"George Washington" Epic Historical 1984 Mini-Series - Part 1

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hang on and saber lunge keep the hand on dissa and up come straight through the show again lunch yes ed fairy pollen a volt Mullin a because behind [Music] yes there's a word of advice for a little brother the time comes for you to fight for king and country you avoid the provincials like the plague China regulars pay fiddles even the boots are better [Music] I wish you're my brother and not my half-brother I say all of used my brother so I am George [Music] i Agustin Washington being of sound mind and body to assert this to be my true will and testament to my eldest son Lawrence the first part of my first marriage I do hereby will and bequeath the farm and properties called Hunting Creek together with all slaves and perquisite s-- that belong there to to my son Lawrence I also bequeath the iron ore mine along with all laborers machinery etc that belong there to Lawrence gets Hunting Creek agustin gets Pope's Creek neelu's fairy farm to you to the best the sons of a first wife the poorest place to my son Orin san agustin of the spawn of a wife long dead I am the living widow where was this consideration of me what share is that George very farm huh your brother not only gets the choice property inherits the quality neighbor's well that's one inheritance that do not begrudge him I would not take ten steps out of my way to nod good morning to any Fairfax off they pretend to be gracious enough but I know what they really thought of us if I never see the other Washington's again it'll be too soon miles and miles of miserable roads and what have we gained the rest of our days thanks to the greatest goodness we'll be a father gone to the paternal wrist you are not I want all of you children straight in bed there was no fuss because I have the migraine you sure have to ration the provisions from now on Sarah we do not return this evening any richer than we left this morning [Music] bastard George your mother wants you right now [Music] George would you rather be severe or soldier yes a soldier soldier indeed at least as a surveyor you could earn for the family you've always been good at mathematics maybe I'll be both so too who can draw a perfect maps and get paid twice you're getting paid now for any job this family needs money enough said George should make new friends he is a Washington Ram he can move in society it's time you saw Williamsburg I should admire to take it I like that but we are poor relations it's almost work work work the live long day tasting the city life is for those who live at hunting Creek which I now call Mount Vernon man in honor of Admiral Vernon under whom I searched Cartagena how interesting but you didn't come all this distance to tell us that actually I came to visit with my flesh and blood your father's flesh and blood and to extend an invitation to yourself man and my father's flesh and blood an invitation to a wedding and Fairfax and I to be married [Music] [Applause] [Music] someday pets you'll have a wedding like this already has enough fancy notions in her head without you putting one more there can't we just enjoy the day well Oh Washington's it all in one great luck I congratulate your life put it before Laura it's being good you're my stepson yes what it's all family Emma all family how are you judge I do well mr. Fairfax thank you sir I hear great reports of your horsemanship your brother your half-brother Lawrence cannot sing your praises too loudly oh you ride the hounds at profile there's very little of that sort of thing mr. Fairfax we've no time to waste really well then you must agree to ride with us George have you seen our stables no well they're worth a visit now if you'll excuse us you must stop - sir sir service it's too formal call me George no George and George will be hearing echoes tell me what my sister calls me which is will as christened George William are you sure of course more than friends no relatives so I may make a bold presumption if you do come to ride with us can you manage the correct boots and breeches for the Hun yes yes I can't they're not as grand as they have in the mother country sir will will friend can be found in Virginia [Music] to the manor born take this for not know you know London is amazing or just to see it makes you proud to be a Freeborn Englishman purchase this in England just before I sail for home [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's not strike your fancy [Music] I think I'm was scratching the surface of hidden desires [Music] just by that but in any case we shall have the boots over your first hunt no I could no no you can't refuse their gift from a relative unless of course they don't fit sit down well I can't believe it's actually happening father remember George Washington we as cars are young giant [Music] first less than family diplomacy might be better if we let father and the mass for the Fox today you take a line tell you that much sir Isaac [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] George where you going come back [Music] [Music] [Music] fathers good man George just a touch tapas he does know one thing though if you want to make your way in this world you must grab the coattails of an important man you think all this belongs to father doesn't belongs the Lord Thomas Fairfax a cousin my father is really his land Richard didn't know that the King bestowed about five million acres and what Thomas father sells off parcels to fatten his Lordships purse hoping praying that someday his lordship will bequeath us a million acres even this prized pound belongs to Uncle monarch you behave now you must make sure this arrogant gentle not terrorists chosen lady apart with it these Colonial Dames don't produce a litter with a nose for the Fox his lordship will have our heads you laugh [Music] [Music] welcome to Virginia lordship you brought glorious weather with you I trust the voyage over was not too terribly trying I despise the ocean William yes well everyone is anxious to be presented to you you remember George William a joy to see you again here sit and his good friend George Washington Your Lordship I am very pleased to be included in this and this is oh yes you'll want to refresh yourself before dining oh dear and and all the ladies are preparing as I understand it a feast fit for a king let them wait forgive me your lordship but if you insist in trying to please me William bring me my dogs these dogs the pack you bred for me I want to try them out now [Music] plants as well as you ride it might be best to let his lordship earn the masculine box a chorus father ladies [Music] forgive us ladies for our tardy arrival we stopped in the woods to bag your gift well all-in sundry Washington's well men well and working hard thank you well would you like a drink no thank you to food news go down judge for yourself my uncle true lord of the manor what's the survey of his property and organize an expedition of course I will and so are you he will thank me I'm specifically asked for that byung staliano rides like the wind to help Charlie's father's last expedition into the wilderness to the foot of the Shenandoah ma'am savage country no we shall meet savages you will do so without George mama it will be valuable experience for him men working with expert surveyors learning his trade in the field and sleeping in the field and freezing in the field far from the comforts of home or family risking life and limb to make free maps for milord Fairfax sir I would say no he will not go mrs. Washington nothing was said of free maps George will get paid for his work well paid how much a shilling a day [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] time to turn in lads first one the bed gets the softest straw will be along in a minute misting it is always exciting as you imagine anything I can get you a ring up reinforcements you had enough caleb quick oh yeah any bad who can stand and fight it's your last area you'll not find your way to where you want to go [Applause] [Applause] hey hey some of the dream on a Ledge fraud bottom and a warm heart that's better kingdom lift one with me but we don't know you sir Caleb quit