How To Make Bougatsa | Greek Custard Pie (Phyllo)

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[Music] everybody welcome back to my kitchen today I want to show you an absolutely fantastic little recipe for a Greek sweet pastry called bougatsa whoo that's that is that custard cream filled pita with smothered in between layers of phyllo and topped with icing sugar and cinnamon it's available all over Greece it's a common up breakfast item people have it as a warm dessert anytime snack is perfect now for this recipe here it is super easy I'm gonna need 6 cups of warmed up milk not boiling not scalded just kind of lukewarm as long as it's not really cold about three-quarters of a cup of semolina fine semolina 3 eggs 1 and 1/2 cups of sugar the zest of one lemon some icing sugar and cinnamon for the topping phyllo of course and some melted butter for between the phyllo that's all the rest of this recipe it's very simple get it all together and I'll show you how it gets done right now all right so first things first pre-heat your oven 375 degrees Fahrenheit or about 180 degrees Celsius get that off and going and that way it'll be ready for us whenever we're ready so to start us off first I'm gonna add the 3 eggs to my mixture that's perfect our one and a half cups of sugar go in and lock and load start beating this up until it becomes kind of light and airy now after about three or four minutes of mixing the egg and the sugar we're gonna add our three quarters of a cup of our fine semolina and that's gonna go in there and give that a quick mix up for about three or four five minutes all right so nothing to this so far easy-peasy eggs sugar semolina that's it mixing in here nice this has been going for about ten minutes in total the next part of this is my warmed up milk and this you're gonna add very very carefully trust me it's not scalding but it's not exactly cold either and just add it as slowly as you can without getting it you know all over the place you know that's been known to happen around here believe me so in go our six cups of milk and just let that kind of mix and incorporate it believe me when I tell you do not go crazy with this on a high speed or the next thing you know it's a fight waiting to happen okay so now our mix is all ready to go it's just mixed it hasn't really thickened up it's gonna fire up our heating element here put it in our pot and for this we're just gonna slowly pour it in here and just let the whole thing go very easy let me grab a little spatula and add that all in there that's perfect Hado nothing to this at all now at this point you just want to slowly start kind of moving it around stirring it around with a whisk and it'll become almost like a loose collective woody look now this is where patience is a virtue because this may take a few minutes but at the end it really will be so worth it now at this point here it's been about three or four minutes I'm pretty much constantly stirring this at this stage of the game is when we add our lemon to the party or actually our lemon zest so for this I'm just gonna leave this here like that I'm gonna take the zest of one lemon and just make sure you only get the zest and just you know what with a grater or a lemon zester whatever you have just the grate it in this is actually the flavor profile for our Lavazza and this is what's actually gonna give us that almost like a as I liked Oh beautiful kind of flavor or taste and if you like that like the political fear like me and you like I like the political you are gonna love this so imagine the flavors of a lemon kind of custard cinnamon you know where I'm going with this it's absolutely fantastic and for those of you that actually have had this you'll know exactly where this is going so there's my lemon zest give that a quick stir and as you can see it's actually starting to tighten up starting to thicken up which is exact what I want if you've had this you know exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to the flavor profile you know of the collective woulda called the custard cream the lemon add now the ante or up the ante and had a little bit of icing sugar on top of that add a little bit of cinnamon yeah prepared to go crazy it's that good also the reason that you're constantly or almost constantly stirring this custard is because you don't want the semolina to clump up on you as it starts heating up and the eggs will start thickening what will happen is there's nothing worse than having you know a custard that's got parts of it that's kind of really really tight and rubbery and other parts that are just like really really loose not a good thing all right so now that our custard is done and added away it's now time for the fun part and for me the fun part is actually assembling the phyllo and the pita part of this so we have about a cup of melted butter and for this I'm just going to drizzle all over my pan and spread it around nice and as you can see on my shirt here a casualty of cooking and it is basically just a splattering of the custard so just make sure you get it all around even you don't want the bottom of your pita sticking at this point you're bougatsa actually I call it a pita but it's actually sweet peanuts a bougatsa I don't know about you guys but sometimes or actually it more often than not I have a real issue with opening up the phyllo when it comes to putting together my pitas and in a few of my recipes you'll notice that actually let me grab actually another pan here but you'll notice is that I have one or two sheets stuck together and what can I tell you it's not ideal but we're doing the best we can here and for this you're going to very carefully open up your phyllo and separate the sheets so our first sheep will go down just like that perfect and for those of you that know me or know my Peter recipes golden rule for me five up five down so you're gonna have five