Game Theory: How A Knife Can Win A Gun Fight! (Warface: Breakout)

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all right team we're up against an elite squad of Fighters looking to bring us down it's 5v5 out there which means we're gonna have to communicate we're gonna have to support each other but most importantly of all we're gonna have to stay balanced oh you've got to be kidding me hello Internet welcome to game theory the show that knows that if you want to run faster you always carry a knife what what's my lawyer doing here hold on a second guys I'm in the middle of a recording right now oh okay I've been told by certain legally minded individuals on the team that I should clarify that carrying a knife only makes you run faster in video games you should not run using knives in real life in real life knives only help you run faster if you happen to be on the pointy end what what now yeah I sure I was getting to that thank you I've also been reminded to tell you that this episode was sponsored by my dot games who've just released their new title war face breakout a tactical first-person shooter that should immediately be familiar to anyone who's ever played counter-strike or Call of Duty Search & Destroy mode the addictive formula of fast-paced 5v5 matches with one team trying to plant a bomb and the other team defending against it it's like the video game equivalent of tick-tock you have a bad round don't worry there's a new one starting fresh in less than a minute which keeps you wanting to play just one more round for hours and with PC exclusive games like csgo and riots valor and being some of the hottest shooters in the world of gaming right now it's actually really nice that war faced breakout is aiming to bring that same kind of fast-paced easy to pick up and play team-based FPS action to console players on the Xbox one and ps4 for the low low price of $19.99 no less cash for reading that line and speaking the cash you are in cash each round which you can then use to buy better guns and gadgets no respawns allowed which if you're like me means that you spend most of the two minute rounds spectating you're more skilled teammates thinkin how the heck do they make that shot actually no what no here's gamer cred matpat stepping in San during the play test I was actually my team's MVP you see that's me right there in the front I know it doesn't look like a gamer tag that I would actually have but it was an anonymous play test it was all randomly generated okay so you know what that right there proves two things a that the game is easy for players of all skill levels to hop into and begin mastering and be that I'm better at shooters than like the three marketing people that I was playing against and our head editor Dan got rekt or either that or you know he just tanked his performance to suck up to me since I'm his boss anyway oh that leads me to the knife like I said my team's nickname for me is spray-and-pray since that's my eating strategy so during the play tests for Warface breakout I was looking for alternative attack options that allowed me to be a little less precise and a little bit more effective specifically the game's absolutely massive collection of knives unlike csgo and valiant where the knife is a two hit kill and honestly speaking is just used to run faster or humiliate opponents who happen to be afk breakout differentiates itself by making melee and insta kill which I gotta say is nice since it gives my panicked flailing a bit more viability while also giving me a legitimate excuse to show off my ultramarine techno inspired realness double win in fact in a game where everyone is covered head-to-toe in body armor and can take several shots to the chest before Keeling over the knife might actually be the fastest way to kill someone it got me thinking for as often as we see the trope of a one hit kill knife in FPS games realistic is that really does it actually make sense that a stab will instantly take someone out of a fight when they're geared to the T when a bullet to the chest might be something that they easily shrug off it seems like video game logic to me but then I did the research and came to some shocking conclusions should you bring a knife to a gunfight well the answer might seem like an obvious no way in truth both in video games and in reality you may just be better pulling out that knife now why are there so many interruptions in this episode oh that was not my lawyer that was the game development team who wants to remind you that all of my conclusions are mine and mine alone they're just theories and that I may have over thought this game a little too much all right warface breakout gives us a pretty plausible explanation for why a bullet to the chest isn't an automatic or semi-automatic kill everyone on this battlefield is wearing head-to-toe armor by taking a look at the character customization screen we can actually see just how decked out each of our soldiers are for battle holistic vest hard knuckle gloves full face tactical helmet this is basically the same sort of gear SWAT teams soldiers and counterterrorism units are wearing out there in the real world now in order to understand how a knife would function relative to these pieces of armor we first have to understand how the armor itself works one of those common pieces of armor that we're all aware of is bulletproof vests right but in reality bullet resistant vest is probably the more accurate title we're all familiar with Kevlar right developed in the 1960s it's what bullet resistant vests are made of well not quite so much anymore it's what bullet resistant vests used to be made of you see the materials that made up the vests have continued to evolve over the past 60 years and now many vests are being made using what's known as polyethylene fibers better known