guide and tracker at your shirt Ellen back well the Red Devils know that you've been and gone that's that's lightning in a glass I know I distill it myself we have to get out before dawn so it easier for creation hey Tamila that my heart's desire she said this your first ringerman come but you're seeing in the future to the future [Laughter] what did you do with yours as he did doubt I did one go one go what did you see in the future water [Music] ah I never knew it was so big so rich so green and untouched wherever we go I feel that we're the first to ever walk this land Indians are out here somewhere when will we see them best if we never do [Applause] [Music] well you all right it's my legs oh very good it is at below it's too late try smiling [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] sorry [Music] we'll start a new fashion in Williamsburg soft shoes the food makers will never forgive us [Music] [Applause] [Music] good hunting my friends until we meet again [Music] so many wonders I couldn't count them all and uh well of course there were the Indians Indians George saw Indians strange but impressive looking creatures with with bows and arrows and they really chop people's scalps off yes yeah can I try on your Indian shoes they're called moccasins Fairfax is that nature plays a trick on us it draws us further and further west by making it more and more beautiful I know that if ever I travel to the end of this land I'm sure I'll come to paradise and you'll know you're dead and buried you are all supposed to be in bed instead of listening to foolish notions about exploring the wilds and looking for paradise which no doubt also belongs to the Fairfax's tomorrow I want more work and less talk that goes for you too George so much for paradise [Music] [Applause] [Music] sir fellow member a damned singular honor or two of one family to be elected to the House of Burgesses will and Lawrence can't say I approve the politicians girl found them rather dull cheese in the House of Lords but from the looks of you two you can't do much harm see that you don't we can but riled it's a long ride will yes George goodbye Ethel you will take care of my two ladies only if you promise to take care of that car properly and George you must come and see us in Williamsburg okay boss my heart a letter every day I shall perish alone in it George when you marry you must choose a wife who has all the right answers huh coz I did I do implore the ob9 Caesar to spread the great cloak of a big big metate morning morning uncle what are you gonna show me this morning George well sir I thought we might ride due west to the foothills of the Blue Ridge it's a portion of your property that you've never seen lead on Oh [Music] your book oh and George no dancing practice next week my father and I go to Williamsburg to see Lawrence and Will's yes and to meet a young lady named Sally Carrie we just received wills letter and he does nothing but rave about her beauty her charm her everything I would be surprised if he intends to marry her har will ya our will marriage it'll ruin the poor lad for the hunt [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is my good friend George Washington this is Lawrence's little brother George I've been hearing all this talk about Lauren sister brother I never expected such a handsome Johnny I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance little George not you'll call me Sally about ten of the secret portals and you home welcome to Bella [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's happened he's been coughing up blood Georgian we're all petrified whatever fine is not don't let my dearest wife alarm you George so I just you see I will not go you will or I shall become sicker but to leave you I insist that's who disappoint father brother and new sister I shall rest all the while you were gone so go my dear take George in my place and pass the night away me you I ordered I'm a superior officer and I order you face the music [Music] George the next dance is mine isn't it oh no no Miss Sally Oh eat and dance with me no no no I only meant that I own you only made you're not sure I can keep up with you with those long legs Oh George don't give me a chance no I only meant that I I'm I meant I'm I'm a very bad dancer I really can't let you do - mr. Washington sir sister Ann says you're her best [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are not clubs in my opinion you're very good what I'm saying no no I mean you must pay attention many young women will fancy you and you must learn what they'll be sitting with your thing Fran oh it has a language all its own that means follow me in other words she wants to be alone with you oh right hand open right hand draws it across forehead and eyes mean [Music] we're being watched no no not really [Laughter] no if she draws it across her cheek it means I love you and if she puts the fan to her lips I'd like to be kissed yeah you're ready to converse my family any temptress I had no idea there was a language I've kept you from the other guests things you have to know you must be just I enjoy your company but I'm like oh you must learn to appreciate what you are handsome and ready to devastate the ladies devastate them I've neglected my wonderful husband at all I'm very glad you're gonna get oh my precious salary isn't she beautiful yes very you've been Baris George oh it's the last thing I want to do to my very best friends pleasure mania but the pleasure is mine [Music] dance with all the prettiest ladies George now that you know the language of the family who knows what adventures a night [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's nothing more you can do you've been at that bedside day and night hope them George you need fresh air well you come down with a very malady that now tortures your poor brother I'd hate to leave him even for a moment he gave so much of himself to me under very difficult circumstances when I was growing up you love him you can't die George [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry to lose your brother services like what now what is this is a recommendation from Lord Thomas Fairfax that I'd be appointed to succeed Lord says adjutant Virginia I've been a surveyor on the frontier sir and with the money earned I've purchased lands in the wilderness I know this country as well as any man and I am sure my brothers brother well you're in luck young man as you know I have decided to divide the colony into four separate military districts I might find it possible to appoint you adjutant of district for the smallest the K is a stipend of one hundred pounds a year and the rank of Major would it be possible governor to appoint me to district two it includes my own County of Fairfax it is also the largest is it I must say you have enough gold for someone twice your age I have a great many candidates for these posts each one older and more experienced - each one decorated in military service your only advantages your connections so I suggest you content yourself with district form yes congratulations major now I should like to consult with you upon a matter of great import the King of France not satisfied with the vast province of Canada as the site of the maker and trespass on British soil he sent soldiers in our territory thus flunking British sovereignty established by God and King they built forts trade with our Indians and otherwise encroach upon our sacred rights I have received orders from his gracious Majesty to send an emissary demanding that they depart before you recommend somewhat sir I think you should know that the French are a treacherous people this emissary will be in considerable danger yes sir but which is why I need someone who can travel hundreds of miles through unknown mountains as experienced with the Indians and is possessed of a heart a constitution you were about to recommend someone sir your description fits only me sir [Music] [Music] pleasure pleasure sir charge this is your interpreter for the bench jacob böhme from a pleasure sir this is my guide Caleb Quinn you know each other yeah well we spent an interesting evening in mr. Quinn's company always at your service gentlemen always at your