GAGO - Faith Wins | Full Drama Movie | Family | Rich Natole

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foreign [Music] [Music] yeah cannot defeat the soul Faith wins Faith wins the hungry child the Broken Dreams the shattered hopes defeat it seems and yet there's one the king of kings Faith wins Faith wins and that which is hoped for but yet to be seen the one who is faithful to fully redeem I've been up at the end of purpose provision is made a savior who's risen the dead fully paid [Music] the memories a tortured mind might say you're weak but your strength that lies [Music] [Applause] [Music] Faith wins and which is hoped for but yet to be seen the one who is faithful to fully redeem a path and a purpose [Music] faith [Music] wins faithfulness [Music] hey I'll tell you what a crowd what a crowd all right now it is time for my remake of The Wizard of Oz starring Donald Trump as the wizard Robert De Niro as the Scarecrow Joe Pesci as the Tin Man Dustin Hoffman as Rain Man as the lion and playing the part of Dorothy will be Mike Tyson and now the Wizard of Oz that's right it's me the Great and Powerful Trump of Oz foreign I see the Scarecrow I see the Tin Man I see the lion you're all a bunch of losers if you want your wishes granted you must bring me the broomstick of Nancy Pelosi come up and speak to the Great and Powerful Trump of Oz well basically uh Mr withered it's me Dorothy the the small the meek and the tattoo who I have a couple to requests first of all I would like an ear free Vandal Holyfield I can wait for myself some financial planning courses okay okay I say we whack them I say take this action we whack the wizard right in this big fat mouth okay okay okay him right his big fat mouth okay okay I know that he's in there and that he's all alone oh no were you talking to me huh are you stupid or what I told you before nobody waxed a wizard I don't have a brain and I know that isn't that right lion oh nobody whacks a wizard definitely not the wizard where is it gonna take me to Kmart where's it gonna buy me underwear let me watch Judge Wapner Judge Wapner oh great thank you so much my name is my name is Billy Rizzo good night oh my God five more [Applause] [Applause] folks I wish I could they keep me on a tight leash around here I wish I had more time but go out there and win some money in that casino and while you're at it win mine back will you please [Applause] tell all your friends you're always welcome at the October one more time [Applause] wow nice show Rizzo hey thanks Nikki I'll see you tomorrow hey not if I see you first keep your day job hey it's a night job but thanks anyway hello foreign [Music] there's a fan outside that would like to meet and take some pictures is that okay no absolutely absolutely hey hi can I get a picture sure what's your name my name's Sarah where are you from I'm from Chicago Chicago well Bailey doesn't do photographs but Jay Leno does have that bad let's get a picture let's get a picture right over there there's the camera okay hey you in town long you in town I just came out here to see your show oh that's a long way to see my show well it was it was worth the trip that's terrific so are you an entertainment industry or I am yeah I'm a musician you're a musician what do you play I play the cello good for you well much success thank you so much thank you enjoy Vegas thank you [Music] great show tonight thank you so much how are you buddy how you feeling oh absolutely average I thought I'd swing by and see your show tonight I'm so glad you did what a treat to have you here thank you so much for coming by yeah you're welcome uh listen uh I hope you don't mind if I steal that Wizard of Oz bit from you you like that well you can steal it because I stoled everything else oh oh my gosh it's Rich Little but and Billy Crystal you are my most favorite entertainers of all how are you you oh this is like oh I'm getting like vain or something this is like a dream come true you're my two greatest entertainers of all time okay who's your favorite is it him or is it me is it him it's It's gotta be him this guy's the best I learned everything from him oh they're so fabulous but but you're my man you should be in solid pain off so funny off stage oh do you mind if we can take a picture together absolutely my sister's just shoot just like your most favorite entertainers let's do a picture okay let's do a selfie make sure it's high enough so we look thin let's do that let's do the selfie okay another camera yes here we go here we go here we go oh this is oh it's so great thank you so much oh thank you so much so hey break a leg oh thanks too bad she wasn't excited no I know no steroids really worked don't they they sure did they should just you're my idol I love all the Impressions that you do you're working on some different ones now so many people now to do yeah yeah I'm doing Biden you know you're doing Biden yeah yeah well he can't even do himself fighting can't do himself well you know Joe Biden Joe Budden I'm coming back in a big way hey man hey man you Chumps out there my name is um is uh oh God I got a letter this morning but uh and then Trump would have said he doesn't know his name he doesn't know where he's from he comes out in Oklahoma he says it's nice to be here in Texas that's right and president uh Kamala Harris yeah she's doing the work with three people Larry Curley I grabbed lunch sometimes yeah because I need some new material I gotta have some new material my old weird holy man put easy off in your shorts [Music] Johnny Carson [Music] your show was amazing last night is that like an every night occurrence where it's packed like that and not every night I mean during the week we get some good crowds