Fusion 360 Tutorial - How to Model an Assembly Drawer with Dovetails from Start to Finish Part 3

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hey everybody thank you so much for joining me in the third video in this series that is building on the fusion 360 beginners video series so now we are finally ready to go in and add some dovetail to our draw so I am going to sketch the drop tails first over on our right panel so if I could fall let's go ahead and activate it and let's just turn the other ones off we don't need those right now and I am going to open up a sketch here on the outside I'm going to right click create the sketch and for some reason I like to rotate it so op C on the view Q you can click on one of the arrows up in and kind of like get it up like this that's how I kind of visualize how we put them in probably also how you put the dovetails in in real life all right I'm just going to give you a quick tip here I have to admit that when I started using 3d modeling software sketching and sketch relations was actually where I really struggled so I don't blame you if you feel that this is a little confusing it takes a little bit to get used to but as soon as of course you get it then you're kind of rolling so let me show you now I'm going to sketch your lines I'm gonna hit the L key for line and sometimes it's actually easier for me to just sketch something outside of where I actually wanted then tie it down with the dimensions and the constraints at the end so out here I'm just going to sketch something that I would say is somewhat like a dovetail right that's kind of like how a dovetail isn't to get out of the like command here I'm just going to hit the escape now if you look at this little sketch area that I sketch up with the three lines you will see that we have a horizontal constraint here you can kind of find that over here in the sketch palette but there's no other constraints so if I grab this point down here this leg you can see that this leg right now is just kind if I grab the other ones kind moving around - there is no relation there's no kind of like rules applied to this well I know with this dovetail that both legs gotta be at the same length now if I go over here and click on the equal over here and apply that to the two legs you will now see that they get an equal relationship if I hit escape to get out of the equal lationship command you will now see if I drag one leg the other leg will always stay in the same length their equal length now the next thing I see though is that they can kind of like go all over the place so I see what I'm going to use is my favorite relationship is only down the bottom here it's called symmetry now to do that I had to create a construction line so you hit the L key again for line and I'm going to make sure that I snap into the center of the top line here with a triangle I'm just going to click up here draw a line that is vertical up it escape to get out of the line command and to make it construction I'm going to click on the line and hit the X key on my keyboard that will make a construction that means the software is not going to use this line for anything it's for our reference for you now I'm going to go down scroll down to the bottom I'm going to select the symmetry command and then select the point the point and the line and now we get the symmetry icon so what I have now is I have symmetry between the two lines this is why relationships are important inside of the file now I'm going to apply the dimensions that I got from my drawing when I measured this up so d4 dimension and I know that the length of this one it's going to be 0.55 and I know that the length from here to the point it's going to be point three five and I also know that the whiz between the two points is point four five and you can kind of see how it stops taking shape as a dovetail the letter Phi mentions I have is actually I know that it's got to be down from this edge right here by 150 now there's only one thing I need to do and that is I need to place this on the center of my board here now to do that I am going to use the midpoint again now you have at either ones like the midpoint of the construction line here to the midpoint of here and now you will see that that sketch is now fully defined now one of the questions I got was what is these dog tails are not 100% symmetrical well if you had one next year that was a little bit longer you clear this point hit L for going back in the line command and you can stop sketching the next stop till you can make it longer putting more dimensions into it so you have free roam here but I am actually going to make them all symmetrical because instead of just drawing the five I need I am going to go into the sketch drop down and I'm going to select a rectangular pattern when I click that I can select my three edges that I want to pattern just like that you see that they have selected as objects if I hit the arrow here you can see that I can start creating them here and I'm just going to go down here now I know they're going to be 2 inches apart but I actually want 5 that is on each side so I'm going to hit the drop down and go symmetrical and then say I want 5 and now you can see that I get five of those three objects so the three objects were the free line selected we have five of them there's two inches between them and they're symmetrical over each side of them so we hit okay and now you will see that we have five of these dovetails all I have to do now is connect them so I'm going to select alpha line and now I can grow a line from here to here I can create a line from here to here line from here to here here to here and then I'm going to create the two ends from here to this edge now notice how that one is blue and that I will show you on the other end is because there is no vertical or no horizontal relationship on these two so I would have to put that edge so again keep an eye out for those blue edges I'm going to select horizontal click this edge select this edge this line and now they are hard song and I have a black fully defined sketch so with that let's do a cut so I'm going to do Q and I'm just going to select this area here let's move it up a little bit and that's going to be a cut now you could just drag it through like that but I actually like to do all in the extent that means that no matter how thick I'm making this ball it will always be cut all the way through so that is that and just like that we now have created our dovetail cut so of course we need to get this dovetail pattern into all four ends on our right and our left panel but before we get there I just want to show you the feature we're going to use to get this male impression into our front panel when it comes to learning repetition is key so this gives me a chance to show you that function twice so what I'm going to do is I'm going to make the front panel active and turn it on to its visible just like this and then I actually wanted to do you to another