BIRTH STORY | Meet My Daughter!

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there you go queen hey guys i'm here with my daughter i'll put up pictures and i'll have you guys get a closer look at her before the video ends but she's eating right now so we don't want to interrupt her but this is my daughter amelie she's over a month old now i definitely uh meant to film this sooner per usual what's new but we're finally here hey guys today's video is going to be a birth story i did this with my son and honestly i wasn't sure if i wanted to do it with her but when i look back at my birth story with noah there's like so much that i forgot and i don't know i just want to have this documented so i can look back on this is my last baby that's it i'm done having kids it's definitely a bittersweet feeling but i wanted to put this video out there not only to let you guys know like how the birth went i know a lot of people have questions like did i end up having a c-section or did i do a v back and we're gonna get into like literally everything i asked you guys on instagram to ask me any questions about my birth or about like the newborn life in general so i'm not only going to talk about my birth i'm going to talk about like how we've adjusted how everything's going answer some of your questions about how everything's going and yeah that's pretty much it i'm a little hyped up on caffeine that's how i'm surviving these days but i'm a little hyped up so if i talk really fast or i don't know i just seem a little intense that's why my bad but anyway let's just get into it so she was born on november 20th 2021 i officially have a little scorpio girl she was due on the 23rd i think so she was supposed to be a sagittarius but you know what life had other plans and i can't say that i'm disappointed because i am not i love you saji's out there but uh let me tell you something there's enough fire in this house i am a leo my son's a leo my dog's a leo it's just too much i really really wanted her to be a water sign i know that sounds stupid as hell but you know what it's what i wanted also me and my brother joey have a super close bond like people think we're twins most of the time and he's a scorpio and i'm a leo so now my son is a leo and she's a scorpio and i just feel like i had the reverse of me and him and i don't know something about that makes me very very happy but anyway okay so she was born on november 20th and now i'm just gonna get into kind of like what led up to the birth a little bit before during after the whole thing my pregnancy with her was so easy honestly i can't complain like everything about it was amazing she barely even like moved like she was just chilling in there not bothering nobody like i could tell she was gonna be chill as hell a little bit before she was born i had like a regular doctor's appointment and i guess she had dropped in my stomach because the doctor said that she wanted to do a like growth scan so they wanted to do an ultrasound where they like estimate how big the baby is to make sure that they're not like restricted in there and that everything's fine or whatever and when i met with the doctor after the scan she kind of like really casually told me that she thought that the baby had something called multi-cystic dysplastic kidney and she didn't really explain too much to me but she told me oh it's not a big deal basically it means that she's only going to have one working kidney and i was like wait a second what what did you just say she was like oh my stepdaughter has it it's fine she just may need more checkups than normal but honestly the other kidney will take over and she'll never know the difference and i was just really taken aback by that because in my anatomy scan they didn't see anything wrong with her kidney at all but thankfully they recommended that i go to see a specialist for a second opinion so i went a couple days later i was already like 38 and a half weeks so i was close to birth anyway and i was just it was a lot like i was so confused i was freaking out and unfortunately the only office that i could see that was a specialist was the same office where i found out with my last pregnancy that i was having a miscarriage so i it was a little traumatic i'm not even gonna lie i did not want to go into that office again but the doctor was amazing she was super super sweet and they ended up finding that she does not have that disorder multicystic dysplastic kidney or whatever her kidney was a typical kidney it's just that like the valves of her kidney looked like cysts to the other ultrasound lady i don't know okay but she's everything's fine and obviously we were super relieved you know it's not like multicystic dysplastic kidney is anything horrible but you would only have one working kidney and also if you get it in both kidneys um yeah it's really really bad and you would basically be born needing like dialysis so it was just a little bit of an intense situation and we were really happy to know that like that's not what she had so that was like the only drama that happened like right before she was born and then everything just went smoothly after that we ended up moving so a lot of you guys know i moved and i'm in my new house right now which is why there's like nothing on the walls because i have not gotten to that yet but yeah we moved i was like 38 39 weeks pregnant uh painting walls and moving it was a lot but honestly it was fine like she honestly was the chillest pregnancy ever i would forget i was pregnant sometimes so we got everything ready as quick as we could and when you're trying for a vbac which is a vaginal birth after cesarean because i had a c-section with my son you have to go into labor naturally they don't induce you and even if they were to give you like pitocin which is like to simulate contractions and get you started they can't do anything like a typical induction does so they can't put cervidil to like soften your cervix you have to go into labor by yourself and i felt like i was close to going into labor because i was feeling a lot of contractions and i just felt more like things were happening than with my son like i never really felt things getting started