Game Theory: FNAF, Help Me SOLVE The Impossible!

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okay I I'll leave you to it see you on the flip side so I will catch you on the flip side hopefully I called it I totally called it 8 years ago I told you that the purple guy was the phone guy and now here we are William Aton our killer is on a phone saying see on the flip side just like phone guy did all those years ago finally I've been [Music] Vindicated hello Internet welcome to Game Theory the show where every Victory is Bittersweet you see well I should be super happy that I just had one of my oldest FNAF theories confirmed instead I'm feeling haunted by the Unsolved Mysteries of the past let me explain at this point in the series I feel like we have a really solid understanding of the story we know the broad Strokes we know the general timeline the few big lingering questions that we've struggled with are starting to come into Focus where's the placement of sister location all the most recent games and books have hinted at its connection to the fredbear era what's the origins of Fazbear well the book seem to be giving us more and more hints point winning at the early days of William and Henry's working relationship what was the deal with FNAF 4 literally the final tale of the pizza Plex all but spells it out for us all of those are probably theories best save for a later date but today I wanted to focus on something else the clues that we've all completely missed the times when this franchise has explicitly tried to tell us something and we've utterly failed to pick up on what it's been laying down and let me be clear I'm not talking about me overanalyzing some minor detail of the game world I'm talking about very clear puzzles that were very obviously set up by the game makers for us to solve that we've been unable to do anything with and the reason I'm calling it out now is because they're starting to add up in my estimation there have been no less than four of these sorts of major puzzle moments at least three of them are connected and it's been going on for the better part of 6 years so now that we're all done fangirling over Doug's apps I finally got my advertisers thanks M Pat before help wanted two drops and adds a whole new layer of mysteries to solve I wanted to take a minute to stop and see if now finally we were able to solve these Mysteries once and for all the pieces are in place for us the question is are we able to put them together the first one of these is also the most recent so it you come as no surprise to see me bringing it up here the tally marks codes that we found hidden throughout FNAF ruin for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about in the newest game right before you reach Bonnie bow there's a corridor with a number of real doors as well as several blocked off AR doors if you walk through one of the real life doors you'll find a room full of baby plushies this is already a bit weird because the game makes it a point to call out the fact that baby should not be here specifically with the AR plus baby toy where the description reads quote what's she doing here the answer we suspect is that the pizz Plex sister location the FNAF 6 location and the FNAF four house are all practically built on top of each other or at the very least exist as one connected series of buildings we go into the basement of the pizz Plex only to find the FNAF 6 location in a secret ending of Ruin we see a version of sister location scooper deactivating the mimic and in one of the final tales of the pizza Plex stories we read about how the FNAF 4 house is connected to Circus babies entertainment and rentals so really to answer Cassie's question the baby Plushies are here because they all share a connected history a history that is gradually being excavated layer by layer underneath the pizza Plex anyway in this room the dolls laugh at you and then when you turn around they disappear nothing all that surprising but what is surprising is what remains in the leftand corner right where the plushies sat you'll find a chair turned to face the corner and a sequence of tally marks carved into the wall and these aren't just random markings either they're specifically in groups of twos fours and five lives and they're grouped in such a way to suggest words or at the very least separate letters now that alone would be weird but an even bigger clear display of tally marks appears again about an hour later into the game after completing Bonnie Bowl you enter Bonnie's Green Room behind the bowling alley not only does this area show us the hum special relationship that existed between Freddy and Bonnie if you put on the vany mask on the wall over top of the pin loading staff bot is another code much larger and much more organized than the one that we just saw before and once again all the tally marks here are specifically grouped into twos fours and fives no ones or threes in sight they are obviously meant to be connected they're obviously trying to tell us something but we are obviously not getting the message so what can we do well the first answer is to try a substitution Cipher tally up the numbers and swap in the appropriate letters notice though that the tally marks are weirdly spaced out which led a bunch of us to believe that we're supposed to be using those spaces to Define each letter adding up the numbers that aren't separated by the space so the Top Line there is going to be four then a space then 544 which would add up to 13 it's a pretty darn self-explanatory system here doing that for the whole thing gives us a code of 41361 194 1774 1610 87 2719 which if you do a standard number to letter conversion gives you this DM FS D qg yeah you know what I'm just going to leave it there clearly this isn't working it's just a bunch of random letters you'll also notice that there's a 27 in that number mix which