The Impossible Pixar Memory Test | Too Much Information

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- (anxious laughter) This is so hard! - Did I fail already? ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) Today, you are going to be playing a game called Too Much Information. - Oh, my goodness. That's like school. Just too much. - (gasping) - I've only played it once before with Pokemon, but I passed. I got an eight out of ten. That's a B, which is always what I strive for. - (FBE) That's incorrect! - (Eric) Really?! Was it 4'3"? GAH! - I'm really interested to see what kind of game this would be like, given the title. There's not enough information at the moment. - (FBE) We're going to show you a video featuring a ton of information about a specific topic. Once the video ends, I'll ask you 10 questions about what you've seen here, and you have to get all 10 questions right to win. - (laughing) That sounds hard. - That was the thing which was major in college, so I do have a good memory. - I feel like I have a pretty good visual memory. Like, I never rely on directions unless I absolutely have to. - I think it's best to try to memorize others things associated with the things to remember, so you're like, "Blue rhymes with moo!" Cow! (cow mooing) It's a cow. - (FBE) But if you can't think of an answer to a question, you have one bail-out you can use at any point. This bail-out consists of three multiple choice answers to choose from, one of which being the right answer. - Hopefully not too soon. - (FBE) And today, everything is about Pixar. - Ooh, I LOVE Pixar! - Ooh! That's gonna be hit or miss. There's a big history for Pixar. - Okay, maybe I'll do good because I'm a Disney cast member, so hopefully it will help out. - I think it makes it easier, but I feel like the questions might be kinda difficult since it's a popular topic. - (FBE) Pay attention because you only get to watch this once. You can put your headphones on. - Okay. This is gonna let you know if I pay attention at work or notl (claw machine whirring) - (FBE In 2006, Disney bought Pixar for $7.4 billion. - A casual buyout -- 7.4. - (FBE) Monsters Inc. was the last Pixar film to have a bloopers reel in the credits. - Yeah, I remember those. Those were good. - (FBE) ...finding Nemo were based off of three Pixar employees. - (FBE) In Herriman, Utah, there's a full-scale replica of Carl's house. - Harriman, Utah. I feel like that's important. - (FBE) A Pizza Planet truck appears as an Easter egg in nearly every Pixar movie. - (FBE The Inside Out writers considered up to 27 different emotions but eventually picked just five. - I don't even have that many emotions. - (FBE) Metroville was named for Metropolis and Smallville. - Billy Murray was Pixar's first choice for Sulley in Monsters Inc. but he never responded to their calls. - Awww! - (FBE) 500 unique pieces of clothing were created for the crowd scenes in Coco. - Wow. - (FBE) According to Wired, it would take 100-- - Oh, my gosh. - 105,854. - 105,854. That's almost a phone number. I can't remember-- oh, come on! - I'm gonna forget that. NO! Not another number. 10,297 were connected to the house. I already forgot the first number. [Bleep]! - (FBE) The working title for Brave was The Bear and the Bow. - Brave, bear, bow. - (FBE) The entire animation of Toy Story 2 was accidentally deleted from Pixar servers before its release. - That's insane. Someone lost their job. - (FBE) ...was named for a real NASCAR fan named Douglas "Mater" Keever. - Okay. - (FBE) The family's house in Incredibles 2 is 20,000 square feet. - How do they know? - The seagull squawks of "mine" in Finding Nemo have been translated in over 15 languages. - Oh, my god! I didn't know that. - You wouldn't think they would go the extra mile. (seagulls squawking in different languages) - That's funny! - (FBE) It took 29 hours to render a single frame in Monsters University. - (anxious laughter) This is so hard! - (FBE) The only living plant in the land of the dead-- - Marigold flowers, okay. - (FBE) A Bugs Life was the first Pixar feature not to include any human characters. - Okay, I can't do this anymore! - (FBE) ...1.5 million hairs-- - Who counted?! - (FBE) Most humans have about 110,000-- - Oh, no. I don't want to know that fact. We don't need to know that fact. - (FBE) The Lucky 7 Lounge, hidden behind a sliding bookcase. - Oh, my