Gallipoli | Full War Mini Series | Part 1 of 3 | Kodi Smit-McPhee

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Iamnostrodomas 📅︎︎ May 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] what did i know about wall i was 17 years old i joined up for the same reason as everyone else for the king and the empire [Music] to do my bid they said it would be an adventure [Music] it was the right thing to do my brother bevan and i signed up to fight germans but here i was in a little boat about to invade a country i'd never heard of now at dawn on that first day the king the empire and doing the right thing seemed a long way off [Music] i'll marry for grace lord as we think blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god oh come on put a sock in it [Music] now and at the hour about that get up oh and fix fireness what are you doing stay with us follow me we were told to move inland and march on constantinople there was no slaughter on the beach just scattered turkish centuries firing down on us will you men keep coming let's go up through here sergeant it's going well captain taylor at least we're moving forward that high ground up there that's the objective going sir keep moving forward let's go come on come on get up get up [Music] it was in the hills beyond the beach where it all began this was bastard country not the sort of place an army would invade on purpose but what did i know [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] oh she [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] general hamilton both sir the australians of london are on the move excellent we'll be able to see what they're capable of the first blow is half the battle breathe weight don't forget that they're waiting for you inside history we're about to write it the greeks and trojans will be here forever and now it's our turn yes [Music] [Music] ah come on [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] ah ah ribbon no oh bugger this who wants to go back down to the beach for a swim there's an idea should we take a vote yeah all right all those in favor going back down to the things for a swim say hi hi all right so you know who's there you're all ready go get get down fast away from me wow wow [Music] mr tully we've got news bevin signed up for the war your brother's going to be a soldier aren't you proud [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] do we know if birdwood's still doing well with the anzac's gather technique what are we having on that the landing up there was highly successful sir yeah i'm aware of that things look fine from that on deck but this is two hours ago last report the australians and new zealanders were moving inland excellent i've done south here with hunter weston do we know what's happening look like a damn mess out there to me he's on board the uralus we've no way of knowing well this can't continue i don't want the hampshire regiment wiped out completely the monster fusiliers i want them off the beach and we landed on y beach sir is that sound should we barge into hunter weston's invasion plans he is executive commander at cape helles you think i should not force his hand is that it very well damn shame they're having a hellish time of it unlike the colonials sir they have the simple matter of marching overland we're here we must be are you sure because i don't think so this is way off it's supposed to take 15 minutes to get to here oh it's gonna take two hours captain if we're lucky bloody hopeless we have to go back we retrace our steps we do that we're gonna get caught in the middle we've got us on both sides there's no other way get back to the beach sergeant report where we're headed recruit as many man as stretcher as you can and bring them along down there come on get moving private move back come on terrain's causing a lot of confusion sir and the enemy he has gun batteries and machine guns here here and here we're moving troops to our right to take this ridge so if we keep him to our right we can move up this valley are we doing that i believe some men are moving for the heights sir communications are fragmentary you believe we need to know what's happening up there how are you getting this information wounded men mostly sir there are questions as soon as they arrive on the beach wounded many of them quite a few i'm afraid the medical staff well then casualties means we've engaged them at least this is good by mid-morning the terrain was doing more damage in the turks on all the ridges hardly anyone was where they should have been captain taylor was doing his best to follow orders and all we could do was follow him one section turkish position 100 yards to your front one round fire where the hell did you come from deliso movement who's your commanding officer lieutenant calper dead all right fall in with these men [Applause] come on lads sir i have orders to the beach so what do we have some bad order down there sir they seem to focus on the ridge to our right borders are just to keep on occupy the heights and these men are all they could spare no sir i ran into them on the way up they were lost right lads keep moving with me [Music] you signed didn't you mom whatever are you thinking it's always the same don't do this to me jolly you mom please mom mom damn you jolly damn you stop [Music] so come on [Music] two