Unmarried - A Nigerian Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] please wait do not go we are married I have no husband I am your husband I have no husband I have no [Music] husband what is it Fina same dream again yes what is wrong with you fin how can a married woman keep her dreams where she yells at her husband and tells him she has no husband I don't know you don't know but I have a husband so why do you keep dreaming about [Music] [Applause] this [Music] [Music] what sort of nonsense is this HH what is it Mama good afternoon afternoon I just don't understand what what what this rubbish is all about on my way from the market I heard some women saying that the King has banned me from social Gatherings from public appearances from public Gatherings why what did I do you know why I just heard some gossip you know that because we've married two three four five husbands so they think you know it's like you know disease they don't want you to they think it's cancer even cancer you know so that's why he did that but my dear daughter you know the Bible encourages Us in sec in 1 Timothy 2: 1 and 2 that first of all supplication and prayer and intercession and Thanksgiving Thanksgiving be made to all in authority to all men especially the Kings and those in Authority that we may live a quiet and Peaceable life with honesty God Godly life mama what you're trying to say now is I should just keep quiet yes not do anything not say anything I should sit down and pray for the same King that has just decreed this rubbish that's right that's why no no no no no no if we pray for them that's why we have to see my de you know one thing people talk against leaders but we're not allowed to talk again leaders the more you pray for him you he cause of fire but if you to Revenge then that's where they can get you because you know one thing they see you know they go to their crystal ball to see what's happening they know you're a child of Destiny they know whatever you do must Prosper whatever you lay your hands Prosper so relax cool who said who who are you will ask you how are you just go and start you know preparing for your celebration you will celebrate okay mama let me just go in and rest I'm tired all right my [Music] darling when you died and rose again now today you in heaven and you know one thing Revelation 5 verse 10 that's what I'm just looking I've never seen a woman like this since I was born how can a woman and her daughter decid that the only thing they will do with their lives is to see them and read the Bible I every day don't mind them they say it is called push push mhm which one is push uhuh according to them it is praying until something happen B hey wait to so she wants to be praying to be praying e until her daughter marries the seventh or eigh [Music] husband Jesus the author and finisher of our [Music] faith what is the meaning of this this road is wide enough for us why why are you stopping me in my way please can you just leave me alone because you are not worthy to walk on the path where we women of honor walk I don't understand what is the meaning of this she is saying that a woman like you without reputation should not walk around where women of honor walk rather you should cover your face in shame me yes you are a Shameless woman a Shameless woman without honor mhm you are a Shameless woman H if I were you I will go indoors lock myself continue praying until death comes to take me eh yes please Shameless prayer woman continue [Music] praying [Music] Esa do not dare me don't dare me let me tell you I am the god that you see and I'm capable of taking your life here and now and nothing will happen something will happen yes I cannot continue to be your punching bag in this house no not anymore just if you lay a finger on me if you dare touch me I will use this thing to break everything that is breakable in this house including your head try it what kind of a man are youh yes I am that man who put food on your table and that of your family but you a good car with your bank account consistently smiling the kind of man every woman out there would like to have Esa do not dare me do not dare [Music] me [Music] I'll do anything for you okay all right okay um okay make it soft the rice all right [Music] MH I knew you was going to fall there you go [Music] oh chicken sauce been a while been a while been a while give thanks with a grateful heart give thanks to the Holy One give thanks because he given Jesus Christ the son give thanks with a grateful heart I say give thanks to the Holy One I give thanks because he's given Jesus Christ his son and now let the weak say I am strong and let the Paul say I am rich because of what the Lord has done for us I said now let the weak say I am strong and let the PA say I am rich because of the Lord has for we give thanks Oh my Jesus we give thanks Heavenly Father we give thanks oh my God sh I still have hope I have a hope like an ankle I have a hope because Jesus is Lord father doesn't your word in Isaiah 41 ver 17 say that when the poor and needy seek water and there is none and that tongue failed for test you say you the Lord you say for the you the Lord will hear them say I the Lord of Israel will not forsake them Father we need water and you said in verse 18 I will open War rivers in high places and fountains the Fountain of Life is Flowing every day whoever drink it shall never test again is that not the holy spirit is that not the water we're talking about bow daddy AB father that the Water of Life people go to fetch water they don't understand but you're talking about your Holy Spirit father did you not promise your people oh God that when you go back to your further you going to send the Holy Spirit a comforter who will answer us he said I will open rivers in high places and fountains in the midst of valleys I will make a Wilderness a pool of water and the dry land Springs of water Isaiah 41 oh Lord Our God verse 19 say I will plant in the wilderness you see that