but weekends are always packed in this place I mean Vegas is popping on the weekends they come in from California Utah Arizona packed houses I'm loving it I'm loving it those voices they totally crack me up yeah does she do those voices around here he does voices but they don't always crack me up yeah well you must be doing something right look at this house it's you're living large yeah the bank's living large so he better keep doing what he's doing here's funny as he is he said he wanted to see the flowers yeah can you show me those yeah let's go see him have fun I know you love to live here but what about living in Hollywood you've been working in Hollywood no no you know I go there for meetings once in a while and you know TV gigs but I don't want to live there you know the works here I do nightly shows yeah well what about back east back East too cold too cold man I like the weather in Vegas so I'm staying there well what about Jackie she seems so happy Jackie's pretty happy she's got a great gig at the Hillyard group over there you know they love her so you know sometimes it's rough because she's working days you know I'm working nights over there every night so but we make it work because weekends you know we can have friends over and hang out like you guys so yeah talking more okay you heard the boss [Music] Joey and Janet texted me that they really enjoyed their time here no good and they want us to visit for Christmas checking on Cole to get Sarah Christmas time can we get out of it I think it's cold here too yeah not like there it's freezing can we get out of it we're going what if I get like a Christmas we're going what if I get like a TV spot then can we get out of there really we're going I guess we're going I sure are going well I gotta stop by Hilliard on the way home that's nice yeah yeah I gotta pick up some stuff for next week but it looks gloomy out there why you have to go tonight it looks like it might rain might it is raining look it's driven already be careful as you're driving over there tonight will you oh [Music] I'll see you later be careful hey what if I um [Music] hey baby where are you yeah this is Mr rizzos this is the police department could you come to Valley General Hospital Youth Department what yes and wife has been in an accident my wife she what she was in an accident [Music] I'm really sorry there was nothing we could do [Music] I'll tell him oh sorry [Music] it's not good man what did they say did you talk to ambulance driver the endless people what would they say they said that she was already gone by the time they got to the scene she was already gone when they got there it's the doctor just confirmed that she suffered did she did did they say that she suffered what what do you mean gone she's you can't be it was a bad corner I I saw the weather was bad I shouldn't have let her go I shouldn't have let her go it's a bad Corner Billy Billy I knew I knew it was bad that night I should have let her go I told her not to go and she went and it was raining it was bad weather action I'll let her go really it's not your fault you can't be gone silly [Music] hello hey Sam it's me how you doing bud not too good Sam look I gotta get out of here man can I come back to work oh look man you come back when you're ready we'll be here for you no Sam I'm ready now man I'm going crazy I gotta come back to work I got to do something I'm going nuts here come back ready now [Music] oh Nikki he ain't doing very good out there this is not the same guy hey look I could kill the spot go to a music queue get him off no no no we gotta let him go if he doesn't get through it now he'll never get back I'll let him go for a couple more minutes okay so uh so Jimmy Stewart is uh he's okay so so like Jimmy Stewart is is uh he's talking he's talking to the Queen of England and and he and he goes like this he goes oh um um uh um um uh well um um um um um come on man you're taking longer to do Jimmy Stewart than Jimmy Stewart himself would hey buddy I work alone okay oh you idiots leave the man alone he's doing the best he can oh it looks like you're alone now huh pal oh she'll be back tomorrow don't you worry about that but hey at least I have a date what about yours [Music] you know that that's that's a little too far buddy hickey do something get him off quick get him he's got off the rails let's go go what do we do now Sam boy I don't know it's really bad what do you what do you mean you saw what he did the crowd was with me I had the crowd they were with me Sammy no no Billy they weren't with you you were way off I mean you were really way off and now you've gone and done this oh that's really bad what are we supposed to do well they know the situation they've seen the tapes they're going to say you're going to have to go They're not going to budge they're not going to budge what you're gonna have to go no Sammy this is all I got what do you mean go go where I got nowhere to I got after what I've been through the last few weeks I got nothing I got nowhere to go oh but you don't understand this guy is going to get lawyers he's going to go after you he's going to take your house your money your everything [Music] foreign [Music] foreign can I get a marker give me a marker I need another marker give me a Pit Boss give me a Pit Boss over here please come on I need another marker shirt can I get a marker please we're going to get you a marker I need a marker now I need a marker to calm down I don't I am calm I am calm I just need a marker I need another Mark we're going to get you a marker calm down but you're gonna need to watch your limit I am calm I need another marker don't tell me to calm down I know what I'm doing just get me a marker please get