sections 100 yards to your front five rounds go on it's still retreating means that reinforcements haven't arrived yet we have to secure that hill before they get here bloody good oh they're scared we've got on the run home give them a breather then we'll proceed [Music] [Music] this [Music] the further we got up the heights the more it felt like war a lot of blokes were dead the turks were above us i could hear other anzacs not too far away on the ridges to the east no one knew how this was going to end lie down [Music] senior officers it means those reinforcements aren't far off that's the hill we want have the manning trench here as quickly as possible so you could recognise this hill on a map and so yep we're obviously way forward of everyone else get back down to the beach again on the double tell them we need urgent reinforcements okay one section go over to your right start entrenching two section over your left and start digging ammunition's on its way up and water and water get digging you fought with me i'd only been a fighting soldier for five hours but it felt like a mess to me [Music] senior officer 300 yards who can take the shot i couldn't get him from the tully [Music] [Music] back back back [Music] oh [Music] where are you sneaky what's up back again sergeant this is hardly your role why aren't you using runners i haven't ties the sideways more certainly this way sir well done sergeant you thought you could run faster is that it that's right well come on may i from the beach to this point this is the dead end i pointed out last time so captain taylor has moved from down here up to this hill where he's digging in who's he with how many companies it's hard to say sir the lost man to the scrub in the valleys the company structure's broken down so we've just been collecting man the best we can what's the size of taylor sports then it's about 60 minutes 60 bit damned we need to get more men up there right get back there immediately we send whatever we can but tell him he must hold that position yes sir sexting men it puts our troubles to the right in perspective those heights are critical now we're there we must hold on company stand two bumper tunes five rounds rapid fire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] company [Applause] [Applause] ah ncos check out my initiative report back to me do you think we scared him he wants to do us one hill at a time so charles b yes oh watch the landing it's a little far north or wherever it is or it's all we've got and to present myself to general bridges i believe he's here somewhere sir did you mean somewhere aren't you the landing officer someone said he's gone down past the beach to check on communications but i can't confirm that you're on your own i'm afraid sir where's mr bartlett i'm supposed to expect two reporters are you still on a ship you'll be coming later is this all your luggage of course i'll have your man collected this way sir bartlett my god donald trump only a damn lieutenant and i have to have a chat with the admiral and only a reporter where's the novel party who visited novel bumped into a chap looking for you with this from london ah yeah it's about time i hope it's good news under no circumstance damn what expenses i wanted to rent a yacht sail it up and down the coast get it out with some scent of course chef or two fine i did anything and they knocked you back kelsey pries shouldn't you be ashore then i was here three years ago with the turks when the bulgarians chased him out of europe colorado trap devastating combination spent some time in constantinople now i got my palm read about her fortune teller and apparently i'm all but invincible i could have told her that hey cow you all right son hey where you off to you're right who's your weapon [Music] you're wounded are you wounded no all right you grab that weapon then you follow me do you understand look at me lad do you understand yes yeah all right let's go [Music] [Music] everything would be soldiers in the army together i never thought i'd be in a war me too [Music] this isn't what i figured what'd you figure i don't know i didn't think i'd be killing blokes trying to surrender anyway they did the same bastards [Music] i look after you but [Music] yeah hello you're gonna be my best man [Music] i can't find cliffy would you like see him oh back up the hill he's right with us he's gonna be here somewhere no he's gone [Music] [ __ ] [Music] hey he likes god harry you're all in sit down get some of that into you so what's the news it's not real good sir what have they got in mind sergeant gonna hold that hill so can't think about it totally you're turning up you know what he's like yeah what's happening in this film it's not a mark on him strange last injury or something maybe not why is he dead who knows though it's his turn grab his arms come on stop thinking about cliffy come on i couldn't me and cliffy were mates it was a simple bloke and some of the others made fun of him but he always looked out for me dave came to the war from the university he knew a lot of stuff i didn't he was a smart bloke so i tried hard to believe him my brother bevan was like a bull at a gate wait give us sinclair sutton hey yeah sure he just wanted to fix things even if he didn't know how [Music] reinforcements on their way that salute me you