service I got a little souvenir warmest on our trip mr. Washington you should be well taken care of I must leave you here Sally will worry if I'm not home by dusk [Music] thank you my friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] now a how do they Eucharist smart like you they're carrying the Kings best all it's an honor sir fool's errand more like it what's that supposed to be and yeah yeah tell me why at French comment dad has agents living with a bloody seventies by a Natori whisper British scalps have been lifted all along the frontier you're a cheerful fellow aren't you mr. Quint keep your left with mr. Washington last breath [Music] [Laughter] [Music] how do they know we were coming huh we've been watched every step of the way since we cross the Alleghenies now the French have eyes everywhere hmm I've called Indians I have brought this medic with me from Canada I am a grateful measure that you provide the opportunity to drink it salty your health coming up super about the life I have not only read a letter but I have sent it to my superior we are ready for now and envoy with a reply as to the contents is the matter of royal sovereignty that my young friend is the impasse new English says the territory belong to R or secondary French say it is a property of Duty Cannes my King desires that the French do not encroach on any land south of Canada and if we refuse to obey the order of your king then my governor would be empowered to drive you out by force if I do not to make idle threats young man I thought you not make idle threats sir I know my king and I do not involve his name Brutus me there you see this is how it begins perhaps we are striking the first blow this very room major you and I could be starting a war [Music] that summer that spread cut Mouser to measure this messenger arrived last night he figures they just let you shiver the wind to these good ray patrasche Urantia me John the commander awaits you we are not enemies yet here is the reply we do not find ourselves obliged to obey your king we have here to stay this territory is French vous voyez measure [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sure you look like an Indian I can't tell you how good it is to see you again alive and with your hair on your head come come come you're also worried about you but after he plied me with a fine French wine I found some Pierre charming for a Frenchman George you back how many weeks months I should say did you see any Indians or those terrible Frenchmen Sally look at George has been telling us about the expedition go on George would you sit down well actually I have more vital news we are to fight the French fight yes if diplomacy will not get them out of the Ohio Valley we must drive them out Oh the House of Burgesses will fund a regiment of 300 men we hope to enlist Catawba and Cherokee Indians from the Carolinas three companies of British regulars will be sent from the other colonies Colonel Joshua fry is commanding officer and I am to be second-in-command my boy how extraordinary that your dream come true how proud Lawrence would be with what rank I am lieutenant colonel yes I've never seen a left-handed colonel blush [Music] [Music] George George's home good to see you again mother and happy home for the family about time you took care of your own instead of watching over Malloy and sovereign Empire I trust you're home for good this time well I'm sorry mother I'm to form an army to defend us against the friendship I leave tomorrow you cannot [Music] [Laughter] I'm looking forward to this hairs grow hey pretty uniform mr. man relations Koerner washing thank you very much you look thirsty come in hard journey huh yeah I got something for you mr. Washington good good no our mission is to strengthen the garrison on the Monongahela River but our commanding officer Colonel Frey hasn't arrived yet and he won't sir the word is that he's either sick or just got no stomach to fight the French so what's our first job commander hmm well if we are to push further into the wilderness I need more horses food pay for the men I write to Williamsburg to complain and I get nothing but silence and I need more fighting men where can we find them Indians my scouts report the French are sending presents by the wagon loads to all the Indians I've got nothing to counter with well I think we know a few Indians are still hate the French [Applause] hit the down arrow to bring to miss only two sentries on duty bless them in those tents fast asleep Frankie likes to snooze after he eats na come on get down [Applause] [Applause] John Washington has murdered an ambassador we attacked the French on all sides and after an engagement of several minutes we killed 10 and took 20 prisoners no state of war exists between England and France as a hot-tempered young colonel assumed the authority to start such a war by shooting French ambassador's sir so we allowed travel Washington to speak for himself these officers pretended they were coming on an embassy mission but as you will see by these instructions Washington has enclosed captured French papers which established that the party he attacked was in fact sent to spy on us do you realize what that means governor no matter what your Washington says he did kill an ambassador an ambassador and a spy you have no propose we can debate here in this room far removed from a battlefield but one Colonel Washington for that pause to consider in the fury [Music] British regulars are arriving [Music] [Applause] in Washington Captain James McKay His Majesty's regular company afoot here at the request of your Virginia governor and Burgesses welcome to Fort Necessity captain Makai I believe the first order of business is to provide cover for the men and rum for the commander perhaps it's not the King's Own but it'll do indeed to His Majesty King George the second hi who is sovereign Majesty now sir may I have your muster roll so I may see how many effectives I have to oppose the French captain this is my command I will see your muster I think not any regular officer ranks any provincial officer and I have been in command here for six months and I have been an officer in His Majesty's regular service for 18 years my commission comes directly from governor Dinwiddie and mine from the king himself by God is my king too sir and I resent your assumption that His Majesty's is contemptuous of us provincials as you regulars are cut I was scouting about four miles north of here when I spotted the Frenchies heading this way it's a lot of they got savages with a Duke but we'll make our stand here get them into it they're coming first if you won't fight him to be captain the coyote be obliged to have you fight with me [Music] [Music] too many of them and too few of us making tons of her long animal stranger [Music] it's gonna be a trap [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] looking around [Applause] cuz they're not gonna stop they want to end this right now or sundown or the spirits come out on the grades [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] stand by soldiers stand fast situation is hopeless I suggest the last four terms surrender that is for you to decide sir it's not command [Music] sir they might want to offer our side the terms and I go out on the white flag when prompted internal [Music] girl [Music] [Applause] yes talk to the mr. Vadra they're accusing you of actually assassinated Yuma field and inciting the surrender you agreed with that the terms of the surrender our generous governor the French protected us from the Indians and we gave up the fort with full military honors didn't you understand the damn preamble obviously you and captain Makai slide without reading it Landrum had to translate sir we we did insist on certain changes a hundred of my men were either dead or wounded one word from the French commander in the Indians would have fallen on us I had to decide colonel the French had trick you into signing a confession of murder which means that you you alone Colonel Washington have given them the legal right to break the peace of declare war on us my conscience is clear sir in dealing with you and on the field of battle you're quite sure of that you weren't there governor