your boss over here get a Pit Boss get somebody over here I need another marker now Mr Rizzo you're way over your limits I called upstairs and I hate to do this to you but our people have been instructed to cut off your account now cut me off you can't pay up that's it there's no limit for me you don't know who I am I'm Billy Rizzo I have no limit here I work on the Strip you can there's no limit for me give me a marker get your boss over here just give me a marker it's over Billy this is a home this is crap just give me a marker go home home there's no home talking about home I don't have a home bring me a marker no we're done talking it's over Tilly it's not over go home [Music] we're done talking [Music] thank you [Music] Billy I know the whole story I got it from the paper and from over at the culpit all the folks and Sammy too and everybody up and down the line and in between they all hate what's happened to you right now it's too hot this is too much of an issue for anybody upstairs Johnny you know me I did great shows for you before I went over to the Copa you know my work how long have I worked for you they're cutting me out of everything now I got nothing nobody will touch me I I need a shot here I mean don't shut me out I got nowhere else to go no it it just isn't that you know uh the word is out it gets around and the next guy somewhere down the line will do the same thing try to get under your skin and then what happens they sue not just you but the casino the hotel no look can't you give this a rest take a break recover maybe you win the trial to find in your favor and then then we can just talk wait for my call and in the meantime right now why don't you just leave because I'm sort of busy we're running a hotel here a casino I've got people to book that's it no way Billy you're way too risky we can't take the hit nobody's gonna take the hit come on Frankie I'm getting rejected all over town just give me 10 minutes 10 minutes I'll be out of your way you're out of my way already just cool down okay 10 minutes come on that cool down come on foreign [Music] ERS heard all of the arguments I want to make this clear to avoid any challenges as a result of the finding the complaint against Mr William Rizzo the individual is the only matter that Discord is ruling on at this time and the verdict in this case shall only be in reference to Mr William Rizzo the individual any future proceedings regarding other persons or entities whether criminal or civil will be taken up separately and in a timely fashion according to the laws of Clark County state of Nevada now Mr Rizzo in the matter of Alan Masterson versus William Rizzo Discord finds you civilly liable for the injuries and damages that are sought by the plaintiff Court further finds it as a result of an ongoing intentional attempt to liquidate Assets in order to avoid restitution such an act disrespects and negates any otherwise considered leniency or Mercy that this court might have offered we therefore order all your financial assets Frozen and a full and proper account involved personal assets above and beyond that shall be encumbered until the full restitution in this case is satisfied this court stands adjourned I need you two to come with me and sign some paperwork yes what just happened you heard the verdict can can you do something can we appeal this Billy you admitted to it they got you on tape you gambled away your money you direct away half the casino's bar your bank account's Frozen you got no house you got no job you can't even pay me you owe this guy five hundred thousand dollars what is it exactly you want me to appeal [Music] foreign [Music] wow Billy it hasn't been the same without you coming through those curtains yeah yeah I really messed it all up didn't I maybe there's something we could do maybe this will blow over no Nikki it's not blowing over man I just came from the Executioner it's a done deal they're telling me that they're not going to have me back now maybe never I'm so sorry Billy it's not on you Nick it's on me follow me I did it to myself now I got to figure out a way to make it right only problem is [Music] I don't know how I don't know how to make I'll see you now see ya not if I see you first Rizzo keep your day job it's a night job thanks anyways [Music] foreign [Music] over here what now yes now look you're three weeks behind already I can't float you anymore I've done what I can yeah they gotta pay up or get out come on I'm not getting work right now just give me a break here I need a place to stay I I'll get you the money I'll get you the money I got I got some jobs maybe in the future it's I'm hurting right now I mean just let me stay a while longer I got nowhere to go I've floated you as much as I can I can't help you anymore you either have to pay up or go oh come on the the work's just not there right now I'll get I'll get the money to you later I just need a place to stay let me let me do some work around here not now sweet I can't take on anyone new look you're gonna have to go Village can't use you you're throwing me out now you're gonna have to go [Music] and quit feeding the cats there's enough Strays around here the way it is [Music] hey buddy got any sport change no I got no spare change do I look like I have spare change if I had spare change it wouldn't be spare would it okay I got nothing this is what I got right here okay you're looking to roll me dude okay I got nothing got nothing for you to take so bug off well first of all maybe we got more in common than you think dudes we got nothing in common yeah you just said you don't have a place to stay I don't neither do you it looks like well wait a minute we can still talk and I don't have a fill up