Fusion 360 Tutorial: Gear and Slider Modeling

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hello everyone today I'm going to be showing you how to model and animate a gear and slider connection here in fusion 360 this type of device is actually really useful for converting rotary motion to linear motion and often times it's used with a crank but in this case I'm going to actually use a gear with a pin attached to it that will in turn drive a slider the model is available in the link down in the description below so feel free to check it out and without further ado let's get started all right so the approach I want to take with this gear and slider assembly is to first draw up and lay out all the components put in a base that supports them and then define all the joints that are going to let us observe motion so let's go ahead and start out with the gears I'll go to tools add-ins and we're just going to use the gear add-in to produce our spur gears check the link down below I put out a video there just a few days ago actually that shows how to draw a spur gears from scratch so we actually need two spur gears one large and one small let's go ahead and use 20 degree pressure angle modulus or module of three 2014 let's go with 1/2 1/2 millimeter backlash one millimeter fill it thickness will say ten and a five millimeter hole for the shaft so there's our first gear let's go ahead and make one more so this one we're actually going to make half the size so everything is going to stay the same except for the number of teeth and that will automatically make the gear half the size so let's get these into the right position I'm gonna leave the large gear where it is and move the smaller gear down on the y-axis first of all check out our pitch circle diameter so small one is 18 larger one is 36 so what we're going to do is move the small gear on the y-axis by 54 and what that does is it lines up the pitch circles so that they mesh correctly one other thing we can do just while we're zoomed in here on the smaller gear is rotated slightly so that the teeth are actually meshing so let's go ahead and like em to move again this time we're gonna rotate by angle we're gonna choose the small gear and then for the axis we want the axis of the shaft is on right there so let's switch back to a top view here and then rotate just slightly so that the gears are meshing and it looks perfect just like that about 15 degrees all right so next I want to add a pin to the larger gear and that's what's going to drive the rod which in turn drives the slider so let's go ahead and activate the large gear component and let's draw a sketch on the face of the large gear so I'm going to do is I'm going to draw a construction circle and let's say we want our pin to be 50 millimeters out from the center of the gear and then we'll draw a construction line and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to draw all the components in line so that it's much easier to calculate the distances between them rather than having everything off at odd angles so we're gonna draw the pin at the lower most extreme of the gear here so I'm putting in a another construction line so that we can use this intersection to draw our pin so the pin is going to be two levels I'm gonna have a five millimeter diameter base and then on top of that base we're gonna have a smaller pin two millimeters in diameter that we can use to actually connect to our rod so let's go ahead and finish that sketch zoom in and let's go ahead and extrude that so we're gonna extrude both of them first let's extrude up five millimeters and join is okay and let's go ahead and extrude the smaller pin now this time we want an offset and let's just go up to millimeters so there's our gears complete let's go ahead now and draw the arm that's going to connect the large gear to the slider so again let's go ahead and create a new component and I call this arm and let's draw a sketch starting on the face of this little base here so let's try to make it look pretty we'll go ahead and project this radius up because we're going to use that too then what we'll do is we'll draw another circle using the same center there ten millimeters it should be good let's go ahead and draw a construction line out from the center 15 should be good and then let's go ahead and draw another line just one millimeter on either side then what we can do is draw a lines to connect and then we can make these tangent to the circle here and then coincident as well okay next up we want to draw the arm of the rod yeah let's say 30 millimeters and we'll draw another one on the other side here and then we'll connect them just with a construction line because that's what we're gonna use for a mirror line to go ahead and mirror this part so if we go create and then mirror I'll choose this half mirror line will just be this little line that we drew at the end here and there is our outline for the arm so I'm gonna go ahead and finish that sketch and what we want to do is extrude this upwards so we want that that arm and let's just make it one millimeter thick and there's our arm so the next thing we want to draw is our slider so what I'm going to do here is actually draw it on the underside of the face of this so let's go ahead and make a new component I'll call this slider and let's draw a sketch on the underside here so let's project this circle here because we're going to need that and then I want a similar type of a structure that we put onto the gear so I want a base that's going to support the arm here so let's go ahead and draw that five millimeters so first of all what I'm going to do is draw the pin coming up let's go - three - two should be good so there's our pin and then let's do another extrusion this time for the base and this time I want this to come down to the same level as the gear so I believe that's 15 down and we want this to be a joint so that's okay now what I want to do is this slider is going to run an inside of a slot so let's go ahead and draw a bit wider base here so that we can have that in the slot so let's do another sketch on this face this time and all I'm gonna do is make a 15 millimeter radius circle call that done and then let's go ahead and extrude this upwards by say 2 millimeters so there's our slider and those are really all of the components drawn now so let's go ahead now and draw a base that we can use to connect all these things together so let's create a new component let's call it base and let's start a new sketch this time let's put the sketch on the XY plane and let's start down here the smaller gear first of all I want to project the shaft diameter from the gear so we'll do that and then we'll draw another circle using the same Center let's call it 45 let's do the same thing with the larger gear so we're gonna project the circle and then draw a larger circle for the base so we'll say let's call it 80 okay then let's connect these together with some tangent lines usually find