how can you know what it was like what a sermon sir I will not stand for it and I will not stand for being treated as an incompetent provincial average of hordes to me young man I did what I thought had to be done no man can do more mr. Washington I am reorganizing our military forces they will no longer be a single regiment but ten independent companies you can have one of them if you so choose with a demotion of drank from Colonel - captain you sir have helped the French tie a string of pike raksin from the tail of the British lion which will stir a commotion in the houses of parliament and there sire for many years to come good day - sir but did what is not the last word charge we Fairfax's are not without influence in the Tidewater you know oh well if the governor thinks that he can protect the frontier with empty resolutions and broken promises untracked no words can describe the feelings will what it's like to lead men against an overwhelming enemy to see them slaughtered before your very eyes all my life I'd heard of the thrill of battle the glory and when I first heard the bullets whistle I thought there was something charming in the south [Music] but in the end it's nothing but blood won't it crying out it [Music] I've done the will [Music] good day mr. Fairfax how good of you to call my boy but I've missed our little talks while you've been off fighting the French and their savages as well I've missed our little talks too sir oh well what are your plans now that you've put the army behind you ah well I'm afraid the Army has put me behind it I've been attending my mother's Affairs she's well actress as well as mother ever can be it's clear to me now that she'll not hand over my inherited property as long as she lives so I must find a place of my own oh yes yes quite well if there's anything I can do to help yes yes sir there is as your daughter has remarried and moved into a new husband's plantation I would like to lease Mount Vernon for man if you will prove a property is all anyone can be certain of sir the rest is wind in the trees well put young man and I certainly can understand your hunger for land hungry that I had when I was your age but does this talk of non Verdun mini tomb give it up your dream of serving in His Majesty's regular forces well my military career is over I'm a farmer now and glad to be quite certain are there never more so then the house is yours George and what comes with it in exchange for 15,000 pounds of tobacco to be paid to an each year agreed it's agreed sir and if the good Lord see fit to take an first then you shall have clear title thank you sir it's what your dear brother wanted where he is my inconstant friend and what do you have to say for yourself sorry I'm sorry you're known for almost a week and you've made no effort to call itself oh well I sir have you been avoiding us I demand an answer on pain of instant embarrassment well I didn't want you to see the house till I finish my plan but I should have known that you'd wait for no man so enter madam if you insist oh I do oh dear poor joy living all by yourself Furniture this emptiness how can you stand it I have to have beautiful things to surround me well there's so much to do and it takes so long when you don't know that much about architecture uh I have helped with this English builders manual knife developed a good eye oh that sounds a modest doesn't it terribly they don't sir you can't give me a tour of what is then you must show me what will be [Applause] your brother Lawrence would have loved your plans for the gun I don't want to see it as formal as before you must keep the roses in George you must plant everlastings you know there's November flowers that it can be dried after the frost and brighten our world until spring what a lovely thought you've just designed your dream house and guard what about a dream lady what would you like it to be whispering soft and fair perhaps tall and dark-haired like your Sally oh no no and I like you you're one of a kind then I never find another tear George well welcome home I can't tell you how delighted I am it will no longer have to travel half the day to reach our door you'll dine with us tonight oh no really I have of course you will we have much to talk of every town in Williamsburg is wagging about the arrival of a Major General Edward Braddock with two regiments of British regulars Braddock you sail into Hampton Roads last week I wanna say Forrest of sales both low that the boatload of real British regulars it's a perfectly trained and disciplined they're amazing it much is one man March where the general has orders from the king to take Fort Duquesne my god it's about time that fort controls the frontier and once taken we can drive the French right back to Canada now far so interested George I thought you'd turn your back on a military career I want you with me you've already tangled with the French in the wilderness so I value your experience and advice governor Dinwiddie and I and yes yes I know all about that but you wouldn't be someone that I would want in my military family if you hadn't also tangled with the governor we soldiers must stick together hey yes sir but even the governor admitted that you're someone who will fight and not just diddle away your time cooped up in some frontier fort but there is the matter of rank sir rank I shall make you a civilian aid without rank colonel you'll get your orders directly from me and that way no one in the regulars will outrank you how does that strike you sir are you with us I would be honored to serve in your family General Braddock good good and the last field must be seated by the end of the month get the Frenchman cooperate by turning tail and leaving the Ohio to us I should return well before first party if there is a harvest George this drought a little brother don't even say it we must produce 15,000 pounds of tobacco or lease my lease I'd certainly don't have to be announced to my own son thank you just like your brother running after Mount Vernon at every opportunity mother jack and you enticing him to take care of your property while mind lies parts in the hellish Sun but I need a jack to finish the planting and to look after the house cows so dry we must squeeze them like bagpipes for a pitcher of milk and all you can do is steal away my John Agustin and hitch him to your plow George can teach me agriculture how when these hundreds of miles away in some godforsaken wilderness and who knows if you'll ever come back except in a box that we must put in the ground mama that's a terrible thing to say well it's true George how ungrateful you are for all the sacrifices that I've made for you when your father died I know I am grateful you're welcome to stay at Mount Vernon while I'm away if you insist I do well but I'll lose the light if I don't leave now Justin they're calling you with any problem that he might have my boy I'd feel hurt if you hadn't we're we're really family you know yes thank you I must be on my way goodbye Godspeed doesn't look we'll take good care of him and say goodbye to sallekhana because I don't know why she said they went running upstairs if you could wait but no I can't I must go you both hate to see you leave thank you for all that you've been to me George William and you to me to all of us Godspeed George you'd go without saying goodbye somehow I know and couldn't bear to be there when you told the others I heard everything from the top of the stairs why George my heart is not in agriculture I realize that down the bearing of arms can be my only life great events are afoot I mean to be a witness you prepared that little speech didn't you haven't really answered why [Music] you know why I don't you're being rude when you say that I do I enjoy your company too much it's wrong it's not fun we're friends nothing wrong I can't stay here any longer [Music] giorgia [Music] my father gave it to me now I give it to you I can't take it it won't bring you good fortune I know it will please keep it [Music] to that much very different [Music] the howitzers six ships cannon 14 six pounders to move all of this so we've been promised by the colonial governors 200 wagons and 2,500 horses has anyone to comment on our