but I got a place for us to stay is this your first night out on the streets yeah come on follow me how about you I don't trust you where are you going [Music] here we are all the palatial Comforts of home what do you think I think it's terrible yeah well we finally got it up to that level well let me show you where you'll be staying this is Bill and uh many people are here five six depending if it's the weekend they come and go here follow me be careful the cactus it's about the only dangerous thing here safe well Bill's still alive this is where one guy stays come on I'm going to show you where your place is [Music] hey this is Norm he's been here the longest yeah who's he uh he's gonna be with us a few days but don't worry I vetted him yeah what's his name uh I don't know I haven't gotten that far yet yeah all right you've got him coming well these are gonna be here just a little while and uh this is where you'll be staying used to be JB's but he hasn't been around for a while so if he comes back we'll get you another place what do you think I know well come on I want to show you bro sorry about there's no mailbox [Music] hey hey there buddy boy how'd you sleep I feel like I slept on a rock well we'll get you covered come on it's time to go get something to eat breakfast eat we're gonna eat dirt I'm gonna show you the ropes this is my turn well I'm gonna show you how we make a little money you gotta eat yeah yeah we'll put this here try to look sad job I mean she said that you're sad looks kind of that's not sad that's that's rejected that's that's funny Sam that's my own side who's that oh my goodness we have all this maybe we'll catch this guy I'm trying to catch it from us yeah you want to feed the dog in US you'll see dog's gonna Feed Us hey girl [Music] I have got her okay come on girl good girl now you're gonna see something it's this [Music] see her [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you thank you well thank you very much oh thank you very much sir oh thank you very much ma'am I thank you and my dog thanks you oh whoa we have been blessed oh man this is a great place they know me here we're going to be able to get some great deals get some snacks some food and anything else you want [Music] yeah pretty good place how much you usually makeup well it's usually about twenty dollars for today with the dog we made a little over 37. hey where is it dog I left her with Norm she'll be okay that's a good thing because you know we didn't come along man she might have been Road killer that's your whole name or roadie Roadie that's not a family a lot of the kill um and we got some treats for her too here she's going to be happy to see us yes she is I already miss him hey I got a little something for you too here I'm chewing like Rodney are you kidding how are you doing okay how you doing okay here we have another one oh oh I'm Charles Nelson Reilly give me some more wow I'm I'm German store now I want more more treats well hello Mr Douglas it's Mr Haney I'd like another one of those treats please you got it give me one give me some more of those treats Bob why many Peach and I'm the one who sold them to you we could go out on Fremont Street I'll gather a crowd around if you do those Impressions we can make a bundle no nobody's gonna want to hear Let me do Impressions on Fremont Street you know you know how many acts are out there I'm not talking about you I'm talking about the dog the dog moves his lips you do the Impressions we'll make a bundle we'll talk A talking dog a talking dog I'm telling you I know the streets this will work we'll make a bundle [Music] ladies and gentlemen gather around your event children you're about to see the most phenomenal show you've ever seen you've probably seen a man die from a cliff into a wet sponge and extract its teeth you've probably seen a man crying into a cage with wild beasts and staple their thighs shut the shaw maybe you've seen an elephant fly which you've never seen as a talking dog that does Celebrity Impressions you can go all over the world Paris London Fresno you're not going to see anything like this ladies and gentlemen Roadie the talking dog foreign does anybody have any requests Rocky hey yo you know I got what you call the relaxed brain you know what I mean yo Adrian I wasn't incredible resemblance though any others Kermit the frog Kermit the Frog that's his favorite compression this is a Kermit the Frog here uh I know I look black and white but I'm really green wow a dog doing a frog where do you see that how about another one more Bill Clinton uh my name is Bill Clinton and I don't want you to tell Hillary I'm in Vegas party and Hardy now don't tell her don't tell her it'll be our secret which what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas [Applause] for free she's got to pay for it she loves jerky so here you go if you don't have any jerky on you put in some cash he knows how to convert it at the convenience store to jerking foreign [Music] so what's this what are we doing here just wait today you're going to learn your next lesson oh yeah [Music] just wait trash day foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you mentioned your wife earlier what happened wow it was a few months ago really bad car accident she got into she she went out driving back from the restaurant we were at and I never should have let her go it was really bad weather it's raining and they said she hit a curve and lost control of the car she was killed and after that I I just went nuts beanie man I went crazy I didn't even recognize myself you know I lost my mind I mean I couldn't even I couldn't even go on stage and do my thing anymore I was just horrible I couldn't believe it I was gambling