor cores are optimized for AI based use cases like machine learning virtual neural networks and models they are produced specifically for AI programming but gpus like RTX 3000 and 4000 series also have tensor cores for nvidia's dlss technology so in a way you are also using these cores this technology uses AI to increase the resolution and allows you to play at lower settings with high FPS rates AMD has a similar feature called FSR it doesn't rely on tensor cores and is open- sourced means you can use it on Nvidia cards as or older gpus well but doesn't always give the same performance because of the possible optimization issues all right let's finish the video slowly as I mentioned if you really like this video I'll release the second part soon of course your reaction will determine that if you liked the video don't forget to hit the like button if not feel free to dislike stay mysterious until the next video take care and [Music] bye
Channel: The Mysterious Tech
Views: 307,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TMT, The Mysterious Tech, intel, amd, ryzen, nvidia, radeon, cpu, case, RAM, GPU, graphics card, video card, fans, content creation, AMD vs Intel, NVIDIA vs Intel, How to choose a cpu, How to choose a gpu, PC build tips, pc build beginners, full, ryzen pc, all white pc build, white pc build guide, streaming, Cache, motherboard, Tensor Core, Cuda Core, CPUs, RT Core, Core and Thread
Id: p86QAKTSalE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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