Jessi Smiles EXPOSES Gabbie Hanna’s lies…

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Jesse Smiles just spoke out against Gabby Hannah and it's not looking too good for Gabby it's a mess so let's get into it so as I think we all know Gabby's been releasing this huge series about everyone who's ever done her wrong this includes ricegum Joey and Daniel t-channels Angelica OLS Trisha Paytas and Jesse Smiles Gabby's been getting a lot of backlash for her series and it's caused a lot of drama online all dramas being dug up and people are making response videos it's literally so messy the entire time Gabby was dropping videos in her series all people were saying to her and trending on Twitter was hashtag apologize to Jessie Smiles no one cares about all of Gabby's Petty drama that she's been rehashing with every creator online people care about her finally owning up and taking some accountability for allegedly hanging out with speaking with and tweeting Jessie's a few weeks ago in an interview with BuzzFeed Gabby brought up Jesse again saying who didn't I apologize to I gave Jesse Smiles an apology I gave Beyonce an apology it feels like I'm always dishing out apologies and I've never once received one and that to me feels a little chaotic the thing is Gabby never gave Jesse a true apology according to Jesse whenever Gabby did apologize to her it was always followed up with a butt and as Dr Phil says a butt after apology isn't a true apology since Jesse's trauma was brought up once again Jesse decided to release a portion of the phone call that she had with Gabby last summer Jesse tweeted Gabby and I had a phone call last summer I never plan to release it in fact there's nothing I want more than to never talk or think about Gabby ever again but her continued lying about my trauma has officially broken me and I don't know what else to do foreign do not know how people knew about it and why'd you pick up to him I didn't have the number saved the first situation the second situation was when we were a selfie with me and I was like no it's not happening and then the event that I'm assuming you have to be talking about is when I was at um 1600 fine and then he came there at lately and then he showed up and I was like oh you know he tried to talk to me and pull me yes there yes yeah but that's not that's a complete even though Gabby admitted with him Gabby somehow still wanted a public apology from Jessie and wanted her to sign an NDA to share private conversations would drop it I want something that says I should I'm sorry that I hurt this person I should not have done this I shouldn't have shared private messages and straight up like my lawyers will not let me drop this without an NDA after Jesse dropped these phone calls people were expecting Gabby to finally apologize to Jesse in her series and maybe realize what she did was wrong and hurtful and the continuous live streams podcast videos messaging drama channels fans Etc about Jesse's trauma was also wrong and hurtful keep in mind Jessie is pregnant with her rainbow baby it's also been like a year since Gabby and Jesse last communicated seems a bit strange that Gabby would choose to release a series like this only a month after Jesse announces that she's pregnant Jesse has even publicly spoken out about how much stress she's been under saying barely eating or sleeping anxiety sucks my body just completely shuts down I want to feel normal again yet only days after that tweet on July 1st Gabby released a video titled about the three hour Jesse Smiles phone call this video is just all over the place Gabby says Jesse made her have this phone call when Gabby wasn't in a good headspace yet the messages that she threw up on the screen actually show otherwise the actual conversation isn't pushy at all it's just Jesse asking Gabby if they could talk it out on the phone and offering to send her the screenshots that she was planning on showing in a video if she ever needed to make one Gabby accused Jesse of editing her phone call to show her crying just to get an emotional response from people I guess Gabby doesn't think that Jesse could possibly be crying because she literally just admitted to hearing Jesse's side of the story don't tell me what am I talking about I just had don't tell me that because I just had a panic attack hearing you say that you heard him out and I said I mean yeah that's fine like I've heard her side you can tell me yours so he told me the exact same story like literally I didn't even know that he told you the story of I never knew that yeah so he told me the story and then I told him why would you listen to him why would you listen to him like really why would you he like even I Gabby says she hurt his side out because he's a human being and this is the court of public opinion yeah the response has been really really bad for Gabby it has over 17 000 comments and they're literally all calling Gabby out on her behavior just confess your mistakes Gabby this is ridiculous the scariest part of this is that she actually truly believes she's a victim and everyone is just bullying her the delusion of it all this is truly so disturbing to watch she is living in an entirely different world than all of us Gabby also released the full three-hour phone call probably thinking it would help her case but once again it did the exact opposite Jesse could never get a word in Gabby demanded an apology a retraction and only for Jesse to sign an NDA here's the ironic part though Gabby also trimmed out a portion of the call where they discussed something bad that happened to Gabby because she didn't want the public to hear about it but had no problem leaving in Jesse's drama after Gabby's video went live Jesse reacted to it on Twitter saying I want to throw up filming tonight this needs to end later on Jessie posted a video titled Gabby Hannah will never stop now I'm gonna summarize some parts for you guys but I really really do recommend that whenever you do get the time to actually sit down and listen to Jesse's story from her own words not from Gabby Hannah's words not from the stories that Gabby's been pushing on her live streams YouTube and Twitter just from Jessie with all of that being said let's get into it Jesse said once again Gabby is talking about what happened to her even though she's asked repeatedly for her to stop Gabby announced that the two videos that she released on Jessie were even a part of the series and that