Jeffrey Epstein Analysis | Was He Murdered? | Mental Health & Personality

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Dr. Grande is good. I watch a lot of his videos.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/judyjordan1 📅︎︎ May 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Armchair diagnosis... in order to do a proper evaluation you need standardized metrics questionnaires. Anyone who acts as an arm chair psychologist loses my respect.

Edit: he makes a disclaimer saying he’s not diagnosing, but I still think it’s risky being a psychologist and using ones position to conduct arm chair diagnosis.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/WinnyDaBish 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

With all the reasons you listed in support of the idea he was murdered, I find it odd that you lean more toward suicide based on a comment made about video footage you never saw. 👀

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jrc530 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome to my scientifically informed insider look at mental health topics if you find this video to be interesting or helpful please like it and subscribe to my channel hello this is dr. grande today's question asks so I can analyze the Jeffrey Epstein case so can I look at the mental health and personality factors and another question here is was Jeffrey Epstein murdered just reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening a situation like this so this is a video I've been working on for some time I had the outline probably about 90 95 % together and then I saw that Netflix had this special on Epstein so I watched that before making this video and I'm glad I did because there was some information in there they know so I was able to update the outline and make this video a little bit more comprehensive as I'm going through the timeline for Jeffrey Epstein when I use the term assault I'm talking about sexual assault of course that's what he did many many times in his criminal career so first I'll go through the timeline of the crimes look at the mental health and personality factors and then you get that question was Epstein murdered so starting with the timeline Epstein was born in 1953 in Brooklyn New York at age 16 he graduated high school having skipped two grades he went to college but left in 1974 without earning a degree in that same year he would start teaching math and physics at the Dalton School in Manhattan this was a private school for the wealthy he made a number of powerful contacts while at that school and one of them helped him do his next job he was fired in 1976 and went to work for the investment bank Bear Stearns he was fired from that company in 1981 for violating rules but he had already made important contacts in the field of finance and investment he started his own consulting company in 1981 and served what he referred to as the hyper rich now moving to 1990 we see that he buys a mansion in Palm Beach Florida in 2002 we see that a 14-year old female is taken to Epstein in his New York City mansion he assaulted her several times over the course of a year moving to 2005 we a 14-year old female and her parents accused epstein of assaulting her in his Palm Beach mansion it is believed by the time we see this 2005 report that he had offended against over 30 victims and perhaps had conducted hundreds of different assaults so he was well into his criminal career by 2005 now looking at May to June 2006 Epstein and two assistants were charged with multiple counts of unlawful sex with a minor but the grand jury only returned one indictment one count of solicitation of prostitution then moving to July to November 2006 we see an FBI investigation takes place in 2007 Epstein's lawyer meets with a prosecutor named Acosta and they negotiate a plea agreement 18 months in jail and immunity for all of Epstein's co-conspirators on this arrangement Epstein would plead guilty to solicitation of prostitution charges and his victims would not be given an opportunity to testify Epstein receives 18 months in jail and must register as a sex offender Epstein was housed in a special section of the Palm Beach County Jail instead of going to state prison while they are serving a sentence the door of a Cell was not locked he had access to a television another room and after just three and a half months he was allowed to participate in work release this program allowed him to be out of jail from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. six days a week he would go to work at his foundation they just created before reporting to jail after he was released he would dissolve that foundation in 2009 we see that Epstein is released after serving just 13 months in jail now after being released he was on probation but evidently he was given permission to travel to other states and to the US Virgin Islands now from 2009 to 2017 we see that several lawsuits are filed by Epstein's victims over the next 10 years he would settle several of these lawsuits and one can only imagine that as part of settling these lawsuits some of the victims were not allowed to communicate about what happened so that would reduce the chances of criminal charges in the future so in this way his money and power helped him to avoid responsibility in 2011 we see a new motion in federal court to throw out that plea deal he was given before july 2019 apps teen is arrested on charges of child sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking he pled not guilty but he was denied bail in part because the FBI had raided his Manhattan townhouse and found fake passports they also found hundreds of photographs of his victims on July 23 2019 Epstein attempted suicide while in jail and on August 10 xx n-- he completed a suicide moving to the mental health and personality factors so essentially Epstein was a con man who used his ability to manipulate and exploit victims in a number of ways Epstein had offended against at least 36 different females during his criminal career the vast majority were underage addition to personality pathology that I'll talk about a moment I've had a lot of questions about pedophilic disorder in relation to Jeffrey Epstein did he have this disorder I think the confusion there is the maximum age of the victim and that disorder the child is 13 and clearly Epstein offended against several people who were 14 and older so it's not really clear if he would technically qualify as having pedophilic disorder I think it's certainly a