Futures: The Antichrist, Who Is He And Where Did He Come From?

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the following program is sponsored by generous friends and partners of real life [Music] when john speaks about the antichrist the greek word is anti-christos and it doesn't mean that the antichrist is some guy that hops onto the world saying he and he's a cusser and he's dropping jesus's name and he spits on the sidewalk and he wears black uh and he's the antichrist uh he's got a cross upside down on this t-shirt that's not what it means the word antichrist means that he comes instead of christ he's the replacement christ he said how's that going to happen very easily to a christ-rejecting world real life with jack kibbs starts now [Applause] so [Music] well there is no doubt about it the topic that we're going to be looking at today is one that even a person who has never read their bible or has even considered what the bible has to say will recognize this one we're going to be talking about the antichrist this is that famous character that the bible tells us goes by the number 666 maybe you're familiar with that maybe you're not but the truth of the matter is that this man comes on the world scene and he is going to be the consummate politician the bible tells us that he's going to be the one that has all of the answers for all of man's fears and all of man's woes he is in fact the antichrist the instead of christ well i encourage you to grab your bibles as we get into this study today of who is the antichrist and where does he come from the message will begin in 60 seconds but first here's an important book that jack kibbs would like you to have in search of something to believe in a better question might be what is truth and how do i find it today's modern media or your favorite news source are definitely not the answer but reliable hope hope-filled truths are found in the scriptures for centuries men and women have looked to them finding the answers for living a life that matters you can trust this source and the purveyors of its truth one such man was george whitefield and his message lives well beyond the grave george whitfield by arnold a dalamore will challenge you to put your faith in the power of god not in the wisdom of man order this powerful book now at jackhibs.com that's jackkibs.com or call to obtain 877-777-2346-877-777-2346 copy of george whitefield [Music] a lot of people have heard about the antichrist you don't have to be a christian to i've heard about the antichrist everybody knows about the number 666 you know that kind of stuff and we're talking about the events of the last days various references the end times last days last hour john john calls the last days the last hour i like him he's he's not even waiting around for the last days he's calling it the last hour he looked at his son dialed and said man it's the last hour he said that 2000 years ago so think about that so we're down the last couple of seconds here but nanoseconds the jews refer to the events of the last days as the end of days that's pretty powerful word and muslims have in their eschatology which is an eschatology robbed stolen right out of the bible but they look to an end time scenario that is described from their perspective which is what the book of revelation and the old testament prophets have revealed for thousands of years that there's an end coming and that for the believer for us in this place i pray that you're here as a believer if not why aren't you a christian i mean i can't think of one reason why you're not a follower of jesus today uh it's never been a better time to become a follower and what are you waiting for i mean this is a time to get on board this train's about ready to leave the station friend and we'd love you to come with us christ is coming back and he's promised to do that and he'll never break his promise and so the bible tells us that in first john chapter 2 verse 18 first john 2 18 the bible tells us there john says little children he's speaking to the church it is the last hour and as i have as you have heard the antichrist is coming even now many antichrist have come by which we know that it is the last hour in other words every time you hear a false prophets false teaching sermons that don't accomplish anything i'm convinced now in the world that we live in you can go sit in a church and listen to a sermon and if it doesn't do anything then it might be just as dangerous as false teaching if it's just a message about platitudes and thoughts and perspectives on does it instruct does it rebuke does it convince does it exhort does it cause you to draw closer to jesus i think god is looking for sermons and churches and messages and pulpits that are ready to stand in the days of which his very word is being fulfilled and shall be fulfilled this is the time to gird up your armor to have faith does the world hate us yes get in line the world hates us got a got a tip last night newsweek magazine blasting us for last wednesday night's message and um now listen this is the third story they've written on what's been going on at this church so let me see somebody whoever you are at newsweek we want you to know something right now keep watching you watch every program i can tell by how you write about what we're saying so here's the thing we want you to know we love you jesus loves you most he died on the cross for you and you need to surrender to him you really need to surrender to him but you keep watching and you keep viewing but know this for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son for you and newsweek's not your answer your paycheck is not your