there was still two more videos to come Jesse decided to take back her power and just release her side of what happened and never speak about it again Jesse said she never edited the phone call to try and get some kind of emotional response from people she edited it down because whenever Jesse would bring up Gabby supporting Gabby would deflect and it would take Jesse Forever to get Gabby back onto the topic that needed to be addressed she cut out hours of pointless back and forth because the real issue kept getting avoided Jesse also said she never left in the crying part to somehow manipulate people it was because this video was recorded on photo booth she didn't set up some professional camera to get a photo op Jesse said she was emotional because it was emotional Jesse also said that she doesn't understand how Gabby can see another human crying over their trauma and think oh yeah they're just trying to manipulate me apparently Jesse never knew before that phone call with Gabby that Gabby actually heard her out and got his side of the story Gabby claimed she told Jessie that years ago but Jesse denies ever knowing that until that phone call which is why she got so emotional Gabby claimed that she's apologized to Jesse multiple times during that phone call and Jesse says what you actually hear in the phone call is Gabby saying I'm sorry but them making excuses for her actions most of the phone call was actually Gabby telling Jesse that she needs to apologize publicly to her then Jesse moved on to the BuzzFeed article titled why is everyone so mad at Gabby Hannah that article is what actually triggered Jesse to release the phone calls since Gabby once again brought up Jesse's name Jesse called out the hypocrisy that Gabby can do an entire article talking about drama and the people that she's had issues with but when one person reacts to defend themselves about it suddenly it's not okay if Gabby truly didn't want to provoke anything further with Jesse she really could have just declined to comment then Jesse address Gabby claiming Jesse forced her to have a phone call Jesse said how do you even argue with a person who takes someone asking to have a phone call saying they don't want to make a video and just get some of their emotions out as forcing you to have a phone call Jesse feels like Gabby reads one thing and takes it completely different and that's shown in the messages that Gabby herself put up on the screen Jesse feels like that's why she can't get along with Gabby it's not that they don't see eye to eye it's the fact that they exist in two completely different realities there was even a point where Jesse texted Gabby exactly how she felt about the whole situation she got all her thoughts and feelings out calmly on text giving Gabby a chance to read through and reply and Gabby didn't even read it she replied saying that she didn't read it because it was a novel yet when Gabby Hannah messages drama channels let me just tell you she writes a novel and then some as we talked about earlier Gabby had a whole list of Demands for Jesse Jesse showed a text where Gabby goes into details about those demands which says just wanted to put the points of the call in writing so there's no confusion when speaking to your lawyer or making a decision in order for me to move on from this and let it be in the past and stop talking about it I would need a mutually approved public apology we can discuss what that would entail an NDA delete all your videos mentioning me or insinuating something about me especially the last two this is optional but I think it would be really amazing if you donate all the money from the last video to a charity dealing with survivors I'll gladly match that donation this is the compromise I can come up with since we're trying to settle it without continuing the online insanity if you don't like the idea then we can just continue on how we are I'm open and prepared for either Jesse talked to her lawyer and they advised her to never sign an NDA over this and Jesse responded to Gabby with in my opinion a perfectly reasonable solution hey I've spoken to the lawyers and they have advised me that I shouldn't under no circumstances sign an NDA unless you sign one as well surrounding this particular situation I'm willing to take down my video because I truly don't and never wanted to hurt you because of it I'm willing to make a joint statement in which we both apologize for hashing this out on a public forum I am not willing to say that there were untruths in my video because I did not lie in my video apparently that wasn't good enough for Gabby because Miss Gabby Hannah of course couldn't sign an NDA too she needed to be free to speak on Jessie just in case she was asked about her in an interview because you know apparently it's impossible to say no comment unlike Gabby's video Jessie is receiving a ton of Support over hers Gabby has also gone completely silent on social media so hopefully that means she got the message and isn't going forward with her series anymore even though let's be honest the damage is already done it also doesn't sit right with me that Gabby would mention Jessie in an article and tease a series like this when she knows that Jessie's pregnant this phone call happened over a year ago now Gabby could have dropped the series at any point from then until now and she chose a time that Jesse should be enjoying Jessie said that she realized she hasn't even been able to enjoy her pregnancy because of the stress this Series has caused her now I don't know if this is the last that we'll be hearing from Gabby about the situation but for everyone involved I honestly hope it is if Gabby can sit there and actually read all the comments under her videos from fellow influencers and even her own fans and still think that she's in the right then there's really no hope anyways guys let me know what you think about everything down below if you liked the video hit the Thumbs Up Button because it really does help my channel and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Tea Spill
Views: 839,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jessi Smiles, Gabbie Hanna, Gabbie and Jessi, Jessi Vine, Gabbie Hanna will never stop., Gabbie Hanna Needs to be stopped, About The 3 Hour Jessi Smiles Phone Call, Joey Graceffa, Daniel Preda, Tea Spill, Tea
Id: JLaQmnIzEqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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