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getting it here I wasn't so sure I mean actually remember me well of course I do silly after all we did go to the same school for three years Oh believe me I know it's just you were so popular and I was more or less the exact opposite if you two are quite done flirting hey welcome back that's really sweet wow thank you I guess yeah oh come on it'll be great we'll be like detectives do this if we work together we'll get [Laughter] really come on I thought the guys showers didn't walk I know though it could have been one of them the others oh that's not what I meant is I mean you said you were freaked out so I wanted to keep my water well okay well good then well something wrong brah excuse me I should probably go check on her Oh what the heck it should be walked [Music] killed her she was vulnerable any children I know it victim is one Sayaka my son l know he is a monster is there nothing you won't do to make sure we play as I caught a game how far is this Ridge that he can bring down a chart-topping band collect whoever she invited to my room turned the tables on her got to a first puzzle it out yet here's what I believe happened I demand you show us what's inside your toolkit dear dear Nagi it's alright I know phew I think we can surmise that's what she wanted in the end but not the type of just forgets if I get out of here I'll still be haunted by them always look back psycho well any luck it did suck if they found out but get that you're rich but they don't just hand that info how considerate where's Heather out together or you don't be boned don't believe it belong to then how come genius I can almost taste freedom what'd you say we'd be suds but give each other spooky no just don't go there there's something you definitely don't think you're gonna hear when you wake up in the morning he's still our only I'm sorry and you almost pulled off the perfect crop it's all gone whatever's happening please is there a problem Nagi no everything's just fine let's get you plugged in just cross your fingers and hang tight we have to get in there do something you said he only hit her once but check it oh kameez head didn't have one injury it had two yeah when she said those things it felt so sincere it has to be so now we're gonna put it to him oh my god you set yourself up so you could take us down with you it was not for nothing I just accepted your apology so now you insult them just like that the trials came to an end there's another student lurking in the shadows somewhere within this building there's a super high school level despair named Muto Kusama well is something up I'm not talking to you well hope that did the trick is somebody there rosy-fingered dawn let's see the tree we're kind of sick bastard with the corpse whatever I'm just glad you're alive solving Mikey's alibi isn't so I am glad wait this till she think I'm the one who did it you see and yet here we are expected to make an instant decision what the hell guys wanna kuma tweaks I'm afraid that's the only plausible explanation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well I don't know about all that but I guess fee and rescue does kind of put a spring in my step listen there's something you need to know about eco Sabah she was murdered in someone else's place yours what do you mean don't you remember the guy with the mask in the knife holy crap you actually saved my life Mya my memories are coming back wait a sec your father's the principal look guys it's okay really it'll be damned if I let him win screw that noise let's get out of here [Music] huh let me be on ambiguously I had a meeting on that fruits allowed to leave this I sure don't remember that you understand the terms and find them acceptable please say I do carry wait oh yeah [Music] good study notes for a guy supposed to be psychic hold up we've had no classes what's 30 even take study notes a pow accept the stab wounds are with children my Pookie tell me where he is or not sure he's probably investigating his gas school life a mutual killing Jeff the whole thing was her weight correct about what we didn't say anything you're pirating us if we start thinking like that it's all over I see what you're doing and I am NOT gonna be taking it seriously guys what's the matter speaking of which [Music] and like that the last classroom strength to welcome good of you to join us Makoto naegi a future foundation branch office 14 dear boy we hereby arrest you for treason this isn't personal it pains me to put a hero in handcuffs but I'm afraid I don't have much of a choice actually it was we want his testimony to be reliable take him away a teensy bit I didn't pick it out for myself believe me jugo I know she was dead calm down for a second please you've got to listen to me for the moment I suggest we get as far away as possible guys we're almost at the time limit we're gonna be ok super high school level luckier nothing to worry about as long as we stick close it'll rub off on you like I even did anything give yourself some credit awesome [Music] [Music] hello alumni X students of hope speak but also that they were human maybe even deep down as normal as you and me they'd fought and laughed and Horst around they had a chance if they hadn't met at Oshima they'd have had a chance oh god I just have to stop thinking like a lone wolf when I thought Junko Enoshima it certainly wasn't a one-man show I have to remember I'm not in this alone guys that's it why aren't we playing monokuma x' game in the first place it's so simple but just need to shut it down never again I'm not letting them kill anyone else my words don't carry any real weight I'm just letting him get to you I'm on your side don't ever forget that [Music] why didn't you say something yours or mine [Music] [Music] what made that noise yeah don't help me or anything how'd you get here what are you even doing sorry but uh you have a little something on your head full I don't know about all that but I guess being rescued does kind of put a little spring in my step [Music] [Laughter] I'm not just brushing it off wait here I will stop no second-guessing no stalling why'd you stop you can't kill me can you no I'm not no listen I'm not on the side of despair she meant something to you I don't care what she did she's worth more I know if Jerry Jerry had turned to despair betrayed every last one of us I know if I had to resort to killing her it would always be grateful for the person she was I'd always think of her so when I couldn't possibly have live without I'm not really that good at waiting [Music] in other words suicide is the only logical conclusion that fits the facts now that you mention it there has to be wherever we found a victim it was always a monitor of course that doesn't explain the role they play attention [Music] I'm sorry I don't understand why you let you to yourself the man you look probably on the bright side at least we don't have to suspect each other anymore let's end this game if we destroy all the monitors that should do it is your friend if he didn't believe in you we wouldn't be doing this me too right you what are you talking about the happiest of your life [Music] [Music] it's a real forgive me sir we we share the same good luck no wait that's not right yours far outstrips mine though I'm quite lucky to have you as a colleague [Music] I'm not sure guess we'll see [Music] thank you I'll be right there
Channel: undefined
Views: 173,120
Rating: 4.982533 out of 5
Id: -tMMmq5fTyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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