and drinking and just spiraling downward you know and then I I ended up here [Music] I don't I don't even know how this all happened so quick you're a smart guy what's your story man what are you doing here well I was working in construction hurt my shoulder needed some surgery so I went back to live with my mom and she'd always been in and out of the hospital by the time I got home she wasn't there I think she'd missed some payments and the bank sold the house I ended up with nothing so I ended up here you know yeah seems like anybody could end up here if enough things go wrong true there's some good people here it's just not enough safety nets foreign [Applause] [Music] what are you saying I'm funny funny like I'm your person of clown funny like I amuse you funny not funny how yeah they're in my act together in my ACT yeah I thought you looked familiar but I just couldn't place it even with the voices that you did that should have been the clue yeah thanks I used to work on this trip so that's you up on the Billboards yeah I had a great gig you know I was on the Billboards a little cleaner shaving a little better attire but I was on the Billboards I I was on the Billboards uh doing impressions every night like Johnny Carson so what celebrities do you do with a beard you can do anybody with a beard I mean you talking to me huh Bobby De Niro was a beer huh the same huh talking to me huh can you do ball in with a beard oh here's Pauline with a bear I can do anybody with a beard I can do Johnny Carson with a beard where have you been you finally came back you finally came back you're well fed wow what are you getting food are you getting the food you're not eating out of the dumpster you know that laughs hey roadie hey Brody where you going buddy what you want me to chase you oh come on come back roadie Roadie Roadie [Music] [Applause] [Music] Roadie babies oh hi is she worse well I don't know if she's mine or I'm hers but kind of isn't that the way it hurts really yeah I'm Billy and and that's uh that's Roadie oh that's her name we always wondered what to call her well listen I'm glad you're here we're having a church picnic would you like to come inside and join us oh no thanks uh we're gonna go I I I don't have any money here oh listen you don't need any money come on we'll have a good time sure absolutely come on roadie and then she wanted me to follow her you know so I followed her all the way here well I'm so glad that she did you know did you ever think that maybe there's a reason why she brought you here today yeah food no I mean you know I tell you what why don't you come by on Sunday and um see what we got going on here I think you might like it no I I'm not really a churchgoing type but in fact I'm not I'm not a churchgover at all well the door is always open and know that you're always welcome here and we feed your dog you know like she comes here all the time I know I appreciate that I really and thank you for being nice to me and for being nice to Rody um I don't I don't know we'll see all right well just know the doors always helping thank you would you have to go to that church today places you had to go to that church yeah and then like there it's freezing can we get out of it we're going the door is always open and know that you're always welcome here and feed your dog you know like like becomes her all the time what did I do you ever see anything I've done before it's gravity Peak can you believe that ladies and gentlemen you just saw 30 minutes of The Greatest Show on Earth a talking dog that does Celebrity Impressions or else you're going to see a show like that for free we're not done yet anybody got any other requests how about Rodney Dangerfield I never got any respect I know I'm a dog but I went to a shrink he said get on the couch tell me your problems I said I'm not allowed on the couch okay [Applause] they've only gone through 427 so far any other requests how about Clint Eastwood Clint Eastwood that's his favorite I know what you're thinking did I bite six people or only five when the question you have to ask yourself is do I feel lucky well do you punk [Applause] hey what's the deal with Fremont Street there's nothing free about it they should call it pay through the nose mod [Applause] I think this gig you know I got 300 cars and motorcycles what do I need this for I don't know well that about wraps it up I can hear that uh roady's getting a little hoarse hey she can't perform for free for long she's got to eat ladies and gentlemen she loves beef jerky turkey jerky or if you got a steak in your pocket that'll do otherwise I'll toss the Hat down if you want to put some cash in there she can convert it to meat at the store [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign foreign I can't believe I'm doing this the passage goes on to say in Matthew for I was hungry and you fed me I was thirsty and you gave me water I was a stranger and you invited me into your homes naked you clothed me sick and in prison you visited me whatever you did for the least of these you did for me and so people if we don't recognize the message and do what it says daily we miss what Jesus called us here to do we're all here for a purpose and a reason and a season and we're here to serve others and so I'm calling you today to do what God called us to do and that's be servants coming back again I'll see you next week hi you two I'm so glad you decided to come back yeah and I don't know if you noticed but you may have inspired my message today oh really and I loved your message I loved your message I love to you know what you said it was kind of stuff that my grandma used to say hmm did your grandma read the Bible to you no not really but she used