the sh tree and the m and the oil tree I will set in the wilderness the F tree and the pine and box free together that they may see those that laughing at us that they may see Lord those that are laughing at the poor people and the needy you said they may see and now and consider and understand together that the LA hand of the Lord had done this and the Holy One of Israel I created this so father I'm bringing back your word to you you have to confirm your word oh Lord and our God you will confirm your word I know you you've done it before Lord how come that people discriminate you are a God of Justice you don't discriminate at all now my daughter have been restra restrained from going public places not because she had married one husband who didn't like her who beat her up treated her like a slave which you said we shouldn't do it and she left didn't sue him to court didn't take nothing because she knows that's a God she doesn't need his money and got another one and he treated her the same did the same thing and I know it's not man she's looking for love but I know you are the only one that can give us real love oh acient of days so that's why I'm talking to you but you promised that you are the husband to the single people you promise oh Lord these people don't understand it they don't understand but you promise and because of that promise I'm telling her to look unto you the author and finisher of her faith she must have faith Lord she must have faith she must have faith so long as she's my daughter she must have faith Hallelujah the Lord is so good he so wonderful my God and my [Music] Lord [Music] woman may I have water to drink how is it that thou being a Jew as water of me which I'm a Sam and the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritan if thou knowest the gift of God and who it is that said to you give me to drink thou wouldest have asked of him for he would have given thee Living Water sir that has nothing to draw with and the well is deep from when then has thou that living water are thou greater than our father Jacob whosoever that drink it from this water shall test again but whosoever that drinketh from the water that I shall give shall test no more sir give me that water that I D not neither come hi to th woman go and call their husband I have no husband thou said well I have no husband for thou has has had five husbands and he whom thou now H is not thy husband look at Master talking with the woman of Samaria and no said what secet thou or why thou talk with her master you are talking to the woman of [Music] Samaria [Music] you see what I'm telling you the problem with you is that you don't read the Bible at all that secret book it stated everything in Black black and white Bible said and I quote wives be submissive to your husband as simple as that chica listen to me I do not need the Bible to let me know that my wife should be submissive to me I mean she would submit everything she owns to me as and when do you are a real man you are a real man and that's how real men run their family see you see those so-call women if you give them a little breeding space they will assume what they are not you know I've been married twice if there is any University course called women I am a professor in that professor of women Affairs that's what I'm learning fast God bless you madam God bless you too can I help you um Madam I'm sorry to bother you but this weather is really hot very unfriendly I'm wondering if you could help me with some water I am so tasty and I don't have money to buy water you want me to give you my water because because you don't have money to buy water not even 10 naira to buy pure water Madam I'm sorry I can't help myself at the moment why do you men think women are fools why so you want me to believe a young able-bodied man like you cannot afford to buy suchet water pure water five n pure water now please um do you have a Bible no I have a goes to school do you want to borrow it of course you have a Bible but nobody has ever open it unfortunately no one has ever opened it in a very long ter it has been on the same spot in your house for as long as you can remember Madam please I beg you in the name of God I want you to dust that Bible of yours open it study the Book of John chapter 1 verse 4 to7 for you to understand [Music] the truth of this matter is that I am scared of marriage I see the I see the morally shocking things that people do when they fight for divorce and the hell they put their children through afterwards there is no day you go online that you don't see one gory picture or the other of husbands beating Ming even killing their wives a couple of days back I saw a picture online a man slaughtered his pregnant wife what Grace as far as I'm concerned the fear of marriage is the beginning of wisdom for every woman out there um honestly I see where your fear is coming from but PA doesn't beat me Hallelujah and you need to praise the Lord he worries me though how see Paul is a very nice person believe me he's very very nice he's caring he's loving and you know what he doesn't humanize you understand you you've told me all this before uh but what I don't understand is how it worries you how do I put it to you now okay he's he's not the fun kind of person see you know I love fun this guy this guy is not fun as you know what I'm saying now he doesn't like having sex do know how this guy has not made love to me for once for once so he has not touched me are you kidding me me kidding do I look like I'm kidding I am not I'm being real here is he gay hell no he's not a gay ah see he just that he's one of those that believe in not having premarital sex you understand he wants us to be married before we can see it's not funny Grace do not be deceived look I just hope it's not too late before you realize that the guy you're building all your hopes on may be [Music] [Applause] [Music] gay [Music] what's with the long face my darling tell me how did he go business is a bit slow