answer your career is not your answer jesus is coming back and i don't want you to report on the day after the rapture happened come and follow jesus please do that so when john speaks about the antichrist the greek word is anti christos sin it doesn't mean that the antichrist is some guy that hops onto the world scene and he and he's a cusser and he's dropping jesus's name and he spits on the sidewalk and he wears black uh and he's the antichrist uh he's got a cross upside down on this t-shirt that's not what it means the word antichrist is means that he comes instead of christ he's the replacement christ he said how's that going to happen very easily to a christ-rejecting world to a world that doesn't read the bible to the world that has rejected christ this one is going to come on the scene and he is going to be instead of christ that's what antichrist means remember that for now on he has come instead of or as an imposter of christ of messiah and i'm going to be using those words christ and messiah interchangeably to keep your attention for a reason christ in greek is the hebrew word messiah according to the hebrew prophets the messiah has to be god read the book of isaiah god says i am god alone there is no other savior by but me i am your redeemer he says to israel and it's very clear you need to remember that an antichrist is going to come on the scene at a time according to the bible when the world will applaud his declaration he's going to come on the scene and the world is going to go we like him right now you and i are living in a world where you can feel the division that's taking place you're seeing the things that are being spoken of and by the people that are saying what they're saying to them it's completely normal and you see some of these bills their legislation that's going on around our nation and to the people that crafted it they think it's normal but you think it's satanic or it's crazy why because you have a biblical perspective the world is being divided but don't worry the world will be united because this antichrist is going to unite the world but i'll put this out to you it won't be able to happen until after the church is out of the way right now according to the bible you are the light and you are the salt of the world right now but god's got a plan for that but this is very important first john chapter 2 verse 22 who is a liar but he who denies that jesus is the messiah christ he is antichrist who denies the father and the son that's a strong statement i have wonderful friends who believe in the father but they don't believe in the son and it breaks my heart and i keep witnessing to them i keep loving on them and i think by now they've picked up that i'm being nice to them and loving on them because isn't it funny i'm being nice to them even when i don't want to be nice i'll be nice to them because i want them in heaven with me more than they want to be in heaven and so but listen you're not going to go to heaven unless you have the father and the son and you can't have the father without the son and you can't have the son without the father god is one and that's very important but you need to be careful that the bible says this person is a liar the one who denies that jesus is messiah that jesus is christ it goes on this is the antichrist that is that antichrist spirit how do you know denying the deity of the father and of the son first john 4 verse 3 first john 4 verse 3 every spirit john says that does not confess that jesus has come in the flesh is not of god that now incorporates every cult i can name and this is the spirit of the antichrist watch this which you have heard was coming and is now already in the world what a statement john wrote this 2000 years ago john said there's antichrist spirit in the atmosphere there's anti-christs that are doing anti-god labor but there is the definite article the antichrist coming there is a personification church the bible teaches that in time at some point in time there is coming a real human being just like you uh the bible says he is a man he's a male so he's not confused he's got it he knows he's a man the bible says he's a man and he knows he's a man and satan knows he's a man because the bible says that satan possesses this man his thinking will be satanically engineered his actions will be satanically anointed the power of his words the word usage the things that he does and he will have a religious sidekick the bible says the bible refers to this sidekick of his his promoter as the false prophet the bible refers to him as the false prophet but when you look at it he's the epitome of the of the pr man he's his assistant he goes everywhere the antichrist goes and on top of that this one is able to perform miracles to exalt the antichrist and lurking in the shadows and behind the eyeballs of this antichrist is satan himself so if you think about it you got an unholy trinity you've got satan pretending to be the father you've got the false prophet but pretending to be the holy spirit and you've got the son of satan imitating the son of god the antichrist remarkable second john 7 says second john 7 says for many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess that jesus christ is coming in the flesh i love this statement that's awesome this is a deceiver and an antichrist i love that look at that they cannot will not confess that jesus christ has come in the flesh for that matter it could be translated as even coming back in the flesh they'll deny that so church listen as we look at this matthew chapter 24 we need discernment matthew chapter 24 jesus speaks about a discerning spirit now church on the day of