Greek Custard Pie Yalatopouriko

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hello welcome again to cooking with the Yaya's the baklava show was pretty good we got a lot of good reception for that thank you for other comments keep them coming today we're gonna do something a little different it's a galaktoboureko which is a Greek dessert that I'll have to figure out how to pronounce that in English but here's always to make developed a boutique oh is Yaya Maria hello yeah yeah Maria hello a minute economic electro boutique oh okay and I guess we need to find out what we know so one part of phyllo dough it looks like the pastry kind number four well you see money give the staff yeah every market has it there's almost obscene or middle value simon valley which is Farina yeah okay how much it's funny now bushel in a cup one cup of Farina okay and Maxwell House in a Maxwell House cup of sugar of course alright this can be given in yeah so you have a jar of fruit preserve these but it's vanilla yeah wow this is good and this is vanilla yeah don't forget there should all be for the syrup now follow me viola Terriers are heavy okay okay now mr. Boddy dinner all so two cups of sugar and one cup of water and missiny and one cinnamon stick and this is for the syrup that we're gonna use later on yeah later okay god I think she can usually think him and also helping today with the cooking and some of the filming is my friend cam who also has his own YouTube channel called classic kicks make sure you subscribe to his show absolutely don't like yeah there's no mercy today my example I we forgot to mention you also need six eggs for the cream alright let's begin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] isn't that good that's vanilla I used to have cold water and a spoonful of that is simple but it was delicious you know what's funny like I was in a culinary program high school and like baking was my least favorite because it was like a science right it is now I loved it like that strong so vanilla in a strawberry jams preserve and sugar in a Maxwell House coffee in addition for the syrup we need seven cups of milk that's essential that's cinnamon no no not seven no I it's verinha Marina Serena you ever had Farina I've never had Farina my hugs take a smell of that oh my God he's gonna pour all this in there although message at the valleys okay not Farina okay all right okay weak that's at all all right they'll say I can't ship income okay okay and while cams mixing all that my mom's gonna be counting seven cups of milk this looks like cake batter the smell with that man it's just a vanilla is so good [Music] we're gonna do seven cups there cam is doing the mix doesn't hold mixer oniy you ever had a locked up boutique oh I've never had that before nor have I ever heard of it I'm very excited for this oh I just noticed that malevolence right there yeah I mean it is Halloween time so yeah we did a little decoration with some pumpkin you know stick with the UH this is October 2019 is this would you say in October edition or is it just like in all no no this is uh this is you going to somebody's house or you want a good dessert this is a go-to dessert this is something that uh everybody loves my son especially he is crazy for this stuff yeah yeah it's good food you know the name okay so it's gotta be unsalted butter and we need half a stick so melt it so we're gonna melt it with with the milk you ever lose vellum mr. right yeah so she put seven cups so so what's in there now is seven cups of milk and half a stick of butter okay so in order to do the phyllo dough we're also gonna melt two sticks of butter you got sandy now okay all right never would do do it do this okay so this yeah so we're slowly gonna pour it in we should play some Marvin Gaye okay yeah we can't oh yeah oh this looks so cool so that's milk vanilla butter Valley Serena eggs it looks like like froth that comes with like beer oh yeah what a case you can use ain't arresting me so when it thickens it'll be ready yeah not to eat but then - yeah I'm ready for that oh I have a challenge on my hands whoo Jim thank you see I figure if it's good enough for Selena Gomez how do you say thank you if Katis no fatties phone very good but I don't know you won't know that's your welcome thank you oh so now wow that's thickening up little by little because have eggs if you had the food makes this kind of work yeah if it's too hard and you throw the it could become scrambled eggs so you got to be real careful yeah so you got to do it in lower yeah look at the way that screaming up corrosion you okay okay so afters so what she's gonna do afterwards is let it cool and while it's cooling we'll work on the phyllo dos okay now you're just okay all right mix that Fila okay she had actually bad feel or dough for the baklava so was hard to do so she's hoping this is better okay okay forget it that does tweet posts I like this like teamwork base that we got going on dude this is definitely easier on this than my cannon we're gonna get like a cool slow-mo shot of this oh yeah like I want to eat that what screams oh don't you see that gun that balance good job yeah yeah oh yeah you're gonna have me try okay this is good enough you don't have good oh my gosh you see that's like a burst of like vanilla and just like so it's not supposed to be