and those owing are not willing to pay at all you really have to mount pressure on them to pay how do they expect us to survive and do not tell me is going to affect the money you promised to give me earlier today as I'm talking to you I do not even have 10 n to buy saet water this is not funny I'm damn serious I know you're serious it's not you it's it's um it's not what you said you just what you said reminded me of what someone had told me earlier today that he doesn't have money to buy such water and wanted me to give him my bottled water what's that about [Music] that Fina what is wrong why the sudden interest in the Bible no nothing I just um I want to read something from yes John John 4 verse 7 I'll do you the honor John 4 verse S there cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water Jesus said unto her give me to drink for his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat then said the woman of Samaria unto him how is it that thou being a Jew ask SC drink of me which I'm a woman of Samaria for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans Jesus answered and said unto her if thou knth the gift of God and who it is that said to thee give me to drink thou would have asked of him and he would have given you the Living Water why put ourselves with a 2,000 year old story about samarita and some dirty water from the well when we have some good wine around take a [Music] SE um about the money you get it right [Music] mhm please don't patronize me [Music] please see all I need you to do is just to answer the question I asked that's so please listen my dear you need to see beyond the physical Man was created directly from the earth and was designed to be the foundation of a human family as a husband please spare me all this sermon eh Paul you've not tried to touch me before you've not tried to make love to me Paul and seriously I want to know why Paul Paul look at me am I not attractive enough or is it that Paul Paul are you gay God will not allow me to deviate from his ways the Bible says in the Book of Leviticus 18:22 thou shall not lie with the male as one lies with the female it takes an Abomination okay okay fine now Paul what is your problem with me am I not a female or do I look like a fellow man to you eh GRE we are not married yet but we eventually get married I wouldn't want to say that you have changed no I won't blame you for behaving the way you do that is the way the world behaves but I need you to behave like a child of God you are the Holy Spirit has the capacity to talk to you directly concerning this marriage but have you tried to listen Paul Paul do you really love me [Music] eh sister when is all this going to stop what sister for how long are you going to hide the truth from your family that you married to a monster and a wife beit Ruth my husband is not a monster I know we fight a lot but it's not always his fault sometimes I cause the whole thing it will only take a second of those few moments for him to beat and kill you sister this is not marriage Ruth this is my marriage you don't have to worry yourself about it raund is going to change one day I assure you change yes he will change I know I am not married but sister instead of a marriage like this I would rather dice a spinster what do you expect me to do divorce him hell no the Bible is against it bes right what would people say people what would people say is that more important to you than your life oh root this is my marriage leave it for me I am not complaining you wait until I ask for your opinion [Music] huh in everything you do always seek God's will over the approval of anyone else in this world including mine that way you are aware of the consequences of the choice you make but Paul do you know that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit In You whom you received from God you are not your own you were bought at a price therefore honor God with your body that is what the Bible said in First Corinthians chapter 6 from verse 19 to 20 I love you very well graig it is my desire to make you my wife but I also want you to pray so that the holy spirit will speak to you concerning this [Music] marriage some women are marriage to men who are not their husbands such women have no [Music] husbands my [Music] love I'm sorry I lost my cooler line [Music] [Music] today I got this for you [Music] I just hope you find a place in your heart to forgive me may I put it around your neck please thank [Music] you please forgive me I still love you [Music] okay I'm sorry sorry sorry okay [Music] sorry Jesus said unto her that thou has said well I have no husband for thou has had five husbands and he whom thou now Hast is not thine [Music] husband for thou has had five husbands and he whom thou Hast is not thy [Music] [Music] husband I have no husband [Music] these weights do not go we are married I have no husband but I am your husband I have no [Music] husband what is this a coincidence or what who is that man and why did he ask me to read that particular verse in the Bible does he know this is my sixth marriage does he know this is my sixth marriage confused [Music] Samuel what is the meaning of all this Samuel eh so you you've decided to make yourself a Latin stock in this neighborhood what what did I do to deserve all of this Samuel please tell them to shut up tell who to shut up look at what drunk has reduced you to because you drink every single day are you mad do you want to wake the neighbors up Samuel you know drunkenness is a sin you promised me you were going to stop drinking as soon as we get married but you've turned you've turned to just you've turned to something else you're worse what is all this what have I done shut up you are very very stupid that is how you be walking around like small small demons making noise trying to wake our neighbors that are sleeping in the hous is up don't shut up please it's okay just I'm sorry just get up let us go nobody should see you like this now Samuel come