proposed tactics Colonel Washington you're top-heavy in ordnance sir transferring such heavy loads over 300 rugged miles across rivers and mountains could prove to be more difficult than any of us could imagine we thrive on difficulties don't we gentlemen yes sir I'm sure you're doing but to achieve victory here you may have to alter your tactics and what prey must we do well sir you and your officers are new to this country your success has been won on European battlefields in the time-honored way a frontal assault on an enemy Army in an open field siege of a French fort but sir in this campaign you'll be fighting Canadian French not continental one says the difference the Canadians General Braddock not only use Indians to fight but they've also learned Indian battle tactics such as harassment by small raiding parties forest skirmishes by men disguises to be almost invisible they strikin and they run invisible men who strike and run oh really sir British field tactics and firepower chase your invisible men into eternity precision and discipline young man that's how wars are won this could be a war like no other in history sir the Indians can be a fearful presence since they engage in such barbarity as lifting scalp wild talk is dangerous sir you will build these savages into so great a bogeyman that the common soldier will quicken his boots to face them yeah yeah very grateful to our Virginian friend for his opinions whether or not they prove instructive you have your orders gentlemen [Music] crawling with maggots we've received not a fraction of the surprise now half the wagons promises for those damnable Virginians I'd like to strangle that pack of scoundrels now sending is rotten beef Colonel Washington you kindly explain to me two of your ax men sir slain by Indians sex you know you don't want to see they've been scalped and why the bloody hell did you bring them here as if I haven't seen enough horror for one day but your orders were to last my orders you provincials either totally neglect you obey my orders all you obey them when I don't want them abate take them into the woods and bury them before my men start seeing hobgoblins behind every bush and Colonel Washington report to me the four officers mess I want to talk to you yes sir [Music] Oh sir I'm sorry to invade your privacy the Sentry said don't let this barren field embarrass you candle it'll soon be lawful groom again that wasn't angry to you to take a little bit at your Virginia politicians whose promises I admit you warned me my proof is elusive as your bloody French savages damn them all British soldiers ambushed and scalped but his horse his stolen promises broken and so I turned to my Seneca and as always find comfort fire is the test of gold adversity of strong men ever since we left Fort Cumberland this army has moved like tar in December at the rate we push our rolled every day we shan't reach for Duquesne before our bones be bleached by your damnable Virginia Sun yes sir no you have to say yes sir speak your mind I'd divide my army sir divide an army the French know where we are we're being watched every mile by their Indians I'd leave the bulk of my supplies wagons horses artillery behind to protect the road while a smaller unit of chosen men moves ahead to surprise the enemy albeit act itself dangerous policy can but wish you'll see when this campaign is over and we've driven the French back to Canada I propose to find a place for you and His Majesty's service which is agreeable to hear wishes thank you sir and there's something I'd like you to do now I want you to ride posthaste to the governor's palace and bring back 4000 pound sterling right pretty much to him yes sir the army [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we'll Williamsburg to take solver to the dr. Benjamin Hill is it it's Colonel Washington man oh there's no need to come down mrs. Fairfax I'm on a mission for General Braddock but my horse could go no further Childers a bomb but I wrote it Belvoir hoping to borrow a mount from this day by I had no idea he'd been taken to a doctor which is exactly where you'll end up if you don't get out of those wet clothes your shaky I don't know why late already on casters yes you can in German Colonel I'll have no time well I'll write to Alexandria there's a public stable there you'll did no such thing sorry I can't stay dear a voice of command it's the first time I've heard it you should have duke our sturdiest horse Benjamin get me a cloak please John please I'll do just that he hasn't been ridden since I took him out on a weekend sir we should be well-rested which is what you should be before you ride on if you rest most of the day the storm will be over by the tiny awake I'm sure the general wouldn't mind he expects me as soon as possible a few new generals you know I have no choice but to ride now you must inform us of your safe arrival at camp yes if you wish you can write to me not directly of course but through my sister in Alexandria salia is it distance must be maintained between a married woman and a gentleman who is after all only a different that's what you like for me to bring it out colonel No thank you thank you John I'll take him out myself I tried not to come back I'm sorry you'll catch a chill [Music] I have a fire - warming you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm grateful for the horse bailout send it back as soon as I can keep him please until you return from the campaign [Music] I began to fear the savages have removed your top-notch brains washed out the bridges I got back as soon as I could hey they may be just what the man needs a touch of the fever banging headaches agony in the belly that sort of thing yes sir then you've earned the rest use my bed rest on a nip of herb tea the only cure Express rider just produce it thank you see that the paymaster gets teased for those damn pills I can rest in a wagon on the mark sir and have here bones rattled like dice but you need your bet sir colonel you're under orders sergeant this tent in this bed and not to be moved until this young man is nothing about now sleep in them auxiliary gym to the next incumbent I see that you've tracked down my friend Caleb Quinn with his help you'll be able to reach for to Cana not much more than a week I must be with you when you meet the French sir let me go with you now you can hardly stand sergeant help him off with his toes now if you do what you're told now I promise that you'll be brought to the front in a litter if necessary you'll have your friends wonders are you not to move so you get better are you are supposed to be up ahead on the March with the general I can make it without a wet no you can't ride that horse the way you aren't off see there Oh Colonel tell me up you got a fever sir I promise a general I take proper care you then help me up dammit general you're right you Virginians Aras practices mules no he's gotta go he's gotta have your own way [Applause] [Music] Oh chop you General Washington you are an old man if a man athelas you is back in the saddle who can stand the poorest the French of not struck here at the crossing where we are most vulnerable until mr. this jazz it's a sight to warm the blood troops who come out to the dark the hobgoblin of their fierce trains before them Seneca new rough road delete separate this forward how far now less than five miles sir our advance party should be close to the enemy by now well rush the fort colonel and when you glory for old England sir I don't think a frontal attack is our best tactic can we obstruct them already ambasa advance party under major cage [Applause] [Applause] savages will fight like a disciplined army I don't like a rebel of cowards hiding behind trees it's not can you hurt me [Applause] stand your ground stand [Applause] my age Oh God you can't get them out you get them away quickly [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there are no condition to ride general any hostile to us [Music] come keep up on this man keep up with us my god Virginians are protecting our rear the French will become a French we'll be delayed by their own Indians will be scalping the dead and wounded [Applause] get rid of our supplies and baguette captain the