god! That was a lot of information. - I know humans have 110,000 hairs, which feels like the only non-Pixar fact that I memorized. - Let's do this. Let's be out in the first round. Let's go. - (FBE) Question number one: who bought Pixar in 2006 for $7.4 billion? - Walt Disney. No? (laughing) Did I fail already? No way am I gonna use my bail-out right now. Oh... I'm not gonna use it. - (FBE) Is that your final answer? - That's my final answer. - (FBE) That's correct. - Oh! Oh, okay, okay. - Disney. - Disney? - Disney. - (snapping fingers) DISNEY! - Disney bought Pixar. - Walt Disney. - (FBE) Are you sure? - Yeah. - (FBE) Positive? - (testily) Yes! Don't do that. - (FBE) Question two: what was the first Pixar film to not include human characters? - Oh, man. You know, I was-- it's so funny. Brain fart. Not my final answer. First thought was Monsters Inc. and that movie's based around a kid. I'm an idiot. Is it Bugs Life? - (FBE) Is that your final answer? - That's my final answer. - (FBE) You sure? - Yeah. - (FBE) That's correct. - YES! Okay, got it. - Bugs Life. - A Bugs Life. - Bugs Life. - The Bugs Life. - Um, a Bugs Life. - Who was first? I think A Bugs Life was first. I'll do Bugs Life. - Why did I memorize the numbers? - Two right! We made it, guys. - (FBE) Question three: Who was Pixar's first choice to play Sully from Monsters, Inc? - The dude... [bleep]! I don't know why Robin Williams popped into my head. I know that's 100% not true. - Bill Murray. - (FBE) That is correct. - (laughing) Sick! - Uh, Bill Murray. - Oh, my god! Bill Murray. - Bill Murray. - Uh, Billy Murray! - Bill Murray but he wouldn't answer their calls. The only way you can cast him in anything is by calling him. - I may or may not have failed the game here. I'm gonna use the bail-out right now because I want to try and actually finish this, even though it seems like I'm already not gonna be doing well going on this is my chance to make sure that my slate stays clean. - (FBE) Here are your choices. A, John Ratzenberger, B, Bill Murray, or C, Steve Jobs. - Uh, B, Bill Murray. That's my final answer. - (FBE) That's your final answer? - Yeah. - (FBE) That is correct. - Okay, good. When the multiple choice comes up, it definitely does help. - (FBE) How many hours did it take to render a single frame of Monsters University? - Oh! I'm gonna say, like, 72. I don't know. I'm not that sure about that one. - Oh, god. It was in the high twenties. It was 28 or 29. - I want to say 30-40 hours. - (FBE) You have one bail-out you can use. - I don't want to use it! Don't shake your head at me! - (FBE) You'll be out though if it's wrong. Just saying. - NO! Uh... okay, I'll use it. - (FBE) Was it A, 27 hours, B, 28 hours, or C, 29 hours. - I don't know why seven is sticking with me, so I'm gonna say 27. - (FBE) Are you sure? - Yes. Not really, but I'm gonna stick with 27. - B, 28 hours? - (FBE) That is incorrect. It was 29 hours. - NO! Oh, my god! I feel like I saw a lot of sevens in here. - Always go with your first answers. In my head I was like, "C," and then I said, "No, B." - Okay, 29 hours. Final answer. - C, 29 hours? - (FBE) That's correct. - YAY! - Okay, good. Now I have no bail-out though. - 29 hours. - 29? - Was it 29 hours? - (FBE) You sure? - Yes? - (FBE) Final answer? - 29? - (FBE) 29 is correct. - A-HA! - (FBE) Question number five: how many unique pieces of clothing were created for the crowd scene in Coco? - Oh, my god. Oh, no! I don't have any more bail-outs! Uh... was it in the fifties? 55? No! (whimpering) - (FBE) Is that your final answer? - No! How many-- okay, okay. (laughing) 500? - (FBE) That is correct. The answer's 500. - 500? - 500. - (FBE) That is correct. You're killing it. - This is so stressful. - I want to say that it was 200. My final answer, 200. - (FBE) 200? You sure? - Yeah. Aaaaaah! - (FBE) That is incorrect. The answer is 500. - 500?! I missed it by 300?! Oh, my god. - 500 and something, but I don't know the exact number. - (FBE) Do you want to use your bail-out? - Uh, sure. - (FBE) A, 500, B, 800, C, 110,000. - 500. - I'm sorry, 500 or 110,000? It feels like there's a discrepancy here. I'm gonna say 500. - (FBE) That is correct. - Yeah! - Viewers will never even notice unless someone were to point them out. You could probably just assume they were all wearing the same thing. It's really cool to see that they put the actual