get up let us go where am I going get up get up I don't want anybody to see you I am sleeping in my water B and you telling me get up let's go let go hurry up this kind of disturbance is what want keep quiet complain what [Music] do [Music] Z welcome I'm greeting you now salutation is not love okay who is she she's my wife to be what did you just say said she is my wife to be do you have any problem with that said what did I do to you you did nothing you have not done anything just like I'm I'm F off I I don't I I need another wife just like that just like that I need another wife in fact let me be sincere with you I don't love you anymore you can find yourself another man if you don't mind [Music] DL [Music] finina finina before the count of I want you to take this money and go and buy me a p of now did you hear me I'm talking to you mark please stop it you cannot continue to treat me like a housel I am your wife I'm still battling with the fact that you left this house 3 days you didn't tell me where you went to no explanation no apology and you're sending me under this way to go and buy beer for you I'm not going anywhere what is wrong you're going to bur beer for me under everything is wrong it is the height of irresponsibility wait wait P did I hear you say I'm irresponsible your husband irresponsible why will you be sending me under the r to go sending me out under the r to buy for you for what now I know the reason why you cannot stay with a man now know the reason yes I'm your F husband right now prepare to go [Music] and move Look I am not going anywhere I who say the under the where does I'm not going anywhere going anywhere who does [Music] [Music] that Fina baby yes still up where you coming from did someone miss me Daniel you promised me you were going to stop keeping late night look at what the time is saying how can you just go back and break the same promise you made to me I know I did but you know please leave me alone why are you doing this to me listen fin can't you just be a man and stick to what you say I came back home in a happy mood expecting you to be happy with me but if you want to knock I'll go right back where I'm coming [Music] from anyway let me go inside and get some [Music] rest [Music] what is all this why are all these things happening to me what did I do to deserve the treatment I get from all the men I've been married to are the people in my are the witches from my Village after me is this a generational curse what oh could it be true that I have no husband I'm very hungry could you please make me some nles with egg [Music] Esther how many times have I want you not to serve me a cold food is it that you don't have retentive memory or you're just daed but that food was hot when I served it 20 minutes ago you must be stupid to make me think that a plate of food can grow from H to cold just in 20 minutes raund please whatever it is that you're driving at this morning don't make me a part of it please what is that supposed to mean it means that I am not in the mood for your stupid drama meish come on don't land you [Music] slap what happened did you get me the money yeah I did I did I did but I'm going to need the back tomorrow most definitely you'll get it back tomorrow if that fool that calls herself my wife did not leave the house without giving me the $50,000 I demanded I wouldn't be in this mess but why don't you call her on the phone you can call her on the phone to know where she is so you can go there get the money no there's no point I won't have to call her I'd wait for her to come back I know exactly what to do and should produce that many times too anyways if you say so I is just that sometimes uh it's good to know the whereabout of your woman to know where she is and know what she's doing that's why Danny you're supposed to know the most basic things about women she might be somewhere doing some things you never can tell don't get anyways that's it that's what okay you see she's not taking your calls what what could make a woman not to take the husband's call at this time of the day Danny look this is what I'm talking about [Music] Danny Danny hey take it [Music] easy look see women and their stupidity instead of them to hold on to the one that has sacrificed all the pleasures of all the women in the world to get to marry them they are there prosing around snooping around looking for what I cannot even imagine nonsense [Music] [Music] o [Music] he's either a genuine man of God or f one I'm going to wait here if I see him that means he's a real man of God if not it's probably a fake one most probably looks like I've just wasted my whole day searching for who I don't even know what to call [Music] him [Music] o [Music] hello hello hello um sorry please wait I need to talk to you please do you know what the Bible says in 1 Peter 5: 5-6 [Music] no in the same way you who are younger submit yourselves to your elders all of you clo yourselves with humility towards one another because God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble humble yourselves therefore honor God's Mighty hand that he may lift you up in due time please who are [Music] you my God where could she be where could this woman be and why is she not taking my calls okay I think what Chiki has been saying is true I know what to do I know what to do if I lay my hands on that man I'm going to kill him in Ephesians 5:22 the Bible says wives submit yourselves onto your own husbands as unto the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife even Christ is the head of the church and the savior of the body therefore as the church is subject to Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything God bear me witness that I have been all you have said and more to every man I have ever been married to but one important thing most men would want to take out from that chapter of Ephesians is vers 2 every one it says submitting yourselves to one another in the fear of God hold on what you're trying to