command and that is a command under the modify that is called combined this is one of my favorite commands in a solid world so let me click combine now combined can join things but it can also cut things because what I want is I want my target body to be the front panel my tool body is going to be the right panel where we had two dovetails in it now I'm going to check keep tools because it's not I'll actually lose the right panel because that is now considered a tool so it's almost like if you were cutting with this tool into the front panel and hit OK and now you will see that we cut from the right panel into the front panel if I turn the right panel off you will see that we now have the dovetail however there is one little thing that is happening down at the bottom by that slot is and that is that that one has a little sliver from the other slot that came through also now we're going to remove that one when we have cut this into all four things we going to come back to that I just want to make aware of that now before we do that we're going to go back though so I'm going to delete that join I just wanted to that combined I just wanted to show it to you I'm just going to hit highlight hit delete on my keyboard it was like it never happened I'm going to come back to that let's turn the right plane up again because we're not quite done with the dovetails because we need to dog tails on the other end so let me go back into that sketch that created the dovetails edit that sketch because I actually want those mirrored down in the other end now to mirror sketch we need a line so we're going to create another construction line so hit line make sure we snap in to the bottom down here with the triangle just going to make sure that that line becomes horizontal hit escape to get out of the line come in and make it construction by highlighting it hit X and now we're going to use the mirror and mirror everything from here over to here so when I go over drop down find the mirror command and the objects well just draw a window by holding your left Mouse down select all these items click the select for mirror line let's lick our construction line and you will see that all the tear on the other side cut hit okay I'm going to get out of the sketch now you still only see it on the left side because the cut the feature right here we're gonna have to edit that one so we're going to go in right click hit edit feature and we going to make sure we also started having one selected we're also going to select the other end over here and we just kinda have to drag the command and make it through all just like that you got the dovetail on both sides now we have to do the dovetail on the Left panel so we're going to go and make that visible we are going to make that active because we're going to have the same dovetail on the Left panel this time I'm going to make sure because I don't want to interfere with the slot down here I'm going to use the outside faces to project so I'm going to right click here to create a sketch I'm going to go back over here because if I selected the inside now then I would get the slot interfering with what we got to select make a little harder for ourselves so instead I'm gonna hit the S key I've been project will reuse that one once twice let's select this front face here and as soon as I do that you can see all those sketches appears over on our left panel now the rule is don't cut with anything else visible so hide that one hit the Q you can go ahead here and select that so like that end over there go through I'm going to select flew all as my extent and hit OK now the right and the left panel both have the dovetails on so now we're going to go back in and we're going to do what I just showed you we're going to do that to the front panel I'm going to do that to the left handle so I'm going to go up and turn on the front panel again I'm going to go up I'm going to make them active just like we did the fall we go up and select that modify go down to combine and make sure it's um cut and make sure the tool is checked the target body whether we want the cut to be in that's the front panel the tool body is the side we can actually select both of them at the same time make sure we keep them in okay and we just applied that dovetail to both those parts now we're going to do the same thing to the back so we're going to go on and click on the that's one we're going to make that one active again right click I can repeat the combined command the target body is now the back panel the tool bodies are again our two side panels hit OK and we just added in the dovetails to the back the only thing we have to do now is we have to prepare where that little slot is leading us a little flimsy down there in that come on I learned that call let's take a look at that so I'm going to hide everything with the back panel you'll see that it's sitting right in there but it left that out of that now you could think that you actually have to stop sketches to do that but you actually don't have to if I select the Q command and just select that face I can actually cut it select that face I can select it I can either extend it out like an excel just select that phase there and it's going to make it right to that face right there do the same thing on the other side hit the Q command select that face I'm just going to pull in the arrow select that inside little face there to make it flush there let's do the same thing on the foot panels I'm going to make it active I'll make it appear on the back panel off and don't leave that zoom out here come in to the front panel doing the same little cleanup from here to that face spin around queue here to that face and that will take up the cleanup work right there let's make the number one draw open make it active turn them all on and there we have our dovetails everything is together if you change the front panel dimensions everything will update and this is the base structure of all this part some of you might have wondered what this little icon is here that was the first joint we added we've got a little joint forming just turn it off right there all right we got the dovetails in there it looks pretty nice now we only have a couple things laughs we got to create a nice cover panel so the drawer looks nice from the outside and then we're going to add a couple of knobs to it see you in the next video
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 42,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Fusion 360, Tutorial, Tip, Beginner, Assembly, Dovetail, CAD, design, Lars Christensen, engineering, Autodesk Fusion 360, Mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, 3D Software, cloud based CAD, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, Free CAD program, Free for students, Wood working, Wood, Sketching, cadcamstuff, learn Fusion 360, Fusion 360 Tutorial
Id: jxR5iw3KWlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2017
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