should have been our first red flag considering that you know there there's only 26 letters in the English alphabet but Reddit user t girl lunara wasn't deterred cuz the alphabet doesn't have 27 letters they instead took it a step further and tried the whole thing as a shift Cipher a shift Cipher is similar to a Caesar Cipher but instead of the numbers converting into standard letters like A1 B2 C3 Etc you instead mix up or shift the order in some way so now for instance a is 7 B is 8 C is 9 and so on normally in a Caesar Cipher the alphabet then Loops back around so if a was seven Z would then equal six but in a shift Cipher that doesn't happen the numbers just carry on as is so in this case if a equals 7 then Z would equal 32 for this particular instance teir lunara put a equaling 4 which meant that 27 was now X and gave us the entire code of AGA pan damaged XP not a lot of lore significance with that one but I did want to continue down that path so we tried hundreds of different shift and Caesar ciphers they all came out as absolute gibberish we also tried just unscrambling the words maybe they there was another arrangement in there that would give us a more cohesive answer but yet again more gibberish another solution was presented by user smart fella fart smell great name there we also tried adding up the numbers but this time they didn't do it by adding up the numbers in each group but instead the numbers in each column again notice the odd spacing of all these tally marks it can't be a coincidence right the First Column contains a four and a five so that would be nine the second is just the two next up is five so on and so forth down the line ending up with this code 92593 7 10821 16 20 14 17 82544 this felt promising to me because unlike last time we only had numbers that fell within the alphabet so converting all of these numbers into letters we got ourselves the following I bed we once again went through with all the classic Caesar ciphers and word unscramblers and all that stuff but once again wound up with nothing back to the drawing board for the third time an anonymous poster uploaded this on imager and the same point was later brought to my attention by Reddit user no rate basically what they pointed out was that the tally marks in the corner of baby's room make a 5x5 grid a grid that when rotated or flipped can map perfectly onto the tally code that we see on the wall of Bonnie bowl no rate actually took this information and pointed out the fact that the main grid Arrangement seems to line up with something known as a pbus cipher which uses a 5x5 grid of letters to scramble or unscramble codes basically a number code like 53 would mean that you go along the top to five and then down three and boom that right there is the letter for your phrase and while it's certain seems promising at first sadly the method also came up short with only twos fours and fives as the tally marks the grid wasn't really given us any information that we could use to decode anything we needed an entire alphabet in here not just a few random tally marks the same held true for another famous 5x5 grid Cipher the Playfair cipher which requires a code word to use what could that code word be who knows did it feel like we were actually starting to make some level of progress here yes absolutely but did any of it yield us any results no but here's where things things get really interesting this isn't the first time FNAF has stumped us with tally marks wewi backwards 6 years my friends to the release of the Freddy Fazbear security log book home to my two oldest and greatest nemeses the foxy grid and the dabbing chica for those of you who haven't been a part of the community for that long let me quickly tell you that this seemingly innocent children's workbook was pivotal for decoding FNAF 4 for giving us the name of Cassidy for frustrating us to no end with seemingly unsolvable number puzzles the most notorious of them all was the foxy grid a numeric grid with a hidden alphabet written into its squares a grid that we still haven't figured out the use of to this very day you ever read Moby Dick at least are you familiar with the story about how Captain ahab's obsessed with killing this giant white whale this right here this foxy grid that is my white whale this thing haunts my nightmares this grid keeps me up at night which honestly are two very contradictory effects of this one grid on my sleep habits but that is how infuriating this thing is I am convinced that this grid will eventually give us the name of the crying child I just don't know how yet anyway one of the other clues that never really got a proper use out of this thing were a series of tally marks that were found throughout the book the fact that they're in red pen tells us that they were written by Mike other than that we don't really know anything about what they were trying to say to us and so they've lingered on in the back of my brain for over half a decade why am I bringing them up now well I wondered if there was a possible connection between these two sets of tally marks you know besides them just being tally marks guess what I found groups of fours and fives only yet again we find ourselves with a collection of tally marks carrying over the same specific sets of numbers are they connected or is this just a random coincidence not really sure but the fact that tally marks keep getting brought up and also keep stumping us that's just a wee bit infuriating and yet the games still aren't done with this puzzle you see the T marks are connected to yet another part of the franchise security breach back during my playthrough of the original security breach this room in the daycare section really caught my attention I'm noticing that two four and five are different which is weird as someone who has dealt with a lot of codes and args and things that feels susp I agree two 4 and