GAMES WORKSHOP GETS WRECKED 3D Printing Miniatures, Warhammer 40k vs One Page Rules

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hey my name is troy and welcome to facility d20 this is a carnifex by gw and tonight we're going to make something a little more badass and way cheaper because we're always making cool stuff in the facility this is going to be a fun one guys come on in let's get at it well sometimes you just got to get the devil is due and before we get started here i want to say that the current effects has been one of my all-time favorite tyranny models since like the last 15 years and i've kicked a lot of dark angel ass with it the best thing about this model is the lore it's the sculpt i don't know it's just got a lot of great stuff going for it it's definitely a classic 40k mini so it's going to be hard for one page rules to keep up with it but there's one advantage that one page rules got then we just put it over the top so as great as that current effects model is man at a hundred and ten dollars for a unit of two that's steep and i think this is where one page rules is going to start kicking some ass if you aren't familiar with one page rules head over to the website and check them out they make some awesome games and miniature for the grim dark future inspired by like 40k this time we're taking a look at the alien hives carnivore rex model this is a pretty sweet model i threw this thing in the slicer i had the option to print it into multiple pieces or one whole piece i decided to print it in one whole piece but i did throw on a few heavier supports here just to make sure i anchored it nice and tight to the bed so the vacuum pressure wouldn't pull it off slice this thing up and it was going to cost me three dollars and three cents and run me just over 11 hours print time load up the file into the printer hit print and away we go so guys i want to say thanks so many subscribers came in off my last video it's crazy go ahead and smash that subscribe button and come join this channel it's really growing now and it's really cool to see you guys here and i love interacting with you guys in the comments yeah this thing really reminded me of those dogs on predator [Music] [Music] it's the next day this thing's been hanging upside down for a little while let's get out of there see what the print looks like get it washed and cured so we can get it primed looking pretty good looks like we got a nice clean print it's always hard to tell until we consider the sports so i popped this off the build plate and there were a ton of supports on this thing and some of them were hooked on pretty good too especially the ones that i added myself make sure you wear protective gloves at this guys because resin can burn your skin and then it's time to fill up my washer here this time i decided to use alcohol because there's just nothing that cleans better and alcohol i did dilute this with a bit of water three bottles of alcohol and one can for me dump the model in set at the wash for five minutes cured it for another four minutes three minutes here the model was done i did have a little bit of an issue on some of the spikes didn't quite fully print and there's a little bit of a gap there on the tail so i just went and cleaned off any support marks that was left over on the model took some vallejo plastic putty and tried to fill the gaps this didn't work that great but it helped a little bit [Music] we just got impatient didn't use enough of it so they did a couple of coats then it was time for the necrotic flesh army painter spray paint just give me a nice base to work with and save me some painting so in order to make this model come to life i got to paint it now right when i started this knit army like 15 years ago i made my own wash of like this dark green color and now in order for all these models to blend together in my army i got to continue to do it i really hate doing this step but it's just something that i gotta do so i'm gonna go ahead and get started but at the end of the day this is a pretty cool paint scheme i wanted to show you guys and i'm hoping that this one page rules mini is gonna fit right in with the rest of my knit army so here we go start with some water add some cayman green from vallejo did a little bit of glazed medium from vallejo give it a good stir and you got yourself a impromptu wash [Music] now this don't work quite as good as your traditional washes but it helps to dirty up the flesh stones here and that's what i was going for [Music] once that was done i washed the whole thing with a heavy dose of sapia [Music] [Music] then it was time to use some dead flesh by vallejo and i just gave this thing a super heavy over brush lots of paint on my brush and just try to clean this skin tone right back up to where it came from basically you can see here i'm going pretty liberally with this brush in this paint here the carapace was painted with some cayman green and this takes a bunch of steps but step number one is to get that green on there use some camouflaged green on all the claws and horns and stuff on this guy i also wash these things and shake them up a bit too then some cayman and dead flesh with a 50 50 mix and i just add some stripes on the back of the shell once that was done through green good old rocker green man i love these old gw paints too bad they don't make them like this anymore still got a few of them kicking around but i always got my eye out for i just find they work better than the shades [Music] [Music] once that was dry i went in with the no oil give it a second wash on the carapace here [Music] nice and heavy i like to keep it upside down so it runs up tight to the shell pieces instead of flowing down his back and it was time for game night i was so inspired by painting these things that decide to bust it my needs if you guys are enjoying this video hit the like button make sure to let me know in the comments what your favorite 40k army is then i went in with some lime green here and i just done some striping just to add a few more details [Music] and with some green i painted the tongue went in with some contrast paints from gw did the whole mouth area skeleton bone and just touched the teeth now i painted these black first and that helps to give that real like cartoony look to paint the teeth black and the eye sockets black and then go in after that i used some sepia just up in the hard parts of the teeth where it meets the gum line went back in with some watered-down bone just to brighten it back up and then finally hit it with some white some watered-down white just to make the tips of the teeth pop i also painted the eyeballs like this as well so i finally started my patreon i came out i got some cool stuff over here exclusive videos printable stl files shout outs if you want to check it out and support the channel i'll link it at the end of the video we gotta make bases like this the first thing we gotta do is we gotta paint these green pink green all on the top i'm gonna use this brush and take this glue and we're gonna paint all this and glue okay i don't know wait wait before that before that okay okay let me get a little bit of glue on our little glue on the rock [Music] put the rock where he wants it [Music] take your bush and glue on the bush [Music] a little bit of this so we got to be careful what's it called this is this one was called blade grass pick a little pinch off take a little let's sprinkle it all over yeah my little man really wanted to be in this video so i said sure i got some bases to make come on over and help me out i think he had a good time [Music] the tough the magical sauce with the magical sauce [Music] yes [Music] [Music] like this right up close there you go i knew that polls reminded me of something that was definitely the t-rex from jurassic park so guys considering that it would cost me 330 dollars to run six current effects is in my list and i can run one page rules for like 18 yeah i think for at least now i'm gonna have to go with one page rules [Music] thanks for watching guys make sure to hit subscribe and check out some other videos on my channel because we're always making cool stuff in the facility [Music]
Channel: FacilityD20
Views: 38,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, commissar gamza, warhammer 40000, 3d printed miniatures, 3d printed titan, warhammer 4000, 3d printing nerd, 3d printing warhammer 40k, games workshop 3d printing, 3d printed miniatures files, 3d printed miniatures subscription, 3d printed miniatures d&d, onepagerules grimdark future, onepagerules review, one page rules, Robot Legions
Id: HMV14V7gGuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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