with noah and the day before my 39-week checkup i started bleeding so i was like oh my god this is amazing here we go if you don't know uh i mean you're watching a birth story so i'm not even gonna give the tmi disclaimer okay you know what you're getting into here but i thought that i was starting to lose my mucus plug and that's a good sign that things are progressing so when i started bleeding i was excited and then the next day i had a doctor's appointment so i was gonna tell her that i was bleeding and also hopefully find out that i was like dilated and everything was moving along and my doctor's appointment was around 39 weeks and three or four days i think so i was really close to my due date and when i saw my doctor she told me not only are you not bleeding like i don't see any blood in here but you're not dilated at all nothing is even close to being in labor and i was like okay great and if you've seen my birth story with my son i was not in the same place this time around like i wasn't desperate to get her out i wasn't even that uncomfortable like obviously at 39 weeks you're uncomfortable but i wasn't like how i was with noah which was like get this thing out of me right now or i'm gonna lose it it's not like i wanted her to get out but let me explain my mind frame during this appointment and during this time in general when i decided that i wanted a v back i kind of drew a line in the sand and i said okay at my due date is as far as i want to go in this pregnancy and it's not because i don't want to be pregnant for longer or i'm just uncomfortable or anything it's because my anxiety will not allow me to i have and had a severe fear of passing my due date due to the complications that could come with that um you know when they run out of room in there there's just a lot more risks and i am not comfortable with those risks that does not mean that if you pass your due date anything bad is gonna happen your baby it's just my anxiety that made me feel like that was gonna happen and i don't know if it's because i had a miscarriage you know before her pregnancy or what i just i knew i couldn't do it like i did not want to pass my due date so when i went to my appointment and i was only a few days from my due date and i was not progressed at all i was just like what the do i do so the maximum that my doctor wanted me to go to was 41 weeks that's like the maximum that they felt safe letting me go to to go into labor by myself and i asked my doctor i was like okay if i reach 41 weeks and i'm still not dilated at all what happens and she's like then you would probably need a c-section so i'm gonna be honest right now from the moment she told me i wasn't dilated i said i'm getting a c-section like it was like a just a definite feeling i was like i'm not gonna wait two more days until my due date to see if i progress i know i'm not going to progress because i think things just don't get started down there for me i don't know some people don't like some people have issues progressing and i think i'm one of them and i know i know that that could all happen within like hours right so like you could not be dilated in the morning and then you could give birth at night i know but honestly this was like my body's first time laboring because noah was a c-section i never labored with him and your first time around or your body's first time laboring can take a long time and again i didn't want to pass my due date i know i'm getting super confusing here but anyway i just didn't want to pass my due date so i made the decision like by the time i left the office that i wanted to have a c-section regardless my doctor suggested that i go to labor and delivery and just get checked out because of the bleeding thing she's like you didn't lose your mucus plug and you're not bleeding at all so the fact that you did bleed is a little odd to me and it was odd to me too like i was spotting enough that i needed a pad and then all of a sudden it did stop but like where was that blood coming from like it did not help my anxiety of passing my due date i was like something's wrong i'm bleeding like it was just a lot so anyway i went to the hospital she was perfectly fine everything was fine and i asked for a c-section i just said uh cut me open doctor please right now i'm happy with my decision i felt a lot more in control this time like with noah it was all a whirlwind and i was kind of pressured into a c-section i want to say but this time around it was completely my decision i felt really prepared for it mentally because i've kind of been preparing myself for either outcome a v-back or a c-section for months and i just felt really calm in my decision i felt like i was making the right decision for me and for her so i decided to do that and from the time that i got to the hospital to the c-section it was like two hours so everything happened so quickly nassim was so confused i got home and i was like uh so we're going to the hospital and i'm asking for a c-section and we're having her today and he was just there like what obviously he knew that i wanted to have a v-back so he was just confused i was it was a weird day but anyway we started getting ready to have the c-section and when this is so bizarre and of course this only happens to me she's got a burp still queen you want to say hello yeah i'm gonna talk about what an amazing little angel you are you're the best baby in the world i'm gonna burp for the people i didn't bring a trouble so please do not throw up on me oh did you throw up on me oh you sure did right on my hair thank you queen for that i don't have a napkin we'll just brush it off delicious you're the cutest i can't even be mad let's just ignore i don't know if you can still see it okay but let's just pretend that didn't happen so while they were wheeling me back to the or i had to stop really quick in the recovery room to like have nasim get changed into scrubs and they were just waiting to like wheel me in but when we were approaching that room the lady just looks at me and she's like we're here don't mind the screaming and i was like what and sure enough there was this poor woman yelling bloody murder like she was just screaming at the top of