pentecost the church was born and it's going to leave this earth the spirit of god came down the church was born in the day of pentecost and the spirit of god will catch the church up we read it a moment ago in 2nd thessalonians 2 and that's when the church age or the bride of christ will leave off her witness on earth she'll she will be in heaven we'll talk more about that when we end all along the way from then till now to the moment we go up discernment is needed however even into the tribulation period what jesus writes in matthew's gospel extends all the way into the end of days this is important wherever you're at on god's timeline is it the 1940s are you back in 860 is it 11 12 is it 2021 you are to look according to the time frame you're in and apply scripture along that linear line of god's prophetic revelation and god had to communicate to every generation along that line so how does he do it and be accurate when he wants to do something special answer context context listen some great sage once said when you take a text that's a verse out of context that's the chapter you create a pretext that's a lie dr walter martin once said i could create a cult easily that the whole world would follow because he said i could not i know enough bible and i can pull scriptures out of their context and create a religion and by the way that's what all the cults have in common they use the bible notice i don't know any cult that doesn't use the bible they use it wrong look you can use a chainsaw to cut down a tree or drop it on your foot one is the right way and one's the wrong way and cults will always use the bible but they'll quote a verse completely out of context when you read what you're about to read remember the context okay matthew 24 verse 43 jesus said but know this that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into that's why i love that verse 44 therefore in light of that wisdom you also be ready for the son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect it is implied to the believer of every generation of every age since the day of pentecost for that generation to be ready matthew 24 9 then that's an important word then it's a time stamp then it means something's going to happen then they will deliver you up to tribulation not the tribulation but they will deliver you up to very difficult times and kill you and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake and then many will be offended or everybody's offended today so will betray one another and will hate one another then many false prophets will arise and deceive many and because lawlessness will abound the love of many will grow cold but he who endures to the end shall be saved and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all of the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come remember context is king friends matthew chapter 24 verse 15 therefore when jesus is speaking in matthew 24 15 you can see it in your bible it's letters in red when you see there's going to be a generation that sees something when you see the abomination of desolation notice in your bible it's in quotes spoken of by daniel the prophet standing in the holy place whoever reads let him understand isn't that amazing jesus is saying you guys need to be aware and pass this news down to every generation because someday it's going to happen to them so you read it and understand it what is he saying you all should have known the book of daniel by now there's no excuse for you not to know the book of daniel jesus is saying as you get deeper into the last days and the end of days the key is the book of daniel okay watch watch this he says verse 16 then let those who are in judea flee to the mountains number one do you do you live in judea somebody does i've been there i've been there 22 times it's a real place it's a great place to eat listen context ask yourself this question who's he speaking to whoever it is he expects them to know about daniel that's a clue daniel's a jew number two judea is in the mix let's just keep going uh he says fleet to the mountains verse 17. let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house who of us sit on their roof we don't the jews do because they have flat roofs when you're in a jewish home you eat dinner and you have fun and you cook or you whatever you do and then the family and friends go up on top the roof and you watch the sun go down and the cool of the evening comes and you watch the stars come out it's jewish it's what they do because they know how to live honestly it's awesome you go to israel the houses have the patios on top of the house and let him who was in the field not go back to get his clothes i just think it's awesome israel has always been an aguarian society and even today israel supplies all of europe with all its fruit and vegetables israel's farmland reminds you of california's central valley in the north and salinas amazing you can't even tell the two apart if you're standing in either one verse 19 hang on to your heads but woe unto those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days see what does that do with anything that's a good question hang on and pray that your flight or your escape may not be in winter or on the sabbath no gentile cares about the sabbath and what about winter well in israel there's only two places that get snow mount hormone way in the north covered in snow you can ski there it's beautiful it's connected to lebanon syria and israel those three nations meet at the top covered in snow it's like it's like our mount whitney there's harmon jordan river comes from there and then there's another spot where it snows it's called