idiot you want me to get shot where the rest of you mean sir the ammunition where's the ammunition i wasn't told anything of ammunition sir we're nearly out your orders were to resupply well my orders would have moved in lancer move inland and do bloody what isn't anyone thinking how we expected to take sergeant what's up and water the turks will have more reinforcements on the way i'll have to move now with what i've got get your men into the line extend left all right abdul perfect let's see how good you are keeping one all right come on [Music] [Applause] i'll be back [Music] now it's in the timing he gets here first a dan turk up there all personal in his ammunition [Music] um [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] my feet [Music] see for me uh wow yeah why are you stretching mirror sitting down i'm hearing sausage sarge i just got back from up in the hills on your feet if you don't mind gents son have a look where i'm pointing i need you to make your way up along this main valley all the way to the top and on the left you see one point you understand go give it to him sarge we should take a look at that shoulder of yours do that later there's some more sun all right thanks cobber where do you think you're going i'm going to constantly hunter western's men are sure consolidated birdwood and his anzacs in the hills gentlemen the balkan's all over the turk doesn't know what's hit him he has more at his disposal this time that sir hardly matters at all he's not a good fighter never has been no indeed strange the enemy phantom till you look him in the eyes the evil man on the stair almost here as i was going up the stair i met a man who wasn't there he wasn't there again today oh how i wish he'd go away go away indeed heights today constantinople tomorrow eh well hardly sir hyperbole praise one must learn to think beyond the obvious the obvious is what we have before as general perhaps it's best to deal with that first yes of course everything in this proper place by god i'll box his ears europe police [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] now they've got my heel i'll keep coming ammunition are our flanks tied in that's uh how many rounds per man about 20 sir 20. so that doesn't look good look at him he's gonna win the war by himself what do you mean he's a good soldier dave he knows what he's doing no one on this hill knows what they're doing bev if you haven't noticed he's gonna get us all killed he's doing what he's supposed to be doing well he's enjoying it a little too much for my liking no one's enjoying it dave you're working ammunition sir at last distribute to all men immediately hi cobbies [ __ ] what are you doing i'm winning the war mate what happened to you the bullet it went in here and come out here i never felt a thing quite nice actually went down the beach even had a swim hey i bloody did no i didn't i wish i did bud so what have you bikes been doing you're sitting on your bony ass by the looks what's wrong little toll you all right hey you okay you're all right anyone got any camel done no order the man to stand too we're going back up there we're running out of time so you want to go near eric have a look where they are or maybe we should just hold a wall you buggered personal i'm gonna shoot that bloody turk so we know the situation on the right but what we need to know is exactly what's happening up that valley it's confused at a moment sir has anyone gone up to have a proper look it's enhancer so it should be the problem is we don't know with any precision what's happening on our own front we're hemmed in on the right so then what we need is a breakout [Music] so we can find a solution [Music] are these happy enough i don't know why [Music] godly thank you so much thank you all the very best you too sir [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one minute you're going in one minute you want to follow your captain over that field do not turn back get your eyes bored foreign i thought you were dead i am dying come back to get you you better watch out [Music] right then let's show these two oh [ __ ] [Music] we but i thought you said we'd lost that hill we did serve we retalked a third time i saw there'd be the fourth time good we've lost it again now the turrets have got control here here and here and they still hold the heights right down so what's taylor proposing captain taylor was shot sir just before our last occupation on this hill here so who are we reporting to sergeant have tenant channel sir a lieutenant what sir a lot of the officers are gone the snipers know they're insignia so do you think he can hold probably not sir this is your story too prayer it is sir we couldn't hold they had overwhelming force sir that is all sergeant yes sir broken line no artillery little communications severe casualties birdwood needs to know this no we need birdwood back here [Music] hmm [Music] they won't comment us now i've got to be as bucket as we are [Music] they're probably not enough i have a figure they're winning [Music] makes a difference yeah you have a look at this it's kind of bloody rain now good luck thomas see you when you get back good luck tonight [Music] are waiting for thee sounds of the rude world heard in the day loved by the moonlight have all passed away dreamer awakened [Music] me coming a