possibility in terms of what paraphilia he had a lot of people of course would just refer to what he did as pedophilia although technically it is probably better classified as epithelia he had an interest in children in his case specifically females age 11 to 14 and one could also make an argument that he also had a feeble philia which is an interest in children in his case again specifically females from age 15 to 19 so there are a few different technical terms here that could apply to Epstein's behavior now moving over to personality pathology we see the Epstein's behavior seems to align with both narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders but here we see a high level of primary psychopathy as opposed to secondary psychopathy sometimes called factor 1 psychopathy and factor 2 psychopathy so this is a profile of an extremely dangerous offender somebody who has superficial charm shallow effect and a lack of empathy but who is not necessarily impulsive or irresponsible outside of the criminal acts like in his day to day life he wasn't necessarily emotionally reactive rather he was cold and calculating also he was highly intelligent like many primary Psychopaths he didn't start with his offending until he was in a situation where the risk was reduced so for the most part he waited until he had money and power that could protect him primary Psychopaths make a calculation risk versus reward unlike secondary Psychopaths now looking at narcissistic personality there is evidence supporting all nine of the symptoms but to really stand out here fantasies of power and success and wealth not only did he have those fantasies but he was able to realize many of them and manipulation he manipulated just about everybody he came in contact with victims co-conspirators employers and that prosecutor who gave him an incredibly favorable plea deal so what we really see here is a grandiose narcissist with communal qualities Epstein donated millions of dollars to charity now even though we're looking at grandiose narcissism he wasn't particularly extroverted but he did have low agreeableness and low neuroticism so he's not the typical grandiose narcissist but I think his behavior aligns with that construct better than something like vulnerable narcissism now with the antisocial personality disorder like many primary Psychopaths his behavior seemed to align with enough of the criteria for the disorder for example breaking the law lying in a lack of remorse but not enough to represent a classic case and there's a mystery around the presence of conduct disorder symptoms before the age of 15 that's required for antisocial personality I'm not aware of any evidence that he meets that criterion now Epstein was arrogant in a way that made it seem like he really enjoyed getting away with crimes while letting other people know that he was getting away with them he wanted others to know he had true power he didn't have to hide from people or be afraid of people now of course he did hide certain tivities but in other ways we see he was actually fairly obvious like keeping explicit photos in the wall of his Palm Beach mansion and bragging about how he had dirt on powerful people suggesting that he would never be punished some criminals get away with crimes because they convinced people that they are nice polite and not the type of person who would commit a crime Epstein did this initially he did pretend to be a good and helpful person but that wore off quickly that's that superficial charm and shallow effect he was really about dominating people he wanted to control witnesses and victims and to a large extent he successfully did that he made people around him dependent on his resources like when he would pay to send his victims to school some people simply became conflicted about Epstein they certainly didn't want to be victimized but they also wanted what he could provide he made it a difficult choice he offered something of value in a sense to keep victims quiet many of his employees were afraid to accuse him because he could make them suffer so he again leveraged power over people in many different ways for a long time the Epstein case highlights the dangers of allowing narcissist to gain power his crimes were a full expression of his fantasies this is what happens when a narcissist has no limits what does a narcissist capable of if they have hundreds of millions of dollars Epstein's case really answers that question he perpetrated horrible crimes against scores of victims and would have offended more if he was not arrested another angle to consider in this case I've talked many times about conspiracy theories on my channel and how the vast majority of them are not true but in the case of Epstein he illustrates one of those circumstances that can lead to a conspiracy that is maintained over a long period of time one person with enough power who has access to people who are willing to become co-conspirators can perpetrate a large-scale criminal enterprise with immunity again at least for a period of time just like he knew how to target victims who were vulnerable he knew how to effectively recruit and retain co-conspirators he essentially built his own conspiracy from the so this isn't really about equals deciding to conspire this is about one powerful person taking control of other people and yes many of those other people committed serious crimes but they probably would not have done that without Epstein he really brought it all together he understood how the personalities work together how to keep people quiet how to keep people productive so he really orchestrated this enterprise that could keep him safe now moving to the last question was Epstein murdered now this is highly controversial one poll indicated that 45% of Americans believe Epstein was murdered they believe he did not commit suicide and this kind of points back to the idea there was some type of conspiracy so first to look at the evidence for the murder theory and against it and I'll give my thoughts on this so evidence that points toward the idea that he was murdered well it's kind of an understatement to say that Epstein was an unpopular fellow he committed heinous crimes so he was in a bad spot in terms of remaining alive anywhere to his powerful friends he simply became a liability Epstein was putting money in other inmates commissary accounts when he was in jail to ensure that he was protected typically only somebody who needed protection would pay for it although one could argue that jail is a dangerous