say it is it's not just the wives that are to submit the Bible goes further to say in Ephesians that husbands love your wives even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it so Arts men to love their wives as their own bodies for he that loveth his wife loveth himself no man has ever hated his own flesh but nourish it and cherisheth it even as the Lord the church um there's this dream I keep having it keeps reoccurring and in that dream I find myself leaving the house and screaming saying that I have no husband I don't understand it love The elusive thing that has driven you into the arms of six different husbands it's nothing but love the kind of love that Jesus Christ of Nazareth represents the kind of love that made him die for his church that is what your heart Ys [Music] for Now you listen to me Paul I am man enough to know what I want and how to run my family do you get it brother Rond Genesis 3:1 do you know why God questioned Adam because he failed in his duty to be Visionary and a leader First Timothy 3:12 Ephesians 3:12 makes us to understand understand what Paul understand what you must be a spiritual leader to your wife lead her closer to God and not to her grave cultivate her to God's glory provide for her and protect her Proverbs 5: 18 to 20 Ephesians 5:33 teaches what it means to be a man and a husband and I expect you will you shut up shut up listen I've had enough of this and I don't want anymore brother Raymond it's high time you stopped looking at your status and P achievements as a measure of your manhood you know what baffles me Paul you've not even seen a woman to marry let alone getting married and here you are telling me about marriage what the heck do you know about marriage how can you know what it means to be a husband when you have lost the knowledge of what it takes to be a real man brother Raymond you were closer to God than I ever was what happened to you how did you get to this point Paul I've had a not of this nonsense one more word from you and I will go physical now get out of here get out imagine a Bor telling me about [Music] Mar that is absolute badash how how does he expect you to hear from the Holy Spirit are you now a pastor or a prophetess the Holy Spirit has never spoken to me and I doubt if see see the truth of this matter is just like me you are not seeing yourself getting into marriage really see Ruth I understand your fears h but seriously I am so ready for marriage really mhm then tell him that the Holy Spirit has graciously spoken to you h and has made you understand that both of you were made for each other right up from Heaven what you mean I should lie with the name of the Holy Spirit H that guy is rich and handsome well I am sure you have never met any of those desperate ladies who wants to get married at all cost the holy spirit is the least thing they can lie with little wonder the marriages end up just like the lies they told I am not desperate okay okay but don't say I did not want you hm I think it's high time you stood up and make a decision for yourself thank [Music] you Esther es where is that stupid loudy hone honey you're screaming I hope all is well you're stupid you're a very foolish person who yes that's why you're asking a screaming man if everything is okay come Esther has he gotten to the point of discussing my family issues outside here with that stupid Pastor Paul you ask him to embarrass me publicly with his stupid preachings right honey I don't understand what you're talking about yes because you're mad how would you understand you're a mad woman you don't have sense you don't have brain Raymond your worse than a mad man and I insist you take a vacation to a mental home what is it why would you make me a a casualty in my own house for crying out loud I am your wife I'm not your slave nonsense Esther is it me you're talking to like that wait a minute did you just shout at me are you talking you like that don't push me again if you push me again I'll push you back oh push me [Laughter] please please [Music] [Music] pleas I said come back here I'm talking to you and you're walking out on me are you mad why are you pulling me back just stop it how can you open your mouth and accuse me of adultery are you scared of your own now do not even try to degate from the topic what were you doing that you refuseed to take my calls why you get it because you're very stupid and you're not Co with that you have a right to walk out of my life what did you just say you help me now answer me my God my goodness why why did it take me this long to realize that I have no husband excuse me Dan I have no [Music] husband Fina rubbish next time you learn not to mess around with me huh I married you with my hard end money brought you into my house fed you and all you do is fight me every day and you think I will leave come get up get up and fight Raymond nonsense I kick your face now you know [Music] yourself for the first time since I got married to her Fina was not scared to tell me I'm not her husband even the $50,000 she promised me she ah Danny you're in trouble big [Music] trouble [Music] huh [Music] why you not sleeping I have something to share with you I want to share with you the good news that has brought me so much joy I'm asking why you're still awake and you're telling me about good news calm down listen to me let me tell you what it is are you listening okay I'm listening I met a man FAA you're cheating on me and you have the ner to look me in the eye and tell me that no not that I met a man his name is Jesus Jesus Christ you met Jesus Christ yes remember the man I told you I met that asked me for water he has led me to the kind of water I should have known Jesus Christ is that water the kind of water that the Samarian woman got and her Joy newal bounds what the hell are you talking about finina see he gave me some passages to read like John 4:13 to14 John 7:37 to39 Isaiah 44 vers 3 1 Corinthians 12:13 all this passages refer to the Holy Spirit