her lungs in pain she was like oh my god it burns it burns like it was bizarre and i was so alarmed i later found out that she had twins and one of the twins didn't want to come out and it was like a really complicated c-section and honestly i hope that lady's doing better like it was so scary but like that being right before my c-section and my c-section having gone so bad with noah like i was just i was terrified i was like oh god here we go but i went into the or and honestly the staff at the hospital that i gave birth in was absolutely amazing whenever you go into an or you get like the shakes like you literally start shivering i don't know if that's just me but i feel like that's a lot of people that experience that and so i was in there just like like shaking while they were doing my epidural and it's kind of scary because like if you move they can like up your whole back and or your legs or whatever your spine's connected to everything i don't know i got the epidural everything went well and they actually put this like plastic bag over my arms so with my son when i had my c-section i remember being so cold and uncomfortable and my arms and everything just felt just weird and here they put a plastic bag over my arms that had hot air blowing through it and it was so comforting it felt like i was being hugged by like a warm blanket the entire time this c-section overall was just such a better experience than with noah like i was literally smiling and talking to my husband throughout the whole thing she was a little bit stuck in there like they had to literally like push into my stomach for her to finally come out um but it was easy like i didn't feel although i felt pressure i didn't feel like i did with noah which was like i couldn't breathe and all that crazy like i honestly was chilling the entire time i was just talking to nasim and he said that he was looking a lot more this time so when he would look like he was just alarmed and how intense c-sections are and they really are but anyway she came out she was screaming like super loud which is the best sound in the world when you're giving birth you just want to know that like their lungs are working properly and that they're breathing honestly the most amazing part of the c-section was with noah they wheeled him away like immediately and nasim went with him and so i was left to be stitched up for like 30 minutes because although a c-section is like 45 minutes to an hour the majority of it is just spent stitching you up and so with noah i was just left there by myself and this time they let like the baby be with naseem and he was just next to me for like 99 of when i was being stitched up and at the very end he left the room just so they can like finish and then i left it was so much better to like have them next to me i didn't feel alone i was talking to them i was holding her like it was so different and so amazing and as far as recovery goes night and day difference uh my recovery was so much easier i mean it's no joke right like c-sections are no joke with recovery but with no one not only was i on percocet and ibuprofen they had to give me morphine and toradol i think is the name like they had to alternate constantly medicines because i could not even get up to go to the bathroom like i was in so much pain just sobbing and with her i guess i was expecting such bad pain that like i was completely functioning everything was fine i was in pain but like i never even took a percocet i actually ended up leaving the hospital within a little bit over 24 hours because i requested to be discharged because we were fine and like i wanted to be with my son i did not want to be in the hospital anymore and she was fine so they just did the tests that they do she wasn't like very jaundiced or anything noah was a lot more jaundiced than she was and so we came home and yeah everything has been amazing she is a angel everybody that is with her or spends time with her just tells me like she's like the best baby ever she is the best baby ever noah had horrible acid reflux to the point that he would choke and like one time he passed out i don't know if i've ever told you guys that but he had such bad acid reflux when he was her age and so i don't recall noah being a newborn with any sort of fondness at all like i just look at that as like a very scary time where we were struggling and honestly looking back now it feels like a blur i don't remember a lot of it because i was just trying to like survive through it and this time it's the complete opposite and it's been such a pleasure watching her grow is like really emotional because i'm enjoying her so so so much i just look her she's so tiny she's so perfect she's so sweet she's so chill like i'm like don't get bigger just stay this little forever like i didn't have that feeling with noah because we were so scared we wanted him to get bigger so that he would be like stronger and we wouldn't have to worry that something was gonna happen to him like such a difference to not have a child that has acid reflux in colic and since noah had it i figured she was gonna have it but she is honestly just the chillest baby ever oh my god thank you jesus because noah's like crazy all four-year-olds are little crackheads but like he's super into dinosaurs and like yetis and and so he just spends the whole day growling around the house which is very fun but she like literally is not bothered by any of it she's just there like sleeping he growls she'll like move a little bit and that's it and she's not sleeping through the night yet obviously she's still a newborn but like she slept till 5am last night i mean my boobs were like on fire and needed to be pumped asap because we are exclusively pumping or actually not really i breastfeed her sometimes i don't know what it's called okay but she's getting breast milk only so like i didn't expect for her to sleep so much because usually breastfed babies wake up a lot and i don't know everything's just been such a pleasure like i don't know if it's because i've done it before or if i just like hiked up in my head that everything was gonna be so difficult like i was like oh i'm gonna never sleep again like having two kids oh