runny telling it pure thicker give up good Nick so it's got to be a little thicker and I gotta lift ah yeah metal powder sugar yeah ah I see so you're gonna make two kinds named okay so it's good for me - no - that's the cream she's gonna make the filo dough after she applies the filo dough the cream goes over it then she makes the syrup further for this hmm and puts the syrup over it and then she bakes it these what did that taste like though yeah tasted like greatness but I didn't me too you try ok I'm gonna try it again yeah ok whoa no now we're stop the border more just said que sigue but I was he it's like a nice creaminess kids yeah she says this is she has happiness looking at that because she knows it's gonna come up in well how come you don't use the tic-tock tic-tock for this says when it pops two or three times it's ready yeah so now it's ready wow yeah alright that works to us you for kicking off folks that fusion is gone relax exploding volcano yeah how to make exploding creams okay well this is like a sheet of paper okay you ready yeah yeah - - naked fish Obama here okay so we're coating UH the pan with uh okay all right ready oh I can't see how about I do it from this side I think it's easier on the side yeah look at that beautiful okay alright this is the real challenge right here so she's got a applying butter at every single layer so cool okay go go go [Music] [Music] [Music] so you're gonna put fold-over instead all right I mean it affects the economy and I mean emotionally so then afterwards she'll fold it over so it'll stay in instead of poor over is it cold yet she says it came out amazing slowly just gonna do like a nice little well just watch me beat our church okay are you ready for that thing Oh Oh little man all right here we go Lord think just a little bit let me say okay yes she just wants you to leave a very little bit in oatmeal it's us let me know when yeah yeah I got you okay all right no no oh oh it's so cool I just leave it there don't worry Wow looks good damn don't worry about that oh nice all right okay no all right so you want to hit it and there's that dog on you after stuff would you know sadly advice you're not going to put the Battle of the working on enough you have to caution you know fish I do it before try this okay okay good okay so she says you'll be able to pronounce it after you eat it we'll see I really hope I can become like affluent corners oh okay beautiful sunny important to Bombay is that her past this so she she says you're you're like a lot of plastics you don't want to know what does like a baker you actually said that better than what you're making I'm afraid that got that love you do you yeah you'll know when when you take a bite what it is okay this looks so cool I like this process a lot it's super watery to wall critic George you face the one sitting like this yeah this is like one of those piece the Greek Festival they sell a ton of those well we should sell it for five dollars a piece okay yeah on average how long does this take so bozo or atholea a party method ellos 45 minutes so to put it in the oven it's another 45 minutes so what were we doing about a half hour or 40 minutes so far for the practice plus there was two of you guys so it was easier - yeah good whereas she does it alone the thing she's complaining a little bit about she says if the filo dough is a little better yeah filo dough people you're listening yeah if it was better yeah it would it would have been a lot easier a lot of a lot quicker to make cuz it's supposed to peel right off and she just bought this one cuz we had a mediocre batch I mean it still came out with delicious with the baklava but it kept breaking up when she makes the spawn of evita and that takes a while cuz that when she won't buy the field Oh she'll actually make it the whole dough by hand which is insane how she makes it I had a great video of it but it was on DVD so I'd love to do another one person and post it on youtube if I can ma gonna me me or hit daughter a lot gonna make up a day oppa second esto para Auto spanakopita made me to the Kazuto dough Tim I said we're gonna stop for Froyo for kaya no economically repeat all of us can is a sea turtle assisted or Kato canister decision economy Spano coati Dora Allah [Music] [Music] you see wait see nothing goes to waste here that's right that in the putter is just like almost done we're just gonna run to the top exactly you need to stick yeah she knows thank you she knows he's done yeah city 50 all right washer man I like that there's whatever you like yeah you decide so now she's gonna decide how the cuts gonna be okay yeah sure [Music] there's a primary she doesn't cut it all the way to the bottom just a little on the top and that kind of determines what they're gonna look like so how many the size of the piece you're gonna get was it a five dollar piece there's a three dollar piece or $6 for $6 piece maybe nine have been to the la dia exe de la dia and I'll always put some a little boys yeah how fat is their wallet that's how much it because you know we know how many calories that is imagine having that whole huge although you can I can probably you can i I think I wanted you know it I can't Handl I know I could she says but when you have guests over can you give me two of those yeah but she says I also cut it cuz it looks