to the front rabbit fire go on when i was a little kid i was taught thou shalt not kill but once you start everything you've been taught to believe just disappears no large batteries out there yet it seems they're not fully prepared they'll have them there soon enough john and they'll open up on you no doubt and so will i sir so will i hunter weston will have to make another push early quite he needs to get off those damn beaches that's what he needs to do now now i'm not sure about early western's uh strictly a protocol man he'll attack at 10 or so at civilized time i rather think the turks will be ready for him by then but that's no matter he knows what he's doing he's kept himself on the uralus right yes he hasn't gone ashore no sir perhaps he ought to birdwood's on his way ashore a second time with his anzac so i applaud that bird he puts himself in the thick of it and is it all going well for him well i'm pursuing myself john in the absence of anything to the contrary thank you peterson general budwood thanks for coming back sir we're getting some pretty uncomfortable reports from the hills yes a right flank it's not good we're pinned down there can't advance and we've lost the heights the officers are advising withdrawal are they and what do you recommend it does mean to say sir but opposition's critical we can't break out godly the men are exhausted sir unfortunately we have to abandon this all together we won't be able to hold it for turks attacker in the morning which they will no bloody doubt walker i disagree fully we've established a line we've landed 15 000 men and they fought well they might have walker but that's academic we don't have the strength or position to repel them in the morning when they come who's to say i'm saying damn it with respect you're saying means nothing what counts is the ability of our men up there i beg your pardon you're wrong bill let me remind you walker of my seniority i'm recommending this embarkation and if you saw me enough gentlemen please i agree with walker they've come this far i don't want to withdraw on principle sir however i'll advise the commander of your concerns [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] mr rashford bartlett yes welcome we thought we'd see you earlier yeah been busy watching from offshore not as busy as you loved actually charles bean's here is he arrived earlier today sir but he's gone off the beach now i have the press car tense down there no no it won't be necessary i'm just here for a first look and then back off to the ship bye sir good evening good evening excuse me why haven't these men been evacuated well the hospital ships are awful sir we've been told there's no chance still sometime tomorrow tomorrow and have you been told by what miracle more ships will suddenly appear because there aren't any i probably figured that sir damn how do you do jen what'd you do bastards how did you come ah [Music] take your boat back and deliver this it's of the utmost priority sadness [Music] [Music] so where we're headed sir [Music] i'm not sure get back to the queen gotta disembark these poor swords [Music] thank you how are things at the end exit gabatepe well um i'm not privy to the details sir but yes well if you're asking me preparation time troop numbers hamilton means more of bear if this is going to be a success a general bartlett is like a tenant farmer he works with what he's been given precisely but my point remains sir you're welcome to stay on board tonight i'll have more boats landing again tomorrow [Music] ain't these fastest [Music] they just keep coming shut up and shoot [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] yes what is it it's a matter of life and death sir you've got to come and settle it what is it this from birdwood most serious but if we are to re-embark it must be done once we embark bare woods generals want to abandon the anzac position altogether when did you get this 30 minutes ago i've given the order for all boats to stand by to evacuate cattle withdrawal it can be done but it sticks in the crawl all right it does excuse me it'll take the best part of three days to get them all off where are the turks on top of them sir well then here we are two lieutenant general birdwood australia and new zealand army corps your news is indeed serious but there is nothing for you to do but dig right in and stick it out april absolutely sir it will take at least two days to re-embark you which admiral thursby will explain to you down the coast hunter weston despite his heavy losses will be advancing tomorrow which should divert pressure from you make a personal appeal to your men and to godlies to make a supreme effort to hold their ground signed the enhanced ps have got through the difficult business [Music] and now all you have to do is dig dig dig [Music] until you are safe so gentlemen not quite the reply we expected he's right of course to go back it's probably more dangerous than to go forward so it's a fate to complete nothing more to be done except get this message somehow to the line you must let the men know there will be no falling back dig dig dig until you are safe strange order from an oc hardly our business walker i don't question the order bill i simply note that it's gentlemen i remind you time is running out the turks are well advanced utilize