detail in there. - (FBE) Question number six: what's the only living plant in the land of the dead from Coco? - Oh, the orange one, obviously. You want the name the botanist used? That's not my specialty. - Orange something. Uh, Marigold? - Marigold. - Marigold flower? - (FBE) That is correct. - Yay! - I'm just gonna say dandelion. (laughing) That's wrong. - (FBE) Is that your final answer? - That's my final answer. - (FBE) I'm sorry, but the answer's marigold. - No! I wouldn't have gotten that. - God, I'm sure it was a metaphor too. It was like the life bringing flower or something. Golden dream? - (FBE) Golden dream. That's your final answer for the flower? - Well, not when you say it like that. - (FBE) Golden dream? - Golden dream. - (FBE) That is incorrect. It is marigold. - Marigold! - (FBE) Question seven: how big was the house in Incredibles 2? - The square footage? 20,000 square feet. - (FBE) Is that your final answer? - Yes, I remember that one. I loved that movie, man. - (FBE) That is correct. - That's a big ass house. - 20,000 square feet. - (FBE) That is correct. - Yes! I'm so excited. Like, I've never done this well. Okay. - 20,000 square feet. - (FBE) That's correct. - (laughing) Oh, my god! My heart! - (FBE) Question eight: Meter from Cars was named after what real life NASCAR fan? - Oh, no. I want to say Matthew, but it's not Matthew. It's something different. - I forgot the first name, but his last name was Mater. I don't remember that one. - (FBE) Any kind of guess? - No. I can't even think of it. I kinda did the-- the cars kinda went past me. - I'll go Matthew Mater Joseph. - (FBE) That is incorrect. - Douglas Mater Keeber. - (FBE) You sure? - Yes. - (FBE) That is correct. - Okay. (laughing) - (FBE) You're now winning. - Oh, sick. (laughing) - (FBE) Question nine: how many hairs does Remy the rat have from Ratatouille? - Okay, okay, okay. So the first one was 1.15 million. He had... aaaah! No! 1.15 million? - (FBE) That is correct! - AAAH! Oh, my god! - (FBE) So you're about to go into question ten with your bail-out remaining. - Oh! Nicel - (FBE) Question ten: according to Wired, how many balloons would it take to actually lift the house from Up? - Okay, I'll use the bail-out for this one. - (FBE) A, 10,297, B, 20,000, or C, 105,854. - How many would it actually take? - (FBE) Mm-hmm. - Oh, uh... can you re-read the answers? - (FBE) A, 10,297... - That's how many they used. ...B, 20,000-- - No. - (FBE) ...or C, 105,854. - C. - (FBE) Final answer? - C. - (FBE) That is correct. You just won. - Thank you. - (FBE) How do you feel? You got through it! - Wow, that was-- oh, that was stressful, but I feel very accomplished. - (FBE) So you did lose. You got to question five, so halfway. Was that harder or easier than you thought it was gonna be? - A lot harder. - I was focusing on the wrong things the entire time. There were a lot of little details but I was focusing on the wrong details for all of them. - All the numbers, no. - I think the ones that were the very specific numbers on how many hours or what the budget was, like, the first question, I was worried you were gonna ask me the specific amount that they bought it for. - Well, I think that when you have a topic you really like, it's easier and I do really like Pixar. But it definitely has a lot to do with memory because some of those facts were just hard to remember. - (FBE) Thanks for watching Too Much Information on the React channel. - If you liked this episode, hit that Like button. - Don't forget to subscribe. We have new shows every week. - Did you do as well as I did playing TMI? Let us know in the comments. - Goodbye, guys! - Hey, guys, Caprice here, a React channel producer. Make sure you check out our newsletter to stay up-to-date with everything FBE. Thanks, bye!
Channel: REACT
Views: 2,429,065
Rating: 4.9229054 out of 5
Keywords: disney, pixar, TMI, try to remember, The Impossible Pixar Memory Test, try not to forget, remember facts, reaction, react, reactions, reacts, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, fbe, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, kids versus food, staff reacts, the 10s, guess that, poker face, too much information, quiz, memory test, tmi1903, toy story, coco, incredibles
Id: So83hhDCufY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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