jerusalem the area of judea snows some of you were with us we had hundreds of people on the tour of israel we used to go before kovid we used to go every year we take we take hundreds of people every year we went to bed one night in jerusalem on our tour woke up the next morning the city was covered in snow we had to suspend the whole tour that day because you couldn't even get the buses up to the hotel and jesus says i'm telling you there's a time coming you better watch out and women who are nursing with babies you're going to find it really hard to run and flee i pity you and for those of you who have been schooled in the traditions of man you have you're going to misappropriate the sabbath and when you see this happening when you see what listen when you see something happening that daniel warned about when you see it happen you're gonna have a rough time with your conscience because you're gonna run about a thousand and five furlongs and you're gonna get there and you're gonna say i can't go any further because this is a sabbath you're gonna have to choose between the value of who i am as god versus the rules and guardrails that i've given you of life one is to help you out the other one is to save you forever it's amazing it's jewish in context why because it's regarding the end of the age and this one who is coming upon the scene for then there will be great tribulation such has not been since the beginning of the world no no other no ever shall be and unless those days are short and no flesh will be saved but for the elect's sake those days will be saved for god's people daniel jesus phrases it this is the remnant of israel whose eyes are open they see that whatever has caused them to run and to flee from jerusalem is called the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet and daniel the prophet tells you it's none other than the antichrist [Music] well the bible is absolutely crystal clear about the future and there is coming the one that we know is labeled titled the antichrist well listen the scriptures are also more relevant than tomorrow's newspaper and so to know the bible more and more we would love to help you do that you can study with us and you can learn more by simply going to jackkibs.com there's a whole lot of information there available to you and we'd also love to know what you think about this program so do let us know but until then god bless you and we'll see you right back here at real life in search of something to believe in a better question might be what is truth and how do i find it today's modern media or your favorite news source are definitely not the answer but reliable hope-filled truths are found in the scriptures for centuries men and women have looked to them finding the answers for living a life that matters you can trust this source and the purveyors of its truth one such man was george whitefield and his message lives well beyond the grave george whitfield by arnold a dalamore will challenge you to put your faith in the power of god not in the wisdom of man order this powerful book now at jackkibs.com that's jackhibs.com or call 877-777-2346-877-777-2346 follow the if the lines are instructions to obtain a copy of george whitefield [Applause] [Music] welcome to real life radio with jack hibbs god's word never will return void god's word is spirit it's power and it has its effect [Music] so i want to encourage you to grab your bibles open them up and get ready to learn from god's word god did not give us bible prophecy to scare us but to prepare us but i think you're going to get a lot out of it and one of the greatest you are the light of the world jesus said you are the salt of the earth how does it happen by the power of the holy spirit you're going to get excited about what jesus christ wants to do in and through you [Music] it's our desire that through jesus christ you will know real life this is what you can expect right here on real life the gospel unfiltered truthful honest and can i put it this way even raw christ has the answers for you and they're found in his bible that is developing a worldview that's what we call it a biblical worldview because god's got the answers and god has shown us the way and that way is jesus christ he has a plan for your life personally here's what we want you to do we want you to set your dvr to this program we want you to stay connected with us and we want you to be expectant that god is going to work in your life tell a friend we would love to have you and others join us right back here on real life jack hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful no-nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth will you stand with us in sharing this message in real and practical ways we ask that you commit to support real life and the teachings of jack hibbs with a gift of your choosing simply go to jackkibs.com and there you can simply follow the instructions of how to give a one-time gift or a recurring gift if you would prefer to call our toll-free number is 877-777-2346 again that's 877-777-2346 and of course you can write us our address is real life with jack kibbs box 1273 chino hills california 91709 your gift will be faithfully put to work because it's our desire that through jesus christ you will know real life the preceding program was sponsored by generous friends and partners of real life
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 60,709
Rating: 4.9630942 out of 5
Keywords: real life with jack hibbs, jack hibbs, jack hibbs futures, jack hibbs antichrist
Id: Cfjj43_EBYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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