whatever communications we have we must start entrenching yes sir stop yeah come here um okay right and there is day one war is such a blasted business the first blow is half the battle sir don't forget that indeed would you like a whisky sir good night sir good night [Music] [Music] that first day was like a dream full of loose ends and misunderstandings men who landed on the beach went up into the gullies and ravines of gallipoli and were never seen again [Music] i'm about to go home now i'd heard there'd been wars here before i don't know what it was like for them it didn't matter much this was our war now there'd be time to think about the ghosts later [Music] i'm all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] he dug in on that hill in the dark that first day was as far as we ever got hello unlike anything i imagine from the max building yes bloody unclimbable i'm gonna say we saw some young fellows bathing under fire on the beach strawberry bottles general some of your dispatchers have created quite the stern i hear from the censor you're trying him on well i'm journalist sir i report what i see just remember whose side you're on barter so shall we go inside gentlemen keep it up and nothing of yours will leave you you've been warned so it seems [Applause] yeah then i went into villages right to all the women killed babies stabbed babies on bayonets that was the germans they're fighting turks so what they're on the same side turks would do that if they could says who mate they cut your balls off and stick them in your mouth you're drunk though cliff nah stinky die yeah someone said they did that up at lone pine who said that it's [ __ ] told don't listen to them shut up dave i heard they got reinforcements coming from everywhere how many more johnnie downey said 40 000 of them down he wouldn't know his bum from a hole in the ground yeah well we know they're there and we know they're coming at us right and they're more pissed off now and better prepared you've got a whole bloody country full of blokes an endless supply yeah [Music] there was a young man from madras whose balls were made out of brass in stormy weather they clanged together and sparks flew out of his ass hey tommy we'll be right boys oh [Music] aerial reconnaissance confirms that turkish reinforcements are amassing around anzac sir so when's birdwood expecting the attack any moment now sir excellent this could be just the thing how so counter-attack breathe this could be birdie's big breakout chance [Music] yes they're deploying here along the whole line so our front line they now have double our forces [Music] almost gentlemen advise your sierras to prepare for a major attack along the entire line [Music] is it's up so this is celia hello hello [Music] [Music] 20 000 of us [Music] arithmetic [Music] battle is terrifying but waiting for battle is worse you know there's a lot of blokes with you but it's a time when you feel most alone a lot of men will be dead soon you just hope you're not one of them face your face this [Music] what is that [Applause] go on so uh all right all right if i come again no we've lost communication with quinn's and courtney's wounded men report they were overrun at courtney's post but uh managed to regain further side same stories we've held them all here major new zealand counter-offensive at the neck the result of that we don't know yet sir they wanted an attack under darkness and it's failed they won't continue in daylight [Music] [Music] through the night and into the day i kept coming i must have fired hundreds of rounds the stock of my rifle was hard to touch [Music] what they were doing was suicide i wonder if they had a choice right that gun with cover any of you boys think you can charge it i'll give it a bell said we're not going to get there real quick what no okay let's come with me we'll do this from the first step bloody hell that's what we're gonna do we're gonna cover you until you get to the edge of the fish you understand yeah you met on the flanks i need you to throw bombs the rest of us are gonna provide cover until he gets there do we understand are we clear we'll try the bulbs go boy let's go go ah what are you doing ah go away come on look at me the attacks ended around midday we'd lost men but they lost a lot more before this assault the trenches were connected by dirt and scrub and wildflowers now we were connected by corpses flies and the foul stench of death remember until the next so are you going home now ayah shutting up is your mum going to come pick you up just bring your uncle on a football game go to blazes you're a wounded aussie hero babies bear dickham what are you smiling at huh dave tell you about that bloke he got for you oh bloke told you a dead mate dead this turk come up behind you and dave got him just in time it's the first person i ever shot [Music] huh i've been shooting blokes for nearly a month [Music] okay [Music] but general you've gained no ground we repulsed them though bartlett you did sir i'm simply suggesting that if you tried the same the result would be identical you stick to your dotting chris jonas i'm not interested in magnetic views from the sidelines even if they're correct damn father jordan jeremiah oh young man how many turks do you kill in the assault hmm i can't say clobber take a look there's eight acres