as the water you have gone crazy [Music] fin what is going on CH I'm confused things have really gotten out of hand there is Fire on the Mountain can you come down and talk to me what happened I do not know what has gotten into Fina you need to see the kind of Bible quotations she was throwing at me last night I was just looking at her in oh I couldn't understand it is that why you walked up or that's why you're sounding as if the world is coming to an over the pH CH I am not joking this is serious finina has changed completely look at it she woke up this morning while I was was still asleep and left the house without preparing bre are you blind is it not clear to you that you have lost her to another man my friend wake up wake up I will find this man and I'll deal with him that's if he doesn't deal with you first anyways that a story for another day do you have my 20,000 CH I'm telling you my automated ta machine is temporarily unable to dispense and here you ask me about your money I'll get back to you later [Music] Danny good morning but what are you doing here didn't the get man tell you that you're no longer welcoming this house this is my sister's house and I am welcome here anytime any day oh shut up this is my house not your sister's house so I decide who is welcome and who is not welcome right now you're not welcome to this house get out if I leave this place I will go straight to the police station and Report you've murdered my sister you must be very stupid get out you think she doesn't have people to fight for her I will go straight to our Kindred and report this that you've been beating my sister up and I'll bring them here you see what will happen mm- I go to the village and my K beating my sister idiot you got me real scared can't you say I'm shaking fool come on get out of your before I slaping out of you see little [Music] brass got you in your Kindred is there any rich man in your Kindred does anybody have money in your Kindred [Music] idiot Esa I am saying this for the very last time I don't want see any member of your family in my house anymore look you people have gotten enough from me through your outrageous marriage demands I want to be left alone now Raymond I rejected a lot of sutors to marry you I loved you because you were everything I ever wanted in a man you were so caring and showed me love you were so close to God Raymond you made a lot of promises to me that our marriage will be happily ever after oh please spare me those silly stories that touch the house listen I married you into this house not to to to challenge my authorities I am the man of the house and my words are final Raymond what is happening to us you made me believe that you hated men that beat their wives look at what you've done to somebody you call your wife wife look at my face Raymond the question should be what is happening to you not us but let me answer you whatever is happening to you is happening because you bluntly refuse to listen to the word of God to obey the word of God which seeds woman Reverend thy husband but you will not rather you chose to be my equal and challenge my authorities oh no my dear that wouldn't happen in this house Raymond this thing is not supposed to be happening between us it's even supposed to be worse but you see I am just exercising patience waiting for your sister to come with those Kingsmen of yours then you will see the other side of raymon and perhaps the reason why I'm called Raya have you forgotten the vows we took on the altar on our wedding day have you vows indeed oh heavenly father if only your infinite mercies you can decide to turn back the hand of clock I swear I will not make this mistake again eser my marriage to you was a huge mistake for real I swear to God [Music] wa Danny Danny Danny Danny CH what is it I left your house a while ago Danny we agreed on something and I'm here for my money how can you talk like this I told you I've not seen my wife when I'm supposed to collect the money from and that is more reason I need my money from you then you have thought of it if your wife refused to give you the money you continue telling me Co good stories now that I'm here is either you give me my 20,000 or something equivalent to that CH why why are you talking like this to your friend do you know what I'm going through do you know since I left your house I've been in deep thought I now realize why my wife told me she's been having incessant dreams where she kept yelling at me and telling me she had no husband oh oh is it not obvious to you that your wife is sleeping off your GP my brother desperate situation demands desperate action [Music] what the Lord has done for me I cannot say it all ah Ruth are you still in this mood HH you see if you had followed me to the church eh you would have received the blessings I got today there were so many I couldn't just hold myself and guess who I met today please please please please I am not in the mood for this you're not in the mood you don't want to tell me what is eating you up I don't want to know why I'm excited like this are you a witch HH mind your language sorry anyway I met Baron huh what huh why you st at me like that see this guy is such a nice guy oh my God you know what he took me out we had the date we had this we had that oh my God I had so much fun you know what I didn't want to come back today just that for him so I had to cut my enjoyment short wait let me put you off this your sad mood something we exciting now just watch just watch should I count it this is 50,000 na you know who gave it to me I you know what he said more of this are coming from where this came from I'm so excited what services is this payment for services no services so H it's just that I am tired of putting all my eggs in one basket H one two Baron gave you 50,000 there mhm fine but I ask is this for services rendered or Services yet to be [Music] rendered now that you have drun from the same Living Water that Jesus Christ gave to the woman of