to say things like you know you were hungry I gave you food you were thirsty I gave you something to drink stuff like that I never thought it was except from the Bible I just thought it was Grandma oh yeah grandmas have a way of of impressing Upon Us those things don't they but you know what's so cool about that is our families they have a way of passing on Traditions to us that's sure to stay with us through the years of our lives and maybe something that your grandmother said to you stuck with you and made you remember her and remember the Bible and that's a good thing yeah maybe yeah well listen if you ever want to come back and visit me I would love to chat with you more my office is just down there there's a door on the side and it's open seven days a week I'm usually there during the week and I would love for nothing more than to sit and talk with you if you'd like to come by I don't get many visitors during the week so I would love to hear hear you come by and love to chat with you um I I don't know I mean you have all these other people to take care of you well listen my door's always then and that's what I'm here for so thank you I appreciate it you're so welcome have a good day [Music] no actually you know it wasn't like that at all you know it wasn't what you'd expect at a church you know not not everything that that I would have expected it was it was totally different these people they treated me really nice very respectfully they were they were different I was kind of pleasantly surprised I mean they didn't come up to you with their head in a 45 degree angle and say hey you want to go to heaven no no nothing like that but I know I know what you mean because I I've had that experience before but no they were different they um you know I I wouldn't have even gone over there except that you reminded me that it was Sunday so I thought well let me go check it out you let me know how that goes for you yeah hey did we did we make any money on Fremont Street did we what do we get we made 112 bucks 112 bucks that is some talking dog now if we can just get her to juggle juggle no no no I think that would be a step down true but uh you know I was thinking you know with the money maybe you know we've been washing up in gas stations I'm not used to that can we uh maybe use some of the money get a hotel room maybe for the night get cleaned up aha now you're getting your routine down that's the way we work it yeah every couple weeks we find a hotel we clean up we shave we shower yeah I figure okay so we get a hotel room I mean whatever it is we can make it up in one show bingo you know I haven't told you this but I've been given some money to Norm and the others so they could eat and get what they have to get done do what else they got to do you know I'm laughing because I've been doing the same thing we got to help them out you got it man we're a community yeah you know I I just you know I've been thinking I just feel like there's more out there that I need to do you know you know more that I I afternoon I'm getting a little antsy huh yeah maybe but ah I'm just starting to think that maybe we're all here for a reason you know maybe there's a reason that we're here in this moment in time doing what we're doing I don't know what the reason is yet but maybe maybe we need to find it [Music] well here we are JJ's 30 bucks a month this is it this is it it's like the kind of place that owes three stars yeah well as soon as your car comes by and opens up the gate I'll go in and get the room I mean we can't get in no they use the gate to keep out the riffraff oh like us you know yeah that makes sense hey look a night of good sleep a shave we'll wake up in the morning recycled and we'll be new men good sleep I don't know about new either well we'll still be men hopefully we wake up well hopefully we wake up men thank you thank you Hi how are you hi oh would you like a donut we just got oh no thank you I'm looking for pastor Emily is she here I know you I saw you in the back of church Sunday with our neighborhood doggy right yeah that was me Sharon this is Billy Billy this is Sharon Sharon feeds your dog yep really guilty as charged she uh she goes back in the refrigerator and gets like cheese or turkey or whatever that explains it I I have smelled turkey and cheese on her breath when she comes home at night that explains it how you doing Billy uh okay I guess where is roadie uh she's at home even she needs a break from me it seems from time to time and you know we all need a break sometimes yeah so I'm really glad that you decided to come in I've been praying for you a lot somehow I knew you would say that I'd come this way it is okay if I pray for you right well yeah I mean that's what you do right oh yeah it is look Billy I don't know what you need we all kind of need the same things but God knows what you need and I want to try to help you get what you need God's got a plan and it's better than what you or I could come up with well Pastor Emily let me ask you this how how did you know I'd even come back here today nice new I just knew God lay down my heart and I've been praying for you we all shared the same stuff I don't think it was before did he have any family none that we know of did he have any possessions just the 10 that's all he had left you're saying Diddy Diddy did he die oh I'm sorry nor he died yes Norm died people come people go God I I have no idea if you're real but Pastor Emily says that you are and so I figured I'd try this I don't know anything about it I have no idea what I'm doing but Pastor Emily said that if I admit to you or I messed up that you could fix it you can make it right all the things I messed up you can fix it and I need you to