of them out there indeed there is copper you idiot what and you know that was general birdwood yeah birdie [ __ ] i could have given him a few tips hey indeed cover truth it's the life horse hey where are your gg spellers go to buggery i've got a few donkeys here for you let's go and grab one each yeah if you can stay on them what's that smell what is that [Music] beauty sergeant better be me sir sardines going headquarters back from where you came sir it's down on your left turtle's not well i no hey horsies what you're walking for huh what's the problem fellas it's a bit sniffy for you is it oh you want a perfume thank you dude joey come on get out of it quinn's place sir come on chuck thank you sergeant get out there right right yeah okay that's enough keep moving up welcome horses [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you so much what exactly is this food interesting now the point i was making is this the landing was a mistake simple as that a miscalculation but to build mistake upon mistake like these fools you do it unforgivable that's true bodies will only continue to pile up out there and our leaders are very little men that's not for us to say unless we're here to witness we are and censorship makes life assault of course you're not constrained i marcus officially you're a photographer so you can write what you want not anymore i've pumped into breathaway that's the worst of them he's supposed to be advertising agents for his war and there's your problem ellis you're making an enemy of this bloke tissue's nothing nothing it can get you thrown off let him try damn intel want some horsey yourself sure how can your bloody eat that yeah hey did you realize stew that you're named after a plate of greasy army group heard a performer you get used to it too bob yeah bloody win how long have you been here from the start where he's from listen australia what how'd you get there you get born there just like anywhere bloody house well it's good good place yeah we should have stayed there it's a bit late isn't it i just want to get stuck in them no don't mate stay down don't move all right raise it [Music] shoot your bears ready fire hold your fire hold your fire hold your fire [Music] great hold your boy apologies used by [Music] some of the men they do not know this flag [Music] i need to get this man you get him no more fire [Music] [Music] afedersen good good captain we need to do something about all this the heat this won't be good for any of us yes i will speak thank you captain [Music] berdy wants an armistice at anzac bodies are piling up i have to accede to it but with respect sir we can hardly be approaching the turk cap in hand and asking for a cease-fire what would they make of that in propaganda yeah you're right braith can't be showing weakness at this time i hardly think it's weakness johnny i disagree just a few bodies is hardly an excuse to sue for peace when we're fighting no no no if the turk comes to me i'll give him an armistice get yourself to anzac breath you can negotiate this will take a few days sir i certainly sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a line exactly halfway between the trenches each side collects and deposits enemy bodies on the opposing side yes would you like a cup of tea thank you we begin at first storm no no we begin in good light let's not turn to anyone i can assure you colonel there'll be no tricks not from our side at least there's a lot to be done so i'm sorry but we start early no thank you gentlemen she'll arrange for me to get around that wire again there's more of yours than ours sadly general many more 7 30 until when so what do you think it'll be a true contract i don't trust him it seemed like an impressive fellow break too damn smooth by half i disagree we should honor this dangerous they're turks birdie we mustn't forget that [Music] stand down prepare for burial duties stand down prepare for burial duties right lads stand down we've been at stand two for three bloody hours we could have been sleeping plenty of time to sleep with a turk bullet in your head son [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thanks hey [Music] hey hold up uh you you attack bastard's bastard bastard your card yeah yeah man he's our god another [Music] hang on this bloke's attack it looks perpetual days [Music] okay disagreed [Music] [Music] life we soldiers need faith our politicians and our diplomats that is politics captain and this is diplomacy yes [Music] foreign uh uh [Music] oh he's still alive [Music] hold on quickly hey [Music] pick up your equipment prepare to move back your own line your sentries can begin standing down pick up your equipment prepare to move back your own mind pick up your equipment prepare to move back [Music] good luck mate [Music] it's in an itching [Music] australia not worth much allah is awesome [Music] thanks [Music] god [Music] jesus christ [Music] for what seemed like the first time a hush came over gallipoli we knew them now they were fathers and sons and brothers just like us we didn't hate them anymore
Channel: Movie Central
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Id: rGtacBct-0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 2sec (7142 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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