as PE fibers basically a plastic that's an everything that we use grocery bags water bottles toys and now things to protect us from bullets you see these fibers are woven together in layers resulting in vests that are both stronger cheaper and lighter than the Kevlar that came before it that type of armor is known as soft armor used mostly by police officers where the biggest threats they're gonna be facing hopefully our basic handguns with slower smaller bullets for war zones vests need to be stronger to stop things like rifle rounds and as such these vests are backed by plates of ceramic or steel in addition to the extra layers of PE to break up the bullet and capture it before those pieces hit the body because of the big protective plates that sort of armor is known as hard armor all that being said though the principle for stopping the bullet has always been the same to stop a bullet from penetrating your body and hitting vital organs the vest distributes the force of the bullet across a larger part of the body so rather than all of that bullet force hitting a single point that forced is distributed by the plates or the fibers across your entire chest one of the basic laws of physics states that energy can't be destroyed or created only change form which means that the ballistic vest isn't nullifying the bullet impact so much as it is spreading that impact out there's a good chance that you'll still be left with a nasty bruise the force of getting socked in the chest by a bullet traveling over 2,000 feet a second is probably gonna throw off your aim something that a lot of FPS is represent by causing your character to flinch or have to Reese cup after taking the damage so the question we need to solve is whether the soldiers and breakout are wearing hard or soft armor well to know for sure we have to look carefully at the animations that we see happening while they're being shot in this footage we see that my VHS to rifle here is drawing blood as I make direct hits to the enemy's chest plate and in this other footage we see smaller guns like pistols doing the exact same thing making direct contact to the center of the body armor and at penetrating enough to draw blood as such it seems safe to say that the armor being worn by the breakout soldiers is soft armor good for slowing pistol ammo but not backed by any sort of heavy steel or ceramic plates that would resist the sort of heavier duty ammunitions all personal armor works this way helmets included the helmets that we see in Warface breakout have a design that seems similar to the real-world gentex corporations Special Operations Forces personal equipment advanced requirements family of tactical head borne systems whoo that is a mouthful luckily they abbreviate it to spear two switches slightly less of a mouthful I just don't get it why does every piece of military hardware have to come with like a super long acronym real-world helmets that actually cover your entire face like we commonly see in FPS games like this aren't actually all that common but Special Forces helmets do support visor and mask attachments that seem similar to what we see in game the way that helmets protect you isn't just by putting a hard surface between you and the incoming bullet shrapnel but by actually cushioning the blow military helmets are basically advanced forms of bicycle helmets they're filled with foam and elastic polymers that make it so that when your helmet gets hit by something you don't just have a hard helmet smacking you in the face even still a helmet that saves your life probably won't protect you against all impacts for instance US Marine corporal Daniel M Greenwald had his life saved by his helmet he was shot in the head by a sniper and was instantly not unconscious by the impact he woke up sometime later with blood running down his face luckily he survived to tell the tale still it's an interesting thing to talk about in the context of FPS games that have short rounds often the goal is framed as trying to kill the enemy or at least that's what we as players imagine boom headshot and all that but in reality that one hit kill may not be a kill at all you may simply be knocking them unconscious for several minutes which let's face it is equally effective at taking them out for the duration of the round anyway all of this is to say that Armour does a pretty darn good job of stopping bullets from being fatal but it doesn't really explain why a knife would be more effective after all if a Kevlar or PE vest can stop a bullet traveling at over 2,000 feet a second surely it should be able to stop a knife too right well not really if our breakout soldiers were wearing hard armor with its ceramic or steel plates well then it'd be a different story but remember we established earlier that they're wearing soft armor and while the general word Armour might bring to my Knights remember bullet resistant vests are made of fibers fibers woven together to cause bullets to flatten out these bullets aren't able to penetrate the tightly woven synthetic fiber layers that make up a bullet resistant vest the bullets are too wide they get caught up in the fibers but with a sharp enough knife it actually is possible to stab directly through that bulletproof vest again because they're fibers woven together the knife is able to weave its way through the inner crossing of those fibers in short it is fairly common to have yourself a bullet resistant vest that isn't stab resistant this is actually similar to how armor-piercing rounds work armor-piercing rounds are specifically designed to not deform when they hit the armor they're built with a dense metal tip that allows them to maintain their shape in order to penetrate through the fibers similar to the way a knife attacks and all of this is without even mentioning the vulnerable areas that