prettier oh yeah yeah okay all right can't be won't put in yeah alright so we're gonna put it in for 350 for 45 minutes and you said put it in the middle all right all right so we're gonna make a second version huh we got it we got to find out if this is crappy fillo again we need good feel oh yeah yeah so we're using a little parchment paper buttering that up you've become quite the butter so this filo dough looks a lot better what's the name of this brand Apollo Apollo okay we're using your stuff spot what was the one that wasn't so good that's the one we shouldn't get unless they want to sponsor us oh it's that miss the cut that's the better one though happens in every Valley there oh okay all right so you gotta start there's not a de Macedo filo all right yeah so if you want to start getting the next so she's making it differently I won't have any problem with this oh yeah huh whoa you see y'all y'all surprised so now she's putting it in this way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] this is like wow yeah that's delicious [Laughter] you don't have water yet where's the butter is ready okay yeah yeah am I supposed to make it without the butter don't bother oh nice okay so then you just do the regular fold again right ready yes I'm gonna miss I've had a blast yes she says this is gonna become a big you and her alright so you need that stuff again all right we need this sweetness this beautiful this beautiful cream I'm blown away because I like I said I usually don't eat this again thank you Wow where's I take it out for a second wow that looks good mom not ready yet though no they hit a bigger building so this repetition part I'm just gonna really go through the fast-forward get some music get the funny parts in there yeah yeah I got I gotta listen to it to make sure I don't miss any other hey Siri Tech time because you tell em tell em I mean okay [Music] [Music] [Music] all right pulling it out oh my god that just looks amazing yeah well you yeah don't forget my ovens a little faster ma yeah you think so so can you turn it around yes she just wants to see the back she says it feel so what do you think yeah five two more minutes top on top all right wait lick em so that one's ready here we go for action and and uh I've got a better girl oh darling sighs so how long for the timer for the your boss your act or death bellows all right let me just set it with my watch so what do you don't know okay that kind of a deal is that a variable part of sugar Oh Alabama Nevada okay Morris tamper-resistant okay yeah and then what's gonna happen is because they're gonna be piping hot till the part of show will stick to the bottom and that's vanilla now she's gonna make the syrup two cups of sugar you don't have sugar well it could be light then all right there's one yeah that's good yeah I need to use the whole channel oh you need little okay got sugar all right but she's a real star here I'll bring over the cinnamon sticks okay one and a half oh ma we gotta take out the the other thing it should be ready MA okay Christmas tree shot why the Donald okay it's gonna come out there we go look at it oh my goodness that looks outstanding Wow all right you ready I'm ready wait aren't you gonna put the sugar there's a vice is a buddy yeah okay go ahead Oh too much too hot another load oh yeah what are you doing oh my son said to me three is too hot well she said she wants to eat it like that well if you can eat it like that [Laughter] okay after push okay okay okay all right so some she's gonna put sugar samba I cannot have a lease after Davalos can I say yeah do you say put me remove sugar okay you know this hard to put it kill to kalayavana yeah yeah so those will have sugar the other ones won't we'll have a lot of sugar we're up to 20,000 calories of light [Laughter] okay these are number 40 sahadevan is a very weak and what is that honey yeah let's leave no sugar all right so now you go the syrup is ready okay not the honey off doors hey Goomer yeah no no there's one right in there like a soup one yeah right there the ladle yeah that was beautiful I need a cup one by one enough a terrible thing but that's not good you actually then job so you'll get some of that tomorrow because it's got to sit with all the syrup overnight don't forget diving right in no it's not about it all right [Laughter] [Music] [Music] all right so this is cooking with Yaya make sure you like comment and subscribe and yeah thank you for watching thank you for having me by the way this is was amazing okay yeah do it okay everybody I'm Cameron I own the channel classic kicks official you can also check me on Instagram and Twitter as well it's my name cam Walters actually no I changed it so I'm gonna actually send it to crystals to let you guys know what it is but this is cooking with Yaya and this is this is gala boutique oh close [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] and Tim [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Cooking With the Yia-Yia's
Views: 8,955
Rating: 4.9269404 out of 5
Keywords: Γαλακτομπούρεκο, greeck recipes, cooking with the yia-yia, yiayia, classikicks official, custard pie, greek custard pie, greek cooking, baking, deserts, baking from scratch
Id: DjDQgFQQx8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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