Samaria you expected to do what she did what did she do in John 4: 28- 29 the Bible makes us to understand that the woman of Samaria left her waterp went into the City and sayth to the men come see it a man is this not the same man who told me all that I did you see my dear the woman confessed and professed her Liberation in Christ Jesus I will do all the woman of Samaria did good you know in verses 40-41 the Bible says that when the Samaritans came unto Jesus Christ they besought him so that he would t with them he abot the two do this and after they re encounter after this they all believed in his word you see it is also very important that you invite Jesus Christ to abide in your home I will do that good thank you very much you don't have to fear you don't need to entertain doubt for the Bible in 1 John 5:9 says that when we receive the witness of men the witness of God is greater and this is the witness of God which has testified of his son thank you very much I have to start going um I'll see you in church again okay all right thank you God bless you [Music] okay oh God [Music] Grace I'm scared Grace I'm on the verge of losing my sister to domestic violence what what are you talking about okay I know that Esther is your only sister and I'm quite sure she got married to a God-fearing gentleman so a God-fearing gentleman that's what he wants the world to see him as my sister is married to a monster I still don't understand what you're talking about my sister is living with a monster who has turned her into a punching bag and she would not let me tell our people Jesus Christ my sister you need to let them know about this please unless you want her to die [Music] hm [Music] [Music] [Music] my husband I want to beg you in the name of God to forgive me in whichever way I've wronged you I am depressed and heartbroken please I can't fight anymore forgive me how many times am I supposed to forgive your insubordination is that it's obvious you taking advantage of my love for you and that must stop listen you have no right whatsoever to question my others I'm sorry it won't happen again I will do exactly what you say from now please forgive me please forgive me that's better not you may get up come sit [Music] down so what did the woman say she answered and said I have no husband and Jesus said unto her thou Hast well said I have no husband I don't understand that was the confession of the Samaria woman just as in the holy book John chapter 4 from verse 17 to8 until your sister realized same she would never know that a woman could marry a man that is not her husband really but they are married already nevertheless let every man so love the wife as he love himself and the wife should respect the husband as it is in the holy book Ephesians 5:33 every woman who is married to a man who doesn't love her as he love himself that woman doesn't have a husband [Music] sh [Music] fa where are you coming from I'm coming from church so going to church is not more important to you than taking care of your husband Daniel has it ever occurred to you that I need an atmosphere of love and affection in this house that I need to feel loved and appreciated what what is what have you ever tried to show me that I'm special to you have you ever tried to make me feel loved feel like a normal woman have you ever tried to do that to me fa do not deviate from the fact that you left this house since morning and you're just coming back you haven't even given me the money you promised me apart from always ordering me around and begging me for money every now and then have you ever tried to have a conversation with me like regular couples do or even have a conversation with with me what happened to a man listening to his wife with interest sensitivity and some sort of concern what the devil is a liar yes he is hallelujah he is a [Music] liar I don't understand this how could finina just change in a twinkle of an eye Chik is certainly right A man is responsible for this I'm going to give fin one last chance tomorrow and if if she doesn't retrace her steps I will make her and the man that's responsible for her change pay heavily for this Fina FAA this is the last time I'm going to say this if you do not change and become the fa I used to know I'm going to walk out of this marriage what marriage did you just ask me that okay I can see you no longer have respect for me but let me tell you I am not going to live under the same roof with a woman who doesn't value me I will go for a divorce really real married men are out there under this hot sun bending their backs breaking their heads hustling to make sure they bring something home to their families and you're here talking about your divorce it is better for you to go and join cuz that you just Ed from your mouth if you do it you know it to have a negative effect on you and you know what I'm talking [Music] about [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] o Hey sister good afternoon good afternoon how are you I'm fine you're reading the Bible yes I shouldn't be doing that not really just that I don't see you like you know one who could dedicate her time to read in the Bible Well Graces fiance said some things about marriage and he also giv some Bible verses which are really making lots of sense right now you shouldn't be talking about my marriage Rond and I are fine we have settled our differences as a matter of fact he has promised to be the best man any woman can have really yes please give me a a glass of water okay all right chy I'm really sorry I'm sorry for not listening to you I'm sorry I did not take action before this ugly situation got out of hand do you know Fina insulted me today she gave me the kind of insult nobody has ever done in this life and you didn't beat the living day like that of her I was too dumbfounded to even react I was just moping at her I threatened to divorce her she wasn't moved at all F would go on her knees At The Mention Of divorce this time she looked in my face