fix it if you hear me if you reel then you can fix this I need you to do that for me because I'm lost and I don't know where to go from here I have no idea so Show Me A Sign show me that you hear me show me that this is real amen [Music] forgive me forgive me forgive me thank you so much for coming home see you next week Billy I'm so sorry about your friend and I wish there was more we could have done for your friends but please you know tell them if there's anything we can do for them we'd be more than happy to help thank you I'll pass on the information but I can tell you it can be a pretty rough crowd well listen we specialize in rough crowds you know look we tamed you didn't we yeah yeah listen last week at our church staff meeting there's a need for a maintenance person that rakes leaves and just kind of cleans up the property before our Sunday service it's part time we'll feed you and you know just something to think about give you a little bit of money and I don't know what do you think something to think about maybe I don't know I don't know Billy I can tell you we are good to work for there's no pressure and they wouldn't have asked if they didn't need you they gave me a job a while ago when I was at my very lowest point and help me help me situation around just some food for thought and if you take it food for the stomach as well just think it over okay okay [Music] wow this is already looking better let's do it you don't have to do it you just get that message so the other day you were talking about that you were at your lowest point at one time what did you mean by that it was right after a very bad breakup I knew it was no good anyway he was both abusive and hurtful sorry you went through that Pastor Emily seems to know a lot about these kind of things doesn't she I think she just listens well and then follows God's lead what about you pretty much hit rock bottom I went through a hard hard time I lost pretty much everything that meant anything to me no it's been a good morning hey Pastor I was wondering like uh what do you think if next Sunday next Sunday if I should get baptized oh that would be amazing praise God absolutely congratulations [Music] stop that guy he just robbed the place [Music] stay right there the trans where I can see him up where I can see him now Lean Forward slowly down lay down Browns he's the guy he's the guy all right you're back let's go let's go stand up can you please come downtown to the station for a report no no I'm not going there we need you to make a statement and then you can go no I got my crate here do it you could bring your crate we can put it in the car let's go I really appreciate you coming you go straight to the car look this man is tired and deserves his privacy so no questions let him go home I heard the name Rizzo is his name perhaps Billy Rizzo look I'm not I'm not gonna comment on any investigations we got going on right now and we have story we'll release it but right now nothing from our end of our office you know if you want to write a story go downtown recreate the scene I'm sure there's somebody down there to talk to you heck I'm sure that people never even saw anything I'll be happy to talk to you you write the story I'm not doing your job for you look I'm playing a long honshare okay um I'm thinking that was Billy Rizzo remember him big star comic impersonator he was incredible and then he fell apart his wife I'm not saying yes and it was bad Vegas was bad I'm not saying no but I sure know you can catch him right now or Fremont Street pedestrian and tourist area you can catch him almost any day I know it likes you Sharon listen to this whatever happened to Billy Rizzo Billy Rizzo the famed Las Vegas comedy favorite who dropped out of sight after his wife passed away last year is now a true hero he single-handedly stopped a robbery in progress and prevented even worse from happening to the store clerk after shots were fired Mr Rizzo surprised the attacker and disarmed him and held him until the police arrived on the scene are you kidding me Billy grisso Emily Billy Rizzo was the performer on stage the night of my breakup he was the one my fiance insulted and started a fight with that's why he lost his job there do you think he knows that I don't know with the lights in his face and stuff going on maybe he does know and he just didn't want to embarrass me or even worse maybe he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of you I would have never recognized him well didn't recognize him he looks so different now that really tells me a lot now probably not unless somebody tells him we even know where he lives well I mean you know probably too embarrassed to tell anybody where he lives I mean look at what happened to him do you think he'd want to share where he ended up I just can't imagine with everything he's gone through it just I can't imagine how he feels I just hope it doesn't get out of hand well I just hope he comes back I mean maybe we can help him figure out what to do next you know yeah [Music] [Applause] a second [Music] [Music] I think we lost them oh no it's not a reporter I'm a Booker I got three TV shows wanting you immediately all I gotta do is tell them when and it's all on you TV shows yeah now all right all right this is Benjamin Reed he's my representative I will handle all the details all right talk money with them you talk accommodations everything give us a little time we'll go to a hotel room we'll get cleaned up and then we'll go downstairs and talk a little business to deal with the Benjamin here all right okay we'll play it out however you want all right so we're done let's go all right you're back what do you think man the ancient spread for this WOW who wants