five 2 years before ruin some element some essence of this tally code was still kicking around but now the numbers were being matched with colors and so Reddit user comfortable map 7594 took those tally marks and used these colors to create a sort of paint by numbers graphic which I absolutely adore as a possible solution though I absolutely hate the fact that it didn't seem to produce anything let me know down in the comments do you see anything here because to me all I'm seeing here is me getting depressed so maybe we just take a break from trying to decode these things and instead take a minute to look at the world around these tallies to get a sense of who might be speaking here as I mentioned in the security log book we know it's Mike based on the red pen and the signature at the front of the book but what about in ruin well in the baby plush room we have obviously enough baby not that shocking what's especially important to note here is that they're not all baby see half the Plushies are normal baby and the other half are scrp baby what's the big difference well besides the obvious scrap metal plates on their bodies there's one thing that alternates depending on the version something that's been important to baby since the very beginning her eye color the regular baby plushies have blue eyes while scrap baby has green eyes showing the two sides of baby before and after Elizabeth's death and possession but Reddit user Dylan hippie Jing took it one step further they noticed that the eyes of the baby and scrap baby plushies were scratched out leaving just the blue right eye from baby and the green left eye for scrap baby that right there that is a compelling detail because it directly matches up to the evil entity that we've been battling against throughout the entire game the mimic you see in the story Tiger rock the mimic AI program takes the form of the digital entity Tiger rock a tiger animatronic with a green left eye and a blue right eye is this confirming for us that the mimic Ai and baby are somehow one and the same or maybe that the mimic has two souls or entities that it learned from just like how baby in the books is two children in one Elizabeth and Charlie not really sure but that right there that is a massive Revelation that feels super important to solving the mystery or at least it did until I dug a bit more and found out that the scrapbaby plushies also sometimes have their left eye missing it is still a very cool compelling connection that I'm not willing to fully discount yet it's just not as consistent as I would have liked as far as evidence goes the chair meanwhile looks like a disciplinary measure a bad child that was put into timeout forced to face into a corner and scratching away at the wall to count the hours or days out of boredom since this is a room full of ghostly baby Plushies that stands to reason that the punished child here could have been Elizabeth obviously not physically here in this room of the pizz Plex but with the scene recreating a recurring moment from her past in some ghostly spectral way we know Afton wasn't really the greatest dad to her maybe this right here it's a glimpse of his parenting style as for the tally marks in Bonnie's Green Room the font is the same so they were likely carved by the same person but honestly that's where the similarities end these marks appear in AR land as opposed to babies which are in the real world this implies that whoever made Bonnie's marks either had the vanny mask at some point or is connected to the digital Network that's running the pizza Plex Bonnie's marks are also higher up on the wall as opposed to babies which are at floor level easily reachable by a small child so then why these two rooms specifically well a few things come to mind if baby is in fact connected in some way to the mimic and or the neural network that runs the pizz Plex we can guess that Bonnie is too when we deactivate the wet floor Bots around the pizz Plex we also end up deactivating Bonnie so that connection into the wider pizz Plex interface may be important here we also know that both baby and Bonnie are quote unquote missing from the pizza Plex baby isn't supposed to be here according to that AR description and Bonnie was decommissioned from the complex again they're obviously loose threads but in a puzzle with no clear answer that somehow connects two very random historically unrelated characters like Bonnie and baby every small detail here is absolutely worth considering but that's more than enough talk about t marks let me remind you of yet another numerical code that was just blatantly given to us by the devs that us as a community have been largely unable to solve remember those myar balloons that I was just freaking out about in Superstar daycare well they have themselves yet another appearance right here on the eighth hole of security breach's Monty Gator golf arcade cabinet on this balloon boy themed hole we get this 3192 that's suspicious a handful of numbered balloons in reality the number sequence is actually a lot longer 63 6955 3192 the fact that these are in Monty Gator golf immediately made me wonder whether this code was the score they had to get in the game EX that there are 10 numbers and only nine holes but when has simple math ever stop the internet user 00 core 00 tried to number of different combinations to see whether they could activate anything sadly nothing then ruin released with a new Monty Gator golf arcade cabinet and so people like YF 0808 tried again using this exact same code and still wound up with nothing here's the thing though both of these games have been data mined to hecking back if this code was meant to unlock something inside a Monty Gator golf we'd have heard about it already which leads me to believe that it's something actually outside of the game much like I suspected with the tally marks it's not about activating