wagons are moving much too slowly let's move faster general Oh [Applause] water is gone the savages have never find his grave and definers body come with me you know a brave man in the wrong war gentlemen the only hope you have of survival is to protect yourselves the French can easily send their Indians across the mountains to scout us in our beds Susie you must be ready this means a new Virginia regiment doubly strong even a draft to provide sufficient threat troops above all complete reorganization under a new command governor did what if that is so surely we have a new commander and who might that be mr. Fairfax who else but George Washington would you agree he proved himself after General Braddock was mortally wounded is it a wise policy to reward defeated officers with new positions of responsibility he knows next to nothing of the science of warfare is not received adequate training and indeed he's little more than a boy well take him sir but he possesses a quality which any of us aging military experts would would be happy to trade for all our science and our schooling he can lead men in battle yeah yeah ladies and gentlemen may I present you Colonel George Washington commander of the Virginia regiment raised in defense of his Majesty's colony [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm grateful governor for your willingness to accommodate only after much travels on both our parts levies a wager colonel enjoy your season in the Sun [Music] oh you're captured by this are may have beauties I'd appreciate it if you'd keep Sammy company while I take courtesan constituents it will be my pleasure as always a better way to start my campaign [Music] if you've made as much progress with your soldiering dancing you will succeed no matter what the odds well I certainly know where to come for encouragement what progress have you made in that other important matter what matters that your search for mistress of Mount Vernon of course I'm afraid there's been a little time this evening is the perfect opportunity with Ally and the hero of the Amur could claim any lady in the room good evening kind of Washington this is [Music] perhaps Betsy BOTS but lovely golden hair she has foliat with her there's Sarah Buffington sighs watching and very available of course she's been very available for quite a number of years ago to celli you'll have me terrified at the prospect of marriage is that what I'm doing besides I can't imagine dancing with other charmers when I have the loveliest of all right now how you change used a stammer compliment now you know just what I'm worried please forgive us madam if we steal the kernel from you some distinguished landowners are anxious to meet their new commander if I might also capture you for this next dance kind baby I would be challenging I see you've taught your aides well good it would be my pleasure captain girl Washington may I present mr. John Blair and his wife Mary congratulations on your appointment I am honored the other is mine men and mr. Daniel Parke Custis and his wife Martha it's a pleasure sir [Music] Colonel were fortunate to have you in our service but you have your job cut out for you but we hear from the Shenandoah Valley is most dismaying the Indians incited by the French are terrorizing the whole country dear let the colonel enjoys evening he did say eleven yes sir yes you're late colonel his lordship will see you now gentlemen whip out your aides I had hoped your lordship that you might grant us preferment preferment sir you want your provincial regiments made regulars in the British are and come now well I should know your lordship if General Braddock had survived I would now have rank suitable to my wishes and what are your wishes I'm a full colonel in the Virginia regiment sir and you consider that preferment for a colonel see in the regular army I do sir I have fought the French and Indians for four years I have more knowledge and experience of road-building tracking Indian lore and wilderness combat than any other man in the colonies experience yes but with what will stop your watch if you let your very feet force to defeat the Fort Necessity you will with Braddock on that disastrous March you have commanded your own regiment for almost two years and the Indian slaughters go on they hit and run sir and you started this glorious career by assassinating the fridge and it was not assassination sir was it no and what is it to do with my regiments right to permanent establishment right sir bill Jove writes you a colonial I cannot conceive your lordship that being colonist should deprive us of the benefits of British subjects for two years we Virginians have protected the frontier with our blood we have fought to keep this land for our King we are as loyal to His Majesty as the strongest of generals and it is wrong that we should be treated as ill-favored stepchildren you are a subject colony mr. Washington and you have no rights to any preferment in His Majesty's regular forces but your lordship have you read plans and treaties on military discipline no sir of course you know Fawcett's the Prussian short exercise no I'm sorry sir any green Coronet in his Majesty's of regulars was weaned on the great Frederick strategic concepts yet you sir a provincial who pretends to military competence don't even know of the existence of such books just because I have not read the proper book sir does not mean man your arrogance defies me sir perhaps you should concern yourself more with your provincial responsibilities and less with your uniform and rank but your lordship we are at war with France as well as the Austrian and Prussian empires and you serve with a man who fired the shots but started this war I ask you colonel does that call for rights but your lordship I believe we've said all that needs be sent mr. Washington I bet you a safe journey back to your fort and the duties that await you there good day sir [Music] yes today's y'all [Music] my god that is the last time I let some British Lord look down as aristocratic nose at me how dare he call me arrogant damn him damn Jimenez Reagan sir you must not let yourself get so angry you're still a touch of the paper alright I'm alright sir you must rest away from the rigors of the RV the favor can be dipped it's already carried off men like Jonathan Wilkes and Daniel Park custom Squire Custis hard to believe so the little Custis woman is a widow shall not long walk for suitors [Music] [Applause] [Music] good afternoon sir can I help you yes I'm here to offer my condolences to mrs. Costas and who may I say is calling I only just now heard of your loss I hope you don't mind my stopping by unannounced I've been on my wit in Philadelphia and I wanted to express my sympathy it's very kind of you sir my sister Nancy is here with her husband and a gentleman friend won't you join us oh no I wouldn't think of entry Oh will be honored oh no I really must be on my way at least 18 well if I may be frank ma'am I'm a bit indisposed stomach miseries I have something that might give you relief company of Canary wine and a dram of polarized hearts now see it is joining one to the other that works the magic but you must drink it all down once excellent colonel you don't think youth faster children do mind I cannot guarantee a cure well I feel better already thank you I must be on my way there we go I've kept you from your guests long enough gentlemen is mr. Josiah doom was more the latest matrimonial prospect my sister is brought to my inspection I'll see you to your voice [Music] it's agreeable to you man I should like to call on you again you're not otherwise up I okay [Music] got Riku thank you ma'am [Music] you may go sir Stuart Stuart I thought they'd Shaunie's have done in a lot of you just look a few days longer to find the French colonel and few more to escape from their main body it's good to see you will hi I just hope that wagon with the gifts isn't played because our friends here are gonna be wanting a little reward like it or not they've brought you a gift huh show the colonel one Shawny one French Corps closer I'm not going to faint are you come no no it's just a touch of the fever again and I've run out of my medicine maybe you ought to know I don't think it would be wise for our friends to see their white chief with a griping belly brothers this mark of your friendship I will forever cherish I think I'll send these to governor did he see the NATO campaign yes sir [Music] [Applause] I've ordered that carousing with lively wenches will put you in an early grave [Music] was wrong of you to wait so long before sending word you were here and in such a state I didn't expect you to come I just wanted to borrow your recipe books and some ingredients my brother John Agustin left to covered almost bare when he is passionate had left us you've tried to talk when you should be listening to your new doctor yes I suppose I do need a new one since the other side seem to be able to cure me dr. Craig prescribed jellies and such kinds of foods yes preachy told me and here we are already prepared and the other things you ask canary wine and rubberized heart torn yes thank you perhaps I'll have some of that concoction now how am I to prepare it a dram of Hearts horn and a modest cup of wine dr. prang prescribe no no a friend I hadn't heard of it any my uncle is a physician hmm let me help you are you quite sure this helps or is it your imagination oh well I was sorry to miss will before he left for England mm-hmm just had to get away after his father passed on hmm he had to go eventually to see to his inheritance so I arched him to do so now George we're gonna make you well and soon I will nurse you and only return to both why tonight oh sorry even then I want you to feel I'm here with you when you look across dog run and see the candle in my window you'll know I'm thinking of you and perhaps you won't feel so alone you shouldn't have I want to very much I'm determined to see you become your old self again I'm I must go when I return I'll bring Mike yours see how they measure up to your heart sign y-you remember look for the candle [Music] so at least you're not dead that was the rumor circulating in Williamsburg probably started by the governor well Mercer will be glad to hear you are still with us the temporary command is about to ruin his health and his good sense the men are very bare of winter clothes snow is up to our eyeballs yes I've written to Williamsburg on that I'm sure you've heard the resupply will show up on the hottest day in July I'd best be off we all feel terrible sir about your having had to be cooped up here in the lonely winter gloom with nothing to do except write letters telling us what to do I'm sorry Ricci didn't tell me someone was here mrs. Fairfax you remember captain Stewart my adjutant captain enchanted madam you have to be commended colonel you have discovered the perfect antidote to lonely winter gloom this is perfect if he means these dried flowers they means you Sally you're a beautiful woman aye sir a compliment yes I'm sorry but I love complement George let me see where should we put these here right here where can you see them the best you really like them George what are you doing I'm feeling better I must get up but you can hardly stand no I'm better much stronger [Music] Sally I am grateful for your visits but now you needn't come anymore you don't mean that I do I do Jorge it's alright that I care for you when you're sick well would want that and you tell you so if you weren't on the high seas now sailing for home but it's not right you know your winter has gone to a sick man you just said you were getting your strength back I am I am see [Music] [Applause] I'm afraid I could but you call breach II he could help me let me help you put your around my shoulder [Music] you're charged he's called preaching krejci please take a dare [Music] what do you do must exercise my legs fill my lungs with the out-of-doors I've been a sick man long enough preaching I have a life to get on with you must stay the night is our honored guest this time I won't say no the children are ready man where are we can my four children be [Music] hurt a lot and this is our little Martha but we call it patsy w pay respects what a pleasure it is to be in the company of such a charming young lady and gentleman [Music] your children got cheap you [Music] family is always meant a great deal to me and I'm a dutiful and attentive son though I must confess there are times when my mother inspires more than a portion of exasperation seeing a pleasure that you take in Jacky and Patsy reminds me also how much I anticipate children of my own they are indeed sir a blessing from God though sometimes and I borrow your word in exasperation you may wonder madam it's may indeed wonder why I feel called upon to recite to you this roll call of my obligations though I have carefully omitted mention of my lesser qualities such as a temper when sufficiently provoked know sometimes insufficiently [Music] the reason is that I feel war on it peace here in your deep breath forgive me I don't know why I've been talking so much upon such early acquaintance I'm usually more reserved ladies it's just that I I'm not sure what I intended to say [Music] I too feel safe and at peace in your company sir that is all I need to know at this point [Music] Oh George we grow so weary of your leaving this goodbye can become a very unpleasant word he's only doing what Duty tells him must be done Jemma Forbes assures me that he is going to enlarge our Virginia regiment to 1200 men join with Forbes us regulars we should present an army three times Braddock's huh how long will you be gone well the Braddock campaign convinced me of the folly of seeing into the future mm-hmm well I have a great personal favor to ask of you ask away before I knew I was going to be joining Forbes as army I had made plans to enlarge Mount Vernon I would be deeply grateful if you would supervise a construction in my absence of course it is important that it be completed before I return why the haste I may be bringing home a bride that's wonderful anyone we know it'll be ungentlemanly of me to mention her name before I have won her hand but I feel that you'll find her as charming as I do in that case that wish you victory [Music] my apologies madam for the impulsiveness of this visit but the advance on Fort Duquesne could take me away from months and I had to talk to you first I couldn't speak in front of your guests please don't apologize colonel I would have been hard sick if you failed to say goodbye but this is not goodbye dear madam I know it's unfair of me to ask this of you now when I know that I'll be facing battle but when I return I am determined to make you my wife if that would be agreeable you take my press away I don't mean to be so abrupt and you need not answer now I only had to at least make my declaration before I left I'm so glad you did will you believe me when I tell you that I have never felt this way before in my life and you need not wait for my head sir yes oh yes I will marry you my dear Colonel vosch Edith [Music] I know how difficult and discouraging a military campaign must be in the mean time George you must take care of yourself and come safely home to us Sally has also written you a message which I enclose here with congratulations colonel not only have you been elected to the birches of Winchester but now you enjoy the prospect of possessing mrs. Custis I hope you know how happy I am for you my dear for it you look weary to the bone sir I already have one mother Ricci I emphatically do not need another forgive me sir now forgive me I'm not in the best of moods these damnable delays we must attack for two came before the French who reinforced it will lose the chance wasn't for all to drive them out I shall be fine now good night raging good night sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dear madam tonight I was honored with your short but very agreeable favor I feel the force of your beauties as I remember a thousand tender moments but experience us sadly reminds me how impossible this is but there is a destiny that controls our actions not to be resisted and so becomes a time to say farewell [Music] [Music] [Music] the last portman for the northern border and they've abandoned [Music] I can't [Music] secure the fort prepare an encampment yes my career in the military is over Vineet etc but you and I have dreamed of getting revenge on the French by taking that forth and now it's fallen without a shot seems in every enterprise in my life and sense of disappointment sir you can't leave the army I've had enough of the arrogance of British regulars to last a lifetime the French know they're defeated here in North America and now Virginia [Music] no filters definitely and now finally I can live the life I want [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you mama thank you we shall miss you sir but I can see now while you will not miss the army my friend is he right George you will not miss your command my future is to be a farmer and a husband there'll be no British general telling me how to plow my field or love my wife mr. and mrs. washing will God bless thank you you'll be there [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know it I do [Music] [Music] Godspeed thank you both for everything [Music] Ricci is this mrs. Washington how do you gather yourselves together here this is Jackie Salem [Music] George it is beautiful come on sir mrs. Washington with my estate manager John old Cheryl my husband is spoken so highly of you mrs. Washington welcome to Mount Vernon we've enjoyed preparing for your ride my dear I can't wait to see if Mountain Vernon meets with your approval [Music] it is beyond my expectations well said since it could mean anything this way I meant Jackie child child you must watch where you run I want you to stay with Jane can be sure you keep little sister on mister forgive my sharp telling I must remember to defer to you and the disciplining of your children our children and I meant it when I said that you are to treat them as your own when they require correction my old comrades and arms would be amused to see how I handle discipline in my own home come you must see the better just what I would have wanted soft warm colors and Dimity curtains light enough to wake us at dawn and a cradle I will do my best to fill it very soon my dearest husband and I will do my best dearest wife indeed you will if our honeymoon is any measure I would put the latch on the door now were it not for the children I promise [Music] Oh George I love Nocturne they do so want to make you happy mrs. Washington very [Music] [Applause] give us a grand run today gentlemen feet of water yourselves in the fire it's hard to believe those dogs the defenders that daredevil pack we've been for Lord Fairfax so many years ago every time I ride these hills I think of Lawrence I still feel his loss so deeply Nandi rain has followed him still I think they'd both be happy to know that Mount Vernon is yours now still part of the Washington family do believe we've lost George Mason all the ladies will be along Mason are you all right I'm next order death George thanks to this wicked chase you've just lit me I thought you kept up rather well my horse kept up I was left miles behind comes as no surprise to me that I still find the chase as disagreeable as ever yeah now since it's a good neighbor I've subjected my posterior to this nonsense you owe me a favor anything my friend don't speak too quickly since you were elected to the House of Burgesses you haven't a tenth of that many meetings I asked you to attend the next one with me your influence will be felt without me I've heard from Benjamin Franklin Pennsylvania's agent had loved him but Lord Grenville intensive our scene with his stamp tax you imagine they'd lay such an economic burden on us without even asking our opinion never the attempts at the next parliament that fat will be in the fire to a fairly whiny war was expected work how can you defend a mother country the Rotax a colonies without the voice of their Parliament we are also Englishmen a few short years ago we fought together against the French we were brothers brothers yes well they need us but now I'm afraid they prefer we be their obedient children still there's the rub we'll continue this conversation later there's refreshments in the pollak very well George Jackie Jackie come down they cook about it but you and hunting sir why can't I is there anything wrong and liking guns and horses and dogs mother says I'm much like you and that respect yes well I too would have rather been in the woods at your age but books permit you to plunder the wisdom of the ages mathematics will help you to to survey the vast land that you're one day on can't I pay someone to do it down quick give me the gun stop it [Music] on your own skills Jackie where you become as helpless as so many sons of the gentry top company all right Oh why'd you run off this way mama my headaches I can't read anymore today may I rest my room till I feel better here let's just get him back to his books I'd know more about I really feel quite awful mama [Music] now very long then thank you dear mama let's see he spent the forenoon resting in a tree the afternoon his room pray madam how will he spend the night you think I spoil Frank but I promise not to say any more on that subject and I must hold to my word George Washington wait for me don't walk so fast George each time I try to be strong but each time I fail I am sorry please don't walk so fast we have strayed too far from our purpose gentlemen which is the introduction of new legislation now does anybody else wish to chair recognizes the gentleman from Fairfax County mr. Washington honourable members I beg your indulgence to introduce a bill of some consequence to our community's well-being I proposed to prohibit on pain of a fine of 15 shillings all pigs from wandering free so that they drink and even bathe in our springs or horse trough [Music] pigs George pigs when you should be concerned with British blindness and arrogance and I felt it was in my walls while Prime Minister the force passage of it diabolical Stamp Act all fire ages to be tried in courts of the and without juries but I understand that the proceeds than to be used for the protection of the colonies at all George we can protect ourselves and tax ourselves besides it's the principle of the thing George they wouldn't allow us a seat in their Parliament so they have no right to taxes however they disguise it as a bloody Stamp well what can we do George we must learn to defend ourselves it's your duty to help ignite resistance to this tax Nathan I have fought from my country and my king and I do not need you to remind me of my duty George it strikes even at the freedom of the press all of our newspapers all of our legal documents if not playing cards must be on stamped paper how could you ignore what's happening to us if I choose to not I fuel to the fire that's my right but men like you must learn for I have done my service sir I leave this fight to others any attempt to best such power in any other Parliament destroys British as well as American freedom I tended the speaker or my fellow burgesses I ask your pardon as a junior member I would show my loyalty to His Majesty to the last drop of my blood but this assembly has the sole right to lay taxes upon the inhabitants of this colony [Applause] and Julius Caesar had his Brutus Charles the first his Cromwell may George the plan [Applause] puppets by their example if this speech reason makes a moose [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for watching if you'd like to help us produce more compelling historical content like this please like comment below and share this video with fellow history buffs and of course be sure to subscribe to help keep history happening
Channel: LionHeart FilmWorks
Views: 796,962
Rating: 4.8265152 out of 5
Keywords: history shows, history channel, george washington, revolutionary war, george washington documentary, revolutionary war movie, tv miniseries, mini-series, the life of george washington, forging the nation, 1984 tv movie, epic history film, american revolution, war for independence, french & indian war, comander in chief, first president, general washington, bostwick, continental army, mount vernon, mount vernon washington, virginia, philadelphia, hard to find, tv movie, yorktown
Id: UoVCFt0HN9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 20sec (9080 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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