easier just to draw the lines on their own first and then apply the constraints that way you don't get any weird constraints that mess me up so let's go ahead and apply tangent to both circles and then let's also put coincident constraints on the endpoints there we go so there's our base for the gears now let's go ahead and make a base for the slider as well so if we look back at our larger gear we put this arm on a circle that's the diameter of 50 millimeters so that means it's going to rotate and as it does so it's going to move along the y axis 50 millimeters up and down so at the lower most point of our sliders location right now and we need to make a slot that is 5 I'm sorry 50 millimeters long on the on the y axis so let's go ahead and do that so let's do something similar to what we did for the gears we'll go ahead and project and we'll draw a larger diameter circle let's call it 30 millimeters and we'll also connect that to the rest of the base so there we go let's go ahead and draw our slot now so I'll draw a lines again there we go so we want this to be 50 millimeters and then we'll just draw the same circles that we had here so I believe that one was 30 so I'm gonna go ahead and finish the sketch let's go ahead and hide the components just so that it's easier to see what we're doing and first of all I want to extrude the entire base down so we'll click on e for extrude and we want to basically choose the entire base here new body is fine let's go down five millimeters so there's the bulk of our base now what I want to do is go ahead and start drawing the shafts for the gears so I'm gonna hit eetu extrude and we're gonna extrude this shaft for the smaller gear upwards so I believe I want to go up 11 millimeters let's just turn on the small gear here just have a look we want to join that to the existing base though so click join let's move over and do the same thing for the larger gear so I'm gonna hit e to extrude again go up 11 millimeters and a joint let's just turn on the larger gear just to double-check and yes that looks good so we'll hit OK now let's go over and take a look at our slider so if we turn on the slider it's actually activated so we want this to slide back and forth in a slot so what I want to do is I want to make an extrusion from the base that comes up about two millimeters and then we'll deal with the cover over this washer here after you finish that now what I just noticed here is we're actually missing some lines that we need in order to extrude this properly so let's go back and edit the sketch and what we actually need are lines that run parallel to the to the slider here and we also need a circle here at the end that will match the the final location of the slider so let's go ahead and draw that so we need a circle here that I believe is 15 millimeters and then we just want lines that connect these two together so we click on finish sketch now we should be able to extrude properly so press e for extrude we want this this and this we want this to be a join and we want to go up two millimeters so I just realized I need to add another part to the sketch that so I know back and edit the sketch and what we want to do is project this circle onto the current sketch we want to draw it up here as well so I believe that is a 5 millimeter diameter circle and then we want to connect the two circles with with lines just like that so if I go ahead and finish the sketch again now we should be able to extrude upwards and we'll have a slot that the shaft can slide in so let's go ahead and turn off the slider I'll have to e to extrude and we just want to choose everything except for that Center slot now this one we want to offset by two millimeters up and then let's go ahead and make this just one millimeter thick and it's gonna be a joint that looks right and that should be our base complete and now what we can do is start defining the joints so that this device can actually start moving so we'll go back to our base component and let's focus on the gears here first now because they're actually already in place we can use as built joints so to assemble as built all we do is we choose the gear and the base and then the position we wanted to rotate is around this axis right here so say ok for that one then we'll define another as-built joint and rotate around that shaft now we haven't actually connected the arm yet so that's why the arm didn't move but let's go ahead and do that one next now the arm connection to the gear is actually just going to be a revolute connection here as well so let's go and make another as-built joint this time is between the arm and the gear rotate it around this point here let's go ahead and define the motion for the slider here so we'll do another as built joint now this one is not a revolute joint this is a pin and slot joint and the position is like that so it's rotating correctly but it's sliding in the wrong direction we would actually want to change this to the y-axis so we hit okay there and then the last joint that we have to deal with here is the revolute joint between the arm and the slider so we'll make one more as-built joint this time it's the arm and the slider and this one is also a revolute joint so that's all of our joints configured the only other thing we need to do is define the relative motion between the two gears it's not quite smart enough to figure that out on its own so what we have to do is define a motion link between this joint and this joint and what we want to say is for every rotation of the small gear we want the large gear to rotate half as much and in Reverse so let's go ahead and go on drive joints and we should be able to turn this and see our machine working so what I'm going to do now is just add some coloring materials and pretty this up a bit one other thing we can do to keep things animated is to add a motion study so if we go up to assemble click on motion study what we can do is choose one of our joints I'm just going to choose the small gear here and what we can do is we can say we want it to loop continuously and 100 here is one loop so if we just click there we can say how many degrees we want that gear to rotate in one loop so if we want to see the full motion of the large gear and the slider the small gear needs to rotate twice so that's 720 degrees so now if we hit play our system will just run continuously that's it for the video today guys I hope you enjoyed it if you'd like to see more like this please let me know in the comments below the types of devices or machines you'd like to see me model here in fusion 360 and of course if you liked the video please hit the like button and subscribe if you haven't already thanks and see you again soon
Channel: Dust4K
Views: 6,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linear motion, fusion 360, tutorial, crank and slider, motion study
Id: EmxC22lEbXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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