some hidden ending it's about giving us a code a cipher a phrase that will tell us something about the wider world we just haven't figured out how to use it yet I've tried converting the letters ciphers you name it just keep coming up empty-handed one of our writers even suggested trying hex codes to see if there might be something there at first it looked positive the last six numbers actually produce a purple that matches the aftons that we know and love so much but it's not an exact match nor does the first half of the numbers amount to anything meaningful maybe the fact that these are myar balloons connected to the multicolored myar balloons in the daycare which then also connects them back to the Tark puzzle or maybe I'm just desperately looking for answers where there are no answers to be had now for all of these lingering puzzles I was able to find at least a couple of people discussing them online in discords forums Reddit posts what have you but for this last one nothing or at least practically nothing I could find only two posts total which is exactly why I wanted to raise some awareness about it here cuz to me this seems like a massive clue that largely got overlooked during the wave of reveals that happened throughout ruin early on in the game we have a chance to revisit the daycare attendance room this room is nothing new to a FNAF theorist it was the one that we were able to unlock in security breach by photographing random characters throughout the game world inside of it we were able to find the Glitchy balloon World arcade cabinet a lost Relic to a seemingly incomplete path inside the game so when the room showed up again and ruined I wanted to pay extra attention on the surface the room seems largely the same just a bit messier than before boxes of stuff clothing hanging from the wall some Post-it notes scattered around but then by putting on the vany mask everything resets to normal the room basically goes back to the way that it was cleaner more organized nothing all that noteworthy until of course you start talking about the notes those are worthy all of a sudden on a blank wall we get ourselves a 3X3 grid of Post-it notes what is it with steel wool games and Post-It note lore I mean if I had a nickel for every time steel wool used Post-it notes to hint at lore I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice the nine post poits that we're dealing with are as follows one that says groceries with butter written three times there's a collection of dots a scribble Footprints hearts and pizza lightning bolt sun and Hill stars in a microphone and a selection of candy as usual my first thought was to jump into a cipher immediately you see how some of these Post-its can relate to numbers we have two feet four stars seven dots three Butters three lightning bolts felt like a really solid place to start but obviously it wasn't going to be perfect we have a pizza post it but are we counting the two slices of pizza the four hearts or both what about that squiggle what's that stand for nothing how about the hill in the sun is this meant to be FNAF 6's graveyard Hill so maybe we're counting gravestones or is this more likely counting the number of rays coming off the sun overall converting the posits to numbers wasn't really given the cleanest Solutions but it did feel like a step in the right direction from there when you look up how to solve 3x3 ciphers the number one solution that pops up is the hill Cipher now when it comes to codes a hill Cipher is pretty darn complex but overall the key to deciphering one is a matrix table of numbers and if you're using the English alphabet with its 26 letters you're going to need yourself a 3X3 Matrix or let's just say a 3X3 grid of Post-it notes the numbers in the matric represent the shifts that you're going to have to apply to each letter of the alphabet to encode a message using a hill Cipher you first convert the message into numbers you can do this by assigning each letter of the alphabet a number from 0 to 25 for instance a would be zero B would be 1 and so on next you multiply each letter of the message by the corresponding Matrix for example if the first letter of your message is a you would multiply it by the first row of the Matrix if the second letter of the message is B you would multiply it by the second row of the Matrix the result is a new number which you can then convert back into a letter giving you the encoded message to decode you just do the same in Reverse for instance if I had this message hello how are you with this Matrix 32111 0201 my encoded message would look a little something like this I'm not even going to try like I said it's a pretty complex way of encoding something but let's be honest with ourselves when has FNAF ever not been complex and after the wall code from security breach got broken in a day steel wool was probably looking for some that's a bit harder some with a bit more lasting power so really a hill Cipher seems to fit this new wall code nicely there's just one problem what exactly are we decoding sure we have ourselves a rough Matrix but where's the number or letter sequence that we're trying to put through it the balloons the tally marks I ran them both through a few variations of my own Matrix three for Butters seven for dots two for Footprints four Hearts etc etc But ultimately I wound up with nothing to show for the whole thing again it felt like we were getting close to a methodology but I was just missing some crucial step in the process so I tried a completely different approach rather than ciphers did this collection of images mean something to me the candy to me looked very similar to the drawings that we saw in the original Post-it room from security breach same goes with the pizzas the lightning bolts are designed similarly to the charging stations found throughout the pizza Plex as well as the bolt of