place no matter who somebody is Epstein was removed from suicide watch when he should not have been this way doesn't make any sense why did they take him away from that protocol right that points more toward something going on like homicide now he was supposed to have a cellmate as part of being removed from that suicide watch one was assigned but that cellmate was released the night before I've seen death and a new cellmate was never assigned to him so he was in the cell alone when he should not have been we see unusual fractures in his neck the famous forensic pathologist Michael Baden who was hired by Epstein's brother said he never saw fractures like that in a suicidal hanging although he added that he didn't have enough information to make a final conclusion we see this missing video of Epstein cell door this is highly suspect in a GL one would think there's a priority with videos that's really an important part what they do it keeps everybody safe in a sense so if a camera was not functioning correctly wouldn't somebody noticed that why did it just happen to be out that particular night the two prison guards who were responsible for Epstein that night the night of August 9 into August 10 were charged with conspiracy to defraud the government and falsifying documents evidently they were supposed to check on Epstein every half hour instead they searched the internet and fell asleep so neither one of them would have been a candidate for guard of the month at that particular Jail why did Epstein use sheets to hang himself when wires and courts were available in his cell why did the guards take him to the emergency room when he was already dead and they knew he was dead that was a crime scene they violated protocol by moving his body we also see there had been no suicides in that jail for the past 14 years F seat also had a number of reasons to stay alive he was looking forward to appealing the finding on his bail hearing and was somewhat upbeat just before he died I think it makes sense to believe that if he made bail he could have found a way to skip bail and he would have been free a lot of people make it seem like Epstein was destined to be sentenced to 45 years in prison but there's a long way between being arrested for a crime and going to prison for 45 years especially to somebody who has access to over half a billion dollars he still had many opportunities to discredit and harass witnesses to find procedural errors to fabricate evidence like paying people a testify on his behalf he was by no means out of options there was a long road ahead of him and I think with his narcissism and his grandiosity he probably wanted to beat those charges he was probably looking forward to somehow avoiding responsibility once again and in doing so really victimizing the people he had victimized the habit factor is pointing towards suicide well he attempted suicide in July on July 23 so that's only about two and a half weeks from August 10 that's pretty close he changed his will on August 8th just two days before his death and in that will he transferred all his assets to a trust several forensic pathology have challenged Michael Biden's opinion saying that the fractured bones in Epstein's neck could have easily occurred as a result of hanging it appears there was a video recording recovered of a cait that led into the tear where Epstein cell was and it's not public as far as I know but people who have looked at it have said no one entered or exited that tear all night so other than an inmate who was already on that tear no one else would have access to Epstein so what do I think about this in terms of murder or suicide if I weigh all these factors together well this is very difficult not all conspiracy theories are false and I don't know if Epstein's murder would have required a massive conspiracy to pull off it could have been just a few people involved so I'm really about 50/50 between murder and suicide but if I had to pick so if there's a situation where somebody had an invisible flying time-traveling camera right that could go back into Epstein cell and find out the truth and the operator that camera came back to me said look we now know the truth and if you guess it correctly we'll give you a million dollars right what would I pick I have to pick one of the other I would probably pick suicide I think he probably committed suicide as opposed to being murdered a lot of coincidences have to be dismissed in order to believe he committed suicide but that video recording showing that no one entered or exited that tear does seem convincing if that is in fact what the video reveals if it was the jail's mission to have Epstein suicide look like a murder which is a peculiar goal in the circumstance they really did a good job of it right they did so many things that violated protocol and it didn't really make any sense at all that they cast suspicion upon themselves this should have been open and shut it should have been very clear if he committed suicide or not and they have left all kinds of room for speculation now in one sense one could combine the elements of both theories here meaning that Epstein committed suicide but the prison staff was so negligent that they essentially facilitated his death they made it incredibly easy for a suicidal man to in fact commit suicide so in a way though we could think about this as a conspiracy because perhaps they communicated that to Epstein perhaps they let him know that if he wanted to end his own life nobody was going to be sad about that and maybe that combined with the time he was facing and the humiliation he was facing he just made a decision to end his life it's hard to know I know the investigation is continuing and I really hope they find out what happened that cell on the morning of August 10 2019 I know whenever I talk about controversial cases there will be a variety of opinions please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be interesting thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 530,585
Rating: 4.8087034 out of 5
Keywords: Jeffrey Epstein, personality disorder, grandiose narcissism, psychopathy, sociopathy, manipulative, blame-shifting, gaslighting, self-esteem, manipulation, arrogance, self-centeredness, jealousy, special, unique, fantasy, entitlement, grandiosity, requires admiration, lack of empathy, paraphilia, pedophilia, hebephilia, ephebophila, pedofilic disorder
Id: LMj2V_nozgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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