us looking good telling you they don't put out money like this unless we've got something to offer them wow yeah we made a little impression on him I think excellent so what is it again I'm supposed to do this is what you do okay we're gonna meet with this agent guy okay these agents you know you saw what kind of type is you know you know kind of you know mover and Shaker at times right so here's what we do everything that you see me agree with just nod your head guys if I don't agree shake your head no that's it okay all right how cool is that that's pretty cool yeah let's go well you know wait a minute you know what's that well I just don't know if this is in my wheelhouse and I've got a lot of wheelhouses what's the matter listen this is your Genius I don't know I don't feel I belong here you know it's this is your chance to turn your life around you've been living on the street that's no way to live okay you can turn everything around God gave me a second chance I'll give it to you all you got to do is believe that's all you got to do remember when I came into the camp and I said we're all here for a reason you remember that yeah but we're all here for a reason we're right here right now in this place in time for a reason we got to find out we're not going to find out unless we give this guy a shot and who knows you know the sky's the limit we could turn it all around okay let's do it let's do it you trusted me I'm gonna trust you with one difference what's that you don't have to put your hands in here okay [Music] foreign [Music] Night Lights highlights brother do we have a show for you today our special guest is one who we know has been absent for most of the past year but you've certainly heard about him within the last three or four days we flew him here to Hollywood just to have the very first interview since this heroic event and his eventful return to our eager and receptive entertainment industry once again Chrissy will you do us the honors thank you Kenny ladies and gentlemen it is my great pleasure to welcome one of Las Vegas's most engaging entertaining and hilarious comedy acts Mr Billy Rizzo thank you for having me nice to meet you Bob pleasure to have you Billy unless people have been living under a rock they've certainly heard about how you foiled a robbery and reportedly saved a man's life can you tell us a little more about the whole thing no I just kind of held the guy down until the cops came that's all I did I sat on them yeah there's got to be more to it than that no really I I put my knee on the guy because he wasn't really big you know so I held him down with my knee and I just kind of looked down on him like Dr Phil and I went what were you thinking oh my goodness well I can imagine your thoughts but according to the news coverage you did a lot more than that they say that you stopped the robber from getting away disarmed him and saved the cook's life in the process amid gunshots well I can't really speak to saving anybody's life but I can tell you this the events that transpired over the past few months away from the spotlight for me saved mine and I think I needed saving more than he did that night you'll have to elaborate a little more on that for us Billy can you give some of the details of the situation you're in well I'd love to get into that how low I was and where I came from up here to down there and now I'm getting back but we don't have that kind of time but in time I'd like to share it with a lot of people as many as possible you know and in the process you know maybe give something back because I've been given a second chance and you say give something back for instance well you know the past few days we've been in negotiations to start a Telethon for the homeless and for homeless animal rescue and just have an entertainment Telethon where we can raise money to to help a lot of these people that are on the street a lot of them are vets that serve this country that have mental illness PTSD they need medication they need counseling and that takes money so we have to help them get him a roof over their head and I think uh I'd like to be the Catalyst to start getting the ball rolling to uh raising money to help these causes to put on a big telephone of entertainers I think we can raise money I think we can help get these people off the streets and make something happen well it seems like a lot to tackle just as you're getting back you know it is a lot to tackle but no time like the present right Billy thank you for taking time with us today we really wish you the very best moving forward thank you for having me pleasure to meet you Bob it has been and now we have Susan with the weather [Music] this is so exciting [Music] oh my gosh you've got more than welcome [Music] all right places everybody please are you ready all right we are live in five four three two foreign [Music] Hotel in Las Vegas it's the first annual Faith wins Telethon for the homeless tonight with an All-Star cast of celebrity guest performances and now here is your host and co-founder of Faith wins Mr Billy Rizzo [Applause] all right [Music] follow Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the troubled
Channel: GreenApple GO!
Views: 155,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2021, Movies, Full Movie, Free Movies, Award Winning, Faith, Christian, Hope, Homeless, Las Vegas, Strip, Wild Card, Entertainer, Fame, Bible, lifetime, lifetime movies, hallmark, hallmark movies, LMN, lmn movies, Christian Movie, free christmas movies, movies 2023 full movie
Id: seFhZgS-Vfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 38sec (4658 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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