lightning on glamrock Freddy's chest notice the flat tops on the lightning bolts which makes them distinctly different from other lightning bolts that we've seen across the series like the controlled shock button from Sister location the microphone and stars reminds me of Freddy in the gang this group is seven dots certainly vague but the number seven has shown up before in both FNAF VR and the Post-it r a security breach usually it represents the seven victims five missing children Charlie and the crying child seven dots seven Graves you've got the hill in the sun which is reminiscent of the hill during the Afton and Princess Quest endings and the butters were obvious references to Sister locations exotic Butters exotic Butters overall all the posits seem to relate in at least a small tangential way to Michael Afton man he really is coming like his dad always coming back to our theories Reddit user Pikman King X posted about these nine drawings and Drew all of them back to two very important games sister location and Pizzeria simulator two games where we for sure play as Michael Afton first you got the candy that we spoke about well in Pizzeria simulator candy all over the place and advertisements from L loles gumball machines we can buy for the franchise but the most important one of all of course is candy Cadet who actually winds up back in ruin the lightning bolts also relate back to FNAF 6 as they're identical to the power up that you collect in the fruity maze miname or like I said they can relate to the lightning bolt on glamrock Freddy's chest an animatronic who many have theorized myself included has the soul of Michael Afton inside it the stars and microphone call back to the four main rock star animatronics Freddy who holds the microphone along with Bonnie Chica and Foxy the Sunny Hill well that's the iconic FNAF 6 gravestone ending with all five of the missing children plus Charlie put to rest on the hill along with that he'd be familiar with the seventh victim his younger brother the crying child so if that's what these seven dots represent he'd understand that symbolism Mike also has a strong love of pizza as in the security log book he literally says it's the only reason to apply for the job with hearts on the other pages that look similar to the ones that are on the Post-its over here then there's the footprints in true classic FNAF Theory fashion Pikmin kingx points out that these are three toed Footprints and they're almost identical to the ones that we see in the other FNAF 6 miname midnight motorist where there are two three-toed Footprints outside of a broken window where Michael's either the Escape who broke out of that window or the one sitting on the couch watching TV the only thing unaccounted for here are the squiggly lines but to me that could just represent Enard or the tangle or whatever robot spaghetti this franchise wants to throw at the wall at this point could this mean that Michael might in fact be alive that he's living inside the pizz Plex trying to finish the job that he started maybe that's the entire reason the sister location room exists in the pizz Plex in the first place maybe it's him talking to the recreation of his younger brother maybe he learned the language of the mimic that his father used to communicate with the monster that killed his sister like we predicted in a previous Theory all signs here point to Michael or not let me be perfectly clear this is Broad speculation based on a piece of evidence that has clearly not been solved yet and honestly that's why I need your help you've seen all the theory threads that I've been pulling all the ciphers and interpretations that I've tried here we're still none the wiser there are solutions out there for all of these puzzles I am almost sure of that but I need the collective hive mind of the FNAF Community behind me to pitch out some solutions the theorists of Reddit I called out to day have done an amazing job getting the ball rolling and I do truly believe that with a bit more time and a bit more Focus together we can solve these Mysteries last time I did a theory like this it was 5 years ago but 48 hours later you all had collectively discovered the name Cassidy hidden inside the security log book and now it is one of the most solid concrete important pieces of information that we've ever had for the lore of this franchise let's try to do that again here one or all of these puzzles are going to lead to some sort of massive Revelation so I'm leaving a link down below to the game theer subreddit where i' encourage you to write up your theories I'm also dropping in some links to decoding websites that'll help make the grind a bit easier especially for all those grid based puzzles I'm going to be keeping a close eye on all of this for the next couple of weeks it'd be cool if we could manage to solve one of these things before the year's end who knows maybe help wanted to will drop and solve everything for us leaving the lore crystal clear with no further questions and no ciphers required yeah okay sure I'm sure that's absolutely going to happen with this franchise until that day comes friends remember it's all just Theory a game theory thanks for watching
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 4,260,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddys, fnaf theory, fnaf security breach, five nights at freddys security breach, five nights at freddys movie, five nights at freddys 1, fnaf ruin, fnaf, fnaf dlc, fnaf help wanted, help wanted 2, fnaf help wanted 2, security breach tally code, security breach tally marks, ruin, ruin dlc, fnaf lore, fnaf theories, fnaf puzzles, fnaf games, five nights at freddys lore, fnaf sb, fnaf security breach lore, game theorists, matpat, game theory, gt, matpat fnaf
Id: TmlyIOsUT-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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