Game Theory: Ash's Age FINALLY Solved! (Pokemon)
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Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 8,229,601
Rating: 4.8450251 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, ash ketchum, ash age, how old is ash, how old is ash ketchum, pokemon ash, ash pokemon, let's go pikachu, pokemon let's go, let's go eevee, pokemon go, pikachu, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon ultra sun and moon, pokemon pokedex, pokemon theme song, pokemon full episodes, pokemon go song, ultra moon, ultra sun and moon, sun and moon, game theory, matpat, game theorists, Pokemon Theory, pokemon game theory, matpat pokemon, pokedex game theory, pokemon switch, pokรฉmon
Id: _43jzh7H1d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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This was a great video but then wouldnโt Serena and ash have to be the same age if they met when they were kids?
So uh 20/2 is 10 plus 7= hmmmmmm
What's the intro song from???? It sounds so familiar
Heck yeah! #1 on Trending! You can't hide that Theorist Pride!
An anime where you see Ash growing through the seasons would be so more interesting than following an eternal child.
Also the fact that even with reboots they still referenced his past experiences is just really bad writing.
there should be an anime theory channel... then we wouldnโt have to debate this over game theory and film theory
tldr; does anyone else think pokemon sun and moon is to the old pokemon what teen titans go is to original teen titans?
Is anyone else upset that they made Ash younger in Sun & Moon? Recently watched the game theorist video and found out Ash is how old I am irl, I was very happy.
But then I realized, they not only took away his true age and made him a kid again but took away all his progress, all that work just gone.
Its pretty clear they did it to make Ash 10 forever so the show goes on forever, and here's the thing, I don't watch the show, dropped it seasons ago when I realized we weren't getting anywhere and it was a repetitive kid show, but I still play all the games like I have since Pokemon Red, Blue version. Despite not watching the anime I was really happy it was doing well, to see people talk about it and new fans, kids to experience Pokemon. Black and White, the masterpiece that was Xyz. But now... Sun & Moon just scrapped everything in the past, made Ash look a lot worst? At least with the old Ash I was able to recognize his design from my childhood and be happy its still going on but now... it's just depressing.
It just upsets me knowing that Ash will never look 20 years old and have lots of experience. The original anime really did end in away the Sun & Moon reboot. Oh well, on other hand it might get more kids to watch the show and relate to Ash if he stays 10.
Couldn't he have drawn parallels to Trainer Red's age? In the games, Red is one of the two characters in the series that you see age as the games go on, the other one being Blue, afaik
Just one problem, the movies that he references for seasons arenโt canon, but the narratorโs voice is.