my god i'm gonna be so exhausted and everything's gonna be so difficult i like hyped it up so horribly in my brain that like everything's great and like not that serious and it's not like easy right like there's a lot of to do with a newborn and especially having two kids but it's like totally fine like we're fine maybe it's because i'm on antidepressants this time that i feel like things are so easy maybe that's why but even like breastfeeding and pumping has been such a pleasure this time around i mean this time i'm like a huge over supplier i don't know if it's because i got pregnant right after a miscarriage like i'm not sure why i produce so much milk this time i produced enough for noah last time but i struggled a little bit like i had to take some supplements and stuff this time around no supplements i pump around 100 ounces a day which is pretty much as intense as it sounds i've been able to donate like 1200 ounces to like local moms so far which has honestly been such a pleasure and like such an amazing experience meeting these moms and being able to help other children eat like it's amazing honestly and i'm super grateful i actually have a lady coming tomorrow to pick up milk i have people coming in and out to get milk like twice a week people must think i'm a drug dealer here i really don't know if it's my antidepressants i don't know if it's because she's an easier baby i don't know what it is but i am enjoying this so much even like with noah he's being so sweet with her he loves her so much noah has been amazing with her we were scared because like it could have gone either way he was an only child that really enjoyed being an only child and like all the attention he did act up for a little bit after she came to the house for the first time like for a couple weeks he was just acting out for attention in pretty bizarre ways luckily never like aggressive towards her or anything but he just wanted our attention so he would do things he knew he wasn't supposed to do in pretty big ways to get our attention but that's honestly not the case anymore he's gotten used to it and he'll like bring her her blanket put her milk in her mouth her teeth like all that stuff like he loves her so much he'll just smell her and start cracking up like he loves her and yeah i really don't know what it is but i'm enjoying every moment of it i guess there's so much different this time around you know we were a lot younger when noah was born me and nassim when noah was born we're still new to like our marriage and each other and things just feel so much more confident and more like we just feel sure of ourselves this time around and that changes your experience big time i'm honestly on cloud nine uh and i love her so much that it hurts my soul and watching noah love her literally makes my heart want to burst into a billion pieces like there is nothing like that feeling oh and can we talk about the fact that she came out with blonde hair and blue eyes hello i could not believe it i mean i have light eyes and nasim does not have dark eyes like he has like hazel eyes and in both of our families people have light eyes like his mom and his brother and all that stuff but like no one came out with such dark hair and such dark eyes that i was like oh she's gonna come out like dark hair dark eyes no blonde hair blue eyes who knew but that's pretty much the birth story i'm gonna answer some of your questions on instagram now just so i can make sure and not miss anything someone said how's your pelvic floor sincerely my saggy butthole from birth all right girl well first of all very sorry to hear about your you know that is unfortunate i can't lie i did not have her vaginally um so although i cannot relate to your butthole issues i have the nastiest looking c-section scar ever it has like a fat pocket permanently above it and i look like frankenstein and my husband tells me no you don't and i say you're a liar i am frankenstein but in the vagina instead of the forehead so i wish you and your saggy well and please wish me and my poofy ass c-section score well as well being a parent is very fun is the change to two kids as drastic as people say it is um i think it depends on a lot of different things and one of the main things being like if both parents are at home or if one of them goes out to work i imagine things would be a lot different me and nasim are both home and i know for a fact that makes my life a million times easier so he's basically always with noah and i'm always with her and then in the mornings when i need to sleep like he'll put her in the carrier and be with both of them or vice versa if he needs to sleep i'll do that but obviously if like one parent is working the entire day out in an office and one person is now with two kids instead of one it's very difficult because even when like nassim nassimo leave to publix and i have her in the carrier and stuff like i'm counting down the minutes i'm like how long does it take to get bread like come home did you reuse any baby stuff for baby girl from when noah was a baby no i literally only kept a tiny box of noah's clothes um and they're like souvenir clothes so like if we went to disney or somewhere with him i would save the clothes that we bought there and that's really the only thing i saved with noah which sucks because we had a duna stroller with noah and i sold it because i was sure i was not going to have other kids or if i did have other kids it was going to be way down the line and so i didn't have much to reuse queen you need to burp again do you want to say something to the people do you want to tell them that you're the best baby in the world give it to him give it to him queen let the people know she has tremendo mullet she's like bald on the top and then her hair back here is um very long and legends and um i love that honestly i know you got something in the chamber oh my god i always burp when i'm burping her does that happen to anyone do you get gassy when you was that a perp oh queen can you say hi to the people because you look so cute in your little outfit these are your aunts and your uncles they're the people watching i know it's just a camera but they love you very much even