and laughed at me Danny Danny you know what to do you know what to do to restore your dignity and integrity and if you don't you'll be considered a spineless monkey do you think a man is involved of course and you need to do something about it honestly I've never seen the story of the woman of Samaria from this angle it is indeed the story of Liberation yes I don't know I don't know how to describe it no no it it describes the ultimate true love that should exist between husband and wife exactly huh Lord I thank you I thank you I came to your house today I've learned something that will make my life a lot easier same here I was scared of marriage but not anymore Les I forget I came to apologize on behalf of my husband but now I discover I have no husband thanks that's my K sister only because of you thank you hey know for today yeah [Music] got [Music] [Music] H you're back you're welcome how was your day Esther you think I'm treacherous right I don't understand what you're talking about honey who kept this Bible here I was reading it before I went upstairs listen I will not have any book in this house that will teach my wife how to leave or what to expect in my house not even the Bible now pick this up and pray it out of this house quickly God forbid H how do you expect me to throw the Bible away wait a minute a are you questioning my others I mean are you questioning my other yeah 1 Corinthians 15:16 but if the unbeliever lives let it be so the brother or the sister is not bound in such circumstances God has called us to live in peace how do you know wife whether you're to save your husband or how do you know husband whether you to save your wife so does that answer your question yes it's all right um I have to be on my way now okay yeah let me you okay no problem meanwhile ni I'm sure you have here thank you very much all right God bless you all right up to [Music] you [Music] okay all right I appreciate all [Music] right a new heart will I also give you and a new spirit will I put within you I shall take the Stony heart away from you and put a heart of Flesh within you I will give you my spirit and cause you to walk in my status I will make you keep my Commandments and you shall do that shut up shut up my friend what are you talking about guy finish this guy now let's get out of here he that WTH with the wise shall be wise but a comp companion of fools will be destroyed meaning you are of your father the devil and the lust of your father shall you do he was in borderer from the beginning and abod not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie he speaketh from his own for he's a liar and the father of it shut up shut up what is wrong with you you mad this is how you have f my wife with all sorts of lies that she has changed to totally a stranger I can't even recognize her anymore it is not too late for you to change from your lost ways and retrace your step to your home where a loving wife I withit you D finish this finish guy let's go out let's get out of here pleas this [Music] guy you can do it yourself if you so wish but before you do read Malachi 2: 14 and 15 here [Music] okay you ask why he know no longer accept them it is because he knows you have broken your promise to her although you promised before God that you will be faithful to her didn't God make you one body and spirit with her what was his purpose in this it was that you should have children who are truly God's people so make sure sure that none of you breaks his promise to his wife I know just like the man of Samarian that followed the women of Samaran to meet Jesus you have witnessed that change in your wife and you have come to the Lord for confirmation are you going to leave this ID to to use it Bible nonsense on us calm down CH what reality are you talking about she needs you as her husband this is wait I said see I am already her husband first Timothy 58 says that if a man fails to provide for his household if a man fails to provide for his own he is an Infidel do you do that as a husband I told you that this guy is an idiot 1 Peter 3:7 says likewise the husband dwell with them according to knowledge as unto giv been honor unto the wife as the wicked vessel and as the heads to The Grace Of The Life of Christ which is the grace itself so that your prayers will not be hindered that is what your wife wants from [Music] you look touch not my anointing and my Prophet but what is it ch [Music] ch ch Heavenly Father we thank you so much for fulfilling your perfect will today Father we thank you once more we thank you so much for saving and delivering your daughters who all believed that they were nobody through the words of Satan father you sent your son your only begotten son to die he died for us and Rose to love those that never believed they could beov father you are a god of second chance you are a God that does not discriminate Galatians 3:28 says that there is no Jew nor Greek there is no born nor free there is no male nor female for We Are All One in Christ Jesus praise the Living God huj hallelujah amen amen thank you Jesus than you Lord hallelujah amen come on stand up and give the Lord a shout of praise some Holy [Applause] Ghost amen awesome God awesome God hallelujah amen awesome God Mighty God Mighty God he's a mighty God mighty God we give you praise you prome we give you praise we give you praise God we give you praise we give you praise awesome God awesome [Applause] [Music] God you are you are God Hallelujah come on come [Music] you come you come come [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] I [Music] I
Channel: Kingdom Mount Zion Movies
Views: 1,451,663
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Keywords: nigerian movies 2023 latest full movies, nigerian movies, chioma chukwuka, unmarried, african movies, movies
Id: bDwzeypUTK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 39sec (5799 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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