exist in even the hardest of these sorts of armors like I said these aren't full body suits of armor like Knights Worf these are vests they protect the front and the back but they leave your neck arms and sides largely vulnerable it's actually why SWAT team members and soldiers who are issued body armor are taught to face their body forward against the assailant so that the protective chest armor will resist the attack normally the advice in these sorts of situations would be to turn your body to present the smallest profile to hit possible when fighting with body armor you want to maximize the potential of any blows landing where you're most protected that being said not all knife attacks are the same swinging and slashing like you see in csgo not effective the fibers can handle those sorts of tasks just fine they're woven to block against those sorts of blows it's stabbing motions that allow the tip of the knife to work its way through those woven fibers and one look at some of the knife animations in Warface breakout show us that they got at least partially right the melee animations for some of these knives definitely look more of stabby than /e it might just be a small detail but it definitely makes the one-hit melee kills that you see in war face breakout actually more scientifically plausible but we can actually take a one step further the game offers us a huge range of knife options that while all offering the one-hit kill option aren't actually created equally when it comes to armor piercing abilities so if you wanted to attack using the most accurate weapon in the roster what do you choose well one of those knives was wouldn't you know it originally designed with armor piercing in mind the tanto the tanto is a real-world modern military knife named after the Japanese short sword used by samurai during the hae-in period in the same way that some bullets are designed with hard armor-piercing tips the tanto knife is specifically designed to have a strong metal tip so it too can absorb the impact from repeated stabbings into a tough material that might cause other knives to break the jag commando which is basically three knives spiraled together into one death spike another great option here on the other hand one knife that you might want to leave at home is a favorite of fans of this genre the Khurram it's curved like a claw these knives look really cool and often have some of the coolest skins in these sorts of games but these knives are designed to be used with a slashing or hooking motion and not the stabbing motion that would be most effective for piercing armors or you know what who cares bring it if you like even though these knives are used very differently in real life they're all the same in game for balance reasons and the only differences are cosmetics so you know I'd show off that epic Karambit skin if you like but if you want to have the most realistic knife well now you know jag commando tanto but if that wasn't crazy enough we can actually take it one final step sure knives may be able to exploit weaknesses in ballistics armor and we may just identified the best knives of the bunch to bring but you know what beats them all grandmas knitting needle no joke this whole time we've been talking about bullet resistance versus stab resistance but there's one thing I haven't mentioned yet spike resistance yeah it is another level of threat and even bullet resistant stab resistant armor might not be spike resistant remember we're dealing with woven plastic fabrics here which can stop a wide bullet and may sometimes be able to stop a thin edged blade but what if you have a thin needle spikes like knitting needles nails even screwdrivers are able to slide their way through the tiny spaces between the threads of the fabric effectively nullifying the protection that the fabric is trying to deliver spike protection armors require a hardened synthetic fiber that can't be easily ripped by an edged blade and can block the spike as it tries to pass three so should you bring a knife to a gunfight sure but the thing you should really be fearing on the battlefield is grandma's knitting needle Hey or face breakout since this is a sponsored video I know that you're watching this ad grandma's knitting needle as a special melee weapon do it for the accuracy absolutely do it for all the memes that it will generate I don't care but man if you want to humiliate your opponent on the battlefield that one right there will certainly do the trick now if you'll excuse me I'm off to flail a bit more but hey that's just a theory Oh game theory thanks for watching and one final thank you to my games for sponsoring today's video again this is a period of time where ahead revenue is super low so your sponsorship is actually making a huge difference to all of us on Team fearest over here and for all you theorists watching if you are interested in checking out Warface breakout and Hall it's cool melee action make sure you click the link in the top line of this video's description like I said it's available in the digital stores for the ps4 and Xbox one right now for just $19.99 so like I said if you're looking for some good quality video game distraction while you're stuck indoors we're face breakout is there waiting for you to take advantage of it I'll see you next time for some minecraft
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 2,041,105
Rating: 4.9093041 out of 5
Keywords: warface breakout, warface, warface: breakout, warface global operations, warface 2020, warface global operations android, warface hydra, warface switch, warface 2020 switch, knives, knife to a gunfight, strategy, strategy game, war game, game theorists, game theory, matpat, warface ps4
Id: xbsYyUp6xRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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