though you never met favorite newborn products um i really really like the bassinet we have i think it's the graco move to soothe or something like that it's a bassinet that like rocks and i don't sleep with it rocking but it helps to soothe her so like i'll be able to put her down and then go do like bottles and stuff while she's falling asleep versus having to rock her to sleep honestly in the middle of the night it's amazing it also vibrates it has music it has white noise it's amazing and it's like 200 bucks i really really like it also if you're a pumping mom i really like my spectra pump i feel like it really really gets all the milk out but i do also use like a mom cozy pump uh for like when i'm driving or i have to pump on the go i will use that even though my spectra doesn't need to be plugged into the wall but it's a little bit less convenient i also love the baby brezza sterilizer the best thing about that sterilizer is that it sterilizes and it dries so it's not like dripping wet when you're done all of the stuff is completely dry by the time the cycle runs i love it it's amazing those are i guess the things that i use the most often how was the first week the first week was pretty brutal honestly the first month was pretty brutal even though she's amazing and stuff it was it was an adjustment of like pumping and always having to clean bottles or always having to wash clothes for me i was like sweating a lot and i'm still sweating a lot i think it's the hormones i like i have to shower like a million times i feel like i always smell weird because i'm like always dripping sweat it's awful things like that and just like adjusting into a postpartum phase is intense like it's just a very very weird thing to get used to but now that i'm like almost at two months postpartum i'm definitely getting a lot more comfortable with it the first month was intense but we're doing better how does it feel to have two kids now it's honestly super bizarre like i'll just look in that team and be like we have two children and when i'm talking about them i'm like oh the kids and i'm like what the it's just weird but i love it i honestly love it oh girl you suck in my arm are you still hungry what did you do with the placenta i don't know they took it they took it far far away i never even saw it i wasn't gonna eat it or anything anyway i know some people are into that it's just it's not my thing so i just let them have it probably threw it away in a dumpster somewhere um some people are asking to see the house that is gonna be my next video it's gonna be the house tour i just need to find a time to make my entire house look presentable at once it's usually always one room looks presentable and the rest looks like a bomb exploded um but that will be soon how did you choose her name nasim always wanted to name his daughter amelie if uh if we had a daughter and he's kind of always wanted that since he was like a kid and when noah was born we said if he was a girl we were gonna name her emily so it's just been like you know years in the making we never went back and forth on names like with noah we knew he was a noah right away and same with her i don't know it is a little annoying everyone gets her name wrong everyone especially here in georgia they're like emily and i have to tell them it's like amelia but french that's how i explain it but um yeah everybody up her name sorry girl how do you guys manage your time with two children we just survive through the day and then when they go to bed we have like two hours to ourselves to do whatever we want which is usually watch netflix and drink wine that's how we do it we just survived the entire day everything's a blur you mentioned worrying that noah might feel like he's being replaced how is he doing um i don't think he feels like he's being replaced at all he does do things like he'll come up to me when i'm wearing her and he wants to be in the baby carrier or he'll grab her pacifier even though he doesn't want the pacifier he'll put it in and like grab her blankets and lay in her bassinet pretending he's a baby but i think that's all normal and we do make extra efforts to make sure that he doesn't feel like she's more important than him obviously she needs more attention than he needs right now because she needs us for like everything but usually what we'll do is like if i'm sitting with her nasim will play with noah and like run around with him and just make sure that he you know feels loved and feels like he has attention but again i think that's easier because we're both at home i think it would be a lot harder if it was just like one of us he might have felt a little bit less like he had attention but honestly it's been great i need to show you guys how she's looking at me right now she's like so tired queen [Music] you're just delicious queen i have so many high hopes for 2022. 2021 was pretty brutal and very very difficult on me mentally and although i brought one of the best things in the world yeah brought the best thing in the world to me it was really difficult and i just have a lot of high hopes for 2022 and watching her grow up and noah and her growing together oh you're so sleepy you can't no more anyway i'm hoping for an amazing year and i hope you guys have an amazing year but i'm gonna go put queen to sleep and i will see you guys very soon uh for the house tour i hope you guys enjoyed this video now you guys have officially met your little sister or niece or whatever you whatever you think she is to you she is thank you guys for always being so supportive and loving towards my family i can't tell you how much that means to me i'm just really thankful for all of you so yeah that's pretty much it for today's video i hope you enjoyed it and i will see you guys very soon say bye queen right queen you heard that that was her she's an early talker okay all right guys i love you uh see you soon bye
Channel: JessiSmiles
Views: 312,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vine, vines, funny vines, best vines, vine app, jessi smiles, funny vine videos, funny videos
Id: vieaKhAI2Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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