sheets of filo here you're going to drizzle the oil drizzle the butter over and that's what's actually going to give you that flakey crunchiness throughout and continue this now for four more phyllo sheets and here's number five of our bottom Fela in that really quick dousing just like that about melted butter and that's perfect now comes the fun part of actually putting or applying our custard to our pan and just spread it around actually what I am gonna do is this is really cooking here I'm gonna take our spatula and when I'm done there's a whole bunch of goodness at the bottom of this pot so fast there just like that and I'm just going to scrape off you're probably looking close to about half a cup of goodness at the bottom and stuck around the size of our pot here so get that out of the way and in there and that's perfect move on here for now and as the as best as you can just fill and spread our custard filling evenly throughout our pan in what universe is this not gonna be like freakin delicious it's gonna be absolutely amazing and I can't wait I honestly can't wait I know this is my spiel for the end of the video but I cannot wait for you guys to try this for yourselves it's that easy and get ready to look like stars perfect nothing to this at all just like that it's ready to go so no time like the present and you got to work fairly quickly here with the Fila before it dries out on your either because then it's gonna become gross and that's not good that's not what you want is crumbly feel it and put this over just like that you got to be careful because this is still like really hot so move this over here just like that and again with our butter you don't chintzy on the butter in this recipe here this is just straight on full throttle deliciousness this is not low-carb this is not low-calorie but if you're gonna cheat you do it right baby right here we go and there's another one just like that another phyllo sheet on top of here and at the end I'll show you how to crimp the edges as well the kind of locked in all this flavor again drizzle it around and as are well that's that will actually bake the the butter will actually spread and make itself kind of like layered and it'll actually add to the to the crunchiness of this and here is number five and our last phyllo sheet of our blue that'sa going on perfect just like that take the last bit of our butter and just spread that all around let it go wherever there's no real there's no real kind of method to this other than get it as evenly as you possibly can and then just spread it as if you're almost like painting and this is where you want to get a little bit of the sides just like that that's perfect that is absolutely perfect right in there now to seal this puppy up you're gonna take all of the Fila and just turn them in just turn them in just like this and what that will do is it'll create a seal and as this bakes all this custard and this goodness will remain [Music] encapsulated and it's just gonna be so amazing I can't wait for you guys to see this all right so there's this just like that there and now the last bit of butter just drench the sides where we turned over our phyllo sheets and this will add another layer of crunchy deliciousness and this is pretty much ready to go into our oven so I'm just gonna pop this into my 375 degree oven for about half an hour 45 minutes until the top is golden brown and after that we're gonna see what happens when we finish this off [Music] all righty then this has been out of the oven now it's ready to go it's been about 20 minutes or so since I've had it out and this is what you want to do before you actually start cutting into it just let it kind of firm up and tighten up a little bit and look at this look how beautiful this is it is absolutely done to perfection so my friends now the next part of this what I'm gonna do is actually try and remove it I would have the the pan here and get it onto my cutting board so just want to very kind of carefully ease it out without kind of breaking it or kind of you know put so much work into this so let's just try and see how this goes and there it is people that is freaking amazing absolutely amazing it does not get much better than this and now the next part of this is just to doll it up with our topping which is our cinnamon and our icing sugar so first things first what I like to do is I like to see the white presentation over this so what I'm gonna do is put my cinnamon first and for this just very kind of sparingly towards liberally just pour your or put your cinnamon over this just like that step 1 step2 now is our icing sugar and again same deal you want to just kind of put it over like a generous kind of coating and this is absolutely fantastic so that's it for this episode on bougatsa I'm not even gonna really attempt to cut this right now because it's still kind of not firmed up yet but I guarantee you in about a couple hours when this is going to be ready to be served it is gonna be picture perfect and ready to go so I hope you guys enjoyed this episode on my traditional Greek bougatsa very simple to make and even easier to enjoy so thank you very much for watching again please smash that like button subscribe if you haven't already and until next time I'm Ken and I thank you very much for watching bye for now [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Ken's Greek Table
Views: 39,722
Rating: 4.9313307 out of 5
Keywords: how to make bougatsa, greek custard cream pita, how to make bougatsa video, greek custard pie, greek custard dessert, greek custard dessert bougatsa, greek custard and filo pastry, greek custard phyllo pastry, greek custard dessert with phyllo, greek dessert